static public string generateCredValueJson(string schemaAttributes, string credValues) { JArray attributes = JArray.Parse(schemaAttributes); JArray values = JArray.Parse(credValues); if (attributes.Count != values.Count) { Console.WriteLine("Number of arguments is not the same!"); } string output = "{"; for (int idx = 0; idx < values.Count; ++idx) { string encoding = values[idx].ToString(); if (!StringFacilitator.IsDigitsOnly(values[idx].ToString())) { encoding = sha256_hash(values[idx].ToString()); encoding = hexToDec(encoding); } output += "\"" + attributes[idx].ToString() + "\": {\"raw\": \""; output += values[idx].ToString() + "\", \"encoded\": \"" + encoding + "\"}"; if (idx != values.Count - 1) { output += ","; } } output += "}"; return(output); }
private int stringToIntParser(string input) { if (!StringFacilitator.IsDigitsOnly(input)) { throw new InvalidDataException("This value may only contain numbers"); } return(Int32.Parse(input)); }