A Cell must be added to a Table. The Table will place the Cell in a Row.
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Page.Title = "Contact List"; MemoryStream PDFData = new MemoryStream(); // step 1: creation of a document-object Document document = new Document(); // step 2: // we create a writer that listens to the document // and directs a PDF-stream to a file PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, PDFData); // step 3: we open the document document.Open(); // step 4: we add a paragraph to the document document.Add(new Paragraph(DateTime.Now.ToString())); Contact oContact = new Contact(); DataTable dtContact = oContact.LoadAll(); int numRow = dtContact.Rows.Count; int numCol = 5; iTextSharp.text.Table aTable = new iTextSharp.text.Table(numCol, numRow); aTable.AutoFillEmptyCells = true; aTable.Padding = 1; aTable.Spacing = 1; Cell cell = new Cell(new Phrase("Contact List", FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.TIMES, 14, Font.BOLD))); cell.Header = true; cell.Colspan = numCol; cell.BackgroundColor = Color.LIGHT_GRAY; cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; aTable.AddCell(cell); for (int i = 0; i < dtContact.Rows.Count; i++) { for (int n = 1; n <= numCol; n++) aTable.AddCell(dtContact.Rows[i][n].ToString()); } document.Add(aTable); // step 5: we close the document document.Close(); Response.Clear(); Response.ClearContent(); Response.ClearHeaders(); Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"; Response.Charset = string.Empty; Response.Cache.SetCacheability(System.Web.HttpCacheability.Public); Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + Title.Replace(" ", "").Replace(":", "-") + ".pdf"); Response.OutputStream.Write(PDFData.GetBuffer(), 0, PDFData.GetBuffer().Length); Response.OutputStream.Flush(); Response.OutputStream.Close(); Response.End(); }
public static Cell GetCellRight(string value) { Cell result = new Cell(new Paragraph(value, fontContent)); result.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; result.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; return result; }
public static Cell GetFooterCellLeft(string value) { Cell result = new Cell(new Paragraph(value, fontTableFooter)); result.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; result.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; result.BackgroundColor = new Color(234, 234, 234); return result; }
public static Cell GetTitleCellRight(string value) { Cell result = new Cell(new Paragraph(value, fontTableTitle)); result.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; result.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; result.BackgroundColor = new Color(127, 127, 127); return result; }
// public static SimpleAttendanceList GetInstance(Selection selection, // Rectangle pageSize, // string reportFile) { // // if (instance == null) // instance = new SimpleAttendanceList(selection, pageSize, reportFile); // else { // instance.selection = selection; // instance.reportFile = reportFile; // } // // if (!this.doc.IsOpen()) // this.doc.Open(); // // return instance; // } public override void MakeReport() { // Subtitle = Event name Chunk c = new Chunk(this.selection.Events[0].Name, FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 14, Font.BOLD)); Paragraph par = new Paragraph(c); par.Alignment = Rectangle.ALIGN_CENTER; this.doc.Add(par); // List Table t = new Table(2); t.Border = 0; t.DefaultCellBorder = 0; Cell cell = new Cell(); cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; t.DefaultCell = cell; // Default cell Font fuenteTitulo = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA_OBLIQUE, 14, Font.UNDERLINE); cell = new Cell(); Chunk texto = new Chunk("Nombre y Apellido", fuenteTitulo); cell.Add(texto); t.AddCell(cell); cell = new Cell(); texto = new Chunk("¿Asistió?", fuenteTitulo); cell.Add(texto); t.AddCell(cell); Font fuenteDatos = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 10); Font fuenteSi = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA_BOLD, 10); fuenteSi.Color = Color.BLUE; Font fuenteNo = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA_BOLD, 10); fuenteNo.Color = Color.RED; foreach (Person p in this.selection.Persons) { cell = new Cell(); texto = new Chunk(p.Name + " " + p.Surname, fuenteDatos); cell.Add(texto); t.AddCell(cell); cell = new Cell(); if (AttendancesManager.Instance.Attended(p, this.selection.Events[0])) texto = new Chunk("Si", fuenteSi); else texto = new Chunk("No", fuenteNo); cell.Add(texto); t.AddCell(cell); } this.doc.Add(t); }
// // public static SimplePersonsList GetInstance(Selection selection, // Rectangle pageSize, // string reportFile) { // // if (instance == null) // instance = new SimplePersonsList(selection, pageSize, reportFile); // else { // instance.selection = selection; // instance.reportFile = reportFile; // } // // if (!this.doc.IsOpen()) // this.doc.Open(); // // return instance; // } public override void MakeReport() { Table t = new Table(3); t.Border = 0; t.DefaultCellBorder = 0; Cell cell = new Cell(); cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; t.DefaultCell = cell; // Default cell Font fuenteTitulo = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA_OBLIQUE, 14, Font.UNDERLINE); cell = new Cell(); Chunk texto = new Chunk("Apellido", fuenteTitulo); cell.Add(texto); t.AddCell(cell); cell = new Cell(); texto = new Chunk("Nombre", fuenteTitulo); cell.Add(texto); t.AddCell(cell); cell = new Cell(); texto = new Chunk("E-Mail", fuenteTitulo); cell.Add(texto); t.AddCell(cell); Font fuenteDatos = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 10); foreach (Person p in this.selection.Persons) { cell = new Cell(); texto = new Chunk(p.Surname, fuenteDatos); cell.Add(texto); t.AddCell(cell); cell = new Cell(); texto = new Chunk(p.Name, fuenteDatos); cell.Add(texto); t.AddCell(cell); cell = new Cell(); texto = new Chunk(p.EMail, fuenteDatos); cell.Add(texto); t.AddCell(cell); } this.doc.Add(t); }
public void SetCell( int col, int row, Phrase phrase, Alignment alignment ) { Cells[col, row] = new Cell( phrase, alignment ); }
/// <summary> /// Deletes a certain column has been deleted. /// </summary> /// <param name="column">the number of the column to delete</param> internal void DeleteColumn(int column) { if ((column >= columns) || (column < 0)) { throw new Exception("getCell at illegal index : " + column); } columns--; bool[] newReserved = new bool[columns]; Object[] newCells = new Cell[columns]; for (int i = 0; i < column; i++) { newReserved[i] = reserved[i]; newCells[i] = cells[i]; if (newCells[i] != null && (i + ((Cell) newCells[i]).Colspan > column)) { ((Cell) newCells[i]).Colspan = ((Cell) cells[i]).Colspan - 1; } } for (int i = column; i < columns; i++) { newReserved[i] = reserved[i + 1]; newCells[i] = cells[i + 1]; } if (cells[column] != null && ((Cell) cells[column]).Colspan > 1) { newCells[column] = cells[column]; ((Cell) newCells[column]).Colspan = ((Cell) newCells[column]).Colspan - 1; } reserved = newReserved; cells = newCells; }
private void EscrevaProcessosNoDocumentoAnalitico() { var tabela = new Table(6); tabela.Widths = new Single[] { 60, 100, 50, 100, 60, 100 }; tabela.Padding = 0; tabela.Spacing = 0; tabela.Width = 100; tabela.AutoFillEmptyCells = true; tabela.EndHeaders(); foreach (var processo in _processos) { var labelNumeroProcesso = new Cell(new Phrase("Número do processo: ", _Fonte2)); labelNumeroProcesso.DisableBorderSide(0); tabela.AddCell(labelNumeroProcesso); var valorNumeroProcesso = new Cell(new Phrase(processo.Processo.ToString(), _Fonte1)); valorNumeroProcesso.DisableBorderSide(0); tabela.AddCell(valorNumeroProcesso); var labelDataDoCadastro = new Cell(new Phrase("Data do cadastro: ", _Fonte2)); labelDataDoCadastro.DisableBorderSide(0); tabela.AddCell(labelDataDoCadastro); var valorDataDoCadastro = new Cell(new Phrase(processo.DataDoCadastro.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), _Fonte1)); valorDataDoCadastro.DisableBorderSide(0); tabela.AddCell(valorDataDoCadastro); var labelDespacho = new Cell(new Phrase("Despacho: ", _Fonte2)); labelDespacho.DisableBorderSide(0); tabela.AddCell(labelDespacho); var valorDespacho = processo.Despacho != null ? new Cell(new Phrase(processo.Despacho.CodigoDespacho, _Fonte1)) : new Cell(new Phrase(string.Empty, _Fonte1)); valorDespacho.DisableBorderSide(0); tabela.AddCell(valorDespacho); var labelApresentacao = new Cell(new Phrase("Apresentação: ", _Fonte2)); labelApresentacao.DisableBorderSide(0); tabela.AddCell(labelApresentacao); Cell valorApresentacao; if(processo.Marca != null && processo.Marca.Apresentacao != null) valorApresentacao = new Cell(new Phrase(processo.Marca.Apresentacao.Nome, _Fonte1)); else valorApresentacao = new Cell(new Phrase(string.Empty, _Fonte1)); valorApresentacao.DisableBorderSide(0); tabela.AddCell(valorApresentacao); var labelNatureza = new Cell(new Phrase("Natureza: ", _Fonte2)); labelNatureza.DisableBorderSide(0); tabela.AddCell(labelNatureza); Cell valorNatureza; if (processo.Marca != null && processo.Marca.Natureza != null) valorNatureza = new Cell(new Phrase(processo.Marca.Natureza.Nome, _Fonte1)); else valorNatureza = new Cell(new Phrase(string.Empty, _Fonte1)); valorNatureza.DisableBorderSide(0); tabela.AddCell(valorNatureza); var labelNCL = new Cell(new Phrase("NCL: ", _Fonte2)); labelNCL.DisableBorderSide(0); tabela.AddCell(labelNCL); Cell valorNCL; if (processo.Marca != null && processo.Marca.NCL != null) valorNCL = new Cell(new Phrase(processo.Marca.NCL.Codigo, _Fonte1)); else valorNCL = new Cell(new Phrase(string.Empty, _Fonte1)); valorNCL.DisableBorderSide(0); tabela.AddCell(valorNCL); var labelCliente = new Cell(new Phrase("Cliente: ", _Fonte2)); labelCliente.DisableBorderSide(0); tabela.AddCell(labelCliente); var valorCliente = new Cell(new Phrase(processo.Marca.Cliente.Pessoa.Nome, _Fonte1)) { Colspan = 5 }; valorCliente.DisableBorderSide(0); tabela.AddCell(valorCliente); var labelMarca = new Cell(new Phrase("Marca: ", _Fonte2)); labelMarca.DisableBorderSide(0); tabela.AddCell(labelMarca); Cell valorMarca; if (processo.Marca != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(processo.Marca.DescricaoDaMarca)) valorMarca = new Cell(new Phrase(processo.Marca.DescricaoDaMarca, _Fonte1)); else valorMarca = new Cell(new Phrase(string.Empty, _Fonte1)); valorMarca.Colspan = 5; valorMarca.DisableBorderSide(0); tabela.AddCell(valorMarca); var labelApostila = new Cell(new Phrase("Apostila: ", _Fonte2)); labelApostila.DisableBorderSide(0); tabela.AddCell(labelApostila); Cell valorApostila; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(processo.Apostila)) valorApostila = new Cell(new Phrase(processo.Apostila, _Fonte1)); else valorApostila = new Cell(new Phrase(string.Empty, _Fonte1)); valorApostila.Colspan = 5; valorApostila.DisableBorderSide(0); tabela.AddCell(valorApostila); var labelTextoDespacho = new Cell(new Phrase("Texto do Despacho: ", _Fonte2)); labelTextoDespacho.DisableBorderSide(0); tabela.AddCell(labelTextoDespacho); Cell valorTextoDespacho; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(processo.TextoComplementarDoDespacho)) valorTextoDespacho = new Cell(new Phrase(processo.Apostila, _Fonte1)); else valorTextoDespacho = new Cell(new Phrase(string.Empty, _Fonte1)); valorTextoDespacho.Colspan = 5; valorTextoDespacho.DisableBorderSide(0); tabela.AddCell(valorTextoDespacho); var labelProcurador = new Cell(new Phrase("Procurador: ", _Fonte2)); labelProcurador.DisableBorderSide(0); tabela.AddCell(labelProcurador); Cell valorProcurador; if (processo.Procurador != null && processo.Procurador.Pessoa != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(processo.Procurador.Pessoa.Nome)) valorProcurador = new Cell(new Phrase(processo.Procurador.Pessoa.Nome, _Fonte1)); else valorProcurador = new Cell(new Phrase(string.Empty, _Fonte1)); valorProcurador.Colspan = 5; valorProcurador.DisableBorderSide(0); tabela.AddCell(valorProcurador); var linhaVazia = new Cell(new Phrase("\n", _Fonte1)); linhaVazia.Colspan = 6; linhaVazia.DisableBorderSide(1); tabela.AddCell(linhaVazia); } _documento.Add(tabela); }
public static void PYU960326AG7(Document document, ElectronicDocument electronicDocument, Data objTimbre, pdfPageEventHandlerPfizer pageEventHandler, DataTable dtEncabezado, DataTable dtDetalle, Hashtable htCFDI, HttpContext hc) { try { //DAL dal = new DAL(); #region "Construimos el Documento" #region "Construimos el Encabezado" Table encabezado = new Table(7); float[] headerwidthsEncabezado = { 9, 18, 28, 28, 5, 7, 5 }; encabezado.Widths = headerwidthsEncabezado; encabezado.WidthPercentage = 100; encabezado.Padding = 1; encabezado.Spacing = 1; encabezado.BorderWidth = 0; encabezado.DefaultCellBorder = 0; encabezado.BorderColor = gris; Image imgLogo = Image.GetInstance(pathIMGLOGO); imgLogo.ScalePercent(47f); par = new Paragraph(); par.KeepTogether = true; par.SetLeading(1f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk(imgLogo, 0, 0)); par.Add(new Chunk("", f6)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Rowspan = 5; cel.Colspan = 2; encabezado.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.KeepTogether = true; par.SetLeading(8f, 9f); par.Add(new Chunk(htCFDI["nombreEmisor"].ToString().ToUpper(), f6B)); par.Add(new Chunk("\nRFC " + htCFDI["rfcEmisor"].ToString().ToUpper(), f6)); par.Add(new Chunk("\n" + htCFDI["direccionEmisor1"].ToString().ToUpper(), f6)); par.Add(new Chunk("\n" + htCFDI["direccionEmisor2"].ToString().ToUpper(), f6)); par.Add(new Chunk("\n" + htCFDI["direccionEmisor3"].ToString().ToUpper(), f6)); par.Add(new Chunk("\nTel. (52) 55 5081-8500", f6)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Rowspan = 5; encabezado.AddCell(cel); StringBuilder expedido = new StringBuilder(); expedido. Append("Lugar de Expedición México DF\n"). Append(htCFDI["sucursal"]).Append("\n"). Append(htCFDI["direccionExpedido1"].ToString().ToUpper()).Append("\n"). Append(htCFDI["direccionExpedido2"].ToString().ToUpper()).Append("\n"). Append(htCFDI["direccionExpedido3"].ToString().ToUpper()).Append("\n"); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(expedido.ToString(), f6)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Rowspan = 4; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(htCFDI["tipoDoc"].ToString(), titulo)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(htCFDI["serie"].ToString().ToUpper() + electronicDocument.Data.Folio.Value, f6B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Día", f6B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Mes", f6B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Año", f6B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; encabezado.AddCell(cel); string[] fechaCFDI = Convert.ToDateTime(htCFDI["fechaCfdi"].ToString()).GetDateTimeFormats(); string HORAS = fechaCFDI[103]; string DIA = Convert.ToDateTime(htCFDI["fechaCfdi"]).Day.ToString(); string MES = Convert.ToDateTime(htCFDI["fechaCfdi"]).ToString("MMMM").ToUpper(); string ANIO = Convert.ToDateTime(htCFDI["fechaCfdi"]).Year.ToString(); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(DIA, f6)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(MES, f6)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(ANIO, f6)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; encabezado.AddCell(cel); //cel = new Cell(new Phrase("No. y Año de Aprobación: " + dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["NoAp"].ToString() + " " + dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["AnoAp"].ToString(), f6)); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("", f6)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; encabezado.AddCell(cel); //cel = new Cell(new Phrase(HORAS, f6)); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("", f6)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("CLIENTE", titulo)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Receptor.Nombre.Value, f6)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Termino