private void PerformClick() { Ray ray = mPlantCamera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit rayHit; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out rayHit)) { PlantClickable hitPart = rayHit.collider.GetComponent <PlantClickable>(); if (hitPart != null) { HandleGoalClick(hitPart.Goal); } } }
private void FillPlant() { mParts.Clear(); // Create a list with all assignments and goals List <DataGoal> entryData = new List <DataGoal>(DataManager.Assignment.Data); // Only show goals which are completed or which have an end date less than a week away TimeSpan showGoalRange = TimeSpan.FromDays(7); for (int i = 0; i < DataManager.Plan.Data[0].Goals.Length; i++) { DataGoal goal = DataManager.Plan.Data[0].Goals[i]; if (goal.IsDone || goal.EndAt.Value - DateTime.Now < showGoalRange) { entryData.Add(goal); } } //entryData.AddRange(DataManager.Plan.Data[0].Goals); // Sort based on creation date for assignments and projected end dates for goals entryData.Sort((a, b) => { DateTime aDate = (a is DataAssignment) ? a.CreatedAt.Value : a.EndAt.Value; DateTime bDate = (b is DataAssignment) ? b.CreatedAt.Value : b.EndAt.Value; return(aDate.CompareTo(bDate)); }); // Create a plant component for each entry for (int i = 0; i < entryData.Count; i++) { if (!mCurrentStem.HasOpenPoints) { CreateStem(); } Transform chosenPoint = mCurrentStem.GetPoint(mRandom.Next()); PlantClickable prefab; int random = mRandom.Next(); if (entryData[i] is DataAssignment) { // Assignment if (entryData[i].IsPastDeadline) { prefab = mWitheredLeafPrefab; } else if (entryData[i].IsDone) { prefab = mLeafPrefabs[random % mLeafPrefabs.Length]; } else { prefab = mBudPrefab; } } else { // Goal prefab = mFlowerPrefabs[Mathf.Clamp(entryData[i].Category.ID - 1, 0, mFlowerPrefabs.Length)]; } PlantClickable clickable = Instantiate(prefab, chosenPoint); Transform createdTransform = clickable.transform; createdTransform.localPosition =; createdTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 90f, 0); clickable.Initialize(entryData[i]); //created.localScale =; mParts.Add(clickable); } }