static public string CreateImage(gbrainy.Core.Main.Game game, int i) { string file = images_dir + "/" + i.ToString() + ".png"; GameImage image = new GameImage(game); image.CreateImage(file); return(file); }
public gbrainy.Core.Main.Game GetNextGame() { gbrainy.Core.Main.Game g = null; if (session.Status != gbrainy.Core.Main.GameSession.SessionStatus.Finished) { session.NextGame(); g = session.CurrentGame; } return(g); }
// Page Life-Cycle Events // // - Page_Load // - Control events // - Page_LoadComplete // private void Page_LoadComplete(Object sender, EventArgs e) { if (WebSession.GameState != null && WebSession.GameState.Status == GameSession.SessionStatus.Finished) { return; } if (WebSession.NextGame == true) { _game = GetNextGame(); UpdateGame(); } WebSession.NextGame = false; }
public bool GeneratePdf(Game [] games, int games_page, string file) { int columns, rows; switch (games_page) { case 1: columns = 1; rows = 1; break; case 2: columns = 2; rows = 1; break; case 4: columns = 2; rows = 2; break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException ("Invalid games per page value"); } try { PdfSurface pdf = new PdfSurface (file, page_width * columns, page_height * rows); if (pdf.Status != Status.Success) return false; CairoContextEx cr = new CairoContextEx (pdf, "sans 12", 72); GenerateQuestions (cr, games, columns, rows); GenerateAnswers (cr, games, columns, rows); pdf.Finish (); ((IDisposable)cr).Dispose(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine ("PdfExporter.GeneratePdf. Exception: {0}", e); return false; } }
static void GenerateAnswers(CairoContextEx cr, Game [] games, int columns, int rows) { int x, y, page; string str; int column, row; const int space_lines = 80; x = y = page = 0; column = row = 0; // Draw solution title cr.SetPangoFontSize (20); cr.DrawStringWithWrapping (x + margin, y + margin, ServiceLocator.Instance.GetService <ITranslations> ().GetString ("Solutions"), width - margin); y += space_lines; cr.Stroke (); cr.SetPangoFontSize (12); cr.UseMarkup = true; for (int i = 0; i < games.Length; i++) { str = String.Format (ServiceLocator.Instance.GetService <ITranslations> ().GetString ("Game #{0}. {1}"), i + 1, games[i].AnswerText); // Draw Solution cr.DrawStringWithWrapping (x + margin, y + margin, str, width - margin); cr.Stroke (); y += space_lines; // Next lateral page (right) if (y + space_lines >= page_height * (row + 1) && x + page_width < page_width * columns) { column++; x = column * page_width; y = row * page_height; page++; } else { // No more space (right), new row if (y + space_lines >= page_height * (row + 1) && x + page_width >= page_width * columns) { row++; column = 0; x = column * page_width; y = row * page_height; page++; } } if (page >= rows * columns) { cr.ShowPage (); page = x = y = 0; column = row = 0; } } if (y > 0) cr.ShowPage (); }
static void GenerateQuestions(CairoContextEx cr, Game [] games, int columns, int rows) { int x, y, page; Game puzzle; string str; x = y = page = 0; for (int i = 0; i < games.Length; i++) { puzzle = games [i]; puzzle.Begin (); page++; cr.Save (); cr.Translate (x, y); cr.Rectangle (0, 0, width, height + question_height); cr.Clip (); // Translators: {0} is the game number and {1} the game question or answer // The number is used as reference when looking for the game solution in the PDF str = String.Format (ServiceLocator.Instance.GetService <ITranslations> ().GetString ("Game #{0}. {1}"), i + 1, puzzle.Question); // Draw question cr.SetPangoFontSize (12); cr.UseMarkup = true; cr.DrawStringWithWrapping (margin, 10, str, width - margin); cr.Stroke (); cr.UseMarkup = false; // Draw from question_height up height since from 0 to question_height is the question // Translate adds always to previous matrix's transformation cr.Translate (0, question_height); puzzle.DrawPreview (cr, width, height, false); if (i == 0) { cr.Save (); cr.SetPangoFontSize (0.02); cr.MoveTo (0.05, 0.95); cr.ShowPangoText (String.Format (ServiceLocator.Instance.GetService <ITranslations> ().GetString ("Created by gbrainy {0}"), Defines.VERSION)); cr.Stroke (); cr.Restore (); } x += width + margin; if (x > width + margin) { x = 0; y += height + margin + question_height; } cr.Restore (); cr.Stroke (); if (page >= columns * rows) { cr.ShowPage (); page = x = y = 0; } } if (y > 0) cr.ShowPage (); }
// Page Life-Cycle Events // // - Page_Load // - Control events // - Page_LoadComplete // private void Page_LoadComplete(Object sender, EventArgs e) { if (WebSession.GameState != null && WebSession.GameState.Status == GameSession.SessionStatus.Finished) return; if (WebSession.NextGame == true) { _game = GetNextGame (); UpdateGame (); } WebSession.NextGame = false; }
