public static void OutputPDF(string path, List <DesignatorGroup> groups, HeaderBlock header, string file, bool rtf = false) { Console.WriteLine("Generating " + file + "..."); // document setup var doc = new Document(); doc.DefaultPageSetup.PageFormat = PageFormat.A4; doc.DefaultPageSetup.Orientation = Orientation.Landscape; doc.DefaultPageSetup.TopMargin = "1.5cm"; doc.DefaultPageSetup.BottomMargin = "1.5cm"; doc.DefaultPageSetup.LeftMargin = "1.5cm"; doc.DefaultPageSetup.RightMargin = "1.5cm"; doc.Styles["Normal"].Font.Name = "Arial"; var footer = new Paragraph(); footer.AddTab(); footer.AddPageField(); footer.AddText(" of "); footer.AddNumPagesField(); footer.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center; // generate content var section = doc.AddSection(); section.Footers.Primary.Add(footer.Clone()); section.Footers.EvenPage.Add(footer.Clone()); PDFCreateHeader(ref section, header); var para = section.AddParagraph(); var table = PDFCreateTable(ref section); // BOM table int i = 1; foreach (DesignatorGroup g in groups) { // check for groups that are entire "no part" bool all_no_part = true; foreach (Component c in g.comp_list) { if (!c.no_part) { all_no_part = false; } } if (all_no_part) { continue; } // group header row var row = table.AddRow(); row.Shading.Color = Colors.LightGray; row.Cells[0].MergeRight = 6; row.Cells[0].Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Left; DefaultComp def = Component.FindDefaultComp(g.designator); if (def != null) { var p = row.Cells[0].AddParagraph(def.long_name); p.Format.Font.Bold = true; if (def.has_default) { row.Cells[0].AddParagraph("All " + def.default_type + " unless otherwise stated"); } } else { var p = row.Cells[0].AddParagraph(g.designator); p.Format.Font.Bold = true; } foreach (Component c in g.comp_list) { if (c.no_part) { continue; } row = table.AddRow(); row.Cells[0].AddParagraph(i++.ToString()); row.Cells[1].AddParagraph((c.count + 1).ToString()); row.Cells[2].AddParagraph(c.reference); row.Cells[3].AddParagraph(c.value); string temp = c.footprint_normalized; if (c.code != null) { temp += ", " + c.code; } if (c.precision != null) { temp += ", " + c.precision; } row.Cells[4].AddParagraph(temp); //row.Cells[4].AddParagraph(c.footprint_normalized); row.Cells[5].AddParagraph(c.part_no); row.Cells[6].AddParagraph(c.note); } } // generate PDF file if (!rtf) { var pdfRenderer = new PdfDocumentRenderer(true, PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfFontEmbedding.Always); pdfRenderer.Document = doc; pdfRenderer.RenderDocument(); pdfRenderer.PdfDocument.Save(file); } else { var rtfRenderer = new RtfDocumentRenderer(); rtfRenderer.Render(doc, file, null); } }
public static void OutputPretty(string path, List <DesignatorGroup> groups, HeaderBlock header, string file) { Console.WriteLine("Generating " + file + "..."); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(file)) { int count_width; int reference_width; int value_width; int footprint_width; int precision_width; PrettyMeasureWidths(groups, out count_width, out reference_width, out value_width, out footprint_width, out precision_width); sw.WriteLine("Title: " + header.title); sw.WriteLine("Date: " +; sw.WriteLine("Source: " + header.source); sw.WriteLine("Revsision: " + header.revision); if ( != "") { sw.WriteLine("Company: " +; } sw.WriteLine(""); //sw.WriteLine("No. Designation Value Footprint Precision"); sw.Write(TextUtils.FixedLengthString("No.", ' ', count_width) + " "); sw.Write(TextUtils.FixedLengthString("Reference", ' ', reference_width) + " "); sw.Write(TextUtils.FixedLengthString("Value", ' ', value_width) + " "); sw.Write(TextUtils.FixedLengthString("Footprint", ' ', footprint_width) + " "); sw.WriteLine("Precision"); sw.WriteLine(""); foreach (DesignatorGroup g in groups) { // check for groups that are entire "no part" bool all_no_part = true; foreach (Component c in g.comp_list) { if (!c.no_part) { all_no_part = false; } } if (all_no_part) { continue; } // header DefaultComp def = Component.FindDefaultComp(g.designator); if (def != null) { sw.Write("[ " + def.long_name); sw.Write(", " + g.comp_list.Count.ToString() + (g.comp_list.Count > 