Pago: " + electronicDocument.Data.CondicionesPago.Value, f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.KeepTogether = true; par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk("R.F.C. " + electronicDocument.Data.Receptor.Rfc.Value + "\n", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(htCFDI["direccionReceptor1"] + "\n", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(htCFDI["direccionReceptor2"] + "\n", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(htCFDI["direccionReceptor3"] + "\n", f5)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Rowspan = 5; cel.Colspan = 2; encabezado.AddCell(cel); #region "Consignado a" string nombreEntregado = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["ENTREGADO-A-NOMBRE"].ToString();//CE string calleEntregado = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["ENTREGADO-A-CALLE"].ToString();//CE 10, 11, 12 string coloniaEntregado = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["ENTREGADO-A-COLONIA"].ToString();//CE13 string cpEntregado = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["ENTREGADO-A-CP"].ToString();//CE18 string municEntregado = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["ENTREGADO-A-MUNIC"].ToString();//CE15 string estadoEntregado = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["ENTREGADO-A-ESTADO"].ToString();//CE16 string paisEntregado = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["ENTREGADO-A-PAIS"].ToString();//CE17 string localidadEntregado = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["ENTREGADO-A-LOCAL"].ToString();//CE14 string saltoEntregado = "\n"; string separador = ", "; string espacio = " "; if (nombreEntregado.Length > 0) nombreEntregado = nombreEntregado + saltoEntregado; else nombreEntregado = "" + saltoEntregado; if (calleEntregado.Length > 0) calleEntregado = calleEntregado + saltoEntregado; else calleEntregado = "" + saltoEntregado; if (coloniaEntregado.Length > 0) coloniaEntregado = coloniaEntregado + espacio; else coloniaEntregado = "" + espacio; if (cpEntregado.Length > 0) cpEntregado = ", CP " + cpEntregado + saltoEntregado; else cpEntregado = "" + separador + saltoEntregado; if (municEntregado.Length > 0) municEntregado = municEntregado + separador; else municEntregado = ""; if (localidadEntregado.Length > 0) localidadEntregado = localidadEntregado + saltoEntregado; else localidadEntregado = "" + saltoEntregado; if (estadoEntregado.Length > 0) estadoEntregado = estadoEntregado + espacio; else estadoEntregado = "" + espacio; if (paisEntregado.Length > 0) paisEntregado = paisEntregado + ""; else paisEntregado = ""; #endregion par = new Paragraph(); par.KeepTogether = true; par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk("Consignado a:\n", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk(calleEntregado, f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(coloniaEntregado, f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(cpEntregado, f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(municEntregado, f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(localidadEntregado, f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(estadoEntregado, f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(paisEntregado, f5)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Rowspan = 5; encabezado.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk("Cliente No:\n", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["clienteNo"].ToString(), f5)); par.Add(new Chunk("\nContacto:\n", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["contacto"].ToString(), f5)); par.Add(new Chunk("\nTeléfono:\n", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk("" + "\n", f5)); //if (htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "C" || htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "D") //{ // par.Add(new Chunk("Zona:\n", f5B)); // par.Add(new Chunk(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["zona"].ToString(), f5)); //} cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Rowspan = 5; encabezado.AddCell(cel); //if (htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "C") //{ // par = new Paragraph(); // par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); // par.Add(new Chunk("Vencimiento: ", f5B)); // par.Add(new Chunk(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["vencimiento"].ToString(), f5B)); //CE27 // cel = new Cell(par); // cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; // cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; // cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; // cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; // cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; // cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; // cel.BorderColor = gris; // cel.Colspan = 3; // encabezado.AddCell(cel); //} par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk("Vencimiento: ", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["vencimiento"].ToString(), f5B)); //CE27 cel = new Cell(par); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk("Moneda: ", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk(electronicDocument.Data.Moneda.Value, f5)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); //if (htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "D" || htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "L" || htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "N") // par.Add(new Chunk("Referencia: ", f5B)); //else // par.Add(new Chunk("Orden Compra: ", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk("Orden Compra: ", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["referencia"].ToString(), f5));//CE33 cel = new Cell(par); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); //if (htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "N") //{ // par = new Paragraph(); // par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); // par.Add(new Chunk("Fecha Referencia: ", f5B)); // par.Add(new Chunk(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["fechaRefDoc"].ToString(), f5));//CE34 // cel = new Cell(par); // cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; // cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; // cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; // cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; // cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; // cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; // cel.BorderColor = gris; // cel.Colspan = 3; // encabezado.AddCell(cel); //} par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk("Pedido: ", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["pedido"].ToString(), f5));//CE19 cel = new Cell(par); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk("División: ", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["division"].ToString(), f5));//CE20 cel = new Cell(par); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); #endregion #region "Construimos Tablas de Partidas" #region "Construimos Encabezados de Partidas" Table encabezadoPartidas = new Table(7); float[] headerwidthsEncabesadoPartidas = { 5, 10, 10, 40, 11, 12, 12 }; encabezadoPartidas.Widths = headerwidthsEncabesadoPartidas; encabezadoPartidas.WidthPercentage = 100; encabezadoPartidas.Padding = 1; encabezadoPartidas.Spacing = 1; encabezadoPartidas.BorderWidth = (float).5; encabezadoPartidas.DefaultCellBorder = 1; encabezadoPartidas.BorderColor = gris; cel = new Cell(new Phrase("No.", titulo)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; encabezadoPartidas.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Código", titulo)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; encabezadoPartidas.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Descripción", titulo)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Colspan = 2; encabezadoPartidas.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Cantidad", titulo)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; encabezadoPartidas.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Precio Unitario", titulo)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; encabezadoPartidas.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Importe", titulo)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; encabezadoPartidas.AddCell(cel); #endregion #region "Construimos Contenido de las Partidas" Table partidas = new Table(7); float[] headerwidthsPartidas = { 5, 10, 10, 40, 11, 12, 12 }; partidas.Widths = headerwidthsPartidas; partidas.WidthPercentage = 100; partidas.Padding = 1; partidas.Spacing = 1; partidas.BorderWidth = 0; partidas.DefaultCellBorder = 0; partidas.BorderColor = gris; if (dtEncabezado.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < electronicDocument.Data.Conceptos.Count; i++) { cel = new Cell(new Phrase((i + 1).ToString(), f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Rowspan = 2; partidas.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(dtDetalle.Rows[i]["codeLocal"].ToString(), f5));//CD1 cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Rowspan = 2; partidas.AddCell(cel); #region "Descripción" cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Conceptos[i].Descripcion.Value, f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 2; partidas.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Conceptos[i].Cantidad.Value + " " + electronicDocument.Data.Conceptos[i].Unidad.Value, f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Rowspan = 2; partidas.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Conceptos[i].ValorUnitario.Value.ToString("C", _ci), f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Rowspan = 2; partidas.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Conceptos[i].Importe.Value.ToString("C", _ci), f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Rowspan = 2; partidas.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk("Lote\n", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(dtDetalle.Rows[i]["lote"].ToString().Replace("*", "\n"), f5));//CD3 cel = new Cell(par); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; partidas.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk("Cantidad\n", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(dtDetalle.Rows[i]["cantidad"].ToString().Replace("*", "\n"), f5));//CD4 cel = new Cell(par); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; partidas.AddCell(cel); #endregion } } #endregion #endregion #region "Construimos el Comentarios" Table comentarios = new Table(7); float[] headerwidthsComentarios = { 9, 18, 28, 28, 7, 5, 5 }; comentarios.Widths = headerwidthsComentarios; comentarios.WidthPercentage = 100; comentarios.Padding = 1; comentarios.Spacing = 1; comentarios.BorderWidth = 0; comentarios.DefaultCellBorder = 0; comentarios.BorderColor = gris; cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Cantidad:", f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Rowspan = 3; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["cantidadLetra"].ToString(), f5));//CE26 cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; cel.Rowspan = 3; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Sub Total", f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.SubTotal.Value.ToString("C", _ci), f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 2; comentarios.AddCell(cel); double importe = 0; double tasa = 0; for (int i = 0; i < electronicDocument.Data.Impuestos.Traslados.Count; i++) { if (electronicDocument.Data.Impuestos.Traslados[i].Tipo.Value == "IVA") { importe = electronicDocument.Data.Impuestos.Traslados[i].Importe.Value; tasa = electronicDocument.Data.Impuestos.Traslados[i].Tasa.Value; break; } } cel = new Cell(new Phrase("IVA " + tasa + " %", f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Impuestos.TotalTraslados.Value.ToString("C", _ci), f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 2; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Total", f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Total.Value.ToString("C", _ci), f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 2; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Observaciones:", f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Rowspan = 2; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["observaciones"].ToString(), f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; cel.Rowspan = 2; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Descuento Pronto Pago", f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Descuento.Value.ToString("C", _ci), f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 2; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Importe Pago Neto", f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Descuento.Value.ToString("C", _ci), f5));//Duda cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 2; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.FormaPago.Value.ToUpper(), f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 7; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("", f5)); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 7; comentarios.AddCell(cel); #endregion #region "Construimos Tabla de Datos CFDI" DefaultSplitCharacter split = new DefaultSplitCharacter(); Table adicional = new Table(3); float[] headerwidthsAdicional = { 20, 25, 55 }; adicional.Widths = headerwidthsAdicional; adicional.WidthPercentage = 100; adicional.Padding = 1; adicional.Spacing = 1; adicional.BorderWidth = (float).5; adicional.DefaultCellBorder = 1; adicional.BorderColor = gris; if (timbrar) { #region "Generamos Quick Response Code" byte[] bytesQRCode = new byte[0]; if (timbrar) { // Generamos el Quick Response Code (QRCode) string re = electronicDocument.Data.Emisor.Rfc.Value; string rr = electronicDocument.Data.Receptor.Rfc.Value; string tt = String.Format("{0:F6}", electronicDocument.Data.Total.Value); string id = objTimbre.Uuid.Value; StringBuilder sbCadenaQRCode = new StringBuilder(); sbCadenaQRCode. Append("?"). Append("re=").Append(re). Append("&"). Append("rr=").Append(rr). Append("&"). Append("tt=").Append(tt). Append("&"). Append("id=").Append(id); BarcodeLib.Barcode.QRCode.QRCode barcode = new BarcodeLib.Barcode.QRCode.QRCode(); barcode.Data = sbCadenaQRCode.ToString(); barcode.ModuleSize = 3; barcode.LeftMargin = 0; barcode.RightMargin = 10; barcode.TopMargin = 0; barcode.BottomMargin = 0; barcode.Encoding = BarcodeLib.Barcode.QRCode.QRCodeEncoding.Auto; barcode.Version = BarcodeLib.Barcode.QRCode.QRCodeVersion.Auto; barcode.ECL = BarcodeLib.Barcode.QRCode.ErrorCorrectionLevel.L; bytesQRCode = barcode.drawBarcodeAsBytes(); } #endregion Image imageQRCode = Image.GetInstance(bytesQRCode); imageQRCode.Alignment = (Image.TEXTWRAP | Image.ALIGN_LEFT); imageQRCode.ScaleToFit(90f, 90f); imageQRCode.IndentationLeft = 9f; imageQRCode.SpacingAfter = 9f; imageQRCode.BorderColorTop = Color.WHITE; cel = new Cell(imageQRCode); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Rowspan = 6; adicional.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 0f); par.Add(new Chunk("SELLO DIGITAL DEL EMISOR\n", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(electronicDocument.Data.Sello.Value, f5).SetSplitCharacter(split)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.Colspan = 2; adicional.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("FOLIO FISCAL:", f5L)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; adicional.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(objTimbre.Uuid.Value, f5)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; adicional.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("FECHA Y HORA DE CERTIFICACION:", f5L)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; adicional.AddCell(cel); string[] fechaTimbrado = Convert.ToDateTime(objTimbre.FechaTimbrado.Value).GetDateTimeFormats('s'); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(fechaTimbrado[0], f5)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; adicional.