예제 #1
 public TransactionItem(TransactionList parentList, string description, decimal price) : this(parentList)
     Description = description;
     Price       = price;
예제 #2
        protected override void LoadSubClass()
            if (Transactions == null)
                Transactions = new TransactionList(this, "Transactions");

            //assumption we're taking with caching with Sponsor entities in particular:
            //  the corresponding sproc returns the whole household of sponsor + dependent clients records
            //  and also the "household" (sponsor) address/phone record
            //  then this lookup method returns a cached model of the specific type
            //  and the GUI can then pull what it needs off that object via basic properties

            //the specified GUID passed in is for the Sponsor's *Sponsor*table* RowGUID
            Fields = EntityLookup(GUID, "Sponsor", "Sponsor_s");

            var sponsorTable = DsCache.Tables["Sponsor"];

            sponsorTable.Columns["DutyPhoneDSN1"].AllowDBNull = false; //sucks to have to fix these but they're 'generated' from a real field so they lose their NOT NULL metadata
            sponsorTable.Columns["DutyPhoneDSN2"].AllowDBNull = false;

            ClientTable.ColumnChanged += ClientTableColumnChanged;
            ClientTable.RowChanged    += ClientTableRowChanged;

            UTAPFields = RowLookup("Sponsor_UTAP", GUID);

            //create the logical lookup field for SuspensionTaxOffice via Sponsor.SuspensionTaxOfficeId to Office.TaxOfficeId
            DsCache.AddRelation("SuspensionTaxOffice", DsCache.Tables["TaxOffice"].Columns["TaxOfficeId"], sponsorTable.Columns["SuspensionTaxOfficeId"]);
            if (!sponsorTable.Columns.Contains("SuspensionTaxOffice"))
                sponsorTable.Columns.Add("SuspensionTaxOffice", typeof(string), "Parent(SuspensionTaxOffice).Office");

            //map the parent-child relationships hanging off Sponsor ...
            DataColumn sponsorTableRowGUID = sponsorTable.Columns["RowGUID"];

            //SponsorTable tweaks:
            if (!sponsorTable.Columns.Contains("CanSellForms"))
                sponsorTable.Columns.Add("CanSellForms", typeof(bool), "Active AND ISNULL(SuspensionExpiry, #1/1/01#) = #1/1/01#");
                sponsorTable.Columns["Active"].ReadOnly = true; //block access to this field from the UI, elsewhere in this class we temporarily open it up to make validated changes (see CheckClientActiveRules method)

            DsCache.AddRelation("Sponsor_Client", sponsorTableRowGUID, ClientTable.Columns["SponsorGUID"]);
            HouseMembers      = Fields.CreateChildView("Sponsor_Client");
            HouseMembers.Sort = "IsSponsor desc, IsSpouse desc, LName, FName";

            //if brand new sponsor, add a default row to fill out for convenience
            if (HouseMembers.Count == 0)

            //set ShowDeactive to true, if there's not an Active Sponsor
            ShowDeactiveMembers = !HouseMembers[0].Field <bool>("Active") || !HouseMembers[0].Field <bool>("IsSponsor");
            if (!ClientTable.Columns.Contains("IsSponsorOrSpouse"))
                ClientTable.Columns.Add("IsSponsorOrSpouse", typeof(bool), "IsSponsor OR IsSpouse");
                ClientTable.Columns["Active"].ReadOnly = true; //block access to this field from the UI, elsewhere in this class we temporarily open it up to make validated changes (see CheckClientActiveRules method)

            DsCache.AddRelation("Sponsor_TaxForm", sponsorTableRowGUID, DsCache.Tables["Sponsor_TaxForm"].Columns["SponsorGUID"]);

            var remarkTable = DsCache.Tables["Sponsor_Remark"];

            DsCache.AddRelation("Sponsor_Remark", sponsorTableRowGUID, remarkTable.Columns["SponsorGUID"]);
            SponsorRemarks     = Fields.CreateChildView("Sponsor_Remark");
            ShowDeletedRemarks = false;
            SponsorRemarks.Table.RowChanged     += SponsorRemarksRowChanged;
            SponsorRemarks.Table.ColumnChanging += SponsorRemarksColumnChanging;

            _potentialClientMatchesBgWorker.OnExecute   = PotentialMatchesSearchExecute;
            _potentialClientMatchesBgWorker.OnCompleted = PotentialMatchesSearchCompleted;
예제 #3
 protected TransactionItem(TransactionList parentList)
     ParentList    = parentList;
     PendingAction = "Go";