public static bool DatabaseWrite_Client(string gameID, Client client) { Client_Serialized clientSer = new Client_Serialized(client); var rString = new RiakObject(gameID, client.username, clientSer); var putStringResult = Globals_Server.rClient.Put(rString); if (!putStringResult.IsSuccess) { Globals_Server.logError("Write failed: String variable " + clientSer.user + " to bucket " + rString.Bucket); } return(putStringResult.IsSuccess); }
/// <summary> /// Writes a key list (List object) to the database /// </summary> /// <returns>bool indicating success</returns> /// <param name="gameID">Game (bucket) to write to</param> /// <par am name="k">key of key list</param> /// <param name="kl">key list to write</param> public static bool DatabaseWrite_KeyList <T>(string gameID, string k, List <T> kl) { Console.WriteLine("Writing key list " + k + " to bucket " + gameID); RiakObject rList = new RiakObject(gameID, k); var putListResult = Globals_Server.rClient.Put(rList); if (!putListResult.IsSuccess) { Globals_Server.logError("Write failed: Key list " + rList.Key + " to bucket " + rList.Bucket); } return(putListResult.IsSuccess); }
/// <summary> /// Writes a GameClock object to the database /// </summary> /// <returns>bool indicating success</returns> /// <param name="gameID">Game (bucket) to write to</param> /// <param name="gc">GameClock to write</param> public static bool DatabaseWrite_Clock(string gameID, GameClock gc) { var rClock = new RiakObject(gameID, "gameClock", gc); var putClockResult = Globals_Server.rClient.Put(rClock); if (!putClockResult.IsSuccess) { Globals_Server.logError("Write failed: GameClock to bucket " + rClock.Bucket + ": " + putClockResult.ErrorMessage); } return(putClockResult.IsSuccess); }
/// <summary> /// Writes a string variable to the database /// </summary> /// <returns>bool indicating success</returns> /// <param name="gameID">Game (bucket) to write to</param> /// <param name="key">Database key to use</param> /// <param name="pcID">string to write</param> public static bool DatabaseWrite_String(string gameID, string key, string pcID) { pcID = "\"" + pcID + "\""; var rString = new RiakObject(gameID, key, pcID); var putStringResult = Globals_Server.rClient.Put(rString); if (!putStringResult.IsSuccess) { Globals_Server.logError("Write failed: String variable " + key + " to bucket " + rString.Bucket); } return(putStringResult.IsSuccess); }
public void ProcessMessage(global::ProtoMessage.ProtoMessage m, NetConnection connection) { Contract.Requires(connection != null && m != null); Client client; clientConnections.TryGetValue(connection, out client); if (client == null) { NetOutgoingMessage errorMessage = server.CreateMessage("There was a problem with the connection. Please try re-connecting"); server.SendMessage(errorMessage, connection, NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered); string log = "Connection from peer " + connection.Peer.UniqueIdentifier + " not found in client connections. Timestamp: " + DateTime.Now.ToString(DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo); Globals_Server.logError(log); return; } var pc = client.myPlayerCharacter; if (pc == null || !pc.isAlive) { NetOutgoingMessage msg = server.CreateMessage("You have no valid PlayerCharacter!"); server.SendMessage(msg, connection, NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered); server.FlushSendQueue(); } else { ProtoMessage forActionController = new ProtoMessage(); string responseType = m.ResponseType.ToString(); /*forActionController.ResponseType = responseType; * ProtoMessage reply = Game.ActionController(m, client); * // Set action type to ensure client knows which action invoked response * if (reply == null) * { * ProtoMessage invalid = new ProtoMessage(DisplayMessages.ErrorGenericMessageInvalid); * invalid.ActionType = Actions.Update; * reply = invalid; * } * else * { * reply.ActionType = m.ActionType; * } * SendViaProto(reply, connection, true, client.alg); * Globals_Server.logEvent("From " + clientConnections[connection] + ": request = " + * m.ActionType.ToString() + ", reply = " + reply.ResponseType.ToString());*/ } }