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("No. DE SERIE DEL CERTIFICADO DEL SAT:", f5L)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; adicional.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(objTimbre.NumeroCertificadoSat.Value, f5)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; adicional.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("No. DE SERIE DEL CERTIFICADO DEL EMISOR:", f5L)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; adicional.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.NumeroCertificado.Value, f5)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; adicional.AddCell(cel); string lbRegimen = "REGIMEN FISCAL APLICABLE: "; StringBuilder regimenes = new StringBuilder(); if (electronicDocument.Data.Emisor.Regimenes.IsAssigned) { for (int i = 0; i < electronicDocument.Data.Emisor.Regimenes.Count; i++) { regimenes.Append(electronicDocument.Data.Emisor.Regimenes[i].Regimen.Value).Append("\n"); } } else { regimenes.Append(""); lbRegimen = ""; } string cuenta = electronicDocument.Data.NumeroCuentaPago.IsAssigned ? electronicDocument.Data.NumeroCuentaPago.Value : ""; par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 0f); par.Add(new Chunk("TIPO DE COMPROBANTE: ", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(electronicDocument.Data.TipoComprobante.Value + " | ", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk("Moneda: ", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(electronicDocument.Data.Moneda.Value + " | ", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk("TASA DE CAMBIO: ", f5L)); string tasaCambio = electronicDocument.Data.TipoCambio.Value; if (tasaCambio.Length > 0) { par.Add(new Chunk(Convert.ToDouble(tasaCambio).ToString("C", _ci) + " | ", f5)); } else { par.Add(new Chunk(" | ", f5)); } par.Add(new Chunk("FORMA DE PAGO: ", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(electronicDocument.Data.FormaPago.Value + "\n", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk("MÉTODO DE PAGO: ", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(electronicDocument.Data.MetodoPago.Value + " | ", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk("NÚMERO DE CUENTA: ", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(cuenta + " | ", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(lbRegimen, f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(regimenes.ToString(), f5)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Colspan = 2; cel.BorderColor = gris; adicional.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 0f); par.Add(new Chunk("CADENA ORIGINAL DEL COMPLEMENTO DE CERTIFICACIÓN DIGITAL DEL SAT\n", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(electronicDocument.FingerPrintPac, f5).SetSplitCharacter(split)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.Colspan = 3; adicional.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.KeepTogether = true; par.SetLeading(7f, 0f); par.Add(new Chunk("SELLO DIGITAL DEL SAT\n", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(objTimbre.SelloSat.Value, f5).SetSplitCharacter(split)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Colspan = 3; adicional.AddCell(cel); } #endregion #region "Construimos Tabla Adicional Datos de Pago" Table pago = new Table(5); float[] headerwidthsPago = { 40, 10, 20, 10, 20 }; pago.Widths = headerwidthsPago; pago.WidthPercentage = 100; pago.Padding = 1; pago.Spacing = 1; pago.BorderWidth = (float).5; pago.DefaultCellBorder = 1; pago.BorderColor = gris; cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Para ejecutar su pago para consultas", f5L)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Para efectuar su pago", f5L)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Colspan = 2; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Información del Cliente", f5L)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Colspan = 2; pago.AddCell(cel); string[] ejecutarPago = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["paraConsultas"].ToString().Split(new Char[] { '*' });//CE23 string[] pagoDatos = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["efectuarPago"].ToString().Split(new Char[] { '*' });//CE21 par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 0f); if (ejecutarPago.Length > 0) par.Add(new Chunk(ejecutarPago[0] + "\n", f5)); else par.Add(new Chunk("\n", f5)); if (ejecutarPago.Length > 1) par.Add(new Chunk(ejecutarPago[1] + "\n", f5)); else par.Add(new Chunk("\n", f5)); if (ejecutarPago.Length > 2) par.Add(new Chunk(ejecutarPago[2] + "\n", f5)); else par.Add(new Chunk("\n", f5)); if (ejecutarPago.Length > 3) par.Add(new Chunk(ejecutarPago[3] + "\n", f5)); else par.Add(new Chunk("\n", f5)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.Rowspan = 6; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Banco:", f5L)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 0f); if (pagoDatos.Length > 0) par.Add(new Chunk(pagoDatos[0], f5)); else par.Add(new Chunk("", f5)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Cliente:", f5L)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Receptor.Nombre.Value, f5)); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Cuenta:", f5L)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 0f); if (pagoDatos.Length > 1) par.Add(new Chunk(pagoDatos[1], f5)); else par.Add(new Chunk("", f5)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("No. Cliente:", f5L)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["clienteNo"].ToString(), f5)); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); //if (htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "B" || htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "D" || htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "J" || htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "L" || htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "N") //{ // cel = new Cell(new Phrase("", f5)); // cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; // cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; // cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; // cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; // cel.Colspan = 2; // pago.AddCell(cel); //} //else //{ // cel = new Cell(new Phrase("SWIFT:", f5L)); // cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; // cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; // cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; // cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; // cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; // pago.AddCell(cel); // cel = new Cell(new Phrase(pagoDatos[3], f5)); // cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; // cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; // cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; // cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; // pago.AddCell(cel); //} cel = new Cell(new Phrase("", f5L)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("", f5)); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Factura No:", f5L)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(htCFDI["serie"].ToString().ToUpper() + "-" + electronicDocument.Data.Folio.Value.ToString(), f5)); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Moneda:", f5L)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 0f); if (pagoDatos.Length > 4) par.Add(new Chunk(pagoDatos[4], f5)); else par.Add(new Chunk("", f5)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Fecha Factura", f5L)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); string[] fechaFactura = Convert.ToDateTime(objTimbre.FechaTimbrado.Value).GetDateTimeFormats('s'); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(DIA + "/" + MES + "/" + ANIO, f5)); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Beneficiario:", f5L)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 0f); if (pagoDatos.Length > 5) par.Add(new Chunk(pagoDatos[5], f5)); else par.Add(new Chunk("", f5)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Valor Total:", f5L)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Total.Value.ToString("C", _ci), f5)); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Dirección:", f5L)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; pago.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 0f); if (pagoDatos.Length > 4) par.Add(new Chunk(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["direccionPie"].ToString(), f5));//CE22 else par.Add(new Chunk("", f5)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; pago.AddCell(cel); //if (htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "C") //{ // cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Fecha Vencimiento:", f5L)); // cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; // cel.BorderColor = gris; // cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; // cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; // cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; // cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; // pago.AddCell(cel); // cel = new Cell(new Phrase(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["vencimiento"].ToString(), f5B)); // cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; // cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; // cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; // cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; // cel.BorderColor = gris; // pago.AddCell(cel); //} //else //{ // cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Moneda:", f5L)); // cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; // cel.BorderColor = gris; // cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; // cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; // cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; // cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; // pago.AddCell(cel); // cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Moneda.Value, f5)); // cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; // cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; // cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; // cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; // cel.BorderColor = gris; // pago.AddCell(cel); //} cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Moneda:", f5L)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Moneda.Value, f5)); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; pago.AddCell(cel); #endregion #region "Construimos Tabla del Footer" PdfPTable footer = new PdfPTable(1); footer.WidthPercentage = 100; footer.TotalWidth = document.PageSize.Width - document.LeftMargin - document.RightMargin; cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("", f5)); cell.BorderWidthTop = 0; cell.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cell.BorderWidthRight = 0; cell.BorderWidthBottom = 0; footer.AddCell(cell); cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("ESTE DOCUMENTO ES UNA REPRESENTACIÓN IMPRESA DE UN CFDI", titulo)); cell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cell.BackgroundColor = azul; cell.BorderWidthTop = 0; cell.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cell.BorderWidthRight = 0; cell.BorderWidthBottom = 0; footer.AddCell(cell); #endregion pageEventHandler.encabezado = encabezado; pageEventHandler.encPartidas = encabezadoPartidas; pageEventHandler.footer = footer; document.Open(); document.Add(partidas); document.Add(comentarios); document.Add(adicional); document.Add(pago); #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { string exe = ex.Message; } }
public static void formatoABCDIJKLM(Document document, ElectronicDocument electronicDocument, Data objTimbre, pdfPageEventHandlerPfizer pageEventHandler, Int64 idCfdi, DataTable dtEncabezado, DataTable dtDetalle, Hashtable htCFDI, HttpContext hc) { try { DAL dal = new DAL(); #region "Construimos el Documento" #region "Construimos el Encabezado" Table encabezado = new Table(7); float[] headerwidthsEncabezado = { 9, 18, 28, 28, 5, 7, 5 }; encabezado.Widths = headerwidthsEncabezado; encabezado.WidthPercentage = 100; encabezado.Padding = 1; encabezado.Spacing = 1; encabezado.BorderWidth = 0; encabezado.DefaultCellBorder = 0; encabezado.BorderColor = gris; //Agregando Imagen de Logotipo Image imgLogo = Image.GetInstance(pathIMGLOGO); imgLogo.ScalePercent(47f); par = new Paragraph(); par.KeepTogether = true; par.SetLeading(1f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk(imgLogo, 0, 0)); par.Add(new Chunk("", f6)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Rowspan = 5; cel.Colspan = 2; encabezado.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.KeepTogether = true; par.SetLeading(8f, 9f); par.Add(new Chunk(htCFDI["nombreEmisor"].ToString().ToUpper(), f6B)); par.Add(new Chunk("\nRFC " + htCFDI["rfcEmisor"].ToString().ToUpper(), f6)); par.Add(new Chunk("\n" + htCFDI["direccionEmisor1"].ToString().ToUpper(), f6)); par.Add(new Chunk("\n" + htCFDI["direccionEmisor2"].ToString().ToUpper(), f6)); par.Add(new Chunk("\n" + htCFDI["direccionEmisor3"].ToString().ToUpper(), f6)); par.Add(new Chunk("\nTel. (52) 55 5081-8500", f6)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Rowspan = 5; encabezado.AddCell(cel); StringBuilder expedido = new StringBuilder(); expedido. Append("Lugar de Expedición México DF\n"). Append(htCFDI["sucursal"]).Append("\n"). Append(htCFDI["direccionExpedido1"].ToString().ToUpper()).Append("\n"). Append(htCFDI["direccionExpedido2"].ToString().ToUpper()).Append("\n"). Append(htCFDI["direccionExpedido3"].ToString().ToUpper()).Append("\n"); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(expedido.ToString(), f6)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Rowspan = 4; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(htCFDI["tipoDoc"].ToString(), titulo)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(htCFDI["serie"].ToString().ToUpper() + electronicDocument.Data.Folio.Value, f6B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Día", f6B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Mes", f6B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Año", f6B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; encabezado.AddCell(cel); string[] fechaCFDI = Convert.ToDateTime(htCFDI["fechaCfdi"].ToString()).GetDateTimeFormats(); string HORAS = fechaCFDI[103]; string DIA = Convert.ToDateTime(htCFDI["fechaCfdi"]).Day.ToString(); string MES = Convert.ToDateTime(htCFDI["fechaCfdi"]).ToString("MMMM").ToUpper(); string ANIO = Convert.ToDateTime(htCFDI["fechaCfdi"]).Year.ToString(); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(DIA, f6)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(MES, f6)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(ANIO, f6)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("No. y Año de Aprobación: " + dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["NoAp"].ToString() + " " + dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["AnoAp"].ToString(), f6)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(HORAS, f6)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("CLIENTE", titulo)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Receptor.Nombre.Value, f6)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Termino Pago: " + electronicDocument.Data.CondicionesPago.Value, f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.KeepTogether = true; par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk("R.F.C. " + electronicDocument.Data.Receptor.Rfc.Value + "\n", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(htCFDI["direccionReceptor1"] + "\n", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(htCFDI["direccionReceptor2"] + "\n", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(htCFDI["direccionReceptor3"] + "\n", f5)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Rowspan = 5; cel.Colspan = 2; encabezado.AddCell(cel); #region "Consignado a" string nombreEntregado = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["ENTREGADO-A-NOMBRE"].ToString();//CE string calleEntregado = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["ENTREGADO-A-CALLE"].ToString();//CE 10, 11, 12 string coloniaEntregado = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["ENTREGADO-A-COLONIA"].ToString();//CE13 string cpEntregado = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["ENTREGADO-A-CP"].ToString();//CE18 string municEntregado = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["ENTREGADO-A-MUNIC"].ToString();//CE15 string estadoEntregado = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["ENTREGADO-A-ESTADO"].ToString();//CE16 string paisEntregado = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["ENTREGADO-A-PAIS"].ToString();//CE17 string localidadEntregado = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["ENTREGADO-A-LOCAL"].ToString();//CE14 string saltoEntregado = "\n"; string separador = ", "; string espacio = " "; if (nombreEntregado.Length > 0) nombreEntregado = nombreEntregado + saltoEntregado; else nombreEntregado = "" + saltoEntregado; if (calleEntregado.Length > 0) calleEntregado = calleEntregado + saltoEntregado; else calleEntregado = "" + saltoEntregado; if (coloniaEntregado.Length > 0) coloniaEntregado = coloniaEntregado + espacio; else coloniaEntregado = "" + espacio; if (cpEntregado.Length > 0) cpEntregado = ", CP " + cpEntregado + saltoEntregado; else cpEntregado = "" + separador + saltoEntregado; if (municEntregado.Length > 0) municEntregado = municEntregado + separador; else municEntregado = ""; if (localidadEntregado.Length > 0) localidadEntregado = localidadEntregado + saltoEntregado; else localidadEntregado = "" + saltoEntregado; if (estadoEntregado.Length > 0) estadoEntregado = estadoEntregado + espacio; else estadoEntregado = "" + espacio; if (paisEntregado.Length > 0) paisEntregado = paisEntregado + ""; else paisEntregado = ""; #endregion par = new Paragraph(); par.KeepTogether = true; par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk("Consignado a:\n", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk(calleEntregado, f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(coloniaEntregado, f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(cpEntregado, f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(municEntregado, f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(localidadEntregado, f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(estadoEntregado, f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(paisEntregado, f5)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Rowspan = 5; encabezado.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk("Cliente No:\n", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["clienteNo"].ToString(), f5)); par.Add(new Chunk("\nContacto:\n", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["contacto"].ToString(), f5)); par.Add(new Chunk("\nTeléfono:\n", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk("" + "\n", f5)); if (htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "C" || htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "D") { par.Add(new Chunk("Zona:\n", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["zona"].ToString(), f5)); } cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Rowspan = 5; encabezado.AddCell(cel); if (htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "C") { par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk("Vencimiento: ", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["vencimiento"].ToString(), f5B)); //CE27 cel = new Cell(par); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); } par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk("Moneda: ", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk(electronicDocument.Data.Moneda.Value, f5)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); if (htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "D" || htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "L" || htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "N") par.Add(new Chunk("Referencia: ", f5B)); else par.Add(new Chunk("Orden Compra: ", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["referencia"].ToString(), f5));//CE33 cel = new Cell(par); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); if (htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "N") { par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk("Fecha Referencia: ", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["fechaRefDoc"].ToString(), f5));//CE34 cel = new Cell(par); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); } par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk("Pedido: ", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["pedido"].ToString(), f5));//CE19 cel = new Cell(par); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk("División: ", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["division"].ToString(), f5));//CE20 cel = new Cell(par); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); #endregion #region "Construimos Tablas de Partidas" #region "Añadimos Detalle de Conceptos" // Creamos la tabla para insertar los conceptos de detalle de la factura StringBuilder sbOpcionalDetalle = new StringBuilder(); sbOpcionalDetalle. Append("SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY idCfdi ASC) AS numero, "). Append("campo1 AS codigoProducto, campo18 AS codigoBarras, "). Append("campo3 AS lote, campo5 AS fechaLote, campo4 AS cantidadLote "). Append("FROM opcionalDetalle "). Append("WHERE idCfdi = @0 "); DataTable dtOpcionalDetalle = dal.QueryDT("DS_FE", sbOpcionalDetalle.ToString(), "F:I:" + idCfdi, hc); // Obtenemos los conceptos guardados en el Xml int numConceptosXml = electronicDocument.Data.Conceptos.Count; // Debido a que no siempre hacen match el número de conceptos de xml con los de opcionalDetalle armamos un Hashtable // Armamos la tabla que contendra los conceptops finales a imprimir en el Pdf DataTable dtConceptosFinal = new DataTable(); dtConceptosFinal.Columns.Add("numero", typeof(int)); dtConceptosFinal.Columns.Add("codigoBarras", typeof(string)); dtConceptosFinal.Columns.Add("codigoProducto", typeof(string)); dtConceptosFinal.Columns.Add("lote", typeof(string)); dtConceptosFinal.Columns.Add("fechaLote", typeof(string)); dtConceptosFinal.Columns.Add("cantidadLote", typeof(string)); dtConceptosFinal.Columns.Add("descripcion", typeof(string)); dtConceptosFinal.Columns.Add("cantidad", typeof(double)); dtConceptosFinal.Columns.Add("unidadMedida", typeof(string)); dtConceptosFinal.Columns.Add("precioUnitario", typeof(double)); dtConceptosFinal.Columns.Add("importe", typeof(double)); int contConceptos = 1; foreach (DataRow rowConceptos in dtOpcionalDetalle.Rows) { for (int i = contConceptos; i <= numConceptosXml; i++) { object[] arrayConceptos = new object[11]; if (Convert.ToInt32(rowConceptos["numero"]) == i) { arrayConceptos[0] = Convert.ToInt32(rowConceptos["numero"]); arrayConceptos[1] = rowConceptos["codigoBarras"].ToString(); arrayConceptos[2] = rowConceptos["codigoProducto"].ToString(); arrayConceptos[3] = rowConceptos["lote"].ToString(); arrayConceptos[4] = rowConceptos["fechaLote"].ToString(); arrayConceptos[5] = rowConceptos["cantidadLote"].ToString(); arrayConceptos[6] = electronicDocument.Data.Conceptos[i - 1].Descripcion.Value; arrayConceptos[7] = electronicDocument.Data.Conceptos[i - 1].Cantidad.Value; arrayConceptos[8] = electronicDocument.Data.Conceptos[i - 1].Unidad.Value; arrayConceptos[9] = electronicDocument.Data.Conceptos[i - 1].ValorUnitario.Value; arrayConceptos[10] = electronicDocument.Data.Conceptos[i - 1].Importe.Value; } else { arrayConceptos[0] = 0; arrayConceptos[1] = string.Empty; arrayConceptos[2] = string.Empty; arrayConceptos[3] = string.Empty; arrayConceptos[4] = string.Empty; arrayConceptos[5] = string.Empty; arrayConceptos[6] = electronicDocument.Data.Conceptos[i - 1].Descripcion.Value; arrayConceptos[7] = electronicDocument.Data.Conceptos[i - 1].Cantidad.Value; arrayConceptos[8] = electronicDocument.Data.Conceptos[i - 1].Unidad.Value; arrayConceptos[9] = electronicDocument.Data.Conceptos[i - 1].ValorUnitario.Value; arrayConceptos[10] = electronicDocument.Data.Conceptos[i - 1].Importe.Value; } dtConceptosFinal.Rows.Add(arrayConceptos); break; } contConceptos++; } // Una vez llena la tabla final de conceptos procedemos a generar la tabla de detalle. #region"Tabla Detalle" Table encabezadoDetalle = new Table(7); float[] headerEncabezadoDetalle = { 5, 12, 11, 40, 9, 10, 12 }; encabezadoDetalle.Widths = headerEncabezadoDetalle; encabezadoDetalle.WidthPercentage = 100F; encabezadoDetalle.Padding = 1; encabezadoDetalle.Spacing = 1; encabezadoDetalle.BorderWidth = 0; encabezadoDetalle.DefaultCellBorder = 0; encabezadoDetalle.BorderColor = gris; // Número cel = new Cell(new Phrase("No", titulo)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; encabezadoDetalle.AddCell(cel); // Còdigo de Barras cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Cod. Barras", titulo)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; encabezadoDetalle.AddCell(cel); // Código cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Código", titulo)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; encabezadoDetalle.AddCell(cel); // Descripción cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Descripción", titulo)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; encabezadoDetalle.AddCell(cel); // Cantidad cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Cantidad", titulo)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; encabezadoDetalle.AddCell(cel); // Precio Unitario cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Precio Unitario", titulo)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; encabezadoDetalle.AddCell(cel); // Importe cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Importe", titulo)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; encabezadoDetalle.AddCell(cel); PdfPCell cell; PdfPTable tableConceptos = new PdfPTable(7); tableConceptos.SetWidths(new int[7] { 5, 12, 11, 40, 9, 10, 12 }); // tableConceptos.WidthPercentage = 91.5F; tableConceptos.WidthPercentage = 100F; Font fontLbl = new Font(Font.HELVETICA, 7, Font.BOLD, new Color(43, 145, 175)); Font fontVal = new Font(Font.HELVETICA, 7, Font.NORMAL); foreach (DataRow rowConceptos in dtConceptosFinal.Rows) { // Número cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(rowConceptos["numero"].ToString(), f5)); cell.BorderWidthTop = 0; cell.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cell.BorderWidthRight = 0; cell.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cell.BorderColor = gris; cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; tableConceptos.AddCell(cell); // Código de Barras cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(rowConceptos["codigoBarras"].ToString(), f5)); cell.BorderWidthTop = 0; cell.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cell.BorderWidthRight = 0; cell.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cell.BorderColor = gris; cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; tableConceptos.AddCell(cell); // Código de Producto cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(rowConceptos["codigoProducto"].ToString(), f5)); cell.BorderWidthTop = 0; cell.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cell.BorderWidthRight = 0; cell.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cell.BorderColor = gris; cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; tableConceptos.AddCell(cell); // Tabla de Descripción PdfPTable tableDesc = new PdfPTable(3); tableDesc.WidthPercentage = 100; // Descripción cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(rowConceptos["descripcion"].ToString(), f5)); cell.Border = 0; cell.NoWrap = true; cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cell.Colspan = 3; tableDesc.AddCell(cell); // Lote //Phrase pLote = new Phrase(); //Chunk cLoteLbl = new Chunk("Lote : \n", fontLbl); //Chunk cLoteVal = new Chunk(rowConceptos["lote"].ToString().Replace("*", "\n"), fontVal); //pLote.Add(cLoteLbl); //pLote.Add(cLoteVal); //par.KeepTogether = true; //par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par = new Paragraph(); par.Add(new Chunk("Lote\n\n", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(rowConceptos["lote"].ToString().Replace("*", "\n"), f5)); cell = new PdfPCell(par); cell.Border = 0; cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; tableDesc.AddCell(cell); //// Cantidad //Phrase pCantidad = new Phrase(); //Chunk cCantidadLbl = new Chunk("Cantidad\n", fontLbl); //Chunk cCantidadVal = new Chunk(rowConceptos["cantidadLote"].ToString().Replace("*", "\n"), fontVal); //pCantidad.Add(cCantidadLbl); //pCantidad.Add(cCantidadVal); //cell = new PdfPCell(pCantidad); //cell.Border = 1; //cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; //cell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; //tableDesc.AddCell(cell); par = new Paragraph(); par.Add(new Chunk("Cantidad\n\n", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(rowConceptos["cantidadLote"].ToString().Replace("*", "\n"), f5)); cell = new PdfPCell(par); cell.Border = 0; cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; tableDesc.AddCell(cell); //// Fecha Lote //Phrase pFecLote = new Phrase(); //Chunk cFecLoteLbl; //Chunk cFecLoteVal; par = new Paragraph(); //if (electronicDocument.Data.Serie.Value == "C" || electronicDocument.Data.Serie.Value == "D" || electronicDocument.Data.Serie.Value == "K" || electronicDocument.Data.Serie.Value == "L" || electronicDocument.Data.Serie.Value == "M" || electronicDocument.Data.Serie.Value == "N") //{ // par.Add(new Chunk("", fontLbl)); // par.Add(new Chunk("", fontVal)); // //cFecLoteLbl = new Chunk("11", fontLbl); // //cFecLoteVal = new Chunk("22", fontVal); //} //else if (electronicDocument.Data.Serie.Value == "A") { par.Add(new Chunk("Expiración\n\n", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(rowConceptos["fechaLote"].ToString().Replace("*", "\n"), f5)); //cFecLoteLbl = new Chunk("Fecha Lote : ", fontLbl); //cFecLoteVal = new Chunk(rowConceptos["fechaLote"].ToString().Replace("*", "\n"), fontVal); } else { par.Add(new Chunk("")); par.Add(new Chunk("", f5)); //cFecLoteLbl = new Chunk("Fecha Lote : ", fontLbl); //cFecLoteVal = new Chunk(rowConceptos["fechaLote"].ToString().Replace("*", "\n"), fontVal); } //pFecLote.Add(cFecLoteLbl); //pFecLote.Add(cFecLoteVal); cell = new PdfPCell(par); cell.Border = 0; cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; tableDesc.AddCell(cell); // Número de Cantidad cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("")); cell.Border = 0; cell.Colspan = 3; cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; tableDesc.AddCell(cell); cell = new PdfPCell(tableDesc); cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cell.BorderWidthTop = 0; cell.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cell.BorderWidthRight = 0; cell.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cell.BorderColor = gris; tableConceptos.AddCell(cell); // Cantidad cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(rowConceptos["cantidad"] + " " + rowConceptos["unidadMedida"], f5)); cell.BorderWidthTop = 0; cell.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cell.BorderWidthRight = 0; cell.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cell.BorderColor = gris; cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; tableConceptos.AddCell(cell); // Precio Unitario cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(Convert.ToDouble(rowConceptos["precioUnitario"]).ToString("C", _ci), f5)); cell.BorderWidthTop = 0; cell.