// GET: Report
        public ActionResult Index()
            ReportDAL dal = new ReportDAL(_db);

            string userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            if (dal.UserHasIncompleteReport(userId))
                return RedirectToAction("Complete", new { uncompletedExists = true, redirected=true });

            return RedirectToAction("Startup", "Report");
        public ActionResult Startup(bool reportCompleted = false, int? associatedProjectId = null)
            Project associatedProject = null;

            if (reportCompleted)
                ViewBag.AppMessage = new AppMessage() { Type = AppMessage.Success, Message = AppString.ReportCompleted };
            if (associatedProjectId != null)
                associatedProject = _db.Projects.Single(p => p.Id == associatedProjectId);
                ViewBag.AppMessage = new AppMessage() { Type = AppMessage.Success, Message = String.Format(AppString.ProjectAssociated, associatedProject.Name) };

            string userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();


            // Makes sure that users finish previous reports first.
            ReportDAL rDb = new ReportDAL(_db);
            if (rDb.UserHasIncompleteReport(userId))
                return RedirectToAction("Index");

            ReportStartupViewModel model = new ReportStartupViewModel();

            try {
                PrepareProjectsForViewModel(model, associatedProject);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // User is not logged in properly. Maybe a threading issue? (This code is a workaround)
                ErrorLogger.LogString("Could not log in. userId = " + User.Identity.GetUserId() );
                return RedirectToAction("Index", "Report"); 
            // A user must have atleast one associated project to be able to report. Values are set in the PrepareProjectForStartup method call.
            if (model.AvailableProjects == null && model.SelectedProjectName == null)
                return RedirectToAction("Associate", "Project");


            return View(model);