/// <summary> /// Writes a Province or Province_Serialised object to the database /// </summary> /// <returns>bool indicating success</returns> /// <param name="gameID">Game (bucket) to write to</param> /// <param name="p">Province to write</param> /// <param name="ps">Province_Serialised to write</param> public static bool DatabaseWrite_Province(string gameID, Province p = null, Province_Serialised ps = null) { if (p != null) { // convert Province into Province_Serialised ps = DatabaseWrite.Province_serialise(p); } var rProv = new RiakObject(gameID,, ps); var putProvResult = Globals_Server.rClient.Put(rProv); if (!putProvResult.IsSuccess) { Globals_Server.logError("Write failed: Province " + rProv.Key + " to bucket " + rProv.Bucket); } return(putProvResult.IsSuccess); }
/// <summary> /// Writes a Kingdom or Kingdom_Serialised object to the database /// </summary> /// <returns>bool indicating success</returns> /// <param name="gameID">Game (bucket) to write to</param> /// <param name="k">Kingdom to write</param> /// <param name="ks">Kingdom_Serialised to write</param> public static bool DatabaseWrite_Kingdom(string gameID, Kingdom k = null, Kingdom_Serialised ks = null) { if (k != null) { // convert Kingdom into Kingdom_Serialised ks = DatabaseWrite.Kingdom_serialise(k); } var rKing = new RiakObject(gameID,, ks); var putKingResult = Globals_Server.rClient.Put(rKing); if (!putKingResult.IsSuccess) { Globals_Server.logError("Write failed: Kingdom " + rKing.Key + " to bucket " + rKing.Bucket); } return(putKingResult.IsSuccess); }
/// <summary> /// Writes a Position or Position_Serialised object to the database /// </summary> /// <returns>bool indicating success</returns> /// <param name="gameID">Game (bucket) to write to</param> /// <param name="p">Position to write</param> /// <param name="ps">Position_Serialised to write</param> public static bool DatabaseWrite_Position(string gameID, Position p = null, Position_Serialised ps = null) { if (p != null) { // convert Position into Position_Serialised ps = DatabaseWrite.Position_serialise(p); } var rPos = new RiakObject(gameID,, ps); var putPosResult = Globals_Server.rClient.Put(rPos); if (!putPosResult.IsSuccess) { Globals_Server.logError("Write failed: Position " + rPos.Key + " to bucket " + rPos.Bucket); } return(putPosResult.IsSuccess); }
/// <summary> /// Writes a HexMapGraph edges collection to the database /// </summary> /// <returns>bool indicating success</returns> /// <param name="gameID">Game (bucket) to write to</param> /// <param name="map">HexMapGraph containing edges collection to write</param> /// <param name="edges">Edges collection to write</param> public static bool DatabaseWrite_MapEdges(string gameID, HexMapGraph map = null, List <TaggedEdge <string, string> > edges = null) { if (map != null) { // convert Language into Language_Serialised edges = DatabaseWrite.EdgeCollection_serialise(map.myMap.Edges.ToList()); } var rMapE = new RiakObject(gameID, "mapEdges", edges); var putMapResultE = Globals_Server.rClient.Put(rMapE); if (!putMapResultE.IsSuccess) { Globals_Server.logError("Write failed: Map edges collection " + rMapE.Key + " to bucket " + rMapE.Bucket); } return(putMapResultE.IsSuccess); }
/// <summary> /// Writes a Fief or Fief_Serialised object to the database /// </summary> /// <returns>bool indicating success</returns> /// <param name="gameID">Game (bucket) to write to</param> /// <param name="f">Fief to write</param> /// <param name="fs">Fief_Serialised to write</param> public static bool DatabaseWrite_Fief(string gameID, Fief f = null, Fief_Serialised fs = null) { if (f != null) { // convert Fief to Fief_Serialised fs = DatabaseWrite.Fief_serialise(f); } var rFief = new RiakObject(gameID,, fs); var putFiefResult = Globals_Server.rClient.Put(rFief); if (!putFiefResult.IsSuccess) { Globals_Server.logError("Write failed: Fief " + rFief.Key + " to bucket " + rFief.Bucket); } return(putFiefResult.IsSuccess); }
