예제 #1
        public static void BuildProperties(TextFile tfStatic, TextFile tfInst,
                                           Type type, List <MemberInfoEx> properties, int slot)
            for (int i = 0; i < properties.Count; i++)
                MemberInfoEx infoEx = properties[i];
                if (infoEx.Ignored)

                PropertyInfo property = infoEx.member as PropertyInfo;

                ParameterInfo[] ps            = property.GetIndexParameters();
                string          indexerParamA = string.Empty;
                string          indexerParamB = string.Empty;
                string          indexerParamC = string.Empty;
                for (int j = 0; j < ps.Length; j++)
                    indexerParamA += "ind" + j.ToString();
                    indexerParamB += "ind" + j.ToString() + ", ";
                    if (j < ps.Length - 1)
                        indexerParamA += ", ";
                    indexerParamC += ", ind" + j.ToString();

                MethodInfo[] accessors = property.GetAccessors();
                bool         isStatic  = accessors[0].IsStatic;

                // 特殊情况,当[]时,property.Name=Item
                string mName = Member_AddSuffix(property.Name, infoEx.GetOverloadIndex());

                TextFile tf = isStatic ? tfStatic : tfInst;
                tf.Add("get{0}: function ({1}) {{ return CS.Call({2}, {3}, {4}, {5}{6}{7}); }},",
                       mName, indexerParamA, (int)JSVCall.Oper.GET_PROPERTY, slot, i, (isStatic ? "true" : "false"), (isStatic ? "" : ", this"), indexerParamC);

                tf.Add("set{0}: function ({1}v) {{ return CS.Call({2}, {3}, {4}, {5}{6}{7}, v); }},",
                       mName, indexerParamB, (int)JSVCall.Oper.SET_PROPERTY, slot, i, (isStatic ? "true" : "false"), (isStatic ? "" : ", this"), indexerParamC);
예제 #2
        // can handle all methods
        public static void BuildMethods(TextFile tfStatic, TextFile tfInst,
                                        Type type, List <MemberInfoEx> methods, int slot)
            for (int i = 0; i < methods.Count; i++)
                MemberInfoEx infoEx = methods[i];
                if (infoEx.Ignored)

                MethodInfo method = infoEx.member as MethodInfo;

                StringBuilder   sbFormalParam = new StringBuilder();
                StringBuilder   sbActualParam = new StringBuilder();
                ParameterInfo[] paramS        = method.GetParameters();
                TextFile        tfInitT       = new TextFile();
                int             TCount        = 0;

                // add T to formal param
                if (method.IsGenericMethodDefinition)
                    Type[] GAs = method.GetGenericArguments();
                    for (int j = 0; j < GAs.Length; j++)
                        sbFormalParam.AppendFormat("{0}", GAs[j].Name);
                        if (j < GAs.Length - 1 || paramS.Length > 0)
                            sbFormalParam.Append(", ");

                        tfInitT.Add("var ${0} = Bridge.Reflection.getTypeFullName({0});", GAs[j].Name);
                        sbActualParam.AppendFormat(", ${0}", GAs[j].Name);

                int L = paramS.Length;
                for (int j = 0; j < L; j++)
                    sbFormalParam.AppendFormat("a{0}/* {1} */{2}", j, paramS[j].ParameterType.Name, (j == L - 1 ? "" : ", "));

                    // 特殊处理
                    // 配合 UnityEngineManual.GameObject_AddComponent__Type
                    if (j == 0 &&
                        type == typeof(GameObject) && method.Name == "AddComponent" &&
                        paramS.Length == 1 && paramS[j].ParameterType == typeof(Type))
                        sbActualParam.AppendFormat(", Bridge.Reflection.getTypeFullName(a{0})", j);
                        sbActualParam.AppendFormat(", a{0}", j);

                //int TCount = method.GetGenericArguments().Length;

                string methodName = method.Name;

                // if (methodName == "ToString") { methodName = "toString"; }

                string mName = Member_AddSuffix(methodName, infoEx.GetOverloadIndex(), TCount);

                TextFile tf = method.IsStatic ? tfStatic : tfInst;

                string strReturn = string.Format("return CS.Call({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}{4});", (int)JSVCall.Oper.METHOD, slot, i, (method.IsStatic ? "true" : "false"), (method.IsStatic ? "" : ", this") + sbActualParam.ToString());
                if (tfInitT.Ch.Count > 0)
                    tf.Add("{0}: function ({1}) {{", mName, sbFormalParam.ToString())
                    tf.Add("{0}: function ({1}) {{ {2} }},", mName, sbFormalParam.ToString(), strReturn);
예제 #3
        public static void BuildConstructors(TextFile tfInst, Type type, List <MemberInfoEx> constructors, int slot)
            var argActual = new args();
            var argFormal = new args();

            for (int i = 0; i < constructors.Count; i++)
                MemberInfoEx infoEx = constructors[i];
                if (infoEx.Ignored)
                ConstructorInfo con = infoEx.member as ConstructorInfo;

