private static void readPreferences() { FileInputStream fileInputStream = (FileInputStream) null; try { FileInputStream.__\u003Cclinit\u003E(); fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(BaseTestRunner.getPreferencesFile()); Properties.__\u003Cclinit\u003E(); BaseTestRunner.setPreferences(new Properties(BaseTestRunner.getPreferences())); BaseTestRunner.getPreferences().load((InputStream) fileInputStream); return; } catch (IOException ex) { } try { if (fileInputStream == null) return; ((InputStream) fileInputStream).close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } }
ProjectManager(Activator activator, IProject project) { this.activator = activator; this.Project = project; this.Properties = new ProjectProperties(); var propertiesFile = project.getFile(".stabproperties"); if (!this.Properties.load(propertiesFile)) { try { var libsFolder = project.getFolder("libs"); if (!libsFolder.exists()) { libsFolder.create(true, true, null); } var runtimeLib = Environment.getLibraryPath("stabrt.jar"); using (var stream = new FileInputStream(runtimeLib)) { var stabrtFile = libsFolder.getFile("stabrt.jar"); if (stabrtFile.exists()) { stabrtFile.setContents(stream, IResource.FORCE, null); } else { stabrtFile.create(stream, true, null); } this.Properties.Libraries = Query.singleton(new ProjectLibrary(stabrtFile.getProjectRelativePath().toPortableString())); this.Properties.OutputPath = "bin"; } } catch (Exception e) { Environment.logException(e); }; } }
private static void AddEntries( file, string rootDirectory, string[] newFiles, bool flattenHierarchy) { string destFileName = file.getName(); string tempFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); ZipOutputStream destination = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tempFileName)); try { CopyEntries(file, destination); if (newFiles != null) { foreach (string str3 in newFiles) { string directoryName; if (flattenHierarchy) { directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(str3); } else if (rootDirectory == null) { directoryName = Path.GetPathRoot(str3); } else { directoryName = rootDirectory; } directoryName = directoryName + @"\"; ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry(str3.Remove(0, directoryName.Length)); ze.setMethod(8); destination.putNextEntry(ze); try { FileInputStream source = new FileInputStream(str3); try { CopyStream(source, destination); } finally { source.close(); } } finally { destination.closeEntry(); } } } } finally { destination.close(); } file.close(); System.IO.File.Copy(tempFileName, destFileName, true); System.IO.File.Delete(tempFileName); }
public static byte[] getBytesFromFileJava(string filePath) { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream (new (filePath)); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); int numByte = bis.available(); byte[] buff = new byte[numByte];, 0, numByte); bis.close (); fis.close (); return buff; }
//Compares both audio files private static float compareAudio(String recordWAV, String refWAV) { InputStream fileA = new FileInputStream(recordWAV); InputStream fileB = new FileInputStream(refWAV); Wave wavFile1 = new Wave(fileA); Wave wavFile2 = new Wave(fileB); Byte[] sus = wavFile1.getFingerprint(); Byte[] samp = wavFile2.getFingerprint(); FingerprintSimilarityComputer fpc = new FingerprintSimilarityComputer(samp, sus); FingerprintSimilarity sim = fpc.getFingerprintsSimilarity(); return (float)(sim.getScore() * 100.0f); }
public void TestTikaAutodetect() { Tika tika = new Tika(); File xpsFile = new File("samples\\test1.xps"); if (!xpsFile.isFile()) throw new Exception(xpsFile.getName() + " does not exists."); using (InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(xpsFile)) { Metadata metadata = new Metadata(); string mimeType = tika.detect(inputStream, metadata); Assert.AreEqual("application/x-tika-ooxml", mimeType); inputStream.close(); } }