1 ? " values" : " value")); if (def.has_default) { sw.Write(", " + def.default_type + " unless otherwise stated"); } sw.WriteLine(" ]"); } else { sw.WriteLine("[ " + g.designator + ", " + g.comp_list.Count.ToString() + (g.comp_list.Count > 1 ? " values" : " value") + " ]"); } sw.WriteLine(new string('-', count_width + 2 + reference_width + 2 + value_width + 2 + footprint_width + 2 + precision_width)); // component list foreach (Component c in g.comp_list) { if (c.no_part) { continue; } string footprint = c.footprint_normalized; if (footprint == "") { footprint = c.footprint; } sw.Write(TextUtils.FixedLengthString((c.count + 1).ToString(), ' ', count_width) + " "); string reference = TextUtils.Reformat(c.reference, reference_width); int split_point = reference.IndexOf('\n'); if (split_point == -1) { sw.Write(TextUtils.FixedLengthString(reference, ' ', reference_width) + " "); } else { sw.Write(TextUtils.FixedLengthString(reference.Substring(0, split_point - 1), ' ', reference_width) + " "); } sw.Write(TextUtils.FixedLengthString(c.value, ' ', value_width) + " "); //sw.Write(TextUtils.FixedLengthString(c.part_no, ' ', 10)); sw.Write(TextUtils.FixedLengthString(footprint, ' ', footprint_width) + " "); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.precision)) { sw.Write(TextUtils.FixedLengthString(c.precision, ' ', precision_width)); } sw.WriteLine(); if (split_point != -1) // need to do the rest of the references { string indent = new string(' ', count_width + 2); do { reference = reference.Substring(split_point + 1); split_point = reference.IndexOf('\n'); if (split_point == -1) { sw.WriteLine(indent + reference.Trim()); } else { sw.WriteLine(indent + reference.Substring(0, split_point - 1).Trim()); } } while (split_point != -1); } } sw.WriteLine(); } } }
public static void OutputXLSX(string path, List <DesignatorGroup> groups, HeaderBlock header, string file, string template, string footer, bool nfl) { ExcelPackage p = null; ExcelWorksheet ws; ExcelRange r; int table_x; int table_y; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(template)) { XLSXCreateDefaultSheet(ref p, header, out ws); table_x = 1; table_y = 8; } else { XLXSLoadSheet(template, ref p, header, out ws, out table_x, out table_y); } int row = table_y; table_x--; foreach (DesignatorGroup g in groups) { // check for groups that are entirly "no part" or "no fit" bool all_no_part = true; foreach (Component c in g.comp_list) { if (!c.no_part && !c.no_fit) { all_no_part = false; } } if (all_no_part) { continue; } // header DefaultComp def = Component.FindDefaultComp(g.designator); if (def != null) { ws.Cells[row, table_x + 1].Value = def.long_name; ws.Cells[row, table_x + 2].Value = g.comp_list.Count.ToString() + " value(s)"; if (def.has_default) { ws.Cells[row, 3].Value = def.default_type + " unless otherwise stated"; } } else { ws.Cells[row, table_x + 1].Value = g.designator; ws.Cells[row, table_x + 2].Value = g.comp_list.Count.ToString() + " value(s)"; } XLXSStyleHeader(row, table_x, ref ws); row++; // component list foreach (Component c in g.comp_list) { if (c.no_part) { continue; } string footprint = c.footprint_normalized; if (footprint == "") { footprint = c.footprint; } ws.Cells[row, table_x + 1].Value = c.count + 1; ws.Cells[row, table_x + 2].Value = c.reference; ws.Cells[row, table_x + 3].Value = c.value; ws.Cells[row, table_x + 4].Value = c.part_no; ws.Cells[row, table_x + 5].Value = footprint; ws.Cells[row, table_x + 6].Value = c.precision; r = ws.Cells[row, table_x + 1, row, table_x + 6]; r.Style.Border.BorderAround(ExcelBorderStyle.Thin, System.Drawing.Color.LightGray); r.Style.Border.Left.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.Border.Left.Color.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.LightGray); row++; } row++; } r = ws.Cells[1, table_x + 1, row, table_x + 6]; r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left; r.Style.VerticalAlignment = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Top; r.Style.WrapText = true; if (nfl) // no fit part list { XLXSNoFitList(ref row, table_x, ref ws, groups); } XLXSFooter(path, footer, ref ws, ref row); // generate output file byte[] bin = p.GetAsByteArray(); File.WriteAllBytes(file, bin); }
