static public ConfigValues ProcessConfig(string[] configArray) { ConfigValues returnableConfig = new ConfigValues(); char[] splits = { '=', }; string[] aftersplit; for (int i = 0; i < configArray.Length; i++) { try { aftersplit = configArray[i].Split(splits); } catch { break; } if (aftersplit[0] == "name") { = aftersplit[1]; } if (aftersplit[0] == "host") { = aftersplit[1]; } if (aftersplit[0] == "port") { returnableConfig.port = Int32.Parse(aftersplit[1]); } if (aftersplit[0] == "channel") { = aftersplit[1]; } if (aftersplit[0] == "verbose") { if (aftersplit[1] == "true") { returnableConfig.verbose = true; } else { returnableConfig.verbose = false; } } if (aftersplit[0] == "version") { returnableConfig.version = aftersplit[1]; } if (aftersplit[0] == "badwordfilter") { if (aftersplit[1] == "true") { returnableConfig.badwordfilter = true; } else { returnableConfig.badwordfilter = false; } } if (aftersplit [0] == "password") { returnableConfig.password = aftersplit [1]; } if (aftersplit [0] == "minetest.autovoiceservers") { if (aftersplit [1] == "true") { returnableConfig.minetest_autovoiceservers = true; } else if (aftersplit [1] == "false") { returnableConfig.minetest_autovoiceservers = false; } } } return(returnableConfig); }
public static ConfigValues ProcessConfig(string[] configArray) { ConfigValues returnableConfig = new ConfigValues(); char[] splits = {'=',}; string[] aftersplit; for (int i = 0; i < configArray.Length; i++) { try { aftersplit = configArray[i].Split (splits); } catch { break; } if(aftersplit[0] == "name") { = aftersplit[1]; } if(aftersplit[0] == "host") { = aftersplit[1]; } if(aftersplit[0] == "port") { returnableConfig.port = Int32.Parse (aftersplit[1]); } if(aftersplit[0] == "channel") { = aftersplit[1]; } if(aftersplit[0] == "verbose") { if(aftersplit[1] == "true") { returnableConfig.verbose = true; } else { returnableConfig.verbose = false; } } if(aftersplit[0] == "version") { returnableConfig.version = aftersplit[1]; } if(aftersplit[0] == "badwordfilter") { if(aftersplit[1] == "true") { returnableConfig.badwordfilter = true; } else { returnableConfig.badwordfilter = false; } } if (aftersplit [0] == "password") { returnableConfig.password = aftersplit [1]; } if (aftersplit [0] == "minetest.autovoiceservers") { if (aftersplit [1] == "true") { returnableConfig.minetest_autovoiceservers = true; } else if (aftersplit [1] == "false") { returnableConfig.minetest_autovoiceservers = false; } } } return returnableConfig; }
public static void Main(string[] args) { string nick = "LastManStanding"; string host = ""; int port = 6667; string channel = "#lms_default"; string auxConfigFilename = "config.cfg"; bool badwordfilter = true; string password = "******"; // Read config values StreamReader configReader = new StreamReader(auxConfigFilename); string[] configArray = new string[10000]; for (int i = 0; !configReader.EndOfStream; i++) { configArray [i] = configReader.ReadLine(); } ConfigValues alreadyReadConfig = Configuration.ProcessConfig(configArray); try { if ( != null) { nick =; } if ( != null) { host =; } if ( != null) { channel =; } if (alreadyReadConfig.port != 0) { port = alreadyReadConfig.port; } if (alreadyReadConfig.version != null) { version = alreadyReadConfig.version; } badwordfilter = alreadyReadConfig.badwordfilter; verbose = alreadyReadConfig.verbose; password = alreadyReadConfig.password; minetest_autovoiceservers = alreadyReadConfig.minetest_autovoiceservers; } catch (Exception e) { } Input.DebugOutput("{STATUS} nick = " + nick); Input.DebugOutput("{STATUS} host = " + host); Input.DebugOutput("{STATUS} port = " + port); Input.DebugOutput("{STATUS} channel = " + channel); Input.DebugOutput("{STATUS} auxConfigFilename = " + auxConfigFilename); try { client = new TcpClient(host, port); stream = client.GetStream(); reader = new StreamReader(stream); writer = new StreamWriter(stream); Input input = new Input(reader, writer, nick, channel, verbose, badwordfilter, password, minetest_autovoiceservers); Verbose("Input thread initialized."); Thread inputThread = new Thread(input.Read); inputThread.Start(); Verbose("Input thread starting."); while (!inputThread.IsAlive) { Console.Write("Waiting for thread to come alive.\r"); } Console.WriteLine(); // Why is this here? Thread.Sleep(1); Verbose("Async thread running simultaneously.\nWaiting 3 seconds to send USER."); Thread.Sleep(3000); Send(writer, "USER " + nick + " " + nick + " " + nick + " :Custom bot created by Microchip, coded in C#, and compiled in MonoDevelop."); Verbose("USER sent.\nWaiting 3 seconds till NICK."); Thread.Sleep(3000); Send(writer, "NICK " + nick); Verbose("NICK sent."); Console.WriteLine("{STATUS} Waiting 10 seconds to join channel."); Thread.Sleep(10000); Send(writer, "JOIN " + channel); Verbose("JOIN sent."); Send(writer, "PRIVMSG NickServ :identify " + password); Verbose("NickServ identification sent."); //Send (writer, "PRIVMSG " + channel + " :Hello."); Console.WriteLine("Emergency command interpreter starting."); for (int i = 0;; i++) { try { Console.Write(i + "> "); string command = Console.ReadLine(); char[] splits = { ' ', }; string[] aftersplit = command.Split(splits); if (aftersplit[0] == "join") { Send(writer, "PART " + channel + " :Manual disconnect."); channel = aftersplit[1]; Send(writer, "JOIN " + channel); } if (aftersplit[0] == "part") { Send(writer, "PART " + aftersplit[1] + " :Manual disconnect."); } if (aftersplit[0] == "quit") { Send(writer, "PART " + channel + " :Quitting. Bye!"); Environment.Exit(0); } if (aftersplit[0] == "say") { try{ aftersplit[2] = aftersplit[2]; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = 1; j < aftersplit.Length; j++) { builder.Append(aftersplit[j] + " "); } Send(writer, "PRIVMSG " + channel + " :" + builder.ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { Send(writer, "PRIVMSG " + channel + " :" + aftersplit[1]); } } } catch (Exception e) { } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }