public BinaryHierarchicalNode(int id, FreakFeaturePoint i_feature, bool i_is_leaf, FreakMatchPointSetStack.Item[] i_reserv_index, BinaryHierarchicalNode[] i_children) { this.is_leaf = i_is_leaf; = id; this.reserv_index = i_reserv_index; if (i_feature != null) { = i_feature; } else { = null; } this.children = i_children; }
public static NyARNftFreakFsetFile genFeatureSet3(NyARNftIsetFile i_iset_file) { int max_features = 500; DogFeaturePointStack _dog_feature_points = new DogFeaturePointStack(max_features); FreakFeaturePointStack query_keypoint = new FreakFeaturePointStack(max_features); // List <NyARNftFreakFsetFile.RefDataSet> refdataset = new List <NyARNftFreakFsetFile.RefDataSet>(); List <NyARNftFreakFsetFile.ImageInfo> imageinfo = new List <NyARNftFreakFsetFile.ImageInfo>(); for (int ii = 0; ii < i_iset_file.items.Length; ii++) { NyARNftIsetFile.ReferenceImage rimg = i_iset_file.items[ii]; FREAKExtractor mFeatureExtractor = new FREAKExtractor(); int octerves = BinomialPyramid32f.octavesFromMinimumCoarsestSize(rimg.width, rimg.height, 8); BinomialPyramid32f _pyramid = new BinomialPyramid32f(rimg.width, rimg.height, octerves, 3); DoGScaleInvariantDetector _dog_detector = new DoGScaleInvariantDetector(rimg.width, rimg.height, octerves, 3, 3, 4, max_features); //RefDatasetの作成, rimg.height, NyARBufferType.INT1D_GRAY_8, rimg.img)); // Detect feature points _dog_feature_points.clear(); _dog_detector.detect(_pyramid, _dog_feature_points); // Extract features query_keypoint.clear(); mFeatureExtractor.extract(_pyramid, _dog_feature_points, query_keypoint); for (int i = 0; i < query_keypoint.getLength(); i++) { FreakFeaturePoint ffp = query_keypoint.getItem(i); NyARNftFreakFsetFile.RefDataSet rds = new NyARNftFreakFsetFile.RefDataSet(); rds.pageNo = 1; rds.refImageNo = ii; rds.coord2D.setValue(ffp.x, ffp.y); rds.coord3D.setValue((ffp.x + 0.5f) / rimg.dpi * 25.4f, ((rimg.height - 0.5f) - ffp.y) / rimg.dpi * 25.4f); rds.featureVec.angle = ffp.angle; rds.featureVec.maxima = ffp.maxima ? 1 : 0; rds.featureVec.scale = ffp.scale; ffp.descripter.getValueLe(rds.featureVec.v); refdataset.Add(rds); } imageinfo.Add(new NyARNftFreakFsetFile.ImageInfo(rimg.width, rimg.height, ii)); } NyARNftFreakFsetFile.PageInfo[] pi = new NyARNftFreakFsetFile.PageInfo[1]; pi[0] = new NyARNftFreakFsetFile.PageInfo(1, imageinfo.ToArray()); return(new NyARNftFreakFsetFile(refdataset.ToArray(), pi)); }
/** * Condition four 2D points such that the mean is zero and the standard * deviation is sqrt(2). */ private static bool condition4Points2d(NyARDoublePoint2d xp1, NyARDoublePoint2d xp2, NyARDoublePoint2d xp3, NyARDoublePoint2d xp4, double[] mus, // ms[2],sの3要素 FreakFeaturePoint x1, FreakFeaturePoint x2, FreakFeaturePoint x3, FreakFeaturePoint x4) { double[] d1 = new double[2], d2 = new double[2], d3 = new double[2], d4 = new double[2]; mus[0] = (x1.x + x2.x + x3.x + x4.x) / 4; mus[1] = (x1.y + x2.y + x3.y + x4.y) / 4; d1[0] = x1.x - mus[0]; d1[1] = x1.y - mus[1]; d2[0] = x2.x - mus[0]; d2[1] = x2.y - mus[1]; d3[0] = x3.x - mus[0]; d3[1] = x3.y - mus[1]; d4[0] = x4.x - mus[0]; d4[1] = x4.y - mus[1]; double ds1 = (double)Math.Sqrt(d1[0] * d1[0] + d1[1] * d1[1]); double ds2 = (double)Math.Sqrt(d2[0] * d2[0] + d2[1] * d2[1]); double ds3 = (double)Math.Sqrt(d3[0] * d3[0] + d3[1] * d3[1]); double ds4 = (double)Math.Sqrt(d4[0] * d4[0] + d4[1] * d4[1]); double d = (ds1 + ds2 + ds3 + ds4) / 4; if (d == 0) { return(false); } double s = (double)((1 / d) * SQRT2); mus[2] = s; xp1.x = d1[0] * s; xp1.y = d1[1] * s; xp2.x = d2[0] * s; xp2.y = d2[1] * s; xp3.x = d3[0] * s; xp3.y = d3[1] * s; xp4.x = d4[0] * s; xp4.y = d4[1] * s; return(true); }
/** * Extract the descriptors for all the feature points. */ private void ExtractFREAK84(FreakFeaturePointStack store, GaussianScaleSpacePyramid pyramid, DogFeaturePointStack points, double[] points_ring0, double[] points_ring1, double[] points_ring2, double[] points_ring3, double[] points_ring4, double[] points_ring5, double sigma_center, double sigma_ring0, double sigma_ring1, double sigma_ring2, double sigma_ring3, double sigma_ring4, double sigma_ring5, double expansion_factor) { // ASSERT(pyramid, "Pyramid is NULL"); // ASSERT(store.size() == points.size(), // "Feature store has not been allocated"); for (int i = 0; i < points.getLength(); i++) { FreakFeaturePoint sp = store.prePush(); if (sp == null) { prepush_wawning(); break; } DogFeaturePoint pt = points.getItem(i); if (!ExtractFREAK84(sp.descripter, pyramid, pt, points_ring0, points_ring1, points_ring2, points_ring3, points_ring4, points_ring5, sigma_center, sigma_ring0, sigma_ring1, sigma_ring2, sigma_ring3, sigma_ring4, sigma_ring5, expansion_factor )) { store.pop(); continue; } sp.angle = pt.angle; sp.x = pt.x; sp.y = pt.y; sp.scale = pt.sigma; sp.maxima = pt.score > 0; // store.point(num_points).set(points[i]); } }
