static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("welcome to the dice game"); Console.WriteLine("plesase enter your name"); string Name1 = Console.ReadLine(); bool WantToPlay = false; Console.WriteLine("would you like to play the dice " + Name1); string ifplay = Console.ReadLine(); ifplay = ifplay.ToLower(); for (;;) { if (ifplay == "yes") { WantToPlay = true; break; } if (ifplay == "no") { Console.WriteLine("have a nice day"); WantToPlay = false; } else if ((ifplay != "yes") || (ifplay != "no")) { Console.WriteLine("please enter yes or no"); ifplay = Console.ReadLine(); ifplay = ifplay.ToLower(); } } int WhileLoopMonitor = 1; int GetEvenNumberPlayList = -1; int GetOddNumberPlayList = 0; string Name2 = " "; List <RollTheDice> PlayDice = new List <RollTheDice>(); while (WantToPlay == true) { PlayDice.Add(new RollTheDice()); while (WhileLoopMonitor % 2 == 0) { Console.WriteLine(); RollTheDice.Play1skill = PlayDice[GetEvenNumberPlayList].Skill; RollTheDice.Play1Strength = PlayDice[GetEvenNumberPlayList].Strength; RollTheDice.Play2skill = PlayDice[GetOddNumberPlayList].Skill; RollTheDice.Play2Strength = PlayDice[GetOddNumberPlayList].Strength; RollTheDice.Comparer(); //RollTheDice.MakeWinnerskill(); // RollTheDice.MakeWinnerStrength(); using (StreamWriter print = new StreamWriter("file.txt")) { print.WriteLine("the score for {0} is {1} skill {2} strenth", Name1, RollTheDice.Play1skill, RollTheDice.Play1Strength); print.WriteLine("the score for {0} is {1} skill {2} strenth", Name2, RollTheDice.Play2skill, RollTheDice.Play2Strength); } break; } RollTheDice.DisplayNumOfPlayers(); Console.WriteLine(); while (WhileLoopMonitor == 1) { Console.WriteLine("plesase enter your name"); Name2 = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("would you like to play the dice {0} against {1}", Name2, Name1); break; } while (WhileLoopMonitor % 2 == 0) { Console.WriteLine("another game {0} and {1}", Name1, Name2); break; } while ((WhileLoopMonitor % 2 > 0) && (WhileLoopMonitor > 1)) { Console.WriteLine("are you ready {0} ", Name2); break; } string again = Console.ReadLine(); again = again.ToLower(); if ((again != "yes") && (again != "no")) { Console.WriteLine("next time dont type in rubish"); Console.WriteLine("SEE YOU"); WantToPlay = false; break; } if (again == "no") { Console.WriteLine("thanks for playing"); WantToPlay = false; } if (again == "yes") { WhileLoopMonitor++; Console.WriteLine(WhileLoopMonitor + " WhileLoopMonitor"); GetEvenNumberPlayList++; Console.WriteLine(GetEvenNumberPlayList + " GetEvenNumberPlayList"); GetOddNumberPlayList++; Console.WriteLine(GetOddNumberPlayList + " GetOddNumberPlayList"); WantToPlay = true; } } Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("{0:X}", 13); Console.WriteLine("hello world"); Console.WriteLine("{0:G}", DayOfWeek.Wednesday); const int HEIGHT = 12; // Allocate the array in a triangle form long[][] triangle = new long[HEIGHT + 1][]; for (int row = 0; row < HEIGHT; row++) { triangle[row] = new long[row + 1]; } // Calculate the Pascal's triangle triangle[0][0] = 1; for (int row = 0; row < HEIGHT - 1; row++) { for (int col = 0; col <= row; col++) { triangle[row + 1][col] += triangle[row][col]; triangle[row + 1][col + 1] += triangle[row][col]; } } // Print the Pascal's triangle for (int row = 0; row < HEIGHT; row++) { Console.Write("".PadLeft((HEIGHT - row) * 2)); for (int col = 0; col <= row; col++) { Console.Write("{0,3} ", triangle[row][col]); } Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine("welcome to the dice game"); Console.WriteLine("plesase enter your name"); string Name1 = Console.ReadLine(); bool WantToPlay = false; Console.WriteLine("would you like to play the dice " + Name1); string ifplay = Console.ReadLine(); ifplay = ifplay.ToLower(); for (;;) { if (ifplay == "yes") { WantToPlay = true; break; } if (ifplay == "no") { Console.WriteLine("have a nice day"); WantToPlay = false; } else if ((ifplay != "yes") || (ifplay != "no")) { Console.WriteLine("please enter yes or no"); ifplay = Console.ReadLine(); ifplay = ifplay.ToLower(); } } int WhileLoopMonitor = 1; int GetEvenNumberPlayList = -1; int GetOddNumberPlayList = 0; string Name2 = " "; List <RollTheDice> PlayDice = new List <RollTheDice>(); while (WantToPlay == true) { PlayDice.Add(new RollTheDice()); while (WhileLoopMonitor % 2 == 0) { Console.WriteLine(); RollTheDice.Play1skill = PlayDice[GetEvenNumberPlayList].Skill; RollTheDice.Play1Strength = PlayDice[GetEvenNumberPlayList].Strength; RollTheDice.Play2skill = PlayDice[GetOddNumberPlayList].Skill; RollTheDice.Play2Strength = PlayDice[GetOddNumberPlayList].Strength; RollTheDice.Comparer(); //RollTheDice.MakeWinnerskill(); // RollTheDice.MakeWinnerStrength(); using (StreamWriter print = new StreamWriter("file.txt")) { print.WriteLine("the score for {0} is {1} skill {2} strenth", Name1, RollTheDice.Play1skill, RollTheDice.Play1Strength); print.WriteLine("the score for {0} is {1} skill {2} strenth", Name2, RollTheDice.Play2skill, RollTheDice.Play2Strength); } break; } RollTheDice.DisplayNumOfPlayers(); Console.WriteLine(); while (WhileLoopMonitor == 1) { Console.WriteLine("plesase enter your name"); Name2 = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("would you like to play the dice {0} against {1}", Name2, Name1); break; } while (WhileLoopMonitor % 2 == 0) { Console.WriteLine("another game {0} and {1}", Name1, Name2); break; } while ((WhileLoopMonitor % 2 > 0) && (WhileLoopMonitor > 1)) { Console.WriteLine("are you ready {0} ", Name2); break; } string again = Console.ReadLine(); again = again.ToLower(); if ((again != "yes") && (again != "no")) { Console.WriteLine("next time dont type in rubish"); Console.WriteLine("SEE YOU"); WantToPlay = false; break; } if (again == "no") { Console.WriteLine("thanks for playing"); WantToPlay = false; } if (again == "yes") { WhileLoopMonitor++; Console.WriteLine(WhileLoopMonitor + " WhileLoopMonitor"); GetEvenNumberPlayList++; Console.WriteLine(GetEvenNumberPlayList + " GetEvenNumberPlayList"); GetOddNumberPlayList++; Console.WriteLine(GetOddNumberPlayList + " GetOddNumberPlayList"); WantToPlay = true; } } Console.ReadKey(); }