/// <summary> /// Adds a PublisherSettings to the arraylist of publishers. /// </summary> public void AddPublisher(PublisherSettings publisher) { publishers.Add(publisher); }
/// <summary> /// Builds the ExceptionSettings and PublisherSettings structures based on the configuration file. /// </summary> /// <param name="parent">Composed from the configuration settings in a corresponding parent configuration section.</param> /// <param name="configContext">Provides access to the virtual path for which the configuration section handler computes configuration values. Normally this parameter is reserved and is null.</param> /// <param name="section">The XML node that contains the configuration information to be handled. section provides direct access to the XML contents of the configuration section.</param> /// <returns>The ExceptionSettings struct built from the configuration settings.</returns> public object Create(object parent, object configContext, XmlNode section) { try { ExceptionSettings settings = new ExceptionSettings(); // Exit if there are no configuration settings. if (section == null) { return(settings); } XmlNode currentAttribute; XmlAttributeCollection nodeAttributes = section.Attributes; // Get the mode attribute. currentAttribute = nodeAttributes.RemoveNamedItem(EXCEPTIONMANAGEMENT_MODE); if (currentAttribute != null && currentAttribute.Value.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == "OFF") { settings.Mode = ExceptionMode.Off; } #region Loop through the publisher components and load them into the ExceptionSettings // Loop through the publisher components and load them into the ExceptionSettings. PublisherSettings publisherSettings; foreach (XmlNode node in section.ChildNodes) { if (node.Name == PUBLISHER_NODENAME) { // Initialize a new PublisherSettings. publisherSettings = new PublisherSettings(); // Get a collection of all the attributes. nodeAttributes = node.Attributes; #region Remove the known attributes and load the struct values // Remove the mode attribute from the node and set its value in PublisherSettings. currentAttribute = nodeAttributes.RemoveNamedItem(PUBLISHER_MODE); if (currentAttribute != null && currentAttribute.Value.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == "OFF") { publisherSettings.Mode = PublisherMode.Off; } // Remove the assembly attribute from the node and set its value in PublisherSettings. currentAttribute = nodeAttributes.RemoveNamedItem(PUBLISHER_ASSEMBLY); if (currentAttribute != null) { publisherSettings.AssemblyName = currentAttribute.Value; } // Remove the type attribute from the node and set its value in PublisherSettings. currentAttribute = nodeAttributes.RemoveNamedItem(PUBLISHER_TYPE); if (currentAttribute != null) { publisherSettings.TypeName = currentAttribute.Value; } // Remove the exceptionFormat attribute from the node and set its value in PublisherSettings. currentAttribute = nodeAttributes.RemoveNamedItem(PUBLISHER_EXCEPTIONFORMAT); if (currentAttribute != null && currentAttribute.Value.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == "XML") { publisherSettings.ExceptionFormat = PublisherFormat.Xml; } // Remove the include attribute from the node and set its value in PublisherSettings. currentAttribute = nodeAttributes.RemoveNamedItem(PUBLISHER_INCLUDETYPES); if (currentAttribute != null) { publisherSettings.IncludeTypes = LoadTypeFilter(currentAttribute.Value.Split(EXCEPTION_TYPE_DELIMITER)); } // Remove the exclude attribute from the node and set its value in PublisherSettings. currentAttribute = nodeAttributes.RemoveNamedItem(PUBLISHER_EXCLUDETYPES); if (currentAttribute != null) { publisherSettings.ExcludeTypes = LoadTypeFilter(currentAttribute.Value.Split(EXCEPTION_TYPE_DELIMITER)); } #endregion #region Loop through any other attributes and load them into OtherAttributes // Loop through any other attributes and load them into OtherAttributes. for (int i = 0; i < nodeAttributes.Count; i++) { publisherSettings.AddOtherAttributes(nodeAttributes.Item(i).Name, nodeAttributes.Item(i).Value); } #endregion // Add the PublisherSettings to the publishers collection. settings.Publishers.Add(publisherSettings); } } // Remove extra allocated space of the ArrayList of Publishers. settings.Publishers.TrimToSize(); #endregion // Return the ExceptionSettings loaded with the values from the config file. return(settings); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new ConfigurationException(resourceManager.GetString("RES_EXCEPTION_LOADING_CONFIGURATION"), exc, section); } }
} // End Publish(Exception exception, NameValueCollection AdditionalInfo) /// <summary> /// Private static helper method to publish the exception information to a custom publisher. /// </summary> /// <param name="exception">The exception object whose information should be published.</param> /// <param name="additionalInfo">A collection of additional data that should be published along with the exception information.</param> /// <param name="publisher">The PublisherSettings that contains the values of the publishers configuration.</param> private static void PublishToCustomPublisher(Exception exception, NameValueCollection additionalInfo, PublisherSettings publisher) { try { // Check if the exception format is "xml". if (publisher.ExceptionFormat == PublisherFormat.Xml) { // If it is load the IExceptionXmlPublisher interface on the custom publisher. // Instantiate the class IExceptionXmlPublisher XMLPublisher = (IExceptionXmlPublisher)Activate(publisher.AssemblyName, publisher.TypeName); // Publish the exception and any additional information XMLPublisher.Publish(SerializeToXml(exception, additionalInfo), publisher.OtherAttributes); } // Otherwise load the IExceptionPublisher interface on the custom publisher. else { // Instantiate the class IExceptionPublisher Publisher = (IExceptionPublisher)Activate(publisher.AssemblyName, publisher.TypeName); // Publish the exception and any additional information Publisher.Publish(exception, additionalInfo, publisher.OtherAttributes); } } catch (Exception e) { CustomPublisherException publisherException = new CustomPublisherException(resourceManager.GetString("RES_CUSTOM_PUBLISHER_FAILURE_MESSAGE"), publisher.AssemblyName, publisher.TypeName, publisher.ExceptionFormat, e); publisherException.AdditionalInformation.Add(publisher.OtherAttributes); throw(publisherException); } }