public void DrawOutroBody(Graphics graphics, GraphicRect r, int page)
            var rsession = OverlayData.SessionData.SessionInfo.Sessions.Race();

            var results = rsession.ResultsPositions ?? new SessionData._SessionInfo._Sessions._ResultsPositions[0];

            var offset = 5;
            var pen = new Pen(Styles.Black, 2);
            graphics.InRectangle(FlashCardLeft, r.Rectangle.Top, FlashCardWidth, 10)
                .DrawLine(FlashCardLeft, r.Rectangle.Top - offset, FlashCardLeft + FlashCardWidth, r.Rectangle.Top - offset);

            var LeaderTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(results[0].Time);

            foreach (var racer in results.Skip(DriversPerPage * page).Take(DriversPerPage))
                var driver = OverlayData.SessionData.DriverInfo.CompetingDrivers[racer.CarIdx];

                var Gap = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(racer.Time) - LeaderTime; // Gap calculation
                if (Gap == TimeSpan.Zero) //For the leader we want to display the race duration
                    Gap = LeaderTime;

                r.WithBrush(Settings.Default.PreferredDriverNames.Contains(driver.UserName) ? Styles.RedBrush : Styles.BlackBrush);

                    .Center(cg => cg
                            .WithFont(fontName, 16, FontStyle.Bold)
                    .ToRight(width: 190, left: 30)
                    .ToRight(width: 80, left: 20)
                    .ToRight(width: 350)

                r = r.ToBelow();

                graphics.InRectangle(FlashCardLeft, r.Rectangle.Top, FlashCardWidth, 10)
                    .DrawLine(FlashCardLeft, r.Rectangle.Top - offset, FlashCardLeft + FlashCardWidth, r.Rectangle.Top - offset);
        private void DrawIntroBody(Graphics graphics, GraphicRect r, int page)
            var totalWidth = FlashCardWidth;
            var left = FlashCardLeft;

            var qsession = OverlayData.SessionData.SessionInfo.Sessions.Qualifying();
            var results = qsession.ResultsPositions ?? new SessionData._SessionInfo._Sessions._ResultsPositions[0];

            var offset = 5;
            var pen = new Pen(Styles.Black, 2);
            graphics.InRectangle(left, r.Rectangle.Top, totalWidth, 10)
                .DrawLine(left, r.Rectangle.Top - offset, left + totalWidth, r.Rectangle.Top - offset);

            foreach (var qualifier in results.Skip(page * DriversPerPage).Take(DriversPerPage))
                var driver = OverlayData.SessionData.DriverInfo.CompetingDrivers[qualifier.CarIdx];
                    .Center(cg => cg
                            .WithFont(fontName, 16, FontStyle.Bold)
                    .ToRight(width: 120, left: 30)
                    .ToRight(width: 60)
                    .ToRight(width: 300)

                r = r.ToBelow();

                graphics.InRectangle(left, r.Rectangle.Top, totalWidth, 10)
                    .DrawLine(left, r.Rectangle.Top - offset, left + totalWidth, r.Rectangle.Top - offset);
		public GraphicRect Center(Func<GraphicRect, GraphicRect> operation)
			var newG = new CenterGraphicRect(g, r, b, p, f, sf);

			var calculateCenter = (CenterGraphicRect)operation(newG);

            var width = calculateCenter.Width;
            var currentCenterPoint = r.Left + r.Width / 2;

			var newRect = new Rectangle(currentCenterPoint - width/2, r.Top, width, r.Height);

			var centeredGr = new GraphicRect(g, newRect, b, p, f, sf );


			return this;