public Coupon RequestExperimentAccess(long experimentID)
            TicketIssuerDB ticketIssuer = new TicketIssuerDB();
            Coupon coupon = null;
            //first try to recreate session if using a html client
            //if ((Session == null) || (Session["UserID"] == null) || (Session["UserID"].ToString() == ""))

            if (ticketIssuer.AuthenticateIssuedCoupon(
                Ticket sessionTicket = ticketIssuer.RetrieveTicket(, TicketTypes.REDEEM_SESSION);
                if (sessionTicket != null)

                    if (sessionTicket.IsExpired())
                        throw new AccessDeniedException("The ticket has expired.");

                    //Parse payload
                    XmlQueryDoc expDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(sessionTicket.payload);
                    // Get User & Group
                    int userID = -1;
                    int groupID = -1;
                    string group = expDoc.Query("RedeemSessionPayload/groupID");
                    string user = expDoc.Query("RedeemSessionPayload/userID");
                    if (group != null && group.Length > 0)
                        groupID = Convert.ToInt32(group);
                    if (user != null && user.Length > 0)
                        userID = Convert.ToInt32(user);

                    //Check Qualifiers on experiment
                    int status = wrapper.GetExperimentAuthorizationWrapper(experimentID, userID, groupID);
                    //if accessable by user create new TicketCollection
            return coupon;
        public string GetAnnotation(int experimentID)
            //first try to recreate session if using an html client
            if (Session == null || (Session["UserID"] == null) || (Session["UserID"].ToString() == ""))
            TicketIssuerDB ticketIssuer = new TicketIssuerDB();
            if (ticketIssuer.AuthenticateIssuedCoupon(
                    //first try to recreate session if using a html client
                    if (Session == null || (Session["UserID"] == null) || (Session["UserID"].ToString() == ""))

                    return wrapper.SelectExperimentAnnotationWrapper(experimentID);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
                return null;