public virtual void EndElement(String tag) { if (!tagsSupported.ContainsKey(tag)) { return; } String follow = (String)FactoryProperties.followTags[tag]; if (follow != null) { cprops.RemoveChain(follow); return; } if (tag.Equals("font") || tag.Equals("span")) { cprops.RemoveChain(tag); return; } if (tag.Equals("a")) { if (currentParagraph == null) { currentParagraph = new Paragraph(); } IALink i = null; bool skip = false; if (interfaceProps != null) { i = (IALink)interfaceProps["alink_interface"]; if (i != null) { skip = i.Process(currentParagraph, cprops); } } if (!skip) { String href = cprops["href"]; if (href != null) { ArrayList chunks = currentParagraph.Chunks; for (int k = 0; k < chunks.Count; ++k) { Chunk ck = (Chunk)chunks[k]; ck.SetAnchor(href); } } } Paragraph tmp = (Paragraph)stack.Pop(); Phrase tmp2 = new Phrase(); tmp2.Add(currentParagraph); tmp.Add(tmp2); currentParagraph = tmp; cprops.RemoveChain("a"); return; } if (tag.Equals("br")) { return; } if (currentParagraph != null) { if (stack.Count == 0) { document.Add(currentParagraph); } else { Object obj = stack.Pop(); if (obj is ITextElementArray) { ITextElementArray current = (ITextElementArray)obj; current.Add(currentParagraph); } stack.Push(obj); } } currentParagraph = null; if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.UNORDEREDLIST) || tag.Equals(HtmlTags.ORDEREDLIST)) { if (pendingLI) { EndElement(HtmlTags.LISTITEM); } skipText = false; cprops.RemoveChain(tag); if (stack.Count == 0) { return; } Object obj = stack.Pop(); if (!(obj is List)) { stack.Push(obj); return; } if (stack.Count == 0) { document.Add((IElement)obj); } else { ((ITextElementArray)stack.Peek()).Add(obj); } return; } if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.LISTITEM)) { pendingLI = false; skipText = true; cprops.RemoveChain(tag); if (stack.Count == 0) { return; } Object obj = stack.Pop(); if (!(obj is ListItem)) { stack.Push(obj); return; } if (stack.Count == 0) { document.Add((IElement)obj); return; } Object list = stack.Pop(); if (!(list is List)) { stack.Push(list); return; } ListItem item = (ListItem)obj; ((List)list).Add(item); ArrayList cks = item.Chunks; if (cks.Count > 0) { item.ListSymbol.Font = ((Chunk)cks[0]).Font; } stack.Push(list); return; } if (tag.Equals("div") || tag.Equals("body")) { cprops.RemoveChain(tag); return; } if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.PRE)) { cprops.RemoveChain(tag); isPRE = false; return; } if (tag.Equals("p")) { cprops.RemoveChain(tag); return; } if (tag.Equals("h1") || tag.Equals("h2") || tag.Equals("h3") || tag.Equals("h4") || tag.Equals("h5") || tag.Equals("h6")) { cprops.RemoveChain(tag); return; } if (tag.Equals("table")) { if (pendingTR) { EndElement("tr"); } cprops.RemoveChain("table"); IncTable table = (IncTable)stack.Pop(); PdfPTable tb = table.BuildTable(); tb.SplitRows = true; if (stack.Count == 0) { document.Add(tb); } else { ((ITextElementArray)stack.Peek()).Add(tb); } bool[] state = (bool[])tableState.Pop(); pendingTR = state[0]; pendingTD = state[1]; skipText = false; return; } if (tag.Equals("tr")) { if (pendingTD) { EndElement("td"); } pendingTR = false; cprops.RemoveChain("tr"); ArrayList cells = new ArrayList(); IncTable table = null; while (true) { Object obj = stack.Pop(); if (obj is IncCell) { cells.Add(((IncCell)obj).Cell); } if (obj is IncTable) { table = (IncTable)obj; break; } } table.AddCols(cells); table.EndRow(); stack.Push(table); skipText = true; return; } if (tag.Equals("td") || tag.Equals("th")) { pendingTD = false; cprops.RemoveChain("td"); skipText = true; return; } }
