public static void saveLog(Message m, EmITBotNetContext db) { string log = string.Format("{0}\t{1}\tFrom {2} {3} ({4}, {5}) : {6}", new PersianDateTime(m.Date).Date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), m.Date.TimeOfDay.ToHHMMSS(), m.Chat.FirstName, m.Chat.LastName, m.Chat.Username, m.Chat.Id, m.Text); Console.WriteLine(log); // ثبت لاگ سیستم در پایگاه داده db.MessageLogs.Add(new MessageLog() { SenderID = m.From.Id, SenderUserName = m.From.Username, Message = m.Text, MessageDateTime = m.Date }); db.SaveChanges(); }
public EmITBotNetRunner(EmITBotNetBase botBase) { string apikey; try { apikey = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("ApiKey.txt"); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Error in reading Bot Api Key"); Console.ReadLine(); return; } bot = new TelegramBotClient(apikey); botBase.setBot(bot); try { //string userName = await bot.GetMeAsync().Result.Username; Console.WriteLine("I'm a Telegram Bot and my Name is " + bot.GetMeAsync().Result.Username + " and I'm ready"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.Message); Console.ReadLine(); return; } this.botBase = botBase; this.db = botBase.db; bot.OnMessage += Bot_OnMessage; bot.OnCallbackQuery += Bot_OnCallbackQuery; bot.StartReceiving(); Console.ReadLine(); }