void OnPlayerEntityDeath(Entity source, Dictionary <Entity, int> culprits)
            // Find current player entity in playerVehiclePrefabs.
            // Obtain the name of the current player, minus any potential post affix "(Clone)", to find its prefab index.
            string oldName = playerEntity.gameObject.name;

            oldName = oldName.Replace("(Clone)", "");

            // Obtain reference to the current player's prefab to respawn.
            int prefabIndex = playerVehiclePrefabs.GetPrefabNameIndex(oldName);

            playerPrefab = playerVehiclePrefabs.GetPrefabAtIndex(prefabIndex);

            // Start the respawn timer if one set.
            if (timer)
            // Otherwise, just respawn player now.
            else if (playerPrefab)
                playerEntity = Instantiate(playerPrefab, originalPosition + Vector3.up * .5f, originalRotation) as Entity;
        // Cycle vehicle demonstration...
        void CycleVehicle()
            // Obtain reference to old vehicle.
            Vehicle oldVehicle = playerDriver.vehicle;

            // Obtain the name of the old vehicle, minus any potential post affix "(Clone)", to find its prefab index.
            string oldVehicleName = oldVehicle.gameObject.name;

            oldVehicleName = oldVehicleName.Replace("(Clone)", "");

            // Obtain the prefab index of the next vehicle to instantiate (+1 of the old index).
            int nextVehiclePrefabIndex = playerVehiclePrefabs.GetPrefabNameIndex(oldVehicleName) + 1;

            // Save position and velocity of the old vehicle.
            Vector3   position = oldVehicle.transform.position + Vector3.up * .5f;
            Rigidbody oldRb    = oldVehicle.GetComponentInChildren <Rigidbody>();
            Vector3   velocity = (oldRb != null ? (oldRb.velocity.sqrMagnitude < .01f ? Vector3.forward : oldRb.velocity) : Vector3.forward);

            // Get the old vehicle entity if one exists so we can save Entity health, shield, etc.
            Entity oldEntity = oldVehicle.GetComponent <Entity>();

            // Disable old vehicle to avoid interaction with new one.

            // Instantiate next vehicle
            Vehicle newVehicle = Instantiate(playerVehiclePrefabs.GetPrefabAtIndex(nextVehiclePrefabIndex), position, Quaternion.LookRotation(velocity)) as Vehicle;

            // Copy rigidbody velocity if the new vehicle has one
            Rigidbody newRb = newVehicle.GetComponentInChildren <Rigidbody>();

            if (newRb)
                newRb.velocity = velocity;

            // Obtain Entity on new vehicle
            Entity newEntity = newVehicle.GetComponent <Entity>();

            // If old and new vehicles are Entities (typically the case), copy status.
            if (oldEntity && newEntity)
                newEntity.health = oldEntity.health;
                newEntity.shield = oldEntity.shield;
                newEntity.GainExperience(null, oldEntity.experience);

            // Send event for new vehicle to set it as the player vehicle.
            Events.setPlayerVehicle(newVehicle, false);

            // Destroy old vehicle.