public virtual void StartElement(String tag, Hashtable h) { if (!tagsSupported.ContainsKey(tag)) { return; } style.ApplyStyle(tag, h); String follow = (String)FactoryProperties.followTags[tag]; if (follow != null) { Hashtable prop = new Hashtable(); prop[follow] = null; cprops.AddToChain(follow, prop); return; } FactoryProperties.InsertStyle(h, cprops); if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.ANCHOR)) { cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); if (currentParagraph == null) { currentParagraph = new Paragraph(); } stack.Push(currentParagraph); currentParagraph = new Paragraph(); return; } if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.NEWLINE)) { if (currentParagraph == null) { currentParagraph = new Paragraph(); } currentParagraph.Add(factoryProperties.CreateChunk("\n", cprops)); return; } if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.HORIZONTALRULE)) { // Attempting to duplicate the behavior seen on Firefox with // // where an initial break is only inserted when the preceding element doesn't // end with a break, but a trailing break is always inserted. bool addLeadingBreak = true; if (currentParagraph == null) { currentParagraph = new Paragraph(); addLeadingBreak = false; } if (addLeadingBreak) // Not a new paragraph { int numChunks = currentParagraph.Chunks.Count; if (numChunks == 0 || ((Chunk)currentParagraph.Chunks[numChunks - 1]).Content.EndsWith("\n")) { addLeadingBreak = false; } } String align = (String)h["align"]; int hrAlign = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; if (align != null) { if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(align, "left")) { hrAlign = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; } if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(align, "right")) { hrAlign = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; } } String width = (String)h["width"]; float hrWidth = 1; if (width != null) { float tmpWidth = Markup.ParseLength(width, Markup.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE); if (tmpWidth > 0) { hrWidth = tmpWidth; } if (!width.EndsWith("%")) { hrWidth = 100; // Treat a pixel width as 100% for now. } } String size = (String)h["size"]; float hrSize = 1; if (size != null) { float tmpSize = Markup.ParseLength(size, Markup.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE); if (tmpSize > 0) { hrSize = tmpSize; } } if (addLeadingBreak) { currentParagraph.Add(Chunk.NEWLINE); } currentParagraph.Add(new LineSeparator(hrSize, hrWidth, null, hrAlign, currentParagraph.Leading / 2)); currentParagraph.Add(Chunk.NEWLINE); return; } if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.CHUNK) || tag.Equals(HtmlTags.SPAN)) { cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); return; } if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.IMAGE)) { String src = (String)h[ElementTags.SRC]; if (src == null) { return; } cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); Image img = null; if (interfaceProps != null) { IImageProvider ip = (IImageProvider)interfaceProps["img_provider"]; if (ip != null) { img = ip.GetImage(src, h, cprops, document); } if (img == null) { Hashtable images = (Hashtable)interfaceProps["img_static"]; if (images != null) { Image tim = (Image)images[src]; if (tim != null) { img = Image.GetInstance(tim); } } else { if (!src.StartsWith("http")) // relative src references only { String baseurl = (String)interfaceProps["img_baseurl"]; if (baseurl != null) { src = baseurl + src; img = Image.GetInstance(src); } } } } } if (img == null) { if (!src.StartsWith("http")) { String path = cprops["image_path"]; if (path == null) { path = ""; } src = Path.Combine(path, src); } img = Image.GetInstance(src); } String align = (String)h["align"]; String width = (String)h["width"]; String height = (String)h["height"]; String before = cprops["before"]; String after = cprops["after"]; if (before != null) { img.SpacingBefore = float.Parse(before, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } if (after != null) { img.SpacingAfter = float.Parse(after, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } float actualFontSize = Markup.ParseLength(cprops[ElementTags.SIZE], Markup.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE); if (actualFontSize <= 0f) { actualFontSize = Markup.