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cell.BorderWidthRight = 0; cell.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cell.BorderColor = gris; cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; tableConceptos.AddCell(cell); // Importe cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(Convert.ToDouble(rowConceptos["importe"]).ToString("C", _ci), f5)); cell.BorderWidthTop = 0; cell.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cell.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cell.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cell.BorderColor = gris; cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; tableConceptos.AddCell(cell); } #endregion #endregion #endregion #region "Construimos el Comentarios" Table comentarios = new Table(7); float[] headerwidthsComentarios = { 9, 18, 28, 28, 7, 5, 5 }; comentarios.Widths = headerwidthsComentarios; comentarios.WidthPercentage = 100; comentarios.Padding = 1; comentarios.Spacing = 1; comentarios.BorderWidth = 0; comentarios.DefaultCellBorder = 0; comentarios.BorderColor = gris; cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Cantidad:", f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Rowspan = 3; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["cantidadLetra"].ToString(), f5));//CE26 cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; cel.Rowspan = 3; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Sub Total", f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.SubTotal.Value.ToString("C", _ci), f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 2; comentarios.AddCell(cel); double importe = 0; double tasa = 0; for (int i = 0; i < electronicDocument.Data.Impuestos.Traslados.Count; i++) { if (electronicDocument.Data.Impuestos.Traslados[i].Tipo.Value == "IVA") { importe = electronicDocument.Data.Impuestos.Traslados[i].Importe.Value; tasa = electronicDocument.Data.Impuestos.Traslados[i].Tasa.Value; break; } } cel = new Cell(new Phrase("IVA " + tasa + " %", f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Impuestos.TotalTraslados.Value.ToString("C", _ci), f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 2; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Total", f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Total.Value.ToString("C", _ci), f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 2; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Observaciones:", f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["observaciones"].ToString(), f5)); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 6; comentarios.AddCell(cel); #endregion #region "Construimos Tabla Especial" Table especial = new Table(5); float[] headerwidthsEspecial = { 20, 20, 20, 20, 20 }; especial.Widths = headerwidthsEspecial; especial.WidthPercentage = 100; especial.Padding = 1; especial.Spacing = 1; especial.BorderWidth = 0; especial.DefaultCellBorder = 0; especial.BorderColor = blanco; cel = new Cell(new Phrase("", f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = blanco; cel.Colspan = 5; especial.AddCell(cel); #endregion #region "Construimos Tabla de Datos CFDI" DefaultSplitCharacter split = new DefaultSplitCharacter(); Table adicional = new Table(3); float[] headerwidthsAdicional = { 20, 25, 55 }; adicional.Widths = headerwidthsAdicional; adicional.WidthPercentage = 100; adicional.Padding = 1; adicional.Spacing = 1; adicional.BorderWidth = (float).5; adicional.DefaultCellBorder = 1; adicional.BorderColor = gris; if (timbrar) { #region "Generamos Quick Response Code" byte[] bytesQRCode = new byte[0]; if (timbrar) { // Generamos el Quick Response Code (QRCode) string re = electronicDocument.Data.Emisor.Rfc.Value; string rr = electronicDocument.Data.Receptor.Rfc.Value; string tt = String.Format("{0:F6}", electronicDocument.Data.Total.Value); string id = objTimbre.Uuid.Value; StringBuilder sbCadenaQRCode = new StringBuilder(); sbCadenaQRCode. Append("?"). Append("re=").Append(re). Append("&"). Append("rr=").Append(rr). Append("&"). Append("tt=").Append(tt). Append("&"). Append("id=").Append(id); BarcodeLib.Barcode.QRCode.QRCode barcode = new BarcodeLib.Barcode.QRCode.QRCode(); barcode.Data = sbCadenaQRCode.ToString(); barcode.ModuleSize = 3; barcode.LeftMargin = 0; barcode.RightMargin = 10; barcode.TopMargin = 0; barcode.BottomMargin = 0; barcode.Encoding = BarcodeLib.Barcode.QRCode.QRCodeEncoding.Auto; barcode.Version = BarcodeLib.Barcode.QRCode.QRCodeVersion.Auto; barcode.ECL = BarcodeLib.Barcode.QRCode.ErrorCorrectionLevel.L; bytesQRCode = barcode.drawBarcodeAsBytes(); } #endregion Image imageQRCode = Image.GetInstance(bytesQRCode); imageQRCode.Alignment = (Image.TEXTWRAP | Image.ALIGN_LEFT); imageQRCode.ScaleToFit(90f, 90f); imageQRCode.IndentationLeft = 9f; imageQRCode.SpacingAfter = 9f; imageQRCode.BorderColorTop = Color.WHITE; cel = new Cell(imageQRCode); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Rowspan = 6; adicional.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 0f); par.Add(new Chunk("SELLO DIGITAL DEL EMISOR\n", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(electronicDocument.Data.Sello.Value, f5).SetSplitCharacter(split)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.Colspan = 2; adicional.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("FOLIO FISCAL:", f5L)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; adicional.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(objTimbre.Uuid.Value, f5)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; adicional.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("FECHA Y HORA DE CERTIFICACION:", f5L)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; adicional.AddCell(cel); string[] fechaTimbrado = Convert.ToDateTime(objTimbre.FechaTimbrado.Value).GetDateTimeFormats('s'); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(fechaTimbrado[0], f5)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; adicional.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("No. DE SERIE DEL CERTIFICADO DEL SAT:", f5L)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; adicional.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(objTimbre.NumeroCertificadoSat.Value, f5)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; adicional.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("No. DE SERIE DEL CERTIFICADO DEL EMISOR:", f5L)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; adicional.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.NumeroCertificado.Value, f5)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; adicional.AddCell(cel); string lbRegimen = "REGIMEN FISCAL APLICABLE: "; StringBuilder regimenes = new StringBuilder(); if (electronicDocument.Data.Emisor.Regimenes.IsAssigned) { for (int i = 0; i < electronicDocument.Data.Emisor.Regimenes.Count; i++) { regimenes.Append(electronicDocument.Data.Emisor.Regimenes[i].Regimen.Value).Append("\n"); } } else { regimenes.Append(""); lbRegimen = ""; } string cuenta = electronicDocument.Data.NumeroCuentaPago.IsAssigned ? electronicDocument.Data.NumeroCuentaPago.Value : ""; par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 0f); par.Add(new Chunk("TIPO DE COMPROBANTE: ", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(electronicDocument.Data.TipoComprobante.Value + " | ", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk("Moneda: ", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(electronicDocument.Data.Moneda.Value + " | ", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk("TASA DE CAMBIO: ", f5L)); string tasaCambio = electronicDocument.Data.TipoCambio.Value; if (tasaCambio.Length > 0) { par.Add(new Chunk(Convert.ToDouble(tasaCambio).ToString("C", _ci) + " | ", f5)); } else { par.Add(new Chunk(" | ", f5)); } par.Add(new Chunk("FORMA DE PAGO: ", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(electronicDocument.Data.FormaPago.Value + "\n", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk("MÉTODO DE PAGO: ", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(electronicDocument.Data.MetodoPago.Value + " | ", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk("NÚMERO DE CUENTA: ", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(cuenta + " | ", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(lbRegimen, f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(regimenes.ToString(), f5)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Colspan = 2; cel.BorderColor = gris; adicional.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 0f); par.Add(new Chunk("CADENA ORIGINAL DEL COMPLEMENTO DE CERTIFICACIÓN DIGITAL DEL SAT\n", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(electronicDocument.FingerPrintPac, f5).SetSplitCharacter(split)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.Colspan = 3; adicional.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.KeepTogether = true; par.SetLeading(7f, 0f); par.Add(new Chunk("SELLO DIGITAL DEL SAT\n", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(objTimbre.SelloSat.Value, f5).SetSplitCharacter(split)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Colspan = 3; adicional.AddCell(cel); } #endregion #region "Construimos Tabla Adicional Datos de Pago" Table pago = new Table(5); float[] headerwidthsPago = { 40, 10, 20, 10, 20 }; pago.Widths = headerwidthsPago; pago.WidthPercentage = 100; pago.Padding = 1; pago.Spacing = 1; pago.BorderWidth = (float).5; pago.DefaultCellBorder = 1; pago.BorderColor = gris; cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Para ejecutar su pago para consultas", f5L)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Para efectuar su pago", f5L)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Colspan = 2; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Información del Cliente", f5L)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Colspan = 2; pago.AddCell(cel); string[] ejecutarPago = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["paraConsultas"].ToString().Split(new Char[] { '*' });//CE23 string[] pagoDatos = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["efectuarPago"].ToString().Split(new Char[] { '*' });//CE21 par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 0f); if (ejecutarPago.Length > 0) par.Add(new Chunk(ejecutarPago[0] + "\n", f5)); else par.Add(new Chunk("\n", f5)); if (ejecutarPago.Length > 1) par.Add(new Chunk(ejecutarPago[1] + "\n", f5)); else par.Add(new Chunk("\n", f5)); if (ejecutarPago.Length > 2) par.Add(new Chunk(ejecutarPago[2] + "\n", f5)); else par.Add(new Chunk("\n", f5)); if (ejecutarPago.Length > 3) par.Add(new Chunk(ejecutarPago[3] + "\n", f5)); else par.Add(new Chunk("\n", f5)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.Rowspan = 6; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Banco:", f5L)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 0f); if (pagoDatos.Length > 0) par.Add(new Chunk(pagoDatos[0], f5)); else par.Add(new Chunk("", f5)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Cliente:", f5L)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Receptor.Nombre.Value, f5)); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Cuenta:", f5L)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 0f); if (pagoDatos.Length > 1) par.Add(new Chunk(pagoDatos[1], f5)); else par.Add(new Chunk("", f5)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("No. Cliente:", f5L)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["clienteNo"].ToString(), f5)); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); if (htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "B" || htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "D" || htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "J" || htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "L" || htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "N") { cel = new Cell(new Phrase("", f5)); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Colspan = 2; pago.AddCell(cel); } else { cel = new Cell(new Phrase("SWIFT:", f5L)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); if (pagoDatos.Length > 3) cel = new Cell(new Phrase(pagoDatos[3], f5)); else cel = new Cell(new Phrase("", f5)); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); } cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Factura No:", f5L)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(htCFDI["serie"].ToString().ToUpper() + "-" + electronicDocument.Data.Folio.Value.ToString(), f5)); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Moneda:", f5L)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 0f); if (pagoDatos.Length > 4) par.Add(new Chunk(pagoDatos[4], f5)); else par.Add(new Chunk("", f5)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Fecha Factura", f5L)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); string[] fechaFactura = Convert.ToDateTime(objTimbre.FechaTimbrado.Value).GetDateTimeFormats('s'); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(DIA + "/" + MES + "/" + ANIO, f5)); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Beneficiario:", f5L)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 0f); if (pagoDatos.Length > 5) par.Add(new Chunk(pagoDatos[5], f5)); else par.Add(new Chunk("", f5)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Valor Total:", f5L)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Total.Value.ToString("C", _ci), f5)); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Dirección:", f5L)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; pago.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 0f); if (pagoDatos.Length > 4) par.Add(new Chunk(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["direccionPie"].ToString(), f5));//CE22 else par.Add(new Chunk("", f5)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; pago.AddCell(cel); if (htCFDI["serie"].ToString() == "C") { cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Fecha Vencimiento:", f5L)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["vencimiento"].ToString(), f5B)); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; pago.AddCell(cel); } else { cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Moneda:", f5L)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; pago.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Moneda.Value, f5)); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; pago.AddCell(cel); } #endregion #region "Construimos Tabla del Footer" PdfPTable footer = new PdfPTable(1); footer.WidthPercentage = 100; footer.TotalWidth = document.PageSize.Width - document.LeftMargin - document.RightMargin; cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("", f5)); cell.BorderWidthTop = 0; cell.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cell.BorderWidthRight = 0; cell.BorderWidthBottom = 0; footer.AddCell(cell); cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("ESTE DOCUMENTO ES UNA REPRESENTACIÓN IMPRESA DE UN CFDI", titulo)); cell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cell.BackgroundColor = azul; cell.BorderWidthTop = 0; cell.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cell.BorderWidthRight = 0; cell.BorderWidthBottom = 0; footer.AddCell(cell); #endregion pageEventHandler.encabezado = encabezado; pageEventHandler.encPartidas = encabezadoDetalle; pageEventHandler.footer = footer; document.Open(); document.Add(tableConceptos); document.Add(comentarios); document.Add(especial); document.Add(adicional); document.Add(pago); #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { string exe = ex.Message; } }