                TextFile        tf = new TextFile();
                ParameterInfo[] ps = con == null ? new ParameterInfo[0] : con.GetParameters();

                    (int)JSVCall.Oper.CONSTRUCTOR, // OP
                    i,                             // NOTICE
                    "true",                        // IsStatics


                // add T to formal param
                Type[] GAs = null;
                if (type.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
                    GAs = type.GetGenericArguments();
                    for (int j = 0; j < GAs.Length; j++)
                        //argFormal.Add("t" + j + "");
                        argActual.AddFormat("${0}", GAs[j].Name);

                //StringBuilder sbFormalParam = new StringBuilder();
                //StringBuilder sbActualParam = new StringBuilder();
                for (int j = 0; j < ps.Length; j++)
                    argFormal.Add("a" + j.ToString());
                    argActual.Add("a" + j.ToString());

                string mName = Ctor_Name(infoEx.GetOverloadIndex());

                // 特殊处理 - MonoBehaviour 不需要构造函数内容
                if (type == typeof(MonoBehaviour))
                    tf.Add("{0}: function ({1}) {{}},", mName, argFormal);
                // 再次特殊处理
                else if (type == typeof(WaitForSeconds))
                    tf.Add("{0}: function ({1}) {{", mName, argFormal)
                    .Add("this.$totalTime = a0;")
                    .Add("this.$elapsedTime = 0;")
                    .Add("this.$finished = false;")
                    TextFile tfFun = tf.Add("{0}: function ({1}) {{", mName, argFormal)

                    if (type.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
                        tfFun.Add("var $GAs = Bridge.Reflection.getGenericArguments(Bridge.getType(this));");
                        for (int j = 0; j < GAs.Length; j++)
                            tfFun.Add("var ${0} = Bridge.Reflection.getTypeFullName($GAs[{1}]);",
                                      GAs[j].Name, j);

                    tfFun.Add("CS.Call({0});", argActual)
        public static void BuildProperties(TextFile tfStatic, TextFile tfInst,
                                           TextFile tfAlias, Type[] declInterfs,
                                           Type type, List <MemberInfoEx> properties, int slot)
            for (int i = 0; i < properties.Count; i++)
                MemberInfoEx infoEx = properties[i];
                if (infoEx.Ignored)

                PropertyInfo property = infoEx.member as PropertyInfo;

                ParameterInfo[] ps            = property.GetIndexParameters();
                string          indexerParamA = string.Empty;
                string          indexerParamB = string.Empty;
                string          indexerParamC = string.Empty;
                for (int j = 0; j < ps.Length; j++)
                    indexerParamA += "ind" + j.ToString();
                    indexerParamB += "ind" + j.ToString() + ", ";
                    if (j < ps.Length - 1)
                        indexerParamA += ", ";
                    indexerParamC += ", ind" + j.ToString();

                MethodInfo[] accessors = property.GetAccessors();
                bool         isStatic  = accessors[0].IsStatic;

                // 特殊情况,当[]时,property.Name=Item
                string mName = Pro_AddSuffix(property.Name, infoEx.GetOverloadIndex());

                if (tfAlias != null)
                    Type iType;
                    if (property.CanRead && shouldAddAlias(type, accessors[0], declInterfs, out iType))
                        tfAlias.Add("\"get{0}\", \"{1}\",", mName, getAliasName(iType, "get" + mName));
                    if (property.CanWrite && accessors.Length > 1 && shouldAddAlias(type, accessors[1], declInterfs, out iType))
                        tfAlias.Add("\"set{0}\", \"{1}\",", mName, getAliasName(iType, "set" + mName));

                TextFile tf = isStatic ? tfStatic : tfInst;
                if (property.CanRead)
                    tf.Add("get{0}: function ({1}) {{ return CS.Call({2}, {3}, {4}, {5}{6}{7}); }},",
                           mName, indexerParamA, (int)JSVCall.Oper.GET_PROPERTY, slot, i, (isStatic ? "true" : "false"), (isStatic ? "" : ", this"), indexerParamC);
                if (property.CanWrite)
                    tf.Add("set{0}: function ({1}v) {{ return CS.Call({2}, {3}, {4}, {5}{6}{7}, v); }},",
                           mName, indexerParamB, (int)JSVCall.Oper.SET_PROPERTY, slot, i, (isStatic ? "true" : "false"), (isStatic ? "" : ", this"), indexerParamC);