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE; } float widthInPoints = Markup.ParseLength(width, actualFontSize); float heightInPoints = Markup.ParseLength(height, actualFontSize); if (widthInPoints > 0 && heightInPoints > 0) { img.ScaleAbsolute(widthInPoints, heightInPoints); } else if (widthInPoints > 0) { heightInPoints = img.Height * widthInPoints / img.Width; img.ScaleAbsolute(widthInPoints, heightInPoints); } else if (heightInPoints > 0) { widthInPoints = img.Width * heightInPoints / img.Height; img.ScaleAbsolute(widthInPoints, heightInPoints); } img.WidthPercentage = 0; if (align != null) { EndElement("p"); int ralign = Image.MIDDLE_ALIGN; if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(align, "left")) { ralign = Image.LEFT_ALIGN; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(align, "right")) { ralign = Image.RIGHT_ALIGN; } img.Alignment = ralign; IImg i = null; bool skip = false; if (interfaceProps != null) { i = (IImg)interfaceProps["img_interface"]; if (i != null) { skip = i.Process(img, h, cprops, document); } } if (!skip) { document.Add(img); } cprops.RemoveChain(tag); } else { cprops.RemoveChain(tag); if (currentParagraph == null) { currentParagraph = FactoryProperties.CreateParagraph(cprops); } currentParagraph.Add(new Chunk(img, 0, 0)); } return; } EndElement("p"); if (tag.Equals("h1") || tag.Equals("h2") || tag.Equals("h3") || tag.Equals("h4") || tag.Equals("h5") || tag.Equals("h6")) { if (!h.ContainsKey(ElementTags.SIZE)) { int v = 7 - int.Parse(tag.Substring(1)); h[ElementTags.SIZE] = v.ToString(); } cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); return; } if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.UNORDEREDLIST)) { if (pendingLI) { EndElement(HtmlTags.LISTITEM); } skipText = true; cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); List list = new List(false); try{ list.IndentationLeft = float.Parse(cprops["indent"], System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); }catch { list.Autoindent = true; } list.SetListSymbol("\u2022"); stack.Push(list); return; } if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.ORDEREDLIST)) { if (pendingLI) { EndElement(HtmlTags.LISTITEM); } skipText = true; cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); List list = new List(true); try{ list.IndentationLeft = float.Parse(cprops["indent"], System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); }catch { list.Autoindent = true; } stack.Push(list); return; } if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.LISTITEM)) { if (pendingLI) { EndElement(HtmlTags.LISTITEM); } skipText = false; pendingLI = true; cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); stack.Push(FactoryProperties.CreateListItem(cprops)); return; } if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.DIV) || tag.Equals(HtmlTags.BODY) || tag.Equals("p")) { cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); return; } if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.PRE)) { if (!h.ContainsKey(ElementTags.FACE)) { h[ElementTags.FACE] = "Courier"; } cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); isPRE = true; return; } if (tag.Equals("tr")) { if (pendingTR) { EndElement("tr"); } skipText = true; pendingTR = true; cprops.AddToChain("tr", h); return; } if (tag.Equals("td") || tag.Equals("th")) { if (pendingTD) { EndElement(tag); } skipText = false; pendingTD = true; cprops.AddToChain("td", h); stack.Push(new IncCell(tag, cprops)); return; } if (tag.Equals("table")) { cprops.AddToChain("table", h); IncTable table = new IncTable(h); stack.Push(table); tableState.Push(new bool[] { pendingTR, pendingTD }); pendingTR = pendingTD = false; skipText = true; return; } }
public void StartElement(String tag, Hashtable h) { if (!tagsSupported.ContainsKey(tag)) return; style.ApplyStyle(tag, h); String follow = (String)FactoryProperties.followTags[tag]; if (follow != null) { Hashtable prop = new Hashtable(); prop[follow] = null; cprops.AddToChain(follow, prop); return; } FactoryProperties.InsertStyle(h); if (tag.Equals("a")) { cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); if (currentParagraph == null) currentParagraph = new Paragraph(); stack.Push(currentParagraph); currentParagraph = new Paragraph(); return; } if (tag.Equals("br")) { if (currentParagraph == null) currentParagraph = new Paragraph(); currentParagraph.Add(factoryProperties.CreateChunk("\n", cprops)); return; } if (tag.Equals("font") || tag.Equals("span")) { cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); return; } if (tag.Equals("img")) { String src = (String)h["src"]; if (src == null) return; cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); Image img = null; if (interfaceProps != null) { Hashtable images = (Hashtable)interfaceProps["img_static"]; if (images != null) { Image tim = (Image)images[src]; if (tim != null) img = Image.GetInstance(tim); } else { if (!src.StartsWith("http")) { // relative src references only String baseurl = (String)interfaceProps["img_baseurl"]; if (baseurl != null) { src = baseurl + src; img = Image.GetInstance(src); } } } } if (img == null) { if (!src.StartsWith("http")) { String path = cprops["image_path"]; if (path == null) path = ""; src = Path.Combine(path, src); } img = Image.GetInstance(src); } String align = (String)h["align"]; String width = (String)h["width"]; String height = (String)h["height"]; String before = cprops["before"]; String after = cprops["after"]; if (before != null) img.SpacingBefore = float.Parse(before, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); if (after != null) img.SpacingAfter = float.Parse(after, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); float wp = LengthParse(width, (int)img.Width); float lp = LengthParse(height, (int)img.Height); if (wp > 0 && lp > 0) img.ScalePercent(wp > lp ? lp : wp); else if (wp > 0) img.ScalePercent(wp); else if (lp > 0) img.ScalePercent(lp); img.WidthPercentage = 0; if (align != null) { EndElement("p"); int ralign = Image.MIDDLE_ALIGN; if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(align, "left")) ralign = Image.LEFT_ALIGN; else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(align, "right")) ralign = Image.RIGHT_ALIGN; img.Alignment = ralign; IImg i = null; bool skip = false; if (interfaceProps != null) { i = (IImg)interfaceProps["img_interface"]; if (i != null) skip = i.Process(img, h, cprops, document); } if (!skip) document.Add(img); cprops.RemoveChain(tag); } else { cprops.RemoveChain(tag); if (currentParagraph == null) currentParagraph = FactoryProperties.CreateParagraph(cprops); currentParagraph.Add(new Chunk(img, 0, 0)); } return; } EndElement("p"); if (tag.Equals("h1") || tag.Equals("h2") || tag.Equals("h3") || tag.Equals("h4") || tag.Equals("h5") || tag.Equals("h6")) { if (!h.ContainsKey("size")) { int v = 7 - int.Parse(tag.Substring(1)); h["size"] = v.ToString(); } cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); return; } if (tag.Equals("ul")) { if (pendingLI) EndElement("li"); skipText = true; cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); List list = new List(false, 10); list.SetListSymbol("\u2022"); stack.Push(list); return; } if (tag.Equals("ol")) { if (pendingLI) EndElement("li"); skipText = true; cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); List list = new List(true, 10); stack.Push(list); return; } if (tag.Equals("li")) { if (pendingLI) EndElement("li"); skipText = false; pendingLI = true; cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); stack.Push(FactoryProperties.CreateListItem(cprops)); return; } if (tag.Equals("div") || tag.Equals("body")) { cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); return; } if (tag.Equals("pre")) { if (!h.ContainsKey("face")) { h["face"] = "Courier"; } cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); isPRE = true; return; } if (tag.Equals("p")) { cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); currentParagraph = FactoryProperties.CreateParagraph(h); return; } if (tag.Equals("tr")) { if (pendingTR) EndElement("tr"); skipText = true; pendingTR = true; cprops.AddToChain("tr", h); return; } if (tag.Equals("td") || tag.Equals("th")) { if (pendingTD) EndElement(tag); skipText = false; pendingTD = true; cprops.AddToChain("td", h); stack.Push(new IncCell(tag, cprops)); return; } if (tag.Equals("table")) { cprops.AddToChain("table", h); IncTable table = new IncTable(h); stack.Push(table); tableState.Push(new bool[]{pendingTR, pendingTD}); pendingTR = pendingTD = false; skipText = true; return; } }