public TextExtractionResult Extract(string filePath) { try { var inputStream = new FileInputStream(filePath); return Extract(metadata => { var result = TikaInputStream.get(inputStream); metadata.add("FilePath", filePath); return result; }); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new TextExtractionException("Extraction of text from the file '{0}' failed.".ToFormat(filePath), ex); } }
//Compare audio files private static float compareAudio(string filename1, string filename2) { //string resStr = ""; float result = 0; //float score = 0; InputStream isOne = new FileInputStream(filename1); InputStream isTwo = new FileInputStream(filename2); Wave wavFile1 = new Wave(isOne); Wave wavFile2 = new Wave(isTwo); FingerprintSimilarity sim; sim = wavFile1.getFingerprintSimilarity(wavFile2); result = sim.getSimilarity() * 100; return result; }
private static string GetContent(string fileName) { using (InputStream stream = new FileInputStream(new File(fileName))) { AutoDetectParser parser = new AutoDetectParser(); BodyContentHandler handler = new BodyContentHandler(); Metadata metadata = new Metadata(); var xpsParser = new XpsParser(); parser.setParsers(new java.util.HashMap { { MediaType.application(""), xpsParser } }); parser.setParsers(new java.util.HashMap { { MediaType.application("x-tika-ooxml"), xpsParser } }); parser.parse(stream, handler, metadata); return handler.toString(); } }
public string Parse(string fileName) { //Load in file. Using because pdfbox is ported from java. var pdfFile = new FileInputStream(fileName); //Load file into the pdf parser var pdfParser = new PDFParser(pdfFile); //Parse the document, so that we can get it for the COSDocument pdfParser.parse(); /* COSDocument is the in-memory representation of the PDF. see */ var cosDocument = pdfParser.getDocument(); var pdDocument = new PDDocument(cosDocument); //Instantiate text stripper. var pdfTextStripper = new PDFTextStripper(); /* Needed for only stripping specific pages pdfTextStripper.setStartPage(0); pdfTextStripper.setEndPage(pdDocument.getNumberOfPages()); */ //Needed so that we can close the pdDocument before returning from this method var strippedText = pdfTextStripper.getText(pdDocument); //This closes all storage and delete the tmp files. pdDocument.close(); cosDocument.close(); return strippedText; }
protected override void ThreadFunction() { //TestProblem p = new TestProblem (); //Type t = typeof(TestProblem); //Debug.Log (t.AssemblyQualifiedName); try { Debug.Log("ECJ job started"); FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(new File("erc.params")); state = Evolve.initialize(new ParameterDatabase( input), 0); state.setup(state, null); // Make sure problem has the model in so when it gets cloned it can be used. ((UnityProblem)state.evaluator.p_problem).model = unityModel;; Debug.Log("ECJ job finished. " + state); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log ("ERROR in ecjJob: " + e.ToString ()); throw e; } }
private bool Method2(int arg) { if (arg == 0) { int count = 10; } FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream("Test"); int count_Renamed1 = Float.floatToIntBits(10f); byte[] buffer = new byte[count_Renamed1];; java.lang.reflect.Field f = null; return Modifier.isTransient(f.getModifiers()); }
private void addEntry(ZipOutputStream zipStream, String root, File file) { if (file.isHidden()) { return; } var name = root + file.getName(); var zipEntry = new ZipEntry(name); zipStream.putNextEntry(zipEntry); var buffer = new byte[4096]; var inputStream = new FileInputStream(file); int read; while ((read = != -1) { zipStream.write(buffer, 0, read); } }
private static SentenceDetectorME PrepareSentenceDetector() { var sentModelStream = new FileInputStream(SentenceModelPath); //load the sentence model into a stream var sentModel = new SentenceModel(sentModelStream); // load the model return new SentenceDetectorME(sentModel); //create sentence detector }