/// <summary> /// Writes a PlayerCharacter or PlayerCharacter_Serialised object to the database /// </summary> /// <returns>bool indicating success</returns> /// <param name="gameID">Game (bucket) to write to</param> /// <param name="pc">PlayerCharacter to write</param> /// <param name="pcs">PlayerCharacter_Serialised to write</param> public static bool DatabaseWrite_PC(string gameID, PlayerCharacter pc = null, PlayerCharacter_Serialised pcs = null) { if (pc != null) { // convert PlayerCharacter into PlayerCharacter_Serialised pcs = DatabaseWrite.PC_serialise(pc); } // write PlayerCharacter_Serialised to database var rPC = new RiakObject(gameID, pcs.charID, pcs); var putPCresult = Globals_Server.rClient.Put(rPC); if (!putPCresult.IsSuccess) { Globals_Server.logError("Write failed: PC " + rPC.Key + " to bucket " + rPC.Bucket); } return(putPCresult.IsSuccess); }
/// <summary> /// Writes a NonPlayerCharacter or NonPlayerCharacter_Serialised object to the database /// </summary> /// <returns>bool indicating success</returns> /// <param name="gameID">Game (bucket) to write to</param> /// <param name="npc">NonPlayerCharacter to write</param> /// <param name="npcs">NonPlayerCharacter_Serialised to write</param> public static bool DatabaseWrite_NPC(string gameID, NonPlayerCharacter npc = null, NonPlayerCharacter_Serialised npcs = null) { if (npc != null) { // convert NonPlayerCharacter into NonPlayerCharacter_Serialised npcs = DatabaseWrite.NPC_serialise(npc); } // write NonPlayerCharacter_Serialised to database var rNPC = new RiakObject(gameID, npcs.charID, npcs); var putNPCresult = Globals_Server.rClient.Put(rNPC); if (!putNPCresult.IsSuccess) { Globals_Server.logError("Write failed: NPC " + rNPC.Key + " to bucket " + rNPC.Bucket); } return(putNPCresult.IsSuccess); }
/// <summary> /// Writes a Language or Language_Serialised object to the database /// </summary> /// <returns>bool indicating success</returns> /// <param name="gameID">Game (bucket) to write to</param> /// <param name="l">Language to write</param> /// <param name="ls">Language_Serialised to write</param> public static bool DatabaseWrite_Language(string gameID, Language l = null, Language_Serialised ls = null) { if (l != null) { // convert Language into Language_Serialised ls = DatabaseWrite.Language_serialise(l); } // write Language_Serialised to database var rLanguage = new RiakObject(gameID,, ls); var putLanguageResult = Globals_Server.rClient.Put(rLanguage); if (!putLanguageResult.IsSuccess) { Globals_Server.logError("Write failed: Language " + rLanguage.Key + " to bucket " + rLanguage.Bucket); } return(putLanguageResult.IsSuccess); }
public void Listen() { while (server.Status == NetPeerStatus.Running && !ctSource.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { NetIncomingMessage im; WaitHandle.WaitAny(new WaitHandle[] { server.MessageReceivedEvent, ctSource.Token.WaitHandle }); while ((im = server.ReadMessage()) != null && !ctSource.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { switch (im.MessageType) { case NetIncomingMessageType.DebugMessage: case NetIncomingMessageType.ErrorMessage: case NetIncomingMessageType.WarningMessage: Globals_Server.logError("Recieved warning message: " + im.ReadString()); break; case NetIncomingMessageType.VerboseDebugMessage: case NetIncomingMessageType.Data: { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("SERVER: recieved data message"); #endif if (!clientConnections.ContainsKey(im.SenderConnection)) { //error im.SenderConnection.Disconnect("Not recognised"); return; } Client c = clientConnections[im.SenderConnection]; if (c.alg != null) { im.Decrypt(c.alg); } ProtoMessage m = null; //global::ProtoMessage.ProtoMessage y = null; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(im.Data)) { try { //y = Serializer.DeserializeWithLengthPrefix<global::ProtoMessage.ProtoMessage>(ms, //PrefixStyle.Fixed32); m = Serializer.DeserializeWithLengthPrefix <ProtoMessage>(ms, PrefixStyle.Fixed32); } catch (Exception e) { NetOutgoingMessage errorMessage = server.CreateMessage( "Failed to deserialise message. The message may be incorrect, or the decryption may have failed."); if (c.alg != null) { errorMessage.Encrypt(c.alg); } server.SendMessage(errorMessage, im.SenderConnection, NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered); Globals_Server.logError("Failed to deserialize message for client: " + c.username); } } if (m == null /*&& y == null*/) { string error = "Recieved null message from " + im.SenderEndPoint.ToString(); if (clientConnections.ContainsKey(im.SenderConnection)) { error += ", recognised client " + clientConnections[im.SenderConnection]; } else { error += ", unrecognised client (possible ping)"; } error += ". Data: " + im.ReadString(); Globals_Server.logError(error); break; } if (m.ActionType == Actions.LogIn) { ProtoLogIn login = m as ProtoLogIn; if (login == null) { im.SenderConnection.Disconnect("Not login"); return; } lock (ServerLock) { if (LogInManager.VerifyUser(c.username, login.userSalt)) { if (LogInManager.ProcessLogIn(login, c)) { string log = c.username + " logs in from " + im.SenderEndPoint.ToString(); Globals_Server.logEvent(log); } } else { ProtoMessage reply = new ProtoMessage { ActionType = Actions.LogIn, ResponseType = DisplayMessages.LogInFail }; im.SenderConnection.Disconnect("Authentication Fail"); } } } // temp for testing, should validate connection first else if (clientConnections.ContainsKey(im.SenderConnection)) { if (Globals_Game.IsObserver(c)) { ProcessMessage(m, im.SenderConnection); ProtoClient clientDetails = new ProtoClient(c); clientDetails.ActionType = Actions.Update; SendViaProto(clientDetails, im.SenderConnection, c.alg); } else { im.SenderConnection.Disconnect("Not logged in- Disconnecting"); } } /*//IF Y ACTION * if (y.ActionType == global::ProtoMessage.Actions.LogIn) * { * global::ProtoMessage.Client forCheck = new global::ProtoMessage.Client(c.username, c.myPlayerCharacter.playerID); * global::ProtoMessage.ProtoLogIn login = y as global::ProtoMessage.ProtoLogIn; * if (login == null) * { * im.SenderConnection.Disconnect("Not login"); * return; * } * lock (ServerLock) * { * if (LogInManager.VerifyUser(c.username, login.userSalt)) * { * if (LogInManager.ProcessLogIn(login, forCheck, true)) * { * string log = c.username + " logs in from " + im.SenderEndPoint.ToString(); * Globals_Server.logEvent(log); * } * } * else * { * ProtoMessage reply = new ProtoMessage * { * ActionType = Actions.LogIn, * ResponseType = DisplayMessages.LogInFail * }; * im.SenderConnection.Disconnect("Authentication Fail"); * } * } * } * // temp for testing, should validate connection first * else if (clientConnections.ContainsKey(im.SenderConnection)) * { * if (Globals_Game.IsObserver(c)) * { * ProcessMessage(y, im.SenderConnection); * ProtoClient clientDetails = new ProtoClient(c); * clientDetails.ActionType = Actions.Update; * SendViaProto(clientDetails, im.SenderConnection, c.alg); * } * else * { * im.SenderConnection.Disconnect("Not logged in- Disconnecting"); * } * }*/ } break; case NetIncomingMessageType.StatusChanged: byte stat = im.ReadByte(); NetConnectionStatus status = NetConnectionStatus.None; if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(NetConnectionStatus), Convert.ToInt32(stat))) { status = (NetConnectionStatus)stat; } else { Globals_Server.logError("Failure to parse byte " + stat + " to NetConnectionStatus for endpoint " + im.ReadIPEndPoint()); } if (status == NetConnectionStatus.Disconnected) { if (clientConnections.ContainsKey(im.SenderConnection)) { Disconnect(im.SenderConnection); } } break; case NetIncomingMessageType.ConnectionApproval: { string senderID = im.ReadString(); string text = im.ReadString(); Client client; Globals_Server.Clients.TryGetValue(senderID, out client); if (client != null) { ProtoLogIn logIn; if (!LogInManager.AcceptConnection(client, text, out logIn)) { im.SenderConnection.Deny(); } else { NetOutgoingMessage msg = server.CreateMessage(); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); // Include X509 certificate as bytes for client to validate Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix <ProtoLogIn>(ms, logIn, PrefixStyle.Fixed32); msg.Write(ms.GetBuffer()); clientConnections.Add(im.SenderConnection, client); client.conn = im.SenderConnection; im.SenderConnection.Approve(msg); server.FlushSendQueue(); Globals_Server.logEvent("Accepted connection from " + client.username); } } else { im.SenderConnection.Deny("unrecognised"); } } break; case NetIncomingMessageType.ConnectionLatencyUpdated: break; default: Globals_Server.logError("Received unrecognised incoming message type: " + im.MessageType); break; } server.Recycle(im); } } #if DEBUG Globals_Server.logEvent("Server listening thread exits"); #endif }