protected void GeneratePDF() { // Refresh the summary grid else there will be nothing to generate (no postback) this.PopulateGrid(); // Create and initialize a new document object iTextSharp.text.Document document = new iTextSharp.text.Document(iTextSharp.text.PageSize.LEGAL, 24, 24, 24, 24); document.PageSize.Rotate(); System.IO.MemoryStream memoryStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); try { // Create an instance of the writer object iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter writer = iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, memoryStream); // Add some meta information to the document Label lblPageTitle = (Label)(this.Page.Master.FindControl("lblDefaultMasterPageTitle")); document.AddAuthor(lblPageTitle.Text); document.AddSubject(this.lblReportTitle.Text); // Open the document document.Open(); // Create a table to match our current summary grid iTextSharp.text.Table table = null; if (this.DateRangeType == DateRangeTypes.UserSpecified) table = new iTextSharp.text.Table(6); else if (this.DateRangeType == DateRangeTypes.Daily) table = new iTextSharp.text.Table(7); else table = new iTextSharp.text.Table(8); table.TableFitsPage = true; // Apply spacing/padding/borders/column widths to the table table.Padding = 2; table.Spacing = 0; table.DefaultCellBorderWidth = 1; if (this.DateRangeType == DateRangeTypes.UserSpecified) { float[] headerwidths1 = { 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30 }; table.Widths = headerwidths1; } else if (this.DateRangeType == DateRangeTypes.Daily) { float[] headerwidths2 = { 40, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30 }; table.Widths = headerwidths2; } else { float[] headerwidths3 = { 40, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 35 }; table.Widths = headerwidths3; } table.Width = 100; // Add report title spanning all columns iTextSharp.text.Font titleFont = new iTextSharp.text.Font(Font.GetFamilyIndex("Tahoma"), 6, Font.BOLD); titleFont.Color = new iTextSharp.text.Color(System.Drawing.Color.Firebrick); iTextSharp.text.Cell titleCell = new iTextSharp.text.Cell(); titleCell.SetHorizontalAlignment("Left"); titleCell.SetVerticalAlignment("Top"); titleCell.BackgroundColor = new iTextSharp.text.Color(System.Drawing.Color.White); 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} // Generate formatted phrase for cell. switch (col.ColumnName) { case "SummaryDate": case "MaxDate": phrase = String.Format("{0,10:MM/dd/yyyy}", row[col]); break; case "AvgSecs": case "StdDevSecs": phrase = String.Format("{0:F2}", row[col]); break; case "FormIDCount": phrase = String.Format("{0:G}", row[col]); break; default: phrase = row[col].ToString(); break; } cell.AddElement(new iTextSharp.text.Phrase(phrase, cellFont)); table.AddCell(cell); } } // Add the table to the document document.Add(table); // Close the document document.Close(); // Show the document Response.Clear(); Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + Enum.GetName(typeof(DateRangeTypes), this.DateRangeType) + "Performance" + ((DropDownList)this.Page.Master.FindControl("ddlReport")).SelectedItem.Text.Replace(" ", String.Empty) + ".pdf"); Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"; Response.BinaryWrite(memoryStream.ToArray()); Response.End(); } catch (Exception xcptn) { Response.Write(xcptn.Message); 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/** * Imports the Cell properties into the RtfCell * * @param cell The Cell to import */ private void ImportCell(Cell cell) { this.content = new ArrayList(); if (cell == null) { this.borders = new RtfBorderGroup(this.document, RtfBorder.CELL_BORDER, this.parentRow.GetParentTable().GetBorders()); return; } this.colspan = cell.Colspan; this.rowspan = cell.Rowspan; if (cell.Rowspan > 1) { this.mergeType = MERGE_VERT_PARENT; } if (cell is RtfCell) { this.borders = new RtfBorderGroup(this.document, RtfBorder.CELL_BORDER, ((RtfCell) cell).GetBorders()); } else { this.borders = new RtfBorderGroup(this.document, RtfBorder.CELL_BORDER, cell.Border, cell.BorderWidth, cell.BorderColor); } this.verticalAlignment = cell.VerticalAlignment; if (cell.BackgroundColor == null) { this.backgroundColor = new RtfColor(this.document, 255, 255, 255); } else { this.backgroundColor = new RtfColor(this.document, cell.BackgroundColor); } this.cellPadding = (int) this.parentRow.GetParentTable().GetCellPadding(); Paragraph container = null; foreach (IElement element in cell.Elements) { try { // should we wrap it in a paragraph if (!(element is Paragraph) && !(element is List)) { if (container != null) { container.Add(element); } else { container = new Paragraph(); container.Alignment = cell.HorizontalAlignment; container.Add(element); } } else { if (container != null) { IRtfBasicElement[] rtfElements = this.document.GetMapper().MapElement(container); for (int i = 0; i < rtfElements.Length; i++) { rtfElements[i].SetInTable(true); this.content.Add(rtfElements[i]); } container = null; } // if horizontal alignment is undefined overwrite // with that of enclosing cell if (element is Paragraph && ((Paragraph) element).Alignment == Element.ALIGN_UNDEFINED) { ((Paragraph) element).Alignment = cell.HorizontalAlignment; } IRtfBasicElement[] rtfElements2 = this.document.GetMapper().MapElement(element); for (int i = 0; i < rtfElements2.Length; i++) { rtfElements2[i].SetInTable(true); this.content.Add(rtfElements2[i]); } } } catch (DocumentException) { } } if (container != null) { try { IRtfBasicElement[] rtfElements = this.document.GetMapper().MapElement(container); for (int i = 0; i < rtfElements.Length; i++) { rtfElements[i].SetInTable(true); this.content.Add(rtfElements[i]); } } catch (DocumentException) { } } }
public void GenerateXMLReport() { try { this.doc.Open(); RenderLogo(); //RenderHeaderAddress(); RenderReportJobInfo(); RenderProjectsReports(); #region Add Details Table float[] DetailsHeaderwidths = this.Headerwidths; // percentage iTextSharp.text.Table JobDetailstable = new iTextSharp.text.Table(DetailsHeaderwidths.Length); JobDetailstable.Padding = 1; JobDetailstable.DefaultCell.BorderWidth = 1; JobDetailstable.Widths = DetailsHeaderwidths; JobDetailstable.WidthPercentage = 100; JobDetailstable.DefaultCell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; JobDetailstable.DefaultCell.BackgroundColor = Color.LIGHT_GRAY; foreach (var x in this.ColList) { JobDetailstable.AddCell(new Phrase(x, fntHeading)); } JobDetailstable.EndHeaders(); Font myDetailFont = fntDetails; foreach (var x in this.ReportRows) { for (int i = 0; i < ColList.Count; i++) { JobDetailstable.DefaultCell.BackgroundColor = Color.WHITE; if(x.row[i].type == CellType.Number) JobDetailstable.DefaultCell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; else JobDetailstable.DefaultCell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; JobDetailstable.AddCell(new Phrase(x.row[i].value, myDetailFont)); } } JobDetailstable.DefaultCell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; Cell cell = new Cell(new Paragraph("Total", myDetailFont)); cell.BackgroundColor = Color.LIGHT_GRAY; cell.BorderWidth = 1; cell.Colspan = 3; JobDetailstable.AddCell(cell); JobDetailstable.DefaultCell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; JobDetailstable.DefaultCell.BackgroundColor = Color.LIGHT_GRAY; JobDetailstable.AddCell(new Phrase(this.total, myDetailFont)); doc.Add(JobDetailstable); #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { //MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message); } doc.Close(); writer.Close(); }
public Table( int cols, int rows, Alignment align ) { Cells = new Cell[cols, rows]; ColsCount = cols; RowsCount = rows; Align = align; InitRelativeColumnWidths( cols ); }
/** * Sets the merge type and the <code>RtfCell</code> with which this * <code>RtfCell</code> is to be merged. * * @param mergeType The merge type specifies the kind of merge to be applied * (MERGE_HORIZ_PREV, MERGE_VERT_PREV, MERGE_BOTH_PREV) * @param mergeCell The <code>RtfCell</code> that the cell at x and y is to * be merged with */ public void SetMerge(int mergeType, RtfCell mergeCell) { this.mergeType = mergeType; store = mergeCell.GetStore(); }
/** * Import a <code>Cell</code>. * <P> * @param cell The <code>Cell</code> containing the data for this * <code>RtfCell</code> * @param cellLeft The position of the left border * @param cellWidth The default width of a cell * @param x The column index of this <code>RtfCell</code> * @param y The row index of this <code>RtfCell</code> * @param cellpadding the cellpadding * @return the position of the right side of the cell */ public int ImportCell(Cell cell, int cellLeft, int cellWidth, int x, int y, int cellpadding) { this.cellpadding = cellpadding; // set this value in any case this.cellWidth = cellWidth; if (cell == null) { cellRight = cellLeft + cellWidth; return cellRight; } if (cell.CellWidth != null && !cell.CellWidth.Equals("")) { this.cellWidth = (int)(int.Parse(cell.CellWidth) * RtfWriter.TWIPSFACTOR); } cellRight = cellLeft + this.cellWidth; store = cell; emptyCell = false; if (cell.Colspan > 1) { if (cell.Rowspan > 1) { mergeType = MERGE_BOTH_FIRST; for (int i = y; i < y + cell.Rowspan; i++) { if (i > y) mainTable.SetMerge(x, i, MERGE_VERT_PREV, this); for (int j = x + 1; j < x + cell.Colspan; j++) { mainTable.SetMerge(j, i, MERGE_BOTH_PREV, this); } } } else { mergeType = MERGE_HORIZ_FIRST; for (int i = x + 1; i < x + cell.Colspan; i++) { mainTable.SetMerge(i, y, MERGE_HORIZ_PREV, this); } } } else if (cell.Rowspan > 1) { mergeType = MERGE_VERT_FIRST; for (int i = y + 1; i < y + cell.Rowspan; i++) { mainTable.SetMerge(x, i, MERGE_VERT_PREV, this); } } return cellRight; }
// methods /// <summary> /// Sets the unset cell properties to be the table defaults. /// </summary> /// <param name="aCell">The cell to set to table defaults as necessary.</param> private void AssumeTableDefaults(Cell aCell) { if (aCell.Border == Rectangle.UNDEFINED) { aCell.Border = defaultCell.Border; } if (aCell.BorderWidth == Rectangle.UNDEFINED) { aCell.BorderWidth = defaultCell.BorderWidth; } if (aCell.BorderColor == null) { aCell.BorderColor = defaultCell.BorderColor; } if (aCell.BackgroundColor == null) { aCell.BackgroundColor = defaultCell.BackgroundColor; } if (aCell.HorizontalAlignment == Element.ALIGN_UNDEFINED) { aCell.HorizontalAlignment = defaultCell.HorizontalAlignment; } if (aCell.VerticalAlignment == Element.ALIGN_UNDEFINED) { aCell.VerticalAlignment = defaultCell.VerticalAlignment; } }
/** * Constructs a RtfCell based on a Cell. * * @param doc The RtfDocument this RtfCell belongs to * @param row The RtfRow this RtfCell lies in * @param cell The Cell to base this RtfCell on */ protected internal RtfCell(RtfDocument doc, RtfRow row, Cell cell) { this.document = doc; this.parentRow = row; ImportCell(cell); }
public void SetCell( int col, int row, Phrase phrase ) { Cells[col, row] = new Cell( phrase ); }
public PrinterJob Build(ReportType reportType, int copies) { var reportConfig = Managers.PrintingManager.ReportConfig; var logger = Managers.PrintingManager.Logger; logger.LogVerbose(Message.Common_DebugCall); _totalPagesCount = 0; _currentPageNumber = 0; var fileName = FileUtils.GetUniqueName( Managers.FileSystemManager.GetDataDirectoryPath(FileType.Report), String.Format("{0}.{1:yyyyMMdd}.", "PrintJob", DateTime.Now), "pdf", 6); var filePath = Path.Combine(Managers.FileSystemManager.GetDataDirectoryPath(FileType.Report), fileName); using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { try { _pdfDocument = new Document(PageSize.A4); _pdfDocument.ClaspFooter = ClaspFooter; PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(_pdfDocument, stream); writer.PageEvent = new PdfEventHelper(this); _pdfDocument.SetMargins(Margins[0], Margins[1], Margins[2], Margins[3]); var fontFileName = Path.Combine(reportConfig.Font.Path, TemplateFont.ToString().ToLower() + FONT_FILE_EXTENSION); BaseFont baseFont = BaseFont.CreateFont(fontFileName, FONT_CODEPAGE, true); _font = new Font(baseFont, _defaultFontSize, Font.NORMAL); if (Headers.ContainsKey(PageSection.PageHeader) && Headers[PageSection.PageHeader].Count > 0) { logger.LogVerbose(Message.PrintingPdfBuilderStartEvent, "Создание PageHeader"); var head = new HeaderFooter(MakeParagraph(Headers[PageSection.PageHeader]), false); head.Border = Border; _pdfDocument.Header = head; logger.LogVerbose(Message.PrintingPdfBuilderEndEvent, "Создание PageHeader"); } if (Headers.ContainsKey(PageSection.PageFooter) && Headers[PageSection.PageFooter].Count > 0) { logger.LogVerbose(Message.PrintingPdfBuilderStartEvent, "Создание PageFooter"); Paragraph footParagraph = MakeParagraph(Headers[PageSection.PageFooter]); if (PageNumbered) { footParagraph.Add(new Phrase(Chunk.NEWLINE)); footParagraph.Add(new Phrase(Chunk.NEWLINE)); } var foot = new HeaderFooter(footParagraph, false); foot.Border = Border; _pdfDocument.Footer = foot; logger.LogVerbose(Message.PrintingPdfBuilderEndEvent, "Создание PageFooter"); } try { _pdfDocument.Open(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Ошибка формирования PDF", ex); } if (Headers.ContainsKey(PageSection.Header)) { logger.LogVerbose(Message.PrintingPdfBuilderStartEvent, "Создание Header"); _pdfDocument.Add(MakeParagraph(Headers[PageSection.Header])); logger.LogVerbose(Message.PrintingPdfBuilderEndEvent, "Создание Header"); } if (Data != null) { int dataTablesCount = Data.Tables.Cast<DataTable>().Count(table => !table.TableName.StartsWith("C")); for (int tableIndex = 0; tableIndex < dataTablesCount; tableIndex++) { float tableFactor = (_pdfDocument.Right - _pdfDocument.Left) / 100; string tableName = tableIndex.ToString(); logger.LogVerbose(Message.PrintingPdfBuilderStartEvent, "Создание Таблицы " + tableName); if (Data.Tables.Contains(tableName) && Data.Tables[tableName] != null) { var currentTable = Data.Tables[tableName]; int serviceColumnCount = currentTable.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>().Count( c => c.ColumnName.StartsWith(ServiceTableColumns.SERVICE_COLUMN_PREFIX)); int dataColumns = currentTable.Columns.Count - serviceColumnCount; if (currentTable.Rows.Count > 0) { Table tbl = MakeTable(dataColumns, currentTable.Rows.Count); foreach (DataRow row in currentTable.Rows) { if (((ServiceMode)row[ServiceTableColumns.ServiceMode] & ServiceMode.ResetPageCounter) > 0) { _currentPageNumber = 0; } TableDotted = (bool)row[ServiceTableColumns.IsTableDotted]; if (((ServiceMode)row[ServiceTableColumns.ServiceMode] & ServiceMode.PageBreak) > 0) { if (row == currentTable.Rows.Cast<DataRow>().Last() && !Data.Tables.Contains((tableIndex + 1).ToString())) continue; _pdfDocument.Add(tbl); _pdfDocument.NewPage(); tbl = MakeTable(dataColumns, currentTable.Rows.Count); } var colLines = new string[dataColumns]; var colWidths = new float[dataColumns]; var colAligns = new LineAlign?[dataColumns]; int fontSize = _defaultFontSize; bool bold = false; bool italic = false; LineAlign lineAlign = LineAlign.Left; for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < currentTable.Columns.Count; columnIndex++) { switch (currentTable.Columns[columnIndex].ColumnName) { case ServiceTableColumns.FontSize: fontSize = (int)(row.ItemArray[columnIndex]); break; case ServiceTableColumns.IsBold: bold = (bool)(row.ItemArray[columnIndex]); break; case ServiceTableColumns.IsItalic: italic = (bool)(row.ItemArray[columnIndex]); break; case ServiceTableColumns.Align: lineAlign = (LineAlign)(row.ItemArray[columnIndex]); break; default: if (!currentTable.Columns[columnIndex] .ColumnName.StartsWith(ServiceTableColumns.SERVICE_COLUMN_PREFIX)) { colLines[columnIndex] = row.ItemArray[columnIndex].ToString(); if (Data.Tables["C" + tableIndex] != null) { DataRow[] columnProps = Data.Tables["C" + tableIndex] .Select(ServiceTableColumns.Name + " = '" + currentTable.Columns[columnIndex].ColumnName + "'"); if (columnProps.Length > 0) { colWidths[columnIndex] = (int)columnProps[0][ServiceTableColumns.Width]; if (columnProps[0][ServiceTableColumns.Align] != DBNull.Value) { colAligns[columnIndex] = (LineAlign)columnProps[0][ServiceTableColumns.Align]; } } } } break; } } Font tempFont = GetFont(fontSize, bold, italic, baseFont); var cellLeading = (float)Math.Round(tempFont.Size * DBL_LEADING_FONT); tbl.Widths = colWidths; for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < dataColumns; columnIndex++) { float cellWidth = tableFactor * colWidths[columnIndex]; colLines[columnIndex] = TextAlign( colLines[columnIndex], tempFont, colAligns[columnIndex] ?? lineAlign, cellWidth, (row != currentTable.Rows.Cast<DataRow>().First() && TableDotted) ? '.' : ' '); var cell = new Cell(new Phrase(cellLeading, colLines[columnIndex], tempFont)) { Border = Border, Leading = cellLeading, }; tbl.AddCell(cell); } } logger.LogVerbose(Message.PrintingPdfBuilderEndEvent, "Создание Таблицы " + tableName); logger.LogVerbose(Message.PrintingPdfBuilderStartEvent, "Добавление Таблицы " + tableName); _pdfDocument.Add(tbl); logger.LogVerbose(Message.PrintingPdfBuilderEndEvent, "Добавление Таблицы " + tableName); } } } } if (Headers.ContainsKey(PageSection.Footer) && Headers[PageSection.Footer].Count > 0) { logger.LogVerbose(Message.PrintingPdfBuilderStartEvent, "Создание Footer"); _pdfDocument.Add(new Phrase(Chunk.NEWLINE)); _pdfDocument.Add(MakeParagraph(Headers[PageSection.Footer])); logger.LogVerbose(Message.PrintingPdfBuilderEndEvent, "Создание Footer"); } _pdfDocument.Close(); var size = (stream.ToArray().Length / FileUtils.BYTES_IN_KB) + 1; if (!Managers.FileSystemManager.ReserveDiskSpace(filePath, size)) { throw new ApplicationException("Недостаточно места на диске для сохранения отчета"); } File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, stream.ToArray()); SystemHelper.SyncFileSystem(); logger.LogVerbose(Message.Common_DebugReturn); return new PrinterJob(reportType, filePath, _totalPagesCount, copies); } catch (Exception ex) { Managers.PrintingManager.Logger.LogError(Message.PrintingPdfBuildFailed, ex); } } return null; }
