public void test_2_connectionError() { bool errorFound = false; try { io.vertx.Eventbus eb = new io.vertx.Eventbus("", 7001); //close the socket eb.CloseConnection(5); }catch (Exception) { errorFound = true; } Assert.Equal(true, errorFound); bool fileFound = false; try{ string path = "error_log_.txt"; if (File.Exists(path)) { fileFound = true; } }catch (Exception e) { System.Console.WriteLine(e); } Assert.Equal(true, fileFound); }
public void test_3_noHandlers() { try { io.vertx.Eventbus eb = new io.vertx.Eventbus(); Headers h = new Headers(); h.addHeaders("type", "maths"); JObject body_add = new JObject(); body_add.Add("message", "add"); //sending with time out = 5 secs eb.send( "pcs.status", //address body_add, //body "pcs.status.c", //reply address-no handlers h, //headers (new ReplyHandlers("pcs.status", //replyhandler address new Action <bool, JObject>( //replyhandler function (err, message) => { if (err == false) { SystemTest.i += 5; } } ) ) ), 5); //close the socket eb.CloseConnection(5); bool fileFound = false; try{ string path = "error_log_.txt"; if (File.Exists(path)) { fileFound = true; } }catch (Exception e) { System.Console.WriteLine(e); } Assert.Equal(true, fileFound); Assert.Equal(5, i); }catch (Exception e) { System.Console.WriteLine(e); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { try { io.vertx.Eventbus eb = new io.vertx.Eventbus(); Console.WriteLine("i:" + client.i); Headers h = new Headers(); h.addHeaders("type", "maths"); JObject body_add = new JObject(); body_add.Add("message", "add"); //sending with time out = 5 secs eb.send( "pcs.status", //address body_add, //body "pcs.status", //reply address h, //headers (new ReplyHandlers("pcs.status", //replyhandler address new Action <bool, JObject>( //replyhandler function (err, message) => { if (err == false) { client.i += 5; } Console.WriteLine(message); } ) ) ), 5); Console.WriteLine("i:" + client.i); JObject body_sub = new JObject(); body_sub.Add("message", "sub"); //sending with default time out eb.send( "pcs.status", //address body_sub, //body "pcs.status", //reply address h, //headers (new ReplyHandlers("pcs.status", //replyhandler address new Action <bool, JObject>( //replyhandler function (err, message) => { if (err == false) { client.i -= 5; } Console.WriteLine(message); } ) ) )); eb.register( "pcs.status", (new Handlers( "pcs.status", new Action <JObject>( message => { client.i += 5; Console.WriteLine(message); } ) ) )); Console.WriteLine("i:" + client.i); //send a message without a replyhandler eb.send("pcs.status", body_add, "pcs.status", h); //publish JObject body_close = new JObject(); body_close.Add("message", "close"); eb.publish("pcs.status", body_close, h); //close the socket eb.CloseConnection(5); Console.WriteLine("i:" + client.i); } catch (Exception e) { System.Console.WriteLine(e); } }