public void read() { while (client.Status == NetPeerStatus.Running && !ctSource.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { WaitHandle.WaitAny(new WaitHandle[] { client.MessageReceivedEvent, ctSource.Token.WaitHandle }); NetIncomingMessage im; while ((im = client.ReadMessage()) != null && !ctSource.IsCancellationRequested) { switch (im.MessageType) { case NetIncomingMessageType.DebugMessage: case NetIncomingMessageType.ErrorMessage: case NetIncomingMessageType.WarningMessage: case NetIncomingMessageType.VerboseDebugMessage: case NetIncomingMessageType.Data: try { if (alg != null) { im.Decrypt(alg); } MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(im.Data); ProtoMessage m = null; try { m = Serializer.DeserializeWithLengthPrefix <ProtoMessage>(ms, PrefixStyle.Fixed32); } catch (Exception e) { // Attempt to read string and add to message queue string s = im.ReadString(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)) { Console.WriteLine("CLIENT: Got message: " + s); tClient.stringMessageQueue.Enqueue(s); } } if (m != null) { Console.WriteLine("CLIENT: Got ProtoMessage with ActionType: " + m.ActionType + " and response type: " + m.ResponseType); if (m.ResponseType == DisplayMessages.LogInSuccess) { loggedIn = true; tClient.protobufMessageQueue.Enqueue(m); } else { if (m.ActionType == Actions.Update) { // Don't do anything at the moment for updates } else { tClient.protobufMessageQueue.Enqueue(m); if (m.ActionType == Actions.LogIn && m.ResponseType == DisplayMessages.None) { byte[] key = null; if (ValidateCertificateAndCreateKey(m as ProtoLogIn, out key)) { ComputeAndSendHashAndKey(m as ProtoLogIn, key); } } else { // Attempt to read string and add to message queue string s = im.ReadString(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)) { tClient.stringMessageQueue.Enqueue(s); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Globals_Server.logError("Error in reading data: " + e.GetType() + " :" + e.Message + "; Stack Trace: " + e.StackTrace); } break; case NetIncomingMessageType.StatusChanged: NetConnectionStatus status = (NetConnectionStatus)im.ReadByte(); Console.WriteLine("CLIENT: Status changed to " + status.ToString()); //MemoryStream ms2 = new MemoryStream(im.SenderConnection.RemoteHailMessage.Data); if (status == NetConnectionStatus.Connected) { if (im.SenderConnection.RemoteHailMessage != null) { try { MemoryStream ms2 = new MemoryStream(im.SenderConnection.RemoteHailMessage.Data); ProtoMessage m = Serializer.DeserializeWithLengthPrefix <ProtoMessage>(ms2, PrefixStyle.Fixed32); if (m != null) { tClient.protobufMessageQueue.Enqueue(m); if (m.ActionType == Actions.LogIn && m.ResponseType == DisplayMessages.None) { byte[] key = null; if (ValidateCertificateAndCreateKey(m as ProtoLogIn, out key)) { if (autoLogIn) { ComputeAndSendHashAndKey(m as ProtoLogIn, key); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Certificate validation failed: Server may be untrusted"); client.Disconnect("Invalid Certificate"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { } } break; } else if (status == NetConnectionStatus.Disconnected) { string reason = im.ReadString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reason)) { tClient.stringMessageQueue.Enqueue(reason); } } if (im.SenderConnection.RemoteHailMessage != null && (NetConnectionStatus)im.ReadByte() == NetConnectionStatus.Connected) { } break; case NetIncomingMessageType.ConnectionLatencyUpdated: break; default: break; } client.Recycle(im); } } #if DEBUG Globals_Server.logEvent("Client listening thread ends"); #endif }