예제 #1
파일: SwipeLine.cs 프로젝트: AnkeAnke/ggj20
        private void GetBoundingBoxFromRelative(Rectangle rectKeyboard, Texture2D texture, Vector2 relativePosition, float sizeX,
                                                out Vector2 center, out Vector2 scale)
            scale = new Vector2(VirtualCoords.ComputePixelScale(sizeX) / texture.Width);

            center = new Vector2(rectKeyboard.X + 0.5f, rectKeyboard.Y + 0.5f) + relativePosition * rectKeyboard.Width;
예제 #2
        public void Update(GameTime gameTime, Dictionary dictionary)
            var mouseState = Mouse.GetState();

            SwipeKeyboard.GetBoundingBox(_centerPosition, out Vector2 cornerKeyboard, out Vector2 sizeKeyboard);

            Rectangle interactRect = VirtualCoords.ComputePixelRect(cornerKeyboard - new Vector2(CONSTELLATION_WIDTH * 0.01f), sizeKeyboard + new Vector2(CONSTELLATION_WIDTH * 0.02f));

            if (interactRect.Contains(mouseState.Position)) // TODO: or intersects word rect
                _selectionInterpolation = _selectionInterpolation + (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds / SELECTION_ANIMATION_DURATION;
                _selectionInterpolation = Math.Min(1f, _selectionInterpolation);
                _selectionInterpolation = _selectionInterpolation - (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds / SELECTION_ANIMATION_DURATION;
                _selectionInterpolation = Math.Max(0f, _selectionInterpolation);

            _swipeLine.Update(gameTime, _centerPosition);

            _associatedWord.ActiveWord = dictionary.ClosestWordToSwipePattern(_swipeLine.HandlePositionsRelative);

예제 #3
파일: Game.cs 프로젝트: AnkeAnke/ggj20
 protected override void Initialize()
     VirtualCoords.OnResize(new Point(_graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth, _graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight));
     Window.ClientSizeChanged += (sender, args) => VirtualCoords.OnResize(this.Window.ClientBounds.Size);
     _dictionary = new Dictionary();
예제 #4
        private Rectangle DrawArea()
            var tailAspect = (float)StyleSheet.ShootingTailTexture.Width / StyleSheet.ShootingTailTexture.Height;
            var tailSize   = new Vector2(Size * tailAspect, Size);
            var offset     = new Vector2(-tailSize.X * 0.5f, 0.0f);

            return(VirtualCoords.ComputePixelRect(_centerPosition + offset, tailSize));
예제 #5
파일: Word.cs 프로젝트: AnkeAnke/ggj20
        public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            float scaleInterpolation = 1.0f + 0.2f * _interpolation;
            Color color = Color.Lerp(StyleSheet.HighlightColor, StyleSheet.BackgroundColor, _interpolation);

                                   text: ActiveWord,
                                   position: VirtualCoords.ComputePixelPosition(CenterPosition),
                                   color: color,
                                   rotation: 0.0f,
                                   origin: StyleSheet.DefaultFont.MeasureString(ActiveWord) * 0.5f,
                                   scale: VirtualCoords.ComputePixelScale(StyleSheet.ScalingFontToWorld * _temporaryScaling * scaleInterpolation),
                                   effects: SpriteEffects.None,
                                   layerDepth: 0.0f);
예제 #6
        public void DrawLetters(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, float selectionInterpolation, Vector2 centerPosition)
            // Hidden if not selected.
            if (selectionInterpolation == 0)
            GetBoundingBox(centerPosition, out Vector2 corner, out Vector2 size);