public virtual void StartElement(String tag, Hashtable h) { if (!tagsSupported.ContainsKey(tag)) return; style.ApplyStyle(tag, h); String follow = (String)FactoryProperties.followTags[tag]; if (follow != null) { Hashtable prop = new Hashtable(); prop[follow] = null; cprops.AddToChain(follow, prop); return; } FactoryProperties.InsertStyle(h, cprops); if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.ANCHOR)) { cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); if (currentParagraph == null) currentParagraph = new Paragraph(); stack.Push(currentParagraph); currentParagraph = new Paragraph(); return; } if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.NEWLINE)) { if (currentParagraph == null) currentParagraph = new Paragraph(); currentParagraph.Add(factoryProperties.CreateChunk("\n", cprops)); return; } if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.HORIZONTALRULE)) { // Attempting to duplicate the behavior seen on Firefox with // // where an initial break is only inserted when the preceding element doesn't // end with a break, but a trailing break is always inserted. bool addLeadingBreak = true; if (currentParagraph == null) { currentParagraph = new Paragraph(); addLeadingBreak = false; } if (addLeadingBreak) { // Not a new paragraph int numChunks = currentParagraph.Chunks.Count; if (numChunks == 0 || ((Chunk)currentParagraph.Chunks[numChunks - 1]).Content.EndsWith("\n")) addLeadingBreak = false; } String align = (String)h["align"]; int hrAlign = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; if (align != null) { if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(align, "left")) hrAlign = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(align, "right")) hrAlign = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; } String width = (String)h["width"]; float hrWidth = 1; if (width != null) { float tmpWidth = Markup.ParseLength(width, Markup.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE); if (tmpWidth > 0) hrWidth = tmpWidth; if (!width.EndsWith("%")) hrWidth = 100; // Treat a pixel width as 100% for now. } String size = (String)h["size"]; float hrSize = 1; if (size != null) { float tmpSize = Markup.ParseLength(size, Markup.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE); if (tmpSize > 0) hrSize = tmpSize; } if (addLeadingBreak) currentParagraph.Add(Chunk.NEWLINE); currentParagraph.Add(new LineSeparator(hrSize, hrWidth, null, hrAlign, currentParagraph.Leading/2)); currentParagraph.Add(Chunk.NEWLINE); return; } if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.CHUNK) || tag.Equals(HtmlTags.SPAN)) { cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); return; } if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.IMAGE)) { String src = (String)h[ElementTags.SRC]; if (src == null) return; cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); Image img = null; if (interfaceProps != null) { IImageProvider ip = (IImageProvider)interfaceProps["img_provider"]; if (ip != null) img = ip.GetImage(src, h, cprops, document); if (img == null) { Hashtable images = (Hashtable)interfaceProps["img_static"]; if (images != null) { Image tim = (Image)images[src]; if (tim != null) img = Image.GetInstance(tim); } else { if (!src.StartsWith("http")) { // relative src references only String baseurl = (String)interfaceProps["img_baseurl"]; if (baseurl != null) { src = baseurl + src; img = Image.GetInstance(src); } } } } } if (img == null) { if (!src.StartsWith("http")) { String path = cprops["image_path"]; if (path == null) path = ""; src = Path.Combine(path, src); } img = Image.GetInstance(src); } String align = (String)h["align"]; String width = (String)h["width"]; String height = (String)h["height"]; String before = cprops["before"]; String after = cprops["after"]; if (before != null) img.SpacingBefore = float.Parse(before, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); if (after != null) img.SpacingAfter = float.Parse(after, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); float actualFontSize = Markup.ParseLength(cprops[ElementTags.SIZE], Markup.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE); if (actualFontSize <= 0f) actualFontSize = Markup.