예제 #1
파일: Math.cs 프로젝트: KSP-KOS/KOS
 public override void Execute(SharedObjects shared)
     double argument = GetDouble(PopValueAssert(shared));
     string result = new string((char) argument, 1);
     ReturnValue = new StringValue(result);
예제 #2
        public void CanPreserveCase()
            var testValue = "FooBar";
            var sv = new StringValue(testValue);

            Assert.AreEqual(testValue, sv.ToString());
예제 #3
        public void CanToString()
            var testValue = "foobar";
            var sv = new StringValue(testValue);

            Assert.AreEqual(testValue, sv.ToString());
예제 #4
파일: AddonList.cs 프로젝트: KSP-KOS/KOS
 public BooleanValue CheckAddonAvailable(StringValue value)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) && shared.AddonManager.AllAddons.ContainsKey(value))
         return shared.AddonManager.AllAddons[value].Available();
     return BooleanValue.False;
예제 #5
파일: AddonList.cs 프로젝트: KSP-KOS/KOS
 public BooleanValue CheckHasAddon(StringValue value)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) && shared.AddonManager.AllAddons.ContainsKey(value))
         return BooleanValue.True;
     return BooleanValue.False;
예제 #6
 public void CanAddAsString()
     bool b = true;
     string string1 = "foo";
     var str1 = new StringValue(string1);
     var bv = new BooleanValue(b);
     var strResult = str1 + bv;
     string stringResult = string1 + b.ToString();
     Assert.AreEqual(stringResult, (string)strResult);
예제 #7
        public void CanGetIndex()
            var testValue = "FooBarFooBar";
            var findChar = 0;
            var expectedIndex = new StringValue("F");
            var sv = new StringValue(testValue);

            //Case Sensitive
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedIndex, sv.GetIndex(0));
예제 #8
 public void CanAddAsString()
     double d1 = 10.5;
     string string1 = "foo";
     var str1 = new StringValue(string1);
     var s1 = ScalarValue.Create(d1);
     var strResult = str1 + s1;
     string stringResult = string1 + d1.ToString();
     Assert.AreEqual(stringResult, (string)strResult);
예제 #9
파일: KACFunctions.cs 프로젝트: CalebJ2/KOS
        public override void Execute(SharedObjects shared)
            string alarmNotes = PopValueAssert(shared).ToString();
            string alarmName = PopValueAssert(shared).ToString();
            double alarmUT = GetDouble(PopValueAssert(shared));
            string alarmType = PopValueAssert(shared).ToString(); //alarm type is read-only, you cannot change it afterwards

            if (KACWrapper.APIReady)
                KACWrapper.KACAPI.AlarmTypeEnum newAlarmType;
                    newAlarmType = (KACWrapper.KACAPI.AlarmTypeEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(KACWrapper.KACAPI.AlarmTypeEnum), alarmType);
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    SafeHouse.Logger.LogWarning(string.Format("Failed parsing {0} into KACAPI.AlarmTypeEnum", alarmType));
                    //failed parsing alarmType, defaulting to Raw
                    newAlarmType = KACWrapper.KACAPI.AlarmTypeEnum.Raw;

                string alarmId = KACWrapper.KAC.CreateAlarm(newAlarmType, alarmName, alarmUT);

                SafeHouse.Logger.Log(string.Format("Trying to create KAC Alarm, UT={0}, Name={1}, Type= {2}", alarmUT, alarmName, alarmType));

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alarmId))
                    //if the alarm was made get the object so we can update it
                    KACWrapper.KACAPI.KACAlarm alarm = KACWrapper.KAC.Alarms.First(z => z.ID == alarmId);

                    //Now update some of the other properties
                    alarm.Notes = alarmNotes;
                    alarm.AlarmAction = KACWrapper.KACAPI.AlarmActionEnum.PauseGame;
                    alarm.VesselID = shared.Vessel.id.ToString();

                    var result = new KACAlarmWrapper(alarm);

                    ReturnValue = result;
                    ReturnValue = new StringValue(string.Empty);
                    SafeHouse.Logger.Log(string.Format("Failed creating KAC Alarm, UT={0}, Name={1}, Type= {2}", alarmUT, alarmName, alarmType));
                //KAC integration not present.
                ReturnValue = new StringValue(string.Empty);
                throw new KOSUnavailableAddonException("addAlarm()", "Kerbal Alarm Clock");
예제 #10
        public void CanEndsWith()
            var testValue = "FooBar";
            var sv = new StringValue(testValue);