            Rectangle screenRect = VirtualCoords.ComputePixelRect(corner, size);
            Color     color      = StyleSheet.BackgroundColor * 0.2f;

            color.A = 255;
            color  *= selectionInterpolation;
            //Color letterColor = Color.Black * selectionInterpolation;
            spriteBatch.Draw(StyleSheet.LettersTexture, screenRect, color);
예제 #7
파일: Game.cs 프로젝트: AnkeAnke/ggj20
        private void DrawRatingStars()
            var rating = _activeLevel.CurrentSentenceRating;

            if (rating == 0)
                const float ratingStarYOffset = 0.3f;
                const float ratingStarSize    = 0.1f;
                const float ratingStarSpacing = 0.02f;
                var         totalWidth        = ratingStarSize * rating + (rating - 1) * ratingStarSpacing;
                var         currentX          = (VirtualCoords.RELATIVE_MAX.X - totalWidth) * 0.5f;

                for (int i = 0; i < rating; ++i)
                    currentX += ratingStarSize * 0.5f;
                    _spriteBatch.Draw(StyleSheet.StarTexture, destinationRectangle:
                                      VirtualCoords.ComputePixelRect_Centered(new Vector2(currentX, ratingStarYOffset),
                    currentX += ratingStarSize * 0.5f + ratingStarSpacing;

            var text = rating switch
                0 => "Are you sure? Try again!",
                1 => "Better than before, but not good enough!",
                2 => "Pretty good, on to the next level",
                3 => "Excellent",
                _ => ""

            var centerPos = new Vector2(0.8f, 0.8f);

                                    text: text,
                                    position: VirtualCoords.ComputePixelPosition(centerPos),
                                    color: Color.White,
                                    rotation: 0.0f,
                                    origin: StyleSheet.DefaultFont.MeasureString(text) * 0.5f,
                                    scale: VirtualCoords.ComputePixelScale(StyleSheet.ScalingFontToWorld),
                                    effects: SpriteEffects.None,
                                    layerDepth: 0.0f);
예제 #8
        public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, float swipeErrorAllowedPercentage, bool showPlayButton)
            var area = DrawArea();

            for (var index = 0; index < Math.Min(sparcles.Count, sparcles.Count * swipeErrorAllowedPercentage + 0.5f); index++)
                var sparcle = sparcles[index];
                                 VirtualCoords.ComputePixelRect_Centered(sparcle.Position, sparcle.Size), sparcle.Color);

            //spriteBatch.Draw(StyleSheet.ShootingTailTexture, area, Color.White * swipeErrorAllowedPercentage);

            spriteBatch.Draw(StyleSheet.ShootingStarTexture, destinationRectangle: area, Color.White);

            if (showPlayButton && swipeErrorAllowedPercentage > 0.0f)
                spriteBatch.Draw(StyleSheet.ShootingButtonTexture, destinationRectangle: area, Color.DarkGreen);
예제 #9
파일: SwipeLine.cs 프로젝트: AnkeAnke/ggj20
        public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, float selectionInterpolation, Vector2 centerPosition)
            SwipeKeyboard.GetBoundingBox(centerPosition, out Vector2 cornerKeyboard, out Vector2 sizeKeyboard);
            Rectangle rectKeyboard = VirtualCoords.ComputePixelRect(cornerKeyboard, sizeKeyboard);

            float thicknessScaled  = VirtualCoords.ComputePixelScale(BASE_LINE_THICKNESS);
            float dashLengthScaled = VirtualCoords.ComputePixelScale(BASE_LINE_DASH * selectionInterpolation);
            float dashTotalScaled  = VirtualCoords.ComputePixelScale(BASE_LINE_DASH);
            float radiusScaled     = VirtualCoords.ComputePixelScale(BASE_LINE_THICKNESS);

            for (int h = 0; h < Length; ++h)
                if (h > 0)
                    Vector2 pos0 = OriginalHandlePositionsRelative[h - 1] * rectKeyboard.Width + new Vector2(rectKeyboard.X, rectKeyboard.Y);
                    Vector2 pos1 = OriginalHandlePositionsRelative[h] * rectKeyboard.Width + new Vector2(rectKeyboard.X, rectKeyboard.Y);
                    LineRendering.DrawLineDashed(spriteBatch, pos0, pos1, StyleSheet.BackgroundColor * selectionInterpolation, dashLengthScaled, dashTotalScaled * 2 - dashLengthScaled,
                                                 thicknessScaled * 0.7f, radiusScaled * 2f, radiusScaled * 2f);