private BinaryHierarchicalNode build(FreakMatchPointSetStack.Item[] features, FreakFeaturePoint i_center, int[] i_indices, int num_indices) { int t = mBinarykMedoids.k(); if (t < this.mMinFeaturePerNode) { t = this.mMinFeaturePerNode; } if (num_indices <= t) { FreakMatchPointSetStack.Item[] index = intArray2FeaturePointArray(features, i_indices); return(new BinaryHierarchicalNode(this.nextNodeId(), i_center, true, index, null)); } SortedDictionary <int, List <int> > cluster_map = new SortedDictionary <int, List <int> >(); // Perform clustering // Get a list of features for each cluster center int[] assignment = this.mBinarykMedoids.assign(features, i_indices, num_indices); // ASSERT(assignment.size() == num_indices, "Assignment size wrong"); for (int i = 0; i < num_indices; i++) { // ASSERT(assignment[i] != -1, "Assignment is invalid"); // ASSERT(assignment[i] < num_indices, "Assignment out of range"); // ASSERT(indices[assignment[i]] < num_features, "Assignment out of range"); List <int> li; if (!cluster_map.ContainsKey(i_indices[assignment[i]])) { li = new List <int>(); cluster_map.Add(i_indices[assignment[i]], li); } else { li = cluster_map[i_indices[assignment[i]]]; } li.Add(i_indices[i]); } // If there is only 1 cluster then make this node a leaf if (cluster_map.Count == 1) { FreakMatchPointSetStack.Item[] index = intArray2FeaturePointArray(features, i_indices); return(new BinaryHierarchicalNode(this.nextNodeId(), i_center, true, index, null)); } int n = 0; BinaryHierarchicalNode[] cl = new BinaryHierarchicalNode[cluster_map.Count]; // Create a new node for each cluster center foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <int> > l in cluster_map) { int first = l.Key; // Recursively build the tree int[] v = ArrayUtils.toIntArray_impl(l.Value, 0, l.Value.Count); cl[n] =, features[first], v, v.Length); n++; } return(new BinaryHierarchicalNode(this.nextNodeId(), i_center, false, null, cl)); }
private int vote(FeaturePairStack i_point_pair, int i_center_x, int i_center_y, SubBinLocation[] i_sub_bin_locations) { int size = i_point_pair.getLength(); int num_features_that_cast_vote = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //mapCorrespondence(r,i_point_pair.getItem(i),i_center_x,i_center_y); double rx, ry, rangle, rscale; { FreakFeaturePoint ins = i_point_pair.getItem(i).query; FreakFeaturePoint ref_ = i_point_pair.getItem(i).ref_; //angle rangle = ins.angle - ref_.angle; // Map angle to (-pi,pi] if (rangle <= -PI) { rangle += (2 * PI); } else if (rangle > PI) { rangle -= (2 * PI); } double scale = SafeDivision(ins.scale, ref_.scale); double c = (scale * Math.Cos(rangle)); double s = (scale * Math.Sin(rangle)); //scale rscale = (double)(Math.Log(scale) * this.mScaleOneOverLogK); //x,y rx = c * i_center_x - s * i_center_y + (ins.x - (c * ref_.x - s * ref_.y)); ry = s * i_center_x + c * i_center_y + (ins.y - (s * ref_.x + c * ref_.y)); // Check that the vote is within range if (rx < mMinX || rx >= mMaxX || ry < mMinY || ry >= mMaxY || rangle <= -PI || rangle > PI || rscale < mMinScale || rscale >= mMaxScale) { continue; } } // Compute the bin location SubBinLocation sub_bin = i_sub_bin_locations[num_features_that_cast_vote]; mapVoteToBin(sub_bin, rx, ry, rangle, rscale); int binX = (int)Math.Floor(sub_bin.x - 0.5f); int binY = (int)Math.Floor(sub_bin.y - 0.5f); int binScale = (int)Math.Floor(sub_bin.scale - 0.5f); int binAngle = ((int)Math.Floor(sub_bin.angle - 0.5f) + mNumAngleBins) % mNumAngleBins; // Check that we can voting to all 16 bin locations if (binX < 0 || (binX + 1) >= mNumXBins || binY < 0 || (binY + 1) >= mNumYBins || binScale < 0 || (binScale + 1) >= mNumScaleBins) { continue; } sub_bin.index = i; num_features_that_cast_vote++; this.votemap.vote16(binX, binY, binAngle, binScale, 1); } return(num_features_that_cast_vote); }