private static TokenizerME PrepareTokenizer() { var tokenInputStream = new FileInputStream(TokenModelPath); //load the token model into a stream var tokenModel = new TokenizerModel(tokenInputStream); //load the token model return new TokenizerME(tokenModel); //create the tokenizer }
private SentenceDetectorME PrepareSentenceDetector() { //TODO[danielcamargo]: we need to find/train the model in spanish var sentModelStream = new FileInputStream(string.Format(@"Models\{0}-sent.bin", _language == "es" ? "pt" : _language)); var sentModel = new SentenceModel(sentModelStream); sentModelStream.close(); return new SentenceDetectorME(sentModel); }
public Chunk loadChunk(World world, int i, int j) { File file = chunkFileForXZ(i, j); if (file != null && file.exists()) { try { var fileinputstream = new FileInputStream(file); NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = CompressedStreamTools.func_770_a(fileinputstream); if (!nbttagcompound.hasKey("Level")) { [email protected]( (new StringBuilder()).append("Chunk file at ").append(i).append(",").append(j).append( " is missing level data, skipping").toString()); return null; } if (!nbttagcompound.getCompoundTag("Level").hasKey("Blocks")) { [email protected]( (new StringBuilder()).append("Chunk file at ").append(i).append(",").append(j).append( " is missing block data, skipping").toString()); return null; } Chunk chunk = loadChunkIntoWorldFromCompound(world, nbttagcompound.getCompoundTag("Level")); if (!chunk.isAtLocation(i, j)) { [email protected]( (new StringBuilder()).append("Chunk file at ").append(i).append(",").append(j).append( " is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected ").append(i).append(", ").append(j). append(", got ").append(chunk.xPosition).append(", ").append(chunk.zPosition).append(")") .toString()); nbttagcompound.setInteger("xPos", i); nbttagcompound.setInteger("zPos", j); chunk = loadChunkIntoWorldFromCompound(world, nbttagcompound.getCompoundTag("Level")); } return chunk; } catch (Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } return null; }
//Compares both audio files private static float compareAudio(string filename1, string filename2) { //string resStr = ""; float result = 0; //float score = 0; InputStream isOne = new FileInputStream(filename1); InputStream isTwo = new FileInputStream(filename2); Wave wavFile1 = new Wave(isOne); Wave wavFile2 = new Wave(isTwo); FingerprintSimilarity sim; sim = wavFile1.getFingerprintSimilarity(wavFile2); //Note: for this part, I had intentionally made it like this for now, so that I could test the functions //I'm already working on a better version for cancelling noise. result = (sim.getSimilarity() * 100) + 0; return result; }
public string grabPossiblePunSentences(string currentSentence) { try { modelIn = new"C:\en-token.bin"); TokenizerModel model = new TokenizerModel(modelIn); Tokenizer tokenizer = new TokenizerME(model); string[] words = tokenizer.tokenize(currentSentence); List<string> possibleSentences = new List<string>(); Homonyms homonyms = new Homonyms(); for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++) { System.Console.WriteLine(); Homonym homonym = homonyms.findWordInList(words[i]); if (homonym.homonyms == null) { } else { string possibleSentence = ""; for (int r = 0; r < words.Length; r++) { if (words[i].Equals(words[r])) { Random random = new Random(); int randomNumber = random.Next(homonym.homonyms.Length); possibleSentence += " " + homonym.homonyms[randomNumber]; } else { possibleSentence += " " + words[r]; } } possibleSentences.Add(possibleSentence); } } currentSentence = choosePossiblePunSentence(currentSentence, possibleSentences); } catch (Exception e) { } return currentSentence; }