                //DrawFromRelative(spriteBatch, rectKeyboard, StyleSheet.DotTexture,
                //                 StyleSheet.BackgroundColor * selectionInterpolation, OriginalHandlePositionsRelative[h], BASE_LINE_THICKNESS * 1.5f, 0);

            for (int h = 0; h < Length; ++h)
                Color color  = Color.Lerp(StyleSheet.BackgroundColor, StyleSheet.HighlightColor, selectionInterpolation);
                float radius = MathHelper.Lerp(BASE_STAR_SIZE, SELECTED_STAR_SIZE, _selectIntepolationHandles[h]);

                if (h > 0)
                    Vector2 pos0 = HandlePositionsRelative[h - 1] * rectKeyboard.Width + new Vector2(rectKeyboard.X, rectKeyboard.Y);
                    Vector2 pos1 = HandlePositionsRelative[h] * rectKeyboard.Width + new Vector2(rectKeyboard.X, rectKeyboard.Y);
                    LineRendering.DrawLineDashed(spriteBatch, pos0, pos1, color * (0.5f + 0.5f * selectionInterpolation), dashTotalScaled + dashLengthScaled, dashTotalScaled - dashLengthScaled,
                                                 thicknessScaled, radiusScaled * 2f, radiusScaled * 2f);

                DrawFromRelative(spriteBatch, rectKeyboard, StyleSheet.StarTexture,
                                 color, HandlePositionsRelative[h], radius * 2, _selectIntepolationHandles[h] + selectionInterpolation + h);
예제 #10
파일: SwipeLine.cs 프로젝트: AnkeAnke/ggj20
        public void Update(GameTime gameTime, Vector2 centerPosition)
            var mouseState = Mouse.GetState();

            SwipeKeyboard.GetBoundingBox(centerPosition, out Vector2 cornerKeyboard, out Vector2 sizeKeyboard);
            Rectangle rectKeyboard = VirtualCoords.ComputePixelRect(cornerKeyboard, sizeKeyboard);
            bool      mouseInside  = rectKeyboard.Contains(mouseState.Position);

            if (_selectedHandle != -1 && mouseInside)
                HandlePositionsRelative[_selectedHandle] = (mouseState.Position - rectKeyboard.Location).ToVector2() / rectKeyboard.Width;

            bool  clicked      = mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && _lastMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released && mouseInside;
            bool  released     = mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released && _lastMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed;
            float radius       = SELECTED_STAR_SIZE;
            float radiusScaled = VirtualCoords.ComputePixelScale(radius);
            int   closestStar  = -1;

            if (_selectedHandle == -1 && mouseInside)
                float minDist = float.MaxValue;
                for (int h = 0; h < Length; ++h)
                    Point centerStar = new Point((int)(rectKeyboard.X + rectKeyboard.Width * HandlePositionsRelative[h].X + 0.5f),
                                                 (int)(rectKeyboard.Y + rectKeyboard.Width * HandlePositionsRelative[h].Y + 0.5f));
                    float distStar = (centerStar - mouseState.Position).ToVector2().Length();
                    if (minDist > distStar && distStar < radiusScaled)
                        minDist     = distStar;
                        closestStar = h;
                        if (clicked)
                            _selectedHandle = h;

            for (int h = 0; h < Length; ++h)
                Point centerStar = new Point((int)(rectKeyboard.X + rectKeyboard.Width * HandlePositionsRelative[h].X + 0.5f),
                                             (int)(rectKeyboard.Y + rectKeyboard.Width * HandlePositionsRelative[h].Y + 0.5f));
                if (closestStar == h || _selectedHandle == h)
                    _selectIntepolationHandles[h] += (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds / SELECTION_ANIMATION_DURATION;
                    _selectIntepolationHandles[h]  = Math.Min(1f, _selectIntepolationHandles[h]);
                else if (h != closestStar)
                    _selectIntepolationHandles[h] -= (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds / SELECTION_ANIMATION_DURATION;
                    _selectIntepolationHandles[h]  = Math.Max(0f, _selectIntepolationHandles[h]);

                if (_selectedHandle == h && released)
                    _selectedHandle = -1;

            if (mouseState.LeftButton != ButtonState.Pressed)
                _selectedHandle = -1;

            _lastMouseState = mouseState;