public GfaxSendPhoneBook(Glade.XML xml, string myparent) { //Phonebook[] pb; delete me //gxml = xml; //parent = myparent; delete me myPhoneBooks = Phonetools.get_phonebooks(); if (myPhoneBooks == null) { G_Message m = new G_Message(Catalog.GetString("You don't have any phone books yet.")); m = null; return; } gsxml = new Glade.XML(null, "", "PhbookDialog", null); gsxml.Autoconnect(this); // Get the widget so we can manipulate it //phbd = (Gtk.Dialog) gsxml.GetWidget("PhbookDialog"); //book = (Gtk.TreeView) gsxml.GetWidget("book_treeview"); //list = (Gtk.TreeView) gsxml.GetWidget("list_treeview"); phbd = PhbookDialog; book = book_treeview; list = list_treeview; book.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler(on_book_treeview_selection); phbd.Resizable = true; book_store = new ListStore(typeof(string)); book.HeadersVisible = false; book.Selection.Mode = SelectionMode.Multiple; bs = new G_ListView(book, book_store); // Got have a column title or things won't show up bs.AddColumnTitle(Catalog.GetString("Phone books"), 0, COLUMN_0); list_store = new ListStore( typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string)); ls = new G_ListView(list, list_store); ls.AddColumnTitle(Catalog.GetString("Organization"), 0, COLUMN_0); ls.AddColumnTitle(Catalog.GetString("Phone Number"), 1, COLUMN_1); ls.AddColumnTitle(Catalog.GetString("Contact"), 2, COLUMN_2); list.HeadersVisible = true; list.Selection.Mode = SelectionMode.Multiple; // populate the list foreach (Phonebook p in myPhoneBooks) { bs.AddTextToRow(p.Name); } phbd.Run(); }
private void on_PhonebookComboBox_changed(object o, EventArgs args) { ArrayList contacts = null; Phonebook p; // get the first book in the list and load the liststore if (myPhoneBooks.Length > 0) { string[] list = new string[myPhoneBooks.Length]; if (myPhoneBooks != null) { // populate the list int i = 0; foreach (Phonebook pb in myPhoneBooks) { list[i++] = pb.Name; } } p = Phonetools.get_book_from_name(list[PhonebookComboBox.Active]); if (p == null) { return; } // Clear the list_store ItemStore.Clear(); contacts = Phonetools.get_contacts(p); if (contacts != null) { IEnumerator enu = contacts.GetEnumerator(); while (enu.MoveNext()) { GfaxContact c = new GfaxContact(); c = (GfaxContact)enu.Current; ItemView.AddTextToRow(c.Organization, c.PhoneNumber, c.ContactPerson); } if (p.Type == "evolution") { pbIsReadOnly = true; EditPhbCompanyEntry.Sensitive = false; EditPhbNumberEntry.Sensitive = false; EditPhbNameEntry.Sensitive = false; } else { pbIsReadOnly = false; EditPhbCompanyEntry.Sensitive = true; EditPhbNumberEntry.Sensitive = true; EditPhbNameEntry.Sensitive = true; eventsEnabled = true; } } } }
private void on_ok_button_clicked(object o, EventArgs args) { ArrayList lsdest = new ArrayList(); ArrayList bsdest = new ArrayList(); ArrayList contacts = new ArrayList(); lsdest = ls.GetSelections(ALL_COLUMNS); // if there are indiviual entries don't do entire phonebooks if (lsdest.Count > 0) { IEnumerator enu = lsdest.GetEnumerator(); while (enu.MoveNext()) { GfaxContact c = new GfaxContact(); c.Organization = (string)enu.Current; enu.MoveNext(); c.PhoneNumber = (string)enu.Current; enu.MoveNext(); c.ContactPerson = (string)enu.Current; gfax.Destinations.Add(c); } } else { bsdest = bs.GetSelections(COLUMN_0); if (bsdest.Count > 0) { IEnumerator enu = bsdest.GetEnumerator(); while (enu.MoveNext()) { foreach (Phonebook p in myPhoneBooks) { if (p.Name == (string)enu.Current) { contacts = Phonetools.get_contacts(p); } } // add contacts to global desinations if (contacts.Count > 0) { IEnumerator enuc = contacts.GetEnumerator(); while (enuc.MoveNext()) { gfax.Destinations.Add((GfaxContact)enuc.Current); } } } } } phbd.Destroy(); }