public void giveDefinitionAndHomonym(string currentSentence) { try { modelIn = new"C:\en-token.bin"); TokenizerModel model = new TokenizerModel(modelIn); Tokenizer tokenizer = new TokenizerME(model); string[] words = tokenizer.tokenize(currentSentence); Homonyms homonyms = new Homonyms(); for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++) { System.Console.WriteLine(); Homonym homonym = homonyms.findWordInList(words[i]); if (homonym.homonyms == null) { System.Console.WriteLine("No homonyms found for: " + words[i]); } else { List<string> selectedHomonyms = homonym.selectedHomonyms(); System.Console.WriteLine("Homonyms are: " + words[i]); foreach (string selectedWord in selectedHomonyms) { System.Console.Write(selectedWord + ","); } } System.Console.WriteLine(); System.Console.WriteLine("Definition for: " + words[i]); using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { string line = client.DownloadString("" + words[i] + "/definitions?limit=200&includeRelated=true&useCanonical=false&includeTags=false&api_key=a2a73e7b926c924fad7001ca3111acd55af2ffabf50eb4ae5"); if (!line.Equals("[]")) { string[] lines1 = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(line, "\"text\":\""); string[] lines2 = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(lines1[1], "\",\"sequence\"[\\W\\w]+"); System.Console.WriteLine(lines2[0]); } else { System.Console.WriteLine("Definition cannot be found, word is mispelled or doesn't exist within our current data"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { System.Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
public String chooseSentenceMenu() { int userInputNumber = 0; string userChoosenSentence = ""; System.Console.WriteLine("Choose a sentence to use from your current text"); System.Console.WriteLine("Must be a space between each sentence"); try { file = new"C:\\en-sent.bin"); modelIn = new FileInputStream("C:\\Users\\jcoleman\\Documents\\Capstone\\jcoleman_Capstone\\Code\\NEWCHATBOT\\ConsoleBot\\ConsoleBot\\en-sent.bin"); SentenceModel model = new SentenceModel(modelIn); SentenceDetectorME sentenceDetector = new SentenceDetectorME(model); string text = ""; FileText = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(FilePath); for (int i = 0; i < FileText.Length; i++) { text += FileText[i]; } string[] sentences = sentenceDetector.sentDetect(text); for(int s = 0;s < sentences.Length;s++) { System.Console.WriteLine((s+1) +" : " +sentences[s]); } string userInput = System.Console.ReadLine(); userInputNumber = int.Parse(userInput); userChoosenSentence = sentences[userInputNumber - 1]; modelIn.close(); } catch(Exception e) { System.Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } return userChoosenSentence; }
public localKeyManager( string keystorepath ) { Console.WriteLine("enter localKeyManager"); try { var xFileInputStream = default(FileInputStream); var xKeyStore = default(KeyStore); // certmgr.msc var xKeyStoreDefaultType = "Windows-MY"; var xKeyStorePassword = default(char[]); //try //{ // Console.WriteLine(new { xKeyStoreDefaultType }); // xKeyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(xKeyStoreDefaultType); //} //catch { xKeyStoreDefaultType =; // // /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/jre/lib/security/cacerts Console.WriteLine(new { xKeyStoreDefaultType }); xKeyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(xKeyStoreDefaultType); var fa = new FileInfo(typeof(Program).Assembly.Location); try { xFileInputStream = new FileInputStream(keystorepath); xKeyStorePassword = "".PadLeft(6, '0').ToCharArray(); } catch { throw; } } Console.WriteLine("localKeyManager " + new { xKeyStore }); xKeyStore.load(xFileInputStream, xKeyStorePassword); java.util.Enumeration en = xKeyStore.aliases(); //Console.WriteLine("aliases... done"); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { alias = (string)en.nextElement(); } KeyManagerFactory kmf = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance("SunX509"); Console.WriteLine("localKeyManager " + new { kmf, alias }); kmf.init(xKeyStore, xKeyStorePassword); KeyManagers = kmf.getKeyManagers(); Console.WriteLine("localKeyManager " + new { KeyManagers.Length }); //{ xKeyStoreDefaultType = Windows-MY } //WindowsMYKeyManagers { xKeyStore = } //WindowsMYKeyManagers { kmf = } //WindowsMYKeyManagers { KeyManagers = [;@f77511 } // // // foreach (var KeyManager in KeyManagers) { var xX509KeyManager = KeyManager as X509KeyManager; if (xX509KeyManager != null) { Console.WriteLine("localKeyManager " + new { xX509KeyManager }); InternalX509KeyManager = xX509KeyManager; } } // // } catch { throw; } }
