// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// Displays an error/warning icon with the details inside a toolbox.
        /// @param rect The rectangle in which to display the error/warning icon.
        /// @param errors List of errors
        /// @param warnings List of warnings
        void DisplayErrorsAndWarningAt(Rect rect, List <ErrorWarning> errors, List <ErrorWarning> warnings)
            // -- Display the appropriate error/warning icon --
            var icon = errors.Count != 0 ? ErrorController.ErrorIcon : ErrorController.WarningIcon;

            ErrorController.DisplayErrorOrWarningIconWithAlpha(rect, icon);
            // -- Display error/warning details --
            if (rect.Contains(WindowMousePosition))
                var nbOfMessages = Mathf.Min(5, errors.Count + warnings.Count);
                var detailRect   = ErrorController.DetermineErrorDetailRect(position, rect, nbOfMessages);
                ErrorController.DisplayErrorAndWarningDetails(detailRect, errors, warnings);
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// Displays an icon and message when mouse is over icon.
        /// @param position The parent window rectangle.
        /// @param iconRect The rectangle used to display the error/warning icon.
        /// @param icon The icon to be displayed.
        /// @param errors List of errors
        /// @param warnings List of warnings
        public static void DisplayIconAndMessages(Rect position, Rect rect, Texture2D icon, string[] errors, string[] warnings)
            // -- Display the appropriate error/warning icon --
            ErrorController.DisplayErrorOrWarningIconWithAlpha(rect, icon);
            // -- Display error/warning details --
            var mousePosition = Event.current.mousePosition;

            if (rect.Contains(mousePosition))
                var nbOfMessages = 1;
                var detailRect   = ErrorController.DetermineErrorDetailRect(position, rect, nbOfMessages);
                ErrorController.DisplayErrorAndWarningDetails(detailRect, errors, null);
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        void DisplayVisualScriptErrorsAndWarnings(List <ErrorWarning> errors, List <ErrorWarning> warnings)
            // -- Get error/warning information --
            var nbOfErrors   = errors.Count;
            var nbOfWarnings = warnings.Count;

            // -- Display scene error/warning icon --
            var r    = GetVisualScriptErrorWarningIconRect();
            var icon = nbOfErrors != 0 ? ErrorController.ErrorIcon : ErrorController.WarningIcon;

            ErrorController.DisplayErrorOrWarningIconWithAlpha(r, icon);

            // -- Initiate the display of the scene error/warning details when mouse is over the icon --
            if (r.Contains(WindowMousePosition))
                showErrorDetails = true;
                if (showErrorDetailTimer == null)
                    showErrorDetailTimer = TimerService.CreateTimedAction(1f, () => { showErrorDetails = false; });

            // -- Display scene errors/warnings --
            if (showErrorDetails)
                var nbOfMessages = Mathf.Min(10, nbOfErrors + nbOfWarnings);
                r = ErrorController.DetermineErrorDetailRect(position, r, nbOfMessages, true);
                if (r.Contains(WindowMousePosition))
                ErrorController.DisplayErrorAndWarningDetails(r, errors, warnings);