            //Case Sensitive

            //Case Insensitive
예제 #11
 private void SetAlarmAction(StringValue newAlarmAction)
         var result = (KACWrapper.KACAPI.AlarmActionEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(KACWrapper.KACAPI.AlarmActionEnum), newAlarmAction);
         alarm.AlarmAction = result;
     catch (ArgumentException)
         SafeHouse.Logger.LogWarning(string.Format("Failed parsing {0} into KACAPI.AlarmActionEnum", newAlarmAction));
예제 #12
        public void CanFindLastAt()
            var testValue = "FooBarFooBar";
            var findChar = "F";
            var expectedIndex = 6;
            var sv = new StringValue(testValue);

            //Case Sensitive
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedIndex, sv.FindLastAt(findChar, 8));

            //Case Insensitive
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedIndex, sv.FindLastAt(findChar.ToLower(), 8));
예제 #13
        protected new Structure GetKSPFieldValue(StringValue suffixName)
            if (Equals(suffixName, new StringValue(RTTargetField)))
                var api = RemoteTechHook.Instance;
                Guid guid = api.GetAntennaTarget(partModule.part);

                if (guid.Equals(api.GetNoTargetGuid()))
                    return new StringValue(NoTargetString);
                else if (guid.Equals(api.GetActiveVesselGuid()))
                    return new StringValue(ActiveVesselString);
                    IEnumerable<string> groundStations = api.GetGroundStations();
                    foreach (var groundStation in groundStations)
                        if (guid.Equals(api.GetGroundStationGuid(groundStation)))
                            return new StringValue(groundStation);

                foreach (var body in FlightGlobals.Bodies)
                    if (api.GetCelestialBodyGuid(body).Equals(guid))
                        return new BodyTarget(body, shared);

                foreach (var vessel in FlightGlobals.Vessels)
                    if (vessel.id.Equals(guid))
                        return new VesselTarget(vessel, shared);

                // just print the guid if we can't figure out what it is
                return new StringValue(guid.ToString());
            return base.GetKSPFieldValue(suffixName);
예제 #14
        public void CanSerializeLexicons()
            var lex = new Lexicon();
            var nested = new Lexicon();

            lex[new StringValue("key1")] = new StringValue("value1");
            lex[new StringValue("2")]    = new ScalarIntValue(10);
            lex[new ScalarIntValue(2)]   = new ScalarIntValue(11); // make sure int 2 is different than string "2"
            lex[new StringValue("key3")] = nested;

            nested[new StringValue("nested1")] = new StringValue("nested1value");
            nested[new StringValue("nested2")] = new StringValue("nested2value");

            var lines = new string[] { "LEXICON of 4 items:", "[\"key1\"] = \"value1\"", "[\"2\"] = 10", "[2] = 11", "[\"key3\"] = LEXICON of 2 items:",
                "  [\"nested1\"] = \"nested1value\"", "  [\"nested2\"] = \"nested2value\""};

            Assert.AreEqual(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, lines), Serialize(lex));
예제 #15
        public void CanSerializeLexicons()
            var lex = new Lexicon();
            var nested = new Lexicon();

            lex[new StringValue("key1")] = new StringValue("value1");
            lex[new StringValue("key2")] = new ScalarIntValue(1);
            lex[new StringValue("key3")] = nested;

            nested[new StringValue("nested1")] = new StringValue("nested1value");
            nested[new StringValue("nested2")] = new StringValue("nested2value");

            Lexicon deserialized = Deserialize(Serialize(lex)) as Lexicon;

            Assert.AreEqual(new StringValue("value1"), deserialized[new StringValue("key1")]);
            Assert.AreEqual(new ScalarIntValue(1), deserialized[new StringValue("key2")]);
            Assert.IsTrue(deserialized[new StringValue("key3")] is Lexicon);
            Assert.AreEqual(new StringValue("nested1value"), (deserialized[new StringValue("key3")] as Lexicon)[new StringValue("nested1")]);
예제 #16
        public void CanTestContains()
            var stack = new StackValue();

            var zedObject = new StringValue("abc");
            InvokeDelegate(stack, "PUSH", zedObject);
            var firstObject = ScalarIntValue.One;
            InvokeDelegate(stack, "PUSH", firstObject);
            var secondObject = ScalarIntValue.Two;
            var thirdObject = new ScalarIntValue(4);

            var length = InvokeDelegate(stack, "LENGTH");
            Assert.AreEqual(ScalarIntValue.Two, length);