public int run(String[] arguments) { sourceFiles.clear(); if (!handleArguments(arguments)) { return 1; } var t0 = System.nanoTime(); try { var results = new Compiler().compileFromFiles(parameters, sourceFiles.toArray(new File[sourceFiles.size()])); var hasErrors = false; foreach (var error in results.Errors) { var filename = error.Filename; if (filename != null) { System.out.print(new File(error.Filename).getAbsolutePath()); } else { System.out.print("Unknown source"); } if (error.Line > 0) { System.out.print(" ("); System.out.print(error.Line); if (error.Column > 0) { System.out.print(", "); System.out.print(error.Column); } System.out.print(")"); } if (error.Level == 0) { hasErrors = true; System.out.print(" error "); } else { System.out.print(" warning "); } System.out.print(error.Id); System.out.print(": "); System.out.println(error.Message); } if (!hasErrors) { var outputFile = new File(outputPath); if (outputFile.isDirectory() || outputPath.endsWith("\\") || outputPath.endsWith("/")) { foreach (var e in results.ClassFiles.entrySet()) { var file = new File(outputFile, e.Key.replace('.', '/') + ".class"); var dir = file.getParentFile(); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdirs(); } using (var s = new FileOutputStream(file)) { s.write(e.Value); } } } else { var destination = outputPath; if (PathHelper.getExtension(destination).length() == 0) { destination += ".jar"; } using (var zipStream = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(destination))) { if (manifestPath != null) { var zipEntry = new ZipEntry("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"); zipStream.putNextEntry(zipEntry); var buffer = new byte[4096]; var inputStream = new FileInputStream(manifestPath); int read; while ((read = != -1) { zipStream.write(buffer, 0, read); } inputStream.close(); } if (resourcesPath != null) { var rootDir = new File(resourcesPath); foreach (var content in rootDir.list()) { var file = new File(rootDir, content); if (file.isDirectory()) { exploreDirectory(zipStream, "", file); } else { addEntry(zipStream, "", file); } } } foreach (var e in results.ClassFiles.entrySet()) { var zipEntry = new ZipEntry(e.Key.replace('.', '/') + ".class"); zipStream.putNextEntry(zipEntry); zipStream.write(e.Value); } } } System.out.println(); System.out.println(String.format("%d class(es) successfully generated in %.2fs", results.classFiles.size(), (System.nanoTime() - t0) / 1e9)); return 0; } else { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Compilation failed"); return 1; } } catch (TypeLoadException e) { System.out.println("Cannot find type " + e.TypeName + ". The class is missing from the classpath."); System.out.println("Compilation failed"); return 1; } }
private POSTaggerME PreparePosTagger() { var model = string.Format(@"Models\{0}-pos-maxent.bin", _language); var posModelStream = new FileInputStream(model); var posModel = new POSModel(posModelStream); posModelStream.close(); return new POSTaggerME(posModel); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { // // //File.WriteAllText(f, w.ToString()); try { // Console.WriteLine("ready!"); // // // "X:\torrent\ubuntu-14.04.3-server-amd64.iso" // // System.Console.WriteLine("hello ubuntu!! " + new { //typeof(object).AssemblyQualifiedName, // rt