private int add_lineBefore(int nr, int level, Boolean hasChildren, string name, string value, hmsspx.pageBase.knownPages nextPage, Type t, string url) { Boolean added = false; entry newEntry = new entry(level, hasChildren, name, value, nextPage, t, url); if (nr >= 0) { for (int e = 0; e < entryList.Count; e++) { if (entryList[e].nr == nr) { entryList_Insert(e, newEntry); added = true; break; } } } if (added == false) { entryList_Add(newEntry); } return(; }
private void entryList_Insert(int index, entry newEntry) { // Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { entryList.Insert(index, newEntry); // }); }
private void Vc_Tapped(object sender, EventArgs e) { ViewCell vcx = (ViewCell)sender; StackLayout stackLoc = (StackLayout)vcx.View; stackLoc = (StackLayout)stackLoc.Children[0]; Label nrLabel = (Label)stackLoc.Children[(int)line_part.nrLabel]; int nr = -1; int.TryParse(nrLabel.Text, out nr); entry curEntry = this.getEntry(nr); footerText.Text = ""; if (curEntry != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(curEntry.url)) { footerText.Text = curEntry.url; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(curEntry.value)) { footerText.Text = curEntry.value; } } #if false if (curEntry.nextPage != hmsspx.pageBase.knownPages.NONE) { Type t = Type.GetType("hmsspx." + curEntry.nextPage.ToString()); if (t != null) { this.cancelRunningTask(); object[] args = { true, curEntry.url, lblTitle.Text }; var myObj = (pageBase)Activator.CreateInstance(t, args); Navigation.PushAsync(myObj); } } else if (curEntry.hasChildren == true && curEntry.isExpanded == false) { curEntry.isExpanded = true; if (curEntry.isDeferred == true) { if (this.runningTask == false) { this.add_ObjAt(nr, curEntry.level + 1, curEntry.t, curEntry.url); } else { this.cancelRunningTask(); } } else { this.cancelRunningTask(); this.add_lineAt(nr, curEntry.level + 1, false, "web", nrLabel.Text.ToString(), hmsspx.pageBase.knownPages.NONE, ""); } } else { } #endif }
private void entryList_Add(entry newEntry) { // Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { entryList.Add(newEntry); //}); }
private void Vc_IconTapped(object sender, EventArgs e) { Image icon = (Image)sender; StackLayout stackLoc = (StackLayout)icon.Parent; Label nrLabel = (Label)stackLoc.Children[(int)line_part.nrLabel]; int nr = -1; int.TryParse(nrLabel.Text, out nr); entry curEntry = this.getEntry(nr); if (curEntry.nextPage != hmsspx.pageBase.knownPages.NONE) { Type t = Type.GetType("hmsspx." + curEntry.nextPage.ToString()); if (t != null) { this.cancelRunningTask(); object[] args = { true, curEntry.url, lblTitle.Text }; var myObj = (pageBase)Activator.CreateInstance(t, args); Navigation.PushAsync(myObj); } } else if (curEntry.hasChildren == true) { if (curEntry.isExpanded == false) { curEntry.isExpanded = true; if (curEntry.children != null) { // add all children back to the list int eIndex = this.getEntryIndex(; for (int i = curEntry.children.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { entryList_Insert(eIndex + 1, curEntry.children[i]); } curEntry.children = null; } else { if (curEntry.isDeferred == true) { if (this.runningTask == false) { this.add_ObjAt(nr, curEntry.level + 1, curEntry.t, curEntry.url); } else { this.cancelRunningTask(); } } else { this.cancelRunningTask(); this.add_lineAt(nr, curEntry.level + 1, false, "unset", nrLabel.Text.ToString(), hmsspx.pageBase.knownPages.NONE, ""); } } } else { // push all following entries into the children list int level = curEntry.level; int eIndex = this.getEntryIndex(; int i = eIndex + 1; curEntry.children = new List <entry>(); while (i < entryList.Count) { if (entryList[i].level <= level) { break; } curEntry.children.Add(entryList[i]); entryList.RemoveAt(i); } if (curEntry.children.Count == 0) { curEntry.children = null; } curEntry.isExpanded = false; } } else { } }