public static void OutputTSV(string path, List <DesignatorGroup> groups, HeaderBlock header, string file) { Console.WriteLine("Generating " + file + "..."); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(file)) { sw.WriteLine("Title\t" + header.title); sw.WriteLine("Date\t" +; sw.WriteLine("Source\t" + header.source); sw.WriteLine("Revsision\t" + header.revision); if ( != "") { sw.WriteLine("Company\t" +; } sw.WriteLine(""); //sw.WriteLine("Type\tDesignation\tValue\tPart Name"); foreach (DesignatorGroup g in groups) { // check for groups that are entire "no part" bool all_no_part = true; foreach (Component c in g.comp_list) { if (!c.no_part) { all_no_part = false; } } if (all_no_part) { continue; } // header //sw.WriteLine("Group: " + g.designator + " (" + g.comp_list.Count.ToString() + ")"); DefaultComp def = Component.FindDefaultComp(g.designator); if (def != null) { sw.Write(def.long_name); sw.Write("\t" + g.comp_list.Count.ToString() + " values"); if (def.has_default) { sw.Write("\t" + def.default_type + " unless otherwise stated"); } sw.WriteLine(); } else { sw.WriteLine(g.designator + "\t" + g.comp_list.Count.ToString()); } // component list foreach (Component c in g.comp_list) { if (c.no_part) { continue; } string footprint = c.footprint_normalized; if (footprint == "") { footprint = c.footprint; } sw.WriteLine((c.count + 1).ToString() + "\t" + c.reference + "\t" + c.value + "\t" + c.part_no + "\t" + footprint + "\t" + c.precision); } sw.WriteLine(); } } }
static bool ParseKicadXML(XmlDocument doc, string path, string filename, string outputs, string output_filename, string template, string footer, bool nfl) { HeaderBlock header = new HeaderBlock(); if (!header.ParseHeader(doc)) { Console.WriteLine("Could not parse XML header block."); return(false); } // build component list List <Component> comp_list = ParseComponents(doc); if (comp_list == null) { return(false); } // group components by designators and sort by value List <DesignatorGroup> groups = Component.BuildDesignatorGroups(comp_list); Component.SortDesignatorGroups(ref groups); List <DesignatorGroup> merged_groups = Component.MergeComponents(groups); Component.SortComponents(ref merged_groups); // sort groups alphabetically merged_groups.Sort((a, b) => a.designator.CompareTo(b.designator)); if (output_filename == "") { string base_filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path + filename); if (outputs.Contains('t')) { Output.OutputTSV(path, merged_groups, header, path + base_filename + ".tsv.txt"); } if (outputs.Contains('q')) { Output.OutputPretty(path, merged_groups, header, path + base_filename + ".txt"); } if (outputs.Contains('x')) { Output.OutputXLSX(path, merged_groups, header, path + base_filename + ".xlsx", template, footer, nfl); } if (outputs.Contains('p')) { Output.OutputPDF(path, merged_groups, header, path + base_filename + ".pdf"); } if (outputs.Contains('r')) { Output.OutputPDF(path, merged_groups, header, path + base_filename + ".rtf", true); } } else { if (outputs.Contains('t')) { Output.OutputTSV(path, merged_groups, header, output_filename); } if (outputs.Contains('q')) { Output.OutputPretty(path, merged_groups, header, output_filename); } if (outputs.Contains('x')) { Output.OutputXLSX(path, merged_groups, header, output_filename, template, footer, nfl); } if (outputs.Contains('p')) { Output.OutputPDF(path, merged_groups, header, output_filename); } if (outputs.Contains('r')) { Output.OutputPDF(path, merged_groups, header, output_filename, true); } } // debug output if (outputs.Contains('d')) { foreach (DesignatorGroup g in merged_groups) { Console.WriteLine("Group: " + g.designator + " (" + g.comp_list.Count.ToString() + ")"); DefaultComp def = Component.FindDefaultComp(g.designator); if (def != null) { Console.Write("(" + def.long_name); if (def.has_default) { Console.Write(", " + def.default_type + " unless otherwise stated"); } Console.WriteLine(")"); } foreach (Component c in g.comp_list) { Console.WriteLine("\t" + c.reference + "\t" + c.value + "\t" + c.footprint_normalized); } Console.WriteLine(); } } return(true); }