            Assert.IsTrue((BooleanValue)InvokeDelegate(stack, "CONTAINS", zedObject));
            Assert.IsTrue((BooleanValue)InvokeDelegate(stack, "CONTAINS", firstObject));
            Assert.IsFalse((BooleanValue)InvokeDelegate(stack, "CONTAINS", secondObject));
            Assert.IsFalse((BooleanValue)InvokeDelegate(stack, "CONTAINS", thirdObject));
예제 #17
        public void CanTestContains()
            var queue = new QueueValue();

            var zedObject = new StringValue("abc");
            InvokeDelegate(queue, "PUSH", zedObject);
            var firstObject = new StringValue("def");
            InvokeDelegate(queue, "PUSH", firstObject);
            var secondObject = new StringValue("xyz");
            var thirdObject = ScalarIntValue.Zero;

            var length = InvokeDelegate(queue, "LENGTH");
            Assert.AreEqual(ScalarIntValue.Two, length);

            Assert.IsTrue((BooleanValue)InvokeDelegate(queue, "CONTAINS", zedObject));
            Assert.IsTrue((BooleanValue)InvokeDelegate(queue, "CONTAINS", firstObject));
            Assert.IsFalse((BooleanValue)InvokeDelegate(queue, "CONTAINS", secondObject));
            Assert.IsFalse((BooleanValue)InvokeDelegate(queue, "CONTAINS", thirdObject));
예제 #18
        public void CanSetLexiconIndex()
            Encapsulation.Structure index = new StringValue("foo");

            var lex = new Lexicon();
            lex.Add(index, new StringValue("bar"));


            const string VALUE = "fizz";

            var opcode = new OpcodeSetIndex();


            Assert.AreEqual(1, lex.Count);
            Assert.AreNotEqual("bar", lex[new StringValue("foo")]);
예제 #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Trigger whatever action the PartModule has attached to this Action, given the kOS name for the action.
 /// Warning - it probably triggers the entire action group that is attached to this action if there is one,
 /// not just the action on this one part.
 /// <br/><br/>
 /// NOTE: After kOS 0.15.5, this ability is limited by career progress of the VAB/SPH.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="suffixName"></param>
 /// <param name="param">true = activate, false = de-activate</param>
 private void CallKSPAction(StringValue suffixName, BooleanValue param)
     BaseAction act = GetAction(suffixName);
     if (act == null)
         throw new KOSLookupFailException("ACTION", suffixName, this);
     string careerReason;
     if (!Career.CanDoActions(out careerReason))
         throw new KOSLowTechException("use :DOACTION", careerReason);
     act.Invoke(new KSPActionParam(act.actionGroup, (param ? KSPActionType.Activate : KSPActionType.Deactivate)));
예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Set a KSPField with the kOS suffix name given to the new value given.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="suffixName"></param>
        /// <param name="newValue"></param>
        protected virtual void SetKSPFieldValue(StringValue suffixName, Structure newValue)
            BaseField field = GetField(suffixName);
            if (field == null)
                throw new KOSLookupFailException("FIELD", suffixName, this);
            if (!FieldIsVisible(field))
                throw new KOSLookupFailException("FIELD", suffixName, this, true);

            KOSException except;
            if (IsLegalValue(field, ref newValue, out except))
                object convertedValue = Convert.ChangeType(newValue, field.FieldInfo.FieldType);
                field.SetValue(convertedValue, partModule);
                throw except;
예제 #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Get a KSPField with the kOS suffix name given.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="suffixName"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected Structure GetKSPFieldValue(StringValue suffixName)
     BaseField field = GetField(suffixName);
     if (field == null)
         throw new KOSLookupFailException("FIELD", suffixName, this);
     if (!FieldIsVisible(field))
         throw new KOSLookupFailException("FIELD", suffixName, this, true);
     Structure obj = FromPrimitiveWithAssert(field.GetValue(partModule));
     return obj;
예제 #22
파일: VesselTarget.cs 프로젝트: CalebJ2/KOS
 private void RetypeVessel(StringValue value)
     Vessel.vesselType = value.ToString().ToEnum<VesselType>();
예제 #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if the Partmodule has this KSPEvent on it, which is publicly
 /// usable by a kOS script:
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="eventName">The event name to search for</param>
 /// <returns>true if it is on the PartModule, false if it is not</returns>
 public BooleanValue HasEvent(StringValue eventName)
     return EventIsVisible(GetEvent(eventName));
예제 #24
파일: VesselTarget.cs 프로젝트: CalebJ2/KOS
 private ListValue GetPartsTagged(StringValue tagName)
     return PartValueFactory.Construct(GetRawPartsTagged(tagName), Shared);
예제 #25
파일: VesselTarget.cs 프로젝트: CalebJ2/KOS
        private ListValue GetPartsInGroup(StringValue groupName)
            var matchGroup = KSPActionGroup.None;
            string upperName = groupName.ToUpper();