bool pbIsReadOnly = false; //wether current phone book is no editable. public GfaxPhonebook() { myPhoneBooks = Phonetools.get_phonebooks(); Application.Init(); gxml = new Glade.XML(null, "", "PhbookWindow", null); gxml.Autoconnect(this); ItemStore = new ListStore(typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string)); ItemView = new G_ListView(ItemTreeview, ItemStore); ItemView.AddColumnTitle(Catalog.GetString("Organization"), 0, COLUMN_0); ItemView.AddColumnTitle(Catalog.GetString("Phone Number"), 1, COLUMN_1); ItemView.AddColumnTitle(Catalog.GetString("Contact"), 2, COLUMN_2); ItemTreeview.HeadersVisible = true; //ItemTreeview.Selection.Mode = SelectionMode.Multiple; ItemTreeview.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler(on_ItemTreeview_selection); // Populate the drop down combo box with phonebooks and populate // the list with the first phonebook. // TODO sort these alphabetically if (myPhoneBooks.Length > 0) { string[] list = new string[myPhoneBooks.Length]; if (myPhoneBooks != null) { // populate the list int i = 0; PhonebookComboBox.RemoveText(0); foreach (Phonebook p in myPhoneBooks) { list[i++] = p.Name; PhonebookComboBox.AppendText(p.Name); } PhonebookComboBox.Active = 0; } //Console.WriteLine(list[PhonebookComboBox.Active]); DeletePhonebookButton.Sensitive = true; } else { DeletePhonebookButton.Sensitive = false; } SaveCloseButton.Sensitive = false; UpdateButton.Sensitive = false; ClearButton.Sensitive = false; AddButton.Sensitive = false; Application.Run(); }
private void on_SaveCloseButton_clicked(object o, EventArgs args) { ArrayList rows; ArrayList contacts = new ArrayList(); string book; if (myPhoneBooks.Length > 0) { string[] list = new string[myPhoneBooks.Length]; if (myPhoneBooks != null) { // populate the list int i = 0; foreach (Phonebook pb in myPhoneBooks) { list[i++] = pb.Name; } } book = list[PhonebookComboBox.Active]; // just get all items and save SaveCloseButton.Sensitive = false; //eventsEnabled = false; EditPhbCompanyEntry.Text = ""; EditPhbNumberEntry.Text = ""; EditPhbNameEntry.Text = ""; rows = ItemView.GetAllRows(); IEnumerator enu = rows.GetEnumerator(); while (enu.MoveNext()) { GfaxContact c = new GfaxContact(); c.Organization = ((string[])enu.Current)[0]; c.PhoneNumber = ((string[])enu.Current)[1]; c.ContactPerson = ((string[])enu.Current)[2]; contacts.Add(c); } Phonetools.save_phonebook_items(book, contacts); //EditPhbList.Selection.UnselectAll(); } PhbookWindow.Destroy(); Application.Quit(); }
//--------- end of menu ----------------- private void on_NewPhonebookButton_clicked(object o, EventArgs args) { // Unselect any phone book otherwise we get gtk errors. ItemTreeview.Selection.UnselectAll(); // run the wizard NewPhoneBook nphb = new NewPhoneBook(); nphb.Run(); if (nphb.PhoneBookNames.Count > 0) // don't do this if cancelled { IEnumerator enu = nphb.PhoneBookNames.GetEnumerator(); while (enu.MoveNext()) { Phonebook ph = new Phonebook(); if (nphb.PhoneBookType == "gfax") { ph.Path = gfax.ConfigDirectory + "/" + (string)enu.Current; } else { ph.Path = ""; } ph.Name = (string)enu.Current; // get the new book name ph.Type = nphb.PhoneBookType; Phonetools.add_book(ph); PhonebookComboBox.AppendText(ph.Name); } // Reload the phone books myPhoneBooks = Phonetools.get_phonebooks(); if (myPhoneBooks.Length > 0) { //PhonebookComboBox.AppendText(ph.Name); PhonebookComboBox.Active = 0; DeletePhonebookButton.Sensitive = true; } } nphb = null; }
// loads the phone book into list_store private void load_phone_book(Phonebook p) { ArrayList contacts = null; // Clear the list_store list_store.Clear(); contacts = Phonetools.get_contacts(p); if (contacts == null) { return; } IEnumerator enu = contacts.GetEnumerator(); while (enu.MoveNext()) { GfaxContact c = new GfaxContact(); c = (GfaxContact)enu.Current; ls.AddTextToRow(c.Organization, c.PhoneNumber, c.ContactPerson); } }
private void on_DeletePhonebookButton_clicked(object o, EventArgs args) { if (myPhoneBooks.Length > 0) { string[] list = new string[myPhoneBooks.Length]; if (myPhoneBooks != null) { // populate the list int i = 0; foreach (Phonebook pb in myPhoneBooks) { list[i++] = pb.Name; } } string book = list[PhonebookComboBox.Active]; MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog( null, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent, MessageType.Question, ButtonsType.YesNo, Catalog.GetString("Are you sure you want to delete the phone book?") ); ResponseType result = (ResponseType)md.Run(); if (result == ResponseType.Yes) { md.Destroy(); if (book == null) { return; } Phonetools.delete_book(book); PhonebookComboBox.RemoveText(PhonebookComboBox.Active); ItemStore.Clear(); myPhoneBooks = Phonetools.get_phonebooks(); if (myPhoneBooks.Length > 0) { // now reload PhonebookComboBox.Active = 0; on_PhonebookComboBox_changed(null, null); } else { DeletePhonebookButton.Sensitive = false; PhonebookComboBox.InsertText(0, " "); } PhonebookComboBox.Active = 0; } else { md.Destroy(); } } }