public void SetCell( int col, int row, Cell cell ) { Cells[col, row] = cell; }
/** * Creates a Cell with these attributes. * @param rowAttributes * @return a cell based on these attributes. * @throws BadElementException */ public Cell CreateCell(SimpleCell rowAttributes) { Cell cell = new Cell(); cell.CloneNonPositionParameters(rowAttributes); cell.SoftCloneNonPositionParameters(this); cell.Colspan = colspan; cell.HorizontalAlignment = horizontalAlignment; cell.VerticalAlignment = verticalAlignment; cell.UseAscender = useAscender; cell.UseBorderPadding = useBorderPadding; cell.UseDescender = useDescender; foreach (IElement element in content) { cell.AddElement(element); } return cell; }
public void SetCell( int col, int row, string text ) { Cells[col, row] = new Cell( new Phrase( text ) ); }
public static void formatoN(Document document, ElectronicDocument electronicDocument, Data objTimbre, pdfPageEventHandlerPfizer pageEventHandler, DataTable dtEncabezado, DataTable dtDetalle, Hashtable htCFDI, HttpContext hc) { try { DAL dal = new DAL(); #region "Construimos el Documento" #region "Construimos el Encabezado" Table encabezado = new Table(7); float[] headerwidthsEncabezado = { 9, 18, 28, 28, 5, 7, 5 }; encabezado.Widths = headerwidthsEncabezado; encabezado.WidthPercentage = 100; encabezado.Padding = 1; encabezado.Spacing = 1; encabezado.BorderWidth = 0; encabezado.DefaultCellBorder = 0; encabezado.BorderColor = gris; //Agregando Imagen de Logotipo Image imgLogo = Image.GetInstance(pathIMGLOGO); imgLogo.ScalePercent(47f); par = new Paragraph(); par.KeepTogether = true; par.SetLeading(1f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk(imgLogo, 0, 0)); par.Add(new Chunk("", f6)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Rowspan = 5; cel.Colspan = 2; encabezado.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.KeepTogether = true; par.SetLeading(8f, 9f); par.Add(new Chunk(htCFDI["nombreEmisor"].ToString().ToUpper(), f6B)); par.Add(new Chunk("\nRFC " + htCFDI["rfcEmisor"].ToString().ToUpper(), f6)); par.Add(new Chunk("\n" + htCFDI["direccionEmisor1"].ToString().ToUpper(), f6)); par.Add(new Chunk("\n" + htCFDI["direccionEmisor2"].ToString().ToUpper(), f6)); par.Add(new Chunk("\n" + htCFDI["direccionEmisor3"].ToString().ToUpper(), f6)); par.Add(new Chunk("\nTel. (52) 55 5081-8500", f6)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Rowspan = 5; encabezado.AddCell(cel); StringBuilder expedido = new StringBuilder(); expedido. Append("Lugar de Expedición México DF\n"). Append(htCFDI["sucursal"]).Append("\n"). Append(htCFDI["direccionExpedido1"].ToString().ToUpper()).Append("\n"). Append(htCFDI["direccionExpedido2"].ToString().ToUpper()).Append("\n"). Append(htCFDI["direccionExpedido3"].ToString().ToUpper()).Append("\n"). Append(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["corporateCode"]).Append("\n").//CE29 Append(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["oldCorporateCode"].ToString()).Append("\n");//CE30; cel = new Cell(new Phrase(expedido.ToString(), f6)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Rowspan = 5; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(htCFDI["tipoDoc"].ToString(), titulo)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(htCFDI["serie"].ToString().ToUpper() + electronicDocument.Data.Folio.Value, f6B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Día", f6B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Mes", f6B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Año", f6B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; encabezado.AddCell(cel); string[] fechaCFDI = Convert.ToDateTime(htCFDI["fechaCfdi"].ToString()).GetDateTimeFormats(); string HORAS = fechaCFDI[103]; string DIA = Convert.ToDateTime(htCFDI["fechaCfdi"]).Day.ToString(); string MES = Convert.ToDateTime(htCFDI["fechaCfdi"]).ToString("MMMM").ToUpper(); string ANIO = Convert.ToDateTime(htCFDI["fechaCfdi"]).Year.ToString(); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(DIA, f6)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(MES, f6)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(ANIO, f6)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(HORAS, f6)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("CLIENTE", titulo)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Receptor.Nombre.Value, f6)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Referencia Documento: " + dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["referencia"].ToString(), f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.KeepTogether = true; par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk("R.F.C. " + electronicDocument.Data.Receptor.Rfc.Value + "\n", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(htCFDI["direccionReceptor1"].ToString() + "\n", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(htCFDI["direccionReceptor2"].ToString() + "\n", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(htCFDI["direccionReceptor3"].ToString() + "\n", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["codigoCorporativo"] + "\n" + "\n", f5));//36 par.Add(new Chunk(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["codigoCorporativoAnt"].ToString(), f5));//37 cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Rowspan = 5; cel.Colspan = 2; encabezado.AddCell(cel); #region "Consignado a" string nombreEntregado = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["ENTREGADO-A-NOMBRE"].ToString();//CE string calleEntregado = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["ENTREGADO-A-CALLE"].ToString();//CE 10, 11, 12 string coloniaEntregado = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["ENTREGADO-A-COLONIA"].ToString();//CE13 string cpEntregado = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["ENTREGADO-A-CP"].ToString();//CE18 string municEntregado = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["ENTREGADO-A-MUNIC"].ToString();//CE15 string estadoEntregado = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["ENTREGADO-A-ESTADO"].ToString();//CE16 string paisEntregado = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["ENTREGADO-A-PAIS"].ToString();//CE14 string intericom = dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["INTERICOM"].ToString().ToUpper();//CE32 string saltoEntregado = "\n"; string separador = ", "; string espacio = " "; if (nombreEntregado.Length > 0) nombreEntregado = nombreEntregado + saltoEntregado; else nombreEntregado = "" + saltoEntregado; if (calleEntregado.Length > 0) calleEntregado = calleEntregado + saltoEntregado; else calleEntregado = "" + saltoEntregado; if (coloniaEntregado.Length > 0) coloniaEntregado = coloniaEntregado + espacio; else coloniaEntregado = "" + espacio; if (cpEntregado.Length > 0) cpEntregado = cpEntregado + ", CP " + saltoEntregado; else cpEntregado = "" + separador + saltoEntregado; if (municEntregado.Length > 0) municEntregado = municEntregado + saltoEntregado; else municEntregado = ""; if (estadoEntregado.Length > 0) estadoEntregado = estadoEntregado + espacio; else estadoEntregado = "" + espacio; if (paisEntregado.Length > 0) paisEntregado = paisEntregado + ""; else paisEntregado = ""; if (intericom.Length > 0) intericom = intericom + espacio; else intericom = ""; #endregion par = new Paragraph(); par.KeepTogether = true; par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk("Consignado a:\n", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk(calleEntregado, f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(coloniaEntregado, f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(cpEntregado, f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(municEntregado, f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(estadoEntregado, f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(paisEntregado, f5)); par.Add(new Chunk("INTERICOM:\n", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(intericom, f5));//CE32 cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Rowspan = 5; encabezado.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk("Contacto:\n", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["contacto"].ToString(), f5)); par.Add(new Chunk("\nTeléfono:\n", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk("" + "\n", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk("Método de Pago:\n", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk(electronicDocument.Data.FormaPago.Value, f5)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Rowspan = 5; encabezado.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk("Fecha de Ref. Doc: ", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["fechaRefDoc"].ToString(), f5));//CE34 cel = new Cell(par); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk("Moneda: ", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk(electronicDocument.Data.Moneda.Value, f5)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk("Forma de Pago: ", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk(electronicDocument.Data.FormaPago.Value.ToString(), f5)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk("Condiciones de Pago: ", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk(electronicDocument.Data.CondicionesPago.Value.ToString(), f5));//CE19 cel = new Cell(par); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 1f); par.Add(new Chunk("Proveedor: ", f5B)); par.Add(new Chunk("", f5)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 3; encabezado.AddCell(cel); #endregion #region "Construimos Tablas de Partidas" #region "Construimos Encabezados de Partidas" Table encabezadoPartidas = new Table(9); float[] headerwidthsEncabesadoPartidas = { 10, 34, 7, 7, 7, 9, 8, 9, 9 }; encabezadoPartidas.Widths = headerwidthsEncabesadoPartidas; encabezadoPartidas.WidthPercentage = 100; encabezadoPartidas.Padding = 1; encabezadoPartidas.Spacing = 1; encabezadoPartidas.BorderWidth = (float).5; encabezadoPartidas.DefaultCellBorder = 1; encabezadoPartidas.BorderColor = gris; cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Codigo Producto.", titulo)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; encabezadoPartidas.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Descripción", titulo)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; encabezadoPartidas.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Cantidad", titulo)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; encabezadoPartidas.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Cantidad Real (Kg,Lt,Mt)", titulo)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; encabezadoPartidas.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Unidad Medida", titulo)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; encabezadoPartidas.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Precio Unitario", titulo)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; encabezadoPartidas.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Descuento", titulo)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; encabezadoPartidas.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Importe", titulo)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; encabezadoPartidas.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Importe Neto", titulo)); cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BackgroundColor = azul; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; encabezadoPartidas.AddCell(cel); #endregion #region "Construimos Contenido de las Partidas" Table partidas = new Table(9); float[] headerwidthsPartidas = { 10, 34, 7, 7, 7, 9, 8, 9, 9 }; partidas.Widths = headerwidthsPartidas; partidas.WidthPercentage = 100; partidas.Padding = 1; partidas.Spacing = 1; partidas.BorderWidth = (float).5; partidas.DefaultCellBorder = 1; partidas.BorderColor = gris; double sumDescuento = 0; if (dtEncabezado.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < electronicDocument.Data.Conceptos.Count; i++) { cel = new Cell(new Phrase(dtDetalle.Rows[i]["codeLocal"].ToString(), f5));//CD1 cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; partidas.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Conceptos[i].Descripcion.Value, f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; partidas.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Conceptos[i].Cantidad.Value.ToString("N", _ci), f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; partidas.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(dtDetalle.Rows[i]["cantidadReal"].ToString(), f5));//CD16 cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; partidas.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Conceptos[i].Unidad.Value, f5));//CD10 cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; partidas.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Conceptos[i].ValorUnitario.Value.ToString("N", _ci), f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; partidas.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(dtDetalle.Rows[i]["descuento"].ToString(), f5));//CD12 cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; partidas.AddCell(cel); if (double.TryParse(dtDetalle.Rows[i]["descuento"].ToString(), out sumDescuento)) sumDescuento += double.Parse(dtDetalle.Rows[i]["descuento"].ToString()); else sumDescuento += 0; cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Conceptos[i].Importe.Value.ToString("N", _ci), f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; partidas.