            // TODO: later refactor:  put this in a Dictionary lookup instead, and then share it
            // by both this code and the code in ActionGroup.cs:
            if (upperName == "SAS") { matchGroup = KSPActionGroup.SAS; }
            if (upperName == "GEAR") { matchGroup = KSPActionGroup.Gear; }
            if (upperName == "LIGHTS") { matchGroup = KSPActionGroup.Light; }
            if (upperName == "BRAKES") { matchGroup = KSPActionGroup.Brakes; }
            if (upperName == "RCS") { matchGroup = KSPActionGroup.RCS; }
            if (upperName == "ABORT") { matchGroup = KSPActionGroup.Abort; }
            if (upperName == "AG1") { matchGroup = KSPActionGroup.Custom01; }
            if (upperName == "AG2") { matchGroup = KSPActionGroup.Custom02; }
            if (upperName == "AG3") { matchGroup = KSPActionGroup.Custom03; }
            if (upperName == "AG4") { matchGroup = KSPActionGroup.Custom04; }
            if (upperName == "AG5") { matchGroup = KSPActionGroup.Custom05; }
            if (upperName == "AG6") { matchGroup = KSPActionGroup.Custom06; }
            if (upperName == "AG7") { matchGroup = KSPActionGroup.Custom07; }
            if (upperName == "AG8") { matchGroup = KSPActionGroup.Custom08; }
            if (upperName == "AG9") { matchGroup = KSPActionGroup.Custom09; }
            if (upperName == "AG10") { matchGroup = KSPActionGroup.Custom10; }

            ListValue kScriptParts = new ListValue();
            if (matchGroup == KSPActionGroup.None) return kScriptParts;

            foreach (global::Part p in Vessel.parts)
                // See if any of the parts' actions are this action group:
                bool hasPartAction = p.Actions.Any(a => a.actionGroup.Equals(matchGroup));
                if (hasPartAction)
                    kScriptParts.Add(PartValueFactory.Construct(p, Shared));

                var modules = p.Modules.Cast<PartModule>();
                bool hasModuleAction = modules.Any(pm => pm.Actions.Any(a => a.actionGroup.Equals(matchGroup)));
                if (hasModuleAction)
                    kScriptParts.Add(PartValueFactory.Construct(p, Shared));
            return kScriptParts;
예제 #26
파일: StringValue.cs 프로젝트: jonored/KOS
 public StringValue(StringValue stringValue)
     internalString = stringValue.ToString();
예제 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Trigger whatever code the PartModule has attached to this Event, given the kOS name for the suffix.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="suffixName"></param>
        private void CallKSPEvent(StringValue suffixName)
            BaseEvent evt = GetEvent(suffixName);
            if (evt == null)
                throw new KOSLookupFailException("EVENT", suffixName, this);
            if (!EventIsVisible(evt))
                throw new KOSLookupFailException("EVENT", suffixName, this, true);

            if (RemoteTechHook.IsAvailable())
예제 #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if the Partmodule has this KSPAction on it, which is publicly
 /// usable by a kOS script:
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="actionName">The action name to search for</param>
 /// <returns>true if it is on the PartModule, false if it is not</returns>
 public BooleanValue HasAction(StringValue actionName)
     return partModule.Actions.Any(kspAction => string.Equals(kspAction.guiName, actionName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
예제 #29
파일: VesselTarget.cs 프로젝트: CalebJ2/KOS
 private ListValue GetPartsTitled(StringValue partTitle)
     return PartValueFactory.Construct(GetRawPartsTitled(partTitle), Shared);
예제 #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if the Partmodule has this KSPField on it, which is publicly
 /// usable by a kOS script at the moment:
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fieldName">The field to search for</param>
 /// <returns>true if it is on the PartModule, false if it is not</returns>
 public virtual BooleanValue HasField(StringValue fieldName)
     return FieldIsVisible(GetField(fieldName));
예제 #31
파일: VesselTarget.cs 프로젝트: CalebJ2/KOS
 private void RenameVessel(StringValue value)
     if (Vessel.IsValidVesselName(value))
         Vessel.vesselName = value;