예제 #1
 public void EventIsOn(Event ev, Person organiser, List<Person> invitees)
     var message = new MailMessage();
     var score = ev.PercentageScore();
     foreach (var invitee in invitees)
     message.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**");
     message.Subject = string.Format("Your Geek's Dilemma event has a green light with a score of {0}%", score);
     message.Body = @"The following event is looking good with a current score of "+ score  +@"%." +
         Environment.NewLine +
         Environment.NewLine +
         ev.Description +
         Environment.NewLine +
         Environment.NewLine +
         "To look at the details of this event, rate friends or change your attendance, click the following link:" +
         Environment.NewLine +
         Environment.NewLine +
         "http://localhost/geeks/home/event/" + ev.Id;
     var smtp = new SmtpClient();
예제 #2
        private EventModel EventModelFromEvent(Event ev, Person currentPerson = null)
            var organiser = RavenSession.Load<User>(ev.CreatedBy);
            var myInvitation = ev.Invitations.FirstOrDefault(invitation => invitation.PersonId == currentPerson.Id);

            return new EventModel
                    Id = ev.Id,
                    CreatedByUserName = organiser.Username,
                    CreatedBy = organiser.Id,
                    ReadOnly = organiser.Id != GetCurrentUserId(),
                    Date = ev.Date,
                    Time = ev.Time,
                    Description = ev.Description,
                    Latitude = ev.Latitude,
                    Longitude = ev.Longitude,
                    Venue = ev.Venue,
                    Score = ev.PercentageScore(),
                    Zoom = ev.Zoom,
                    MyResponse = myInvitation == null ? InvitationResponse.No : myInvitation.Response,
                    Invitations = (from i in ev.Invitations
                                   let person = RavenSession.Load<Person>(i.PersonId)
                                   let friend = GetFriendFromPerson(currentPerson, i.PersonId)
                                   select new InvitationModel
                                           IsCurrentUser = person.Id == currentPerson.Id,
                                           Email = person.EmailAddress,
                                           PersonId = person.Id,
                                           Rating = friend == null ? 0 : friend.Rating,
                                           EmailSent = i.EmailSent,
                                           Response = i.Response,
                                           EventId = ev.Id