예제 #1
        public DataTable ItemWiseTrendReport(string month, string year)
            DataTable data = new DataTable();

            //Checks that Data exist for present month or not?
            string presentMMYYYY           = arch.DecodeMonthYear(month, year);
            bool   dataExistForPresntMonth = commonReportArch.DataExistForMonth(month, year);

            //Checks that Data exist for prev month or not?
            string previousMonth         = arch.GetPreviousMonth(month);
            string previousMonthYear     = arch.GetPrevMonthsYear(month, year);
            string prevMMYYYY            = arch.DecodeMonthYear(previousMonth, previousMonthYear);
            bool   dataExistForPrevMonth = commonReportArch.DataExistForMonth(previousMonth, previousMonthYear);

            //Checks that Data exist for next month or not?
            string nextMonth             = arch.GetNextMonth(month);
            string nextMonthYear         = arch.GetNextMonthsYear(month, year);
            string nextMMYYYY            = arch.DecodeMonthYear(nextMonth, nextMonthYear);
            bool   dataExistForNextMonth = commonReportArch.DataExistForMonth(nextMonth, nextMonthYear);

            string[,] reportData = null;

            string[] columnName = null;

            if (dataExistForPresntMonth && dataExistForPrevMonth && dataExistForNextMonth)
                columnName = new string[] { "Item", previousMonth + " (Prev.)", "Trend1", month + " (Pres.)", "Trend2", nextMonth + " (Nxt.)" };
                reportData = new string[itemAnalyticArch.GetAllItems().Length, 6];
                reportData = GetReportData1(prevMMYYYY, presentMMYYYY, nextMMYYYY);
                data       = arch.GetDataTableFrom2DArray(columnName, reportData);
            else if (dataExistForPresntMonth && dataExistForPrevMonth && !dataExistForNextMonth)
                columnName = new string[] { "Item", previousMonth + " (Prev.)", "Trend", month + " (Pres.)" };
                reportData = new string[itemAnalyticArch.GetAllItems().Length, 4];
                reportData = GetReportData2(prevMMYYYY, presentMMYYYY);
                data       = arch.GetDataTableFrom2DArray(columnName, reportData);
            else if (dataExistForPresntMonth && !dataExistForPrevMonth && !dataExistForNextMonth)
                columnName = new string[] { "Item", month + " (Pres.)" };
                data       = itemAnalyticArch.MonthlyReportData(month, year);
            else if (dataExistForPresntMonth && !dataExistForPrevMonth && dataExistForNextMonth)
                columnName = new string[] { "Item", month + " (Pres.)", "Trend", nextMonth + " (Nxt.)" };
                reportData = new string[reportArch.GetAllUsers().Length, 4];
                reportData = GetReportData2(presentMMYYYY, nextMMYYYY);
                data       = arch.GetDataTableFrom2DArray(columnName, reportData);

예제 #2
        public DataSet MonthlyReportData(string month, string Year)
            DataSet dsReportData = new DataSet();
            string  monthYear    = arch.DecodeMonthYear(month, Year);

            string Query = "SELECT Distinct(Exp_By) as ExpBy,User_Info.First_Name + ' ' +User_Info.Last_Name as ExpenseBy, Sum(Exp_Amount) as TotalExpense from " +
                           "Expense_Details,User_Info Where " +
                           "Expense_Details.Exp_By=User_Info.User_Id AND " +
                           "Expense_Details.MonthYear='" + monthYear + "' AND Expense_Details.IsDeleted=0" +
                           " Group by Exp_By, User_Info.First_Name + ' ' +User_Info.Last_Name ";

            dsReportData = _dbHelper.ExecuteDataSet(Query);

예제 #3
        public bool DataExistForMonth(string month, string year)
            string monthYear = arch.DecodeMonthYear(month, year);
            string Query     = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Expense_Details WHERE " +
                               "MonthYear='" + monthYear + "' AND IsDeleted=0";

            if (Convert.ToInt16(_dbHelper.ExecuteScalar(Query).ToString()) > 0)
예제 #4
        public DataTable MonthlyReportData(string month, string Year)
            DataTable dtReportData = new DataTable();
            string    monthYear    = arch.DecodeMonthYear(month, Year);

            string Query = "SELECT Distinct(Expense_Details.Item_Id), Item_Details.Item_Name as Item, Sum(Exp_Amount) as TotalExpense from " +
                           "Expense_Details,Item_Details Where " +
                           "Expense_Details.Item_Id=Item_Details.Item_Id AND " +
                           "Expense_Details.MonthYear='" + monthYear + "' AND Expense_Details.IsDeleted=0 " +
                           "Group by Expense_Details.Item_Id, Item_Details.Item_Name";

            dtReportData = _dbHelper.ExecuteDataTable(Query);