private void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { // If the Language has not been set the user has a expired // session or does not come from the main page if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (WebSession.LanguageCode)) { Response.Redirect ("/"); return; } if (IsPostBack == false) InitPage (); Logger.Debug ("Game.Page_Load. Page load starts. Session ID {0}, IsPostBack {1}", Session.SessionID, IsPostBack); HtmlForm form = (HtmlForm) Master.FindControl ("main_form"); form.DefaultButton = answer_button.UniqueID; translations = new TranslationsWeb (); translations.Language = WebSession.LanguageCode; string answer = Request.QueryString ["answer"]; if (IsPostBack == false && string.IsNullOrEmpty (answer) == false) { ProcessAnswer (answer); } if (WebSession.GameState == null) { Logger.Debug ("Game.Page_Load creating new session"); session = new gbrainy.Core.Main.GameSession (translations); session.GameManager = CreateManager (); session.PlayList.Difficulty = gbrainy.Core.Main.GameDifficulty.Medium; session.PlayList.GameType = gbrainy.Core.Main.GameSession.Types.LogicPuzzles | gbrainy.Core.Main.GameSession.Types.Calculation | gbrainy.Core.Main.GameSession.Types.VerbalAnalogies; session.New (); WebSession.GameState = session; Global.TotalGamesSessions++; _game = GetNextGame (); UpdateGame (); // If the first time that loads this does not have a session // send the user to the home page //Logger.Debug ("New Session, redirecting to Default.aspx"); //Response.Redirect ("Default.aspx"); } else if (WebSession.GameState != null && WebSession.GameState.Status == GameSession.SessionStatus.Finished) { // Finished game image = new GameImage (null); game_image.ImageUrl = CreateImage (WebSession); answer_button.Enabled = false; answer_textbox.Text = string.Empty; answer_textbox.Enabled = false; nextgame_link.Enabled = false; endgames_button.Enabled = false; UpdateGame (); } else { session = WebSession.GameState; if (_game == null) _game = WebSession.GameState.CurrentGame; UpdateGame (); } if (IsPostBack == false) SetText (); if (IsPostBack == true) { Logger.Debug ("Game.Page_Load. Ignoring postback"); return; } Logger.Debug ("Game.Page_Load. Page load completed"); }
public GameImage(gbrainy.Core.Main.Game game) { = game; }
private void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { // If the Language has not been set the user has a expired // session or does not come from the main page if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(WebSession.LanguageCode)) { Response.Redirect("/"); return; } if (IsPostBack == false) { InitPage(); } Logger.Debug("Game.Page_Load. Page load starts. Session ID {0}, IsPostBack {1}", Session.SessionID, IsPostBack); HtmlForm form = (HtmlForm)Master.FindControl("main_form"); form.DefaultButton = answer_button.UniqueID; translations = new TranslationsWeb(); translations.Language = WebSession.LanguageCode; string answer = Request.QueryString ["answer"]; if (IsPostBack == false && string.IsNullOrEmpty(answer) == false) { ProcessAnswer(answer); } if (WebSession.GameState == null) { Logger.Debug("Game.Page_Load creating new session"); session = new gbrainy.Core.Main.GameSession(translations); session.GameManager = CreateManager(); session.PlayList.Difficulty = gbrainy.Core.Main.GameDifficulty.Medium; session.PlayList.GameType = gbrainy.Core.Main.GameSession.Types.LogicPuzzles | gbrainy.Core.Main.GameSession.Types.Calculation | gbrainy.Core.Main.GameSession.Types.VerbalAnalogies; session.New(); WebSession.GameState = session; Global.TotalGamesSessions++; _game = GetNextGame(); UpdateGame(); // If the first time that loads this does not have a session // send the user to the home page //Logger.Debug ("New Session, redirecting to Default.aspx"); //Response.Redirect ("Default.aspx"); } else if (WebSession.GameState != null && WebSession.GameState.Status == GameSession.SessionStatus.Finished) { // Finished game image = new GameImage(null); game_image.ImageUrl = CreateImage(WebSession); answer_button.Enabled = false; answer_textbox.Text = string.Empty; answer_textbox.Enabled = false; nextgame_link.Enabled = false; endgames_button.Enabled = false; UpdateGame(); } else { session = WebSession.GameState; if (_game == null) { _game = WebSession.GameState.CurrentGame; } UpdateGame(); } if (IsPostBack == false) { SetText(); } if (IsPostBack == true) { Logger.Debug("Game.Page_Load. Ignoring postback"); return; } Logger.Debug("Game.Page_Load. Page load completed"); }
void GeneratePdf(GameSession.Types types, int num_games, int gamespage, GameDifficulty difficulty, bool colorblind, string filename) { Game [] games; GameSession session; string msg; MessageType msg_type; games = new Game [num_games]; session = new GameSession (Translations); session.GameManager = manager; session.PlayList.ColorBlind = colorblind; session.PlayList.Difficulty = difficulty; session.PlayList.GameType = types; for (int n = 0; n < num_games; n++) { games [n] = session.PlayList.GetPuzzle (); games [n].Translations = Translations; } if (pdfExporter.GeneratePdf (games, gamespage, filename) == true) { msg = Catalog.GetString ("The PDF file has been exported correctly."); msg_type = MessageType.Info; } else { msg = Catalog.GetString ("There was a problem generating the PDF file. The file has not been created."); msg_type = MessageType.Error; } // Notify operation result MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog (this, DialogFlags.Modal, msg_type, ButtonsType.Ok, msg); md.Run (); md.Destroy (); }