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Conceptos[i].Importe.Value.ToString("N", _ci), f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; partidas.AddCell(cel); } } #endregion #endregion #region "Construimos el Comentarios" Table comentarios = new Table(7); float[] headerwidthsComentarios = { 9, 18, 28, 28, 7, 5, 5 }; comentarios.Widths = headerwidthsComentarios; comentarios.WidthPercentage = 100; comentarios.Padding = 1; comentarios.Spacing = 1; comentarios.BorderWidth = 0; comentarios.DefaultCellBorder = 0; comentarios.BorderColor = gris; cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Observaciones:", f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 2; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Cantidad:", f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 2; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Sub Total", f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.SubTotal.Value.ToString(), f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 2; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("", f5)); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 4; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Descuento", f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(sumDescuento.ToString(), f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 2; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("", f5)); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 4; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("I.E.P.S.", f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("0", f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 2; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["observaciones"].ToString(), f5)); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 2; cel.Rowspan = 2; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(dtEncabezado.Rows[0]["cantidadLetra"].ToString(), f5));//CE26 cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 2; cel.Rowspan = 2; comentarios.AddCell(cel); double importe = 0; double tasa = 0; for (int i = 0; i < electronicDocument.Data.Impuestos.Traslados.Count; i++) { if (electronicDocument.Data.Impuestos.Traslados[i].Tipo.Value == "IVA") { importe = electronicDocument.Data.Impuestos.Traslados[i].Importe.Value; tasa = electronicDocument.Data.Impuestos.Traslados[i].Tasa.Value; break; } } cel = new Cell(new Phrase("IVA " + tasa.ToString() + " %", f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Impuestos.TotalTraslados.Value.ToString(), f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 2; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Total", f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Total.Value.ToString(), f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 2; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("", f5)); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 4; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("Total de Articulos", f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; comentarios.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.Conceptos.Count.ToString(), f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 2; comentarios.AddCell(cel); #endregion #region "Construimos Tabla Especial" Table especial = new Table(5); float[] headerwidthsEspecial = { 20, 20, 20, 20, 20 }; especial.Widths = headerwidthsEspecial; especial.WidthPercentage = 100; especial.Padding = 1; especial.Spacing = 1; especial.BorderWidth = 0; especial.DefaultCellBorder = 0; especial.BorderColor = gris; cel = new Cell(new Phrase("", titulo)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; especial.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("", f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; especial.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("", f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; especial.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("", f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; especial.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("", f5B)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; especial.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("", f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Rowspan = 2; especial.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("", f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; especial.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("", f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; especial.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("", f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; especial.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("", f5)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; especial.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("", titulo)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.Colspan = 2; especial.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("", titulo)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; especial.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("", titulo)); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.BorderColor = gris; especial.AddCell(cel); #endregion #region "Construimos Tabla de Datos CFDI" DefaultSplitCharacter split = new DefaultSplitCharacter(); Table adicional = new Table(3); float[] headerwidthsAdicional = { 20, 25, 55 }; adicional.Widths = headerwidthsAdicional; adicional.WidthPercentage = 100; adicional.Padding = 1; adicional.Spacing = 1; adicional.BorderWidth = (float).5; adicional.DefaultCellBorder = 1; adicional.BorderColor = gris; if (timbrar) { #region "Generamos Quick Response Code" byte[] bytesQRCode = new byte[0]; if (timbrar) { // Generamos el Quick Response Code (QRCode) string re = electronicDocument.Data.Emisor.Rfc.Value; string rr = electronicDocument.Data.Receptor.Rfc.Value; string tt = String.Format("{0:F6}", electronicDocument.Data.Total.Value); string id = objTimbre.Uuid.Value; StringBuilder sbCadenaQRCode = new StringBuilder(); sbCadenaQRCode. Append("?"). Append("re=").Append(re). Append("&"). Append("rr=").Append(rr). Append("&"). Append("tt=").Append(tt). Append("&"). Append("id=").Append(id); BarcodeLib.Barcode.QRCode.QRCode barcode = new BarcodeLib.Barcode.QRCode.QRCode(); barcode.Data = sbCadenaQRCode.ToString(); barcode.ModuleSize = 3; barcode.LeftMargin = 0; barcode.RightMargin = 10; barcode.TopMargin = 0; barcode.BottomMargin = 0; barcode.Encoding = BarcodeLib.Barcode.QRCode.QRCodeEncoding.Auto; barcode.Version = BarcodeLib.Barcode.QRCode.QRCodeVersion.Auto; barcode.ECL = BarcodeLib.Barcode.QRCode.ErrorCorrectionLevel.L; bytesQRCode = barcode.drawBarcodeAsBytes(); } #endregion Image imageQRCode = Image.GetInstance(bytesQRCode); imageQRCode.Alignment = (Image.TEXTWRAP | Image.ALIGN_LEFT); imageQRCode.ScaleToFit(90f, 90f); imageQRCode.IndentationLeft = 9f; imageQRCode.SpacingAfter = 9f; imageQRCode.BorderColorTop = Color.WHITE; cel = new Cell(imageQRCode); cel.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cel.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Rowspan = 6; adicional.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 0f); par.Add(new Chunk("SELLO DIGITAL DEL EMISOR\n", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(electronicDocument.Data.Sello.Value, f5).SetSplitCharacter(split)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.Colspan = 2; adicional.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("FOLIO FISCAL:", f5L)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; adicional.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(objTimbre.Uuid.Value, f5)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; adicional.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("FECHA Y HORA DE CERTIFICACION:", f5L)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; adicional.AddCell(cel); string[] fechaTimbrado = Convert.ToDateTime(objTimbre.FechaTimbrado.Value).GetDateTimeFormats('s'); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(fechaTimbrado[0], f5)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; adicional.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("No. DE SERIE DEL CERTIFICADO DEL SAT:", f5L)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; adicional.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(objTimbre.NumeroCertificadoSat.Value, f5)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; adicional.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase("No. DE SERIE DEL CERTIFICADO DEL EMISOR:", f5L)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; adicional.AddCell(cel); cel = new Cell(new Phrase(electronicDocument.Data.NumeroCertificado.Value, f5)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; adicional.AddCell(cel); string lbRegimen = "REGIMEN FISCAL APLICABLE: "; StringBuilder regimenes = new StringBuilder(); if (electronicDocument.Data.Emisor.Regimenes.IsAssigned) { for (int i = 0; i < electronicDocument.Data.Emisor.Regimenes.Count; i++) { regimenes.Append(electronicDocument.Data.Emisor.Regimenes[i].Regimen.Value).Append("\n"); } } else { regimenes.Append(""); lbRegimen = ""; } string cuenta = electronicDocument.Data.NumeroCuentaPago.IsAssigned ? electronicDocument.Data.NumeroCuentaPago.Value : ""; par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 0f); par.Add(new Chunk("TIPO DE COMPROBANTE: ", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(electronicDocument.Data.TipoComprobante.Value + " | ", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk("Moneda: ", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(electronicDocument.Data.Moneda.Value + " | ", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk("TASA DE CAMBIO: ", f5L)); string tasaCambio = electronicDocument.Data.TipoCambio.Value; if (tasaCambio.Length > 0) { par.Add(new Chunk(Convert.ToDouble(tasaCambio).ToString("C", _ci) + " | ", f5)); } else { par.Add(new Chunk(" | ", f5)); } par.Add(new Chunk("FORMA DE PAGO: ", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(electronicDocument.Data.FormaPago.Value + "\n", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk("MÉTODO DE PAGO: ", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(electronicDocument.Data.MetodoPago.Value + " | ", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk("NÚMERO DE CUENTA: ", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(cuenta + " | ", f5)); par.Add(new Chunk(lbRegimen, f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(regimenes.ToString(), f5)); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Colspan = 2; cel.BorderColor = gris; adicional.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.SetLeading(7f, 0f); par.Add(new Chunk("CADENA ORIGINAL DEL COMPLEMENTO DE CERTIFICACIÓN DIGITAL DEL SAT\n", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(electronicDocument.FingerPrintPac, f5).SetSplitCharacter(split)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = (float).5; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = (float).5; cel.Colspan = 3; adicional.AddCell(cel); par = new Paragraph(); par.KeepTogether = true; par.SetLeading(7f, 0f); par.Add(new Chunk("SELLO DIGITAL DEL SAT\n", f5L)); par.Add(new Chunk(objTimbre.SelloSat.Value, f5).SetSplitCharacter(split)); cel = new Cell(par); cel.BorderColor = gris; cel.BorderWidthTop = 0; cel.BorderWidthRight = 0; cel.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cel.BorderWidthBottom = 0; cel.Colspan = 3; adicional.AddCell(cel); } #endregion #region "Construimos Tabla del Footer" PdfPTable footer = new PdfPTable(1); footer.WidthPercentage = 100; footer.TotalWidth = document.PageSize.Width - document.LeftMargin - document.RightMargin; cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("", f5)); cell.BorderWidthTop = 0; cell.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cell.BorderWidthRight = 0; cell.BorderWidthBottom = 0; footer.AddCell(cell); cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("ESTE DOCUMENTO ES UNA REPRESENTACIÓN IMPRESA DE UN CFDI", titulo)); cell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; cell.BackgroundColor = azul; cell.BorderWidthTop = 0; cell.BorderWidthLeft = 0; cell.BorderWidthRight = 0; cell.BorderWidthBottom = 0; footer.AddCell(cell); #endregion pageEventHandler.encabezado = encabezado; pageEventHandler.encPartidas = encabezadoPartidas; pageEventHandler.footer = footer; document.Open(); document.Add(partidas); document.Add(comentarios); document.Add(especial); document.Add(adicional); document.Close(); #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { string exe = ex.Message; } }
protected void AddNewCell(iTextSharp.text.Table table, string text, iTextSharp.text.Font font, int hAlignment) { Cell cell; if (font == null) cell = new Cell(new Phrase(ConvertNewLines(text))); else cell = new Cell(new Phrase(ConvertNewLines(text), font)); cell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; cell.HorizontalAlignment = hAlignment; table.AddCell(cell); }
public void OnStartPage(PdfWriter writer, Document document) { var pessoaJuridica = empresa.Pessoa as IPessoaJuridica; Chunk imagem; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pessoaJuridica.Logomarca)) { var imghead = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(pessoaJuridica.Logomarca)); imagem = new Chunk(imghead, 0, 0); } else imagem = new Chunk(""); var dadosEmpresa = new Phrase(); dadosEmpresa.Add(pessoaJuridica.NomeFantasia + Environment.NewLine); if (pessoaJuridica.Enderecos.Count > 0) { var endereco = pessoaJuridica.Enderecos[0]; dadosEmpresa.Add(endereco.ToString()); } if (pessoaJuridica.Telefones.Count > 0) { var telefone = pessoaJuridica.Telefones[0]; dadosEmpresa.Add("Telefone " + telefone); } var tabelaHeader = new Table(2); tabelaHeader.Border = 0; tabelaHeader.Width = 100; var cell = new Cell(new Phrase(imagem)); cell.Border = 0; cell.Width = 30; tabelaHeader.AddCell(cell); var cell1 = new Cell(dadosEmpresa); cell1.Border = 0; cell1.Width = 70; tabelaHeader.AddCell(cell1); var linhaVazia = new Cell(new Phrase("\n", font2)); linhaVazia.Colspan = 2; linhaVazia.DisableBorderSide(1); tabelaHeader.AddCell(linhaVazia); document.Add(tabelaHeader); // Adicionando linha que informa o número da revista var tabelaNumeroDaRevista = new Table(1); tabelaNumeroDaRevista.Border = 0; tabelaNumeroDaRevista.Width = 100; var celulaNumeroDaRevista = new Cell(new Phrase("Processos de clientes publicados na revista de marcas: " + _numeroDaRevistaSelecionada, font3)); celulaNumeroDaRevista.Border = 0; celulaNumeroDaRevista.Width = 70; celulaNumeroDaRevista.Colspan = 1; tabelaNumeroDaRevista.AddCell(celulaNumeroDaRevista); var linhaVaziaNumeroRevista = new Cell(new Phrase("\n", font2)); linhaVaziaNumeroRevista.Border = 0; linhaVaziaNumeroRevista.Width = 70; linhaVaziaNumeroRevista.Colspan = 1; linhaVaziaNumeroRevista.DisableBorderSide(1); tabelaNumeroDaRevista.AddCell(linhaVaziaNumeroRevista); document.Add(tabelaNumeroDaRevista); }
// adiciona uma célula à tabela onde cada porção de texto tem uma formatação própria protected void AddNewCell(iTextSharp.text.Table table, List<Chunk> chunks) { Phrase f = new Phrase(); f.Leading = 10; foreach (Chunk c in chunks) f.Add(new iTextSharp.text.Chunk(ConvertNewLines(c.Text), c.Font)); Cell cell = new Cell(f); cell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_TOP; cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; table.AddCell(cell); }
public static Cell GetCell(Properties attributes) { Cell cell = new Cell(); String value; cell.SetHorizontalAlignment(attributes[ElementTags.HORIZONTALALIGN]); cell.SetVerticalAlignment(attributes[ElementTags.VERTICALALIGN]); value = attributes[ElementTags.WIDTH]; if (value != null) { cell.SetWidth(value); } value = attributes[ElementTags.COLSPAN]; if (value != null) { cell.Colspan = int.Parse(value); } value = attributes[ElementTags.ROWSPAN]; if (value != null) { cell.Rowspan = int.Parse(value); } value = attributes[ElementTags.LEADING]; if (value != null) { cell.Leading = float.Parse(value, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } cell.Header = Utilities.CheckTrueOrFalse(attributes, ElementTags.HEADER); if (Utilities.CheckTrueOrFalse(attributes, ElementTags.NOWRAP)) { cell.MaxLines = 1; } SetRectangleProperties(cell, attributes); return cell; }
// adiciona uma célula com o texto organizado em várias linhas diferentes protected void AddNewCell(iTextSharp.text.Table table, List<string> paragraphs, iTextSharp.text.Font font) { Cell cell = new Cell(); foreach (string paragraph in paragraphs) { iTextSharp.text.Chunk chunk = new iTextSharp.text.Chunk(ConvertNewLines(paragraph), font); Paragraph p = new Paragraph(10, chunk); cell.Add(p); } cell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_TOP; cell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; table.AddCell(cell); }