location. //typeof(object).Assembly.Location, typeof(Program).Assembly.Location, // /home/xuser //Environment.CurrentDirectory } ); //Implementation not found for type import : //type: System.Environment //method: Void set_CurrentDirectory(System.String) //Environment.CurrentDirectory =; var fa = new FileInfo(typeof(Program).Assembly.Location); var keystorepath = fa.Directory.FullName + "/domain.keystore"; //var fadir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(fa.FullName)); Console.WriteLine(new { fa.Directory }); #region truststore/keystore { var xKeyStoreDefaultType =; //xKeyStoreDefaultType = "/usr/lib/jvm/default-java/jre/lib/security/cacerts"; //xKeyStoreDefaultType = "cacerts.jks"; Console.WriteLine("... " + new { xKeyStoreDefaultType }); // You can't do it with the system properties. You would have to write and load your own X509KeyManager and create your own SSLContext with it. // var keyStore = java.lang.System.getProperty(""); Console.WriteLine(new { keyStore }); var trustStore = java.lang.System.getProperty(""); Console.WriteLine(new { trustStore }); // are we running in GUI or TTY? // can we enumerate keystores? // ... { xKeyStoreDefaultType = jks } Action<string, Func<InputStream>> f = (keyStoreType, loadstream) => { // jsc should do implicit try catch for closures? while asking for explicit catch for non closures? //{ ks = } //{ aliasKey = peer integrity authority for cpu BFEBFBFF000306A9, SerialNumber = 03729f49acf3e79d4cc40da08149433d, SimpleName = peer integrity authority for cpu BFEBFBFF000306A9 } //{ aliasKey = peer integrity authority for cpu BFEBFBFF000306C3, SerialNumber = c4761e1ea779bc9546151afce47c7c26, SimpleName = peer integrity authority for cpu BFEBFBFF000306C3 } try { // // // // I removed some personal certificaties at key manager (certmgr.msc) and wala! //Client Authentication ( //Secure Email ( // // HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Provider\Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider // // // KeyStore xKeyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(keyStoreType); Console.WriteLine(new { xKeyStore }); Console.WriteLine("load... " + new { keyStoreType }); xKeyStore.load(loadstream(), null); //Console.WriteLine("load... done"); Console.WriteLine("aliases..."); java.util.Enumeration en = xKeyStore.aliases(); //Console.WriteLine("aliases... done"); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { var aliasKey = (string)en.nextElement(); Console.WriteLine(new { aliasKey }); // PCSC?hhhhhhhhhhhh var c509 = xKeyStore.getCertificate(aliasKey) as; if (c509 != null) { X509Certificate2 crt = new __X509Certificate2 { InternalElement = c509 }; //Console.WriteLine(new { crt.Subject, crt.SerialNumber, SimpleName = crt.GetNameInfo(System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509NameType.SimpleName, false) }); Console.WriteLine(new { aliasKey, crt.SerialNumber, SimpleName = crt.GetNameInfo(System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509NameType.SimpleName, false), crt.Issuer }); } //if (aliasKey.equals("myKey") ) { // PrivateKey key = (PrivateKey)ks.getKey(aliasKey, "monPassword".toCharArray()); // Certificate[] chain = ks.getCertificateChain(aliasKey); //} } } catch //(Exception closure) { throw; } }; //hello ubuntu! { AssemblyQualifiedName = java.lang.Object, rt } //... { xKeyStoreDefaultType = jks } //{ xKeyStore = } //load... { keyStoreType = jks } //aliases... //done // on RED there are no entries? // what about ubuntu? f(xKeyStoreDefaultType, () => { var xx = default(FileInputStream); try { xx = new FileInputStream(keystorepath); } catch { throw; } return xx; } ); } #endregion var w = new StringBuilder { }; w.AppendLine(new { DateTime.Now }.ToString()); // // // // // // // //var servicesdir = new DirectoryInfo("/lib/systemd/system/"); // // // initctl reload-configuration // // initctl show-config // // // // // /var/log/upstart/ubuntubootexperiment.log // // // // // ps aux // var servicesdir = new DirectoryInfo("/etc/init/"); w.AppendLine(new { servicesdir }.ToString()); foreach (var service in servicesdir.GetFiles()) { w.AppendLine( new { service.FullName }.ToString() ); } var ff = fa.Directory.FullName + "/hello.txt"; Console.WriteLine(new { ff }); //File.WriteAllText(fadir + "/hello.txt", "hi"); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(ff, w.ToString()); // are we running in GUI or TTY? // can we enumerate keystores? //var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); //while (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds < 20000) //{ // Console.WriteLine(new { sw.ElapsedMilliseconds }); // Thread.Sleep(500); //} Console.WriteLine("boot into tcp server..."); // haha. jsc cannot use a release build version of the ref // nor can it call the Main again. // why cant main call main? // cuz the type name is the same? JVMCLRTCPServerAsync.Program2.Main2(args); //Thread.Sleep(30000); // tail -f .log } catch (Exception err) { Console.WriteLine(new { err.Message, err.StackTrace }); Console.ReadLine(); } // CLR not available? unless there was mono? //CLRProgram.CLRMain(); }
public void setUpParser() { string modelPath = "C:\\Users\\jcoleman\\Documents\\Capstone\\jcoleman_Capstone\\Code\\NEWCHATBOT\\ConsoleBot\\ConsoleBot\\en-parser-chunking.bin"; modelInpstream = new; parserModel = new ParserModel(modelInpstream); parser = ParserFactory.create(parserModel); parse = ParserTool.parseLine(sentence, parser, 1); }
private NameFinderME PrepareNameFinder() { var modelInputStream = new FileInputStream(_nameFinderModelPath); var model = new TokenNameFinderModel(modelInputStream); modelInputStream.close(); return new NameFinderME(model); }
//chooseServerAlias { keyType = EC_EC } //getClientAliases //chooseServerAlias { keyType = RSA } //getClientAliases //chooseServerAlias { keyType = RSA } //getClientAliases //chooseServerAlias { keyType = RSA } //getClientAliases //chooseServerAlias { keyType = RSA } //getClientAliases public static KeyManager[] WindowsMYKeyManagers() { Console.WriteLine("enter WindowsMYKeyManagers"); var KeyManagers = new KeyManager[0]; try { var xFileInputStream = default(FileInputStream); var xKeyStore = default(KeyStore); // certmgr.msc var xKeyStoreDefaultType = "Windows-MY"; try { Console.WriteLine(new { xKeyStoreDefaultType }); xKeyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(xKeyStoreDefaultType); } catch { xKeyStoreDefaultType =; // // /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/jre/lib/security/cacerts Console.WriteLine(new { xKeyStoreDefaultType }); xKeyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(xKeyStoreDefaultType); var fa = new FileInfo(typeof(Program).Assembly.Location); var keystorepath = fa.Directory.FullName + "/domain.keystore"; try { xFileInputStream = new FileInputStream(keystorepath); } catch { throw; } } Console.WriteLine("WindowsMYKeyManagers " + new { xKeyStore }); xKeyStore.load(xFileInputStream, null); KeyManagerFactory kmf = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance("SunX509"); Console.WriteLine("WindowsMYKeyManagers " + new { kmf }); kmf.init(xKeyStore, null); KeyManagers = kmf.getKeyManagers(); Console.WriteLine("WindowsMYKeyManagers " + new { KeyManagers.Length }); //{ xKeyStoreDefaultType = Windows-MY } //WindowsMYKeyManagers { xKeyStore = } //WindowsMYKeyManagers { kmf = } //WindowsMYKeyManagers { KeyManagers = [;@f77511 } // // // foreach (var KeyManager in KeyManagers) { var xX509KeyManager = KeyManager as X509KeyManager; if (xX509KeyManager != null) { Console.WriteLine("WindowsMYKeyManagers " + new { xX509KeyManager }); } } //WindowsMYKeyManagers { Length = 1 } //WindowsMYKeyManagers { xX509KeyManager = } //KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS"); //// initialize KeyStore object using keystore name //ks.load(new FileInputStream(keyFile), null); //kmf.init(ks, keystorePasswd.toCharArray()); //ret = kmf.getKeyManagers(); // chooseServerAlias { keyType = RSA, StackTrace = <__StackTrace> } // ks = null; //KeyManagerFactory kmf // // } catch { throw; } return KeyManagers; }
