private void listView2_ItemDrag(object sender, ItemDragEventArgs e) { string[] filenames; //string[] filenames_real; string ext = ""; if (files92 == null) { ext = ".mddata"; } iPhoneBackup backup = currentBackup; int k = 0; filenames = new string[listView2.SelectedItems.Count]; //filenames_real = new string[listView2.SelectedItems.Count]; foreach (ListViewItem i in listView2.SelectedItems) { filenames[k] = Path.Combine(backup.path, ((iPhoneFile)i.Tag).Key + ext); //filenames_real[k] = ""; ++k; } listView2.DoDragDrop(new DataObject(DataFormats.FileDrop, filenames), DragDropEffects.Copy); }
private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == -1) { return; } if (comboBox1.SelectedItem.GetType() == typeof(iPhoneBackup)) { if (currentBackup == null || currentBackup.index != comboBox1.SelectedIndex) { currentBackup = (iPhoneBackup)comboBox1.SelectedItem; loadCurrentBackup(); } return; } // choose a backup from a non standard directory OpenFileDialog fd = new OpenFileDialog(); //fd.InitialDirectory = "C:\\" ; fd.Filter = "iPhone Backup|Info.plist|All files (*.*)|*.*"; fd.FilterIndex = 1; fd.RestoreDirectory = true; if (fd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { //backups.Clear(); //comboBox1.Items.Clear(); //listView1.Items.Clear(); //listView2.Items.Clear(); iPhoneBackup b = LoadManifest(Path.GetDirectoryName(fd.FileName)); if (b != null) { b.custom = true; comboBox1.Items.Insert(comboBox1.Items.Count - 1, b); b.index = comboBox1.Items.Count - 2; comboBox1.SelectedIndex = b.index; } } if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == comboBox1.Items.Count - 1) { if (currentBackup != null) { comboBox1.SelectedIndex = currentBackup.index; } else { comboBox1.SelectedIndex = -1; } } }
private iPhoneBackup LoadManifest(string path) { iPhoneBackup backup = null; string filename = Path.Combine(path, "Info.plist"); try { xdict dd =; if (dd != null) { backup = new iPhoneBackup(); backup.path = path; foreach (xdictpair p in dd) { if (p.item.GetType() == typeof(string)) { switch (p.key) { case "Device Name": backup.DeviceName = (string)p.item; break; case "Display Name": backup.DisplayName = (string)p.item; break; case "Last Backup Date": DateTime.TryParse((string)p.item, out backup.LastBackupDate); break; } } } backups.Add(backup); backups.Sort(iPhoneBackup.SortByDate); } } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.InnerException.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } return(backup); }
private void listView2_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { iPhoneBackup backup = currentBackup; iPhoneFile file = (iPhoneFile)listView2.FocusedItem.Tag; string ext = ""; if (files92 == null) { ext = ".mddata"; } string argument = @"/select, """ + Path.Combine(backup.path, file.Key + ext) + @""""; System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("explorer.exe", argument); }
private void loadCurrentBackup() { if (currentBackup == null) { return; } button1.ToolTipText = currentBackup.path; listView1.Items.Clear(); listView2.Items.Clear(); buttonCSVExport.Enabled = false; files92 = null; try { iPhoneBackup backup = currentBackup; // backup iTunes 9.2+ if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(backup.path, "Manifest.mbdb"))) { files92 = mbdbdump.mbdb.ReadMBDB(backup.path); BinaryPlistReader az = new BinaryPlistReader(); IDictionary er = az.ReadObject(Path.Combine(backup.path, "Manifest.plist")); parseAll92(er); } } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.InnerException.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void toolStripButton4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string filename; string dest_root; string dest; string ext = (files92 == null) ? ".mddata" : ""; iPhoneBackup backup = currentBackup; iPhoneApp app = listView1.FocusedItem.Tag as iPhoneApp; if (backup == null || app == null) { return; } dest_root = dest = Path.Combine(@"C:\temp", backup.DeviceName, app.Key); foreach (ListViewItem i in listView2.SelectedItems) { iPhoneFile f = i.Tag as iPhoneFile; if (f != null) { filename = Path.Combine(backup.path, f.Key + ext); dest = Path.Combine(dest_root, f.Path); dest = dest.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormC); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(dest.Length); char[] ss = Path.GetInvalidPathChars(); Array.Sort(ss); foreach (char c in dest) { //System.IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars() if (c == Path.DirectorySeparatorChar || c == Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar) { sb.Append(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); } else if (c == Path.VolumeSeparatorChar) { sb.Append(c); } else if (Array.BinarySearch(ss, c) >= 0) { sb.Append('_'); } else { sb.Append(c); } } dest = sb.ToString(); dest = dest.Replace(':', '_'); dest = dest.Replace(@"C_\temp", @"C:\temp"); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(dest)); File.Copy(filename, dest, true); } } }
public int index; // index in the combobox control // delegate to sort backups (newer first) public static int SortByDate(iPhoneBackup a, iPhoneBackup b) { return(b.LastBackupDate.CompareTo(a.LastBackupDate)); }
public int index; // index in the combobox control // delegate to sort backups (newer first) public static int SortByDate(iPhoneBackup a, iPhoneBackup b) { return b.LastBackupDate.CompareTo(a.LastBackupDate); }
private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == -1) return; if (comboBox1.SelectedItem.GetType() == typeof(iPhoneBackup)) { if (currentBackup == null || currentBackup.index != comboBox1.SelectedIndex) { currentBackup = (iPhoneBackup)comboBox1.SelectedItem; loadCurrentBackup(); } return; } // choose a backup from a non standard directory OpenFileDialog fd = new OpenFileDialog(); //fd.InitialDirectory = "C:\\" ; fd.Filter = "iPhone Backup|Info.plist|All files (*.*)|*.*"; fd.FilterIndex = 1; fd.RestoreDirectory = true; if (fd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { //backups.Clear(); //comboBox1.Items.Clear(); //listView1.Items.Clear(); //listView2.Items.Clear(); iPhoneBackup b = LoadManifest(Path.GetDirectoryName(fd.FileName)); if (b != null) { b.custom = true; comboBox1.Items.Insert(comboBox1.Items.Count - 1, b); b.index = comboBox1.Items.Count - 2; comboBox1.SelectedIndex = b.index; } } if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == comboBox1.Items.Count - 1) { if (currentBackup != null) comboBox1.SelectedIndex = currentBackup.index; else comboBox1.SelectedIndex = -1; } }
private iPhoneBackup LoadManifest(string path) { iPhoneBackup backup = null; string filename = Path.Combine(path, "Info.plist"); try { xdict dd =; if (dd != null) { backup = new iPhoneBackup(); backup.path = path; foreach (xdictpair p in dd) { if (p.item.GetType() == typeof(string)) { switch (p.key) { case "Device Name": backup.DeviceName = (string)p.item; break; case "Display Name": backup.DisplayName = (string)p.item; break; case "Last Backup Date": DateTime.TryParse((string)p.item, out backup.LastBackupDate); break; } } } backups.Add(backup); backups.Sort(iPhoneBackup.SortByDate); } } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.InnerException.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } return backup; }