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE; float widthInPoints = Markup.ParseLength(width, actualFontSize); float heightInPoints = Markup.ParseLength(height, actualFontSize); if (widthInPoints > 0 && heightInPoints > 0) { img.ScaleAbsolute(widthInPoints, heightInPoints); } else if (widthInPoints > 0) { heightInPoints = img.Height * widthInPoints / img.Width; img.ScaleAbsolute(widthInPoints, heightInPoints); } else if (heightInPoints > 0) { widthInPoints = img.Width * heightInPoints / img.Height; img.ScaleAbsolute(widthInPoints, heightInPoints); } img.WidthPercentage = 0; if (align != null) { EndElement("p"); int ralign = Image.MIDDLE_ALIGN; if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(align, "left")) ralign = Image.LEFT_ALIGN; else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(align, "right")) ralign = Image.RIGHT_ALIGN; img.Alignment = ralign; IImg i = null; bool skip = false; if (interfaceProps != null) { i = (IImg)interfaceProps["img_interface"]; if (i != null) skip = i.Process(img, h, cprops, document); } if (!skip) document.Add(img); cprops.RemoveChain(tag); } else { cprops.RemoveChain(tag); if (currentParagraph == null) currentParagraph = FactoryProperties.CreateParagraph(cprops); currentParagraph.Add(new Chunk(img, 0, 0)); } return; } EndElement("p"); if (tag.Equals("h1") || tag.Equals("h2") || tag.Equals("h3") || tag.Equals("h4") || tag.Equals("h5") || tag.Equals("h6")) { if (!h.ContainsKey(ElementTags.SIZE)) { int v = 7 - int.Parse(tag.Substring(1)); h[ElementTags.SIZE] = v.ToString(); } cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); return; } if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.UNORDEREDLIST)) { if (pendingLI) EndElement(HtmlTags.LISTITEM); skipText = true; cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); List list = new List(false); try{ list.IndentationLeft = float.Parse(cprops["indent"], System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); }catch { list.Autoindent = true; } list.SetListSymbol("\u2022"); stack.Push(list); return; } if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.ORDEREDLIST)) { if (pendingLI) EndElement(HtmlTags.LISTITEM); skipText = true; cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); List list = new List(true); try{ list.IndentationLeft = float.Parse(cprops["indent"], System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); }catch { list.Autoindent = true; } stack.Push(list); return; } if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.LISTITEM)) { if (pendingLI) EndElement(HtmlTags.LISTITEM); skipText = false; pendingLI = true; cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); stack.Push(FactoryProperties.CreateListItem(cprops)); return; } if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.DIV) || tag.Equals(HtmlTags.BODY) || tag.Equals("p")) { cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); return; } if (tag.Equals(HtmlTags.PRE)) { if (!h.ContainsKey(ElementTags.FACE)) { h[ElementTags.FACE] = "Courier"; } cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); isPRE = true; return; } if (tag.Equals("tr")) { if (pendingTR) EndElement("tr"); skipText = true; pendingTR = true; cprops.AddToChain("tr", h); return; } if (tag.Equals("td") || tag.Equals("th")) { if (pendingTD) EndElement(tag); skipText = false; pendingTD = true; cprops.AddToChain("td", h); stack.Push(new IncCell(tag, cprops)); return; } if (tag.Equals("table")) { cprops.AddToChain("table", h); IncTable table = new IncTable(h); stack.Push(table); tableState.Push(new bool[]{pendingTR, pendingTD}); pendingTR = pendingTD = false; skipText = true; return; } }
public void StartElement(String tag, Hashtable h) { if (!tagsSupported.ContainsKey(tag)) { return; } style.ApplyStyle(tag, h); String follow = (String)FactoryProperties.followTags[tag]; if (follow != null) { Hashtable prop = new Hashtable(); prop[follow] = null; cprops.AddToChain(follow, prop); return; } FactoryProperties.InsertStyle(h); if (tag.Equals("a")) { cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); if (currentParagraph == null) { currentParagraph = new Paragraph(); } stack.Push(currentParagraph); currentParagraph = new Paragraph(); return; } if (tag.Equals("br")) { if (currentParagraph == null) { currentParagraph = new Paragraph(); } currentParagraph.Add(factoryProperties.CreateChunk("\n", cprops)); return; } if (tag.Equals("font") || tag.Equals("span")) { cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); return; } if (tag.Equals("img")) { String src = (String)h["src"]; if (src == null) { return; } cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); Image img = null; if (interfaceProps != null) { Hashtable images = (Hashtable)interfaceProps["img_static"]; if (images != null) { Image tim = (Image)images[src]; if (tim != null) { img = Image.GetInstance(tim); } } else { if (!src.StartsWith("http")) // relative src references only { String baseurl = (String)interfaceProps["img_baseurl"]; if (baseurl != null) { src = baseurl + src; img = Image.GetInstance(src); } } } } if (img == null) { if (!src.StartsWith("http")) { String path = cprops["image_path"]; if (path == null) { path = ""; } src = Path.Combine(path, src); } img = Image.GetInstance(src); } String align = (String)h["align"]; String width = (String)h["width"]; String height = (String)h["height"]; String before = cprops["before"]; String after = cprops["after"]; if (before != null) { img.SpacingBefore = float.Parse(before, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } if (after != null) { img.SpacingAfter = float.Parse(after, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } float wp = LengthParse(width, (int)img.Width); float lp = LengthParse(height, (int)img.Height); if (wp > 0 && lp > 0) { img.ScalePercent(wp > lp ? lp : wp); } else if (wp > 0) { img.ScalePercent(wp); } else if (lp > 0) { img.ScalePercent(lp); } img.WidthPercentage = 0; if (align != null) { EndElement("p"); int ralign = Image.MIDDLE_ALIGN; if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(align, "left")) { ralign = Image.LEFT_ALIGN; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(align, "right")) { ralign = Image.RIGHT_ALIGN; } img.Alignment = ralign; IImg i = null; bool skip = false; if (interfaceProps != null) { i = (IImg)interfaceProps["img_interface"]; if (i != null) { skip = i.Process(img, h, cprops, document); } } if (!skip) { document.Add(img); } cprops.RemoveChain(tag); } else { cprops.RemoveChain(tag); if (currentParagraph == null) { currentParagraph = FactoryProperties.CreateParagraph(cprops); } currentParagraph.Add(new Chunk(img, 0, 0)); } return; } EndElement("p"); if (tag.Equals("h1") || tag.Equals("h2") || tag.Equals("h3") || tag.Equals("h4") || tag.Equals("h5") || tag.Equals("h6")) { if (!h.ContainsKey("size")) { int v = 7 - int.Parse(tag.Substring(1)); h["size"] = v.ToString(); } cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); return; } if (tag.Equals("ul")) { if (pendingLI) { EndElement("li"); } skipText = true; cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); List list = new List(false, 10); list.SetListSymbol("\u2022"); stack.Push(list); return; } if (tag.Equals("ol")) { if (pendingLI) { EndElement("li"); } skipText = true; cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); List list = new List(true, 10); stack.Push(list); return; } if (tag.Equals("li")) { if (pendingLI) { EndElement("li"); } skipText = false; pendingLI = true; cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); stack.Push(FactoryProperties.CreateListItem(cprops)); return; } if (tag.Equals("div") || tag.Equals("body")) { cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); return; } if (tag.Equals("pre")) { if (!h.ContainsKey("face")) { h["face"] = "Courier"; } cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); isPRE = true; return; } if (tag.Equals("p")) { cprops.AddToChain(tag, h); currentParagraph = FactoryProperties.CreateParagraph(h); return; } if (tag.Equals("tr")) { if (pendingTR) { EndElement("tr"); } skipText = true; pendingTR = true; cprops.AddToChain("tr", h); return; } if (tag.Equals("td") || tag.Equals("th")) { if (pendingTD) { EndElement(tag); } skipText = false; pendingTD = true; cprops.AddToChain("td", h); stack.Push(new IncCell(tag, cprops)); return; } if (tag.Equals("table")) { cprops.AddToChain("table", h); IncTable table = new IncTable(h); stack.Push(table); tableState.Push(new bool[] { pendingTR, pendingTD }); pendingTR = pendingTD = false; skipText = true; return; } }