private TokenizerME PrepareTokenizer() { //TODO[danielcamargo]: we need to find/train the model in spanish var tokenInputStream = new FileInputStream(string.Format(@"Models\{0}-token.bin", _language == "es" ? "pt" : _language)); var tokenModel = new TokenizerModel(tokenInputStream); tokenInputStream.close(); return new TokenizerME(tokenModel); }
private void SubsetFontFile(string subsetString, paramFile1, paramFile2) { FontFactory localFontFactory = FontFactory.getInstance(); localFileInputStream = null; try { localFileInputStream = new; byte[] arrayOfByte = new byte[(int)paramFile1.length()];; Font[] arrayOfFont = null; arrayOfFont = localFontFactory.loadFonts(arrayOfByte); Font localFont1 = arrayOfFont[0]; java.util.ArrayList localArrayList = new java.util.ArrayList(); localArrayList.add(CMapTable.CMapId.WINDOWS_BMP); //java.lang.Object localObject1 = null; java.lang.Object localObject2 = null; Font localFont2 = localFont1; java.lang.Object localObject3; if (subsetString != null) { localObject2 = new RenumberingSubsetter(localFont2, localFontFactory); ((Subsetter)localObject2).setCMaps(localArrayList, 1); localObject3 = (java.lang.Object)GlyphCoverage.getGlyphCoverage(localFont1, subsetString); ((Subsetter)localObject2).setGlyphs((java.util.List)localObject3); var localHashSet = new java.util.HashSet(); localHashSet.add(java.lang.Integer.valueOf(SfntlyTag.GDEF)); localHashSet.add(java.lang.Integer.valueOf(SfntlyTag.GPOS)); localHashSet.add(java.lang.Integer.valueOf(SfntlyTag.GSUB)); localHashSet.add(java.lang.Integer.valueOf(SfntlyTag.kern)); localHashSet.add(java.lang.Integer.valueOf(SfntlyTag.hdmx)); localHashSet.add(java.lang.Integer.valueOf(SfntlyTag.vmtx)); localHashSet.add(java.lang.Integer.valueOf(SfntlyTag.VDMX)); localHashSet.add(java.lang.Integer.valueOf(SfntlyTag.LTSH)); localHashSet.add(java.lang.Integer.valueOf(SfntlyTag.DSIG)); localHashSet.add(java.lang.Integer.valueOf(SfntlyTag.intValue(new byte[] { 109, 111, 114, 116 }))); localHashSet.add(java.lang.Integer.valueOf(SfntlyTag.intValue(new byte[] { 109, 111, 114, 120 }))); ((Subsetter)localObject2).setRemoveTables(localHashSet); localFont2 = ((Subsetter)localObject2).subset().build(); } if (this.strip) { localObject2 = new HintStripper(localFont2, localFontFactory); localObject3 = new HashSet(); ((Set)localObject3).add(Integer.valueOf(Tag.fpgm)); ((Set)localObject3).add(Integer.valueOf(Tag.prep)); ((Set)localObject3).add(Integer.valueOf(Tag.cvt)); ((Set)localObject3).add(Integer.valueOf(Tag.hdmx)); ((Set)localObject3).add(Integer.valueOf(Tag.VDMX)); ((Set)localObject3).add(Integer.valueOf(Tag.LTSH)); ((Set)localObject3).add(Integer.valueOf(Tag.DSIG)); ((Subsetter)localObject2).setRemoveTables((Set)localObject3); localFont2 = ((Subsetter)localObject2).subset().build(); } localObject2 = new; if (this.woff) { localObject3 = new WoffWriter().convert(localFont2); ((WritableFontData)localObject3).copyTo((OutputStream)localObject2); } else if (this.eot) { localObject3 = new EOTWriter(this.mtx).convert(localFont2); ((WritableFontData)localObject3).copyTo((OutputStream)localObject2); } else { localFontFactory.serializeFont(localFont2, (OutputStream)localObject2); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { throw new System.Exception(ex.Message); } }
public CloseableAnonymousInnerClassHelper(FileInputStream outerInstance) { this.OuterInstance = outerInstance; }
private NameFinderME PrepareNameFinder() { var modelInputStream = new FileInputStream(_nameFinderModelPath); //load the name model into a stream var model = new TokenNameFinderModel(modelInputStream); //load the model return new NameFinderME(model); //create the namefinder }