// given point on the screen identify the cursor public System GetSystem(Vector2 targetSize, Point p) { Vector2 worldSize = new Vector2(WorldWidth, WorldHeight); ScreenUtils su = new ScreenUtils(targetSize, worldSize, 40); foreach (System system in System.Systems) { Vector2 screenPos = su.WorldToScreen(system.Position); Rectangle screenRect = new Rectangle((int)screenPos.X - SystemHitR, (int)screenPos.Y - SystemHitR, SystemHitR * 2, SystemHitR * 2); if (screenRect.Contains(p)) { return(system); } } return(null); }
public override void Draw(Vector2 targetSize) { float aspect = targetSize.X / (float)targetSize.Y; ScreenUtils su = new ScreenUtils(targetSize, new Vector2(aspect * 2, 2), 0); DrawColoredRect(new Vector2(0, 0), targetSize, Color.Black); foreach (Streak streak in streaks) { DrawColoredRect(su.WorldToScreen(streak.Position), new Vector2(streak.Distance, streak.Thickness), Color.White); } { float desiredHeight = su.ScaleToScreen(boardingRegion.Height); Vector2 textureSize = new Vector2(boardingShip.Width, boardingShip.Height); Vector2 invScale = new Vector2(su.ScaleToScreen(boardingRegion.Width), su.ScaleToScreen(boardingRegion.Height)) / textureSize; Vector2 shipScreenSize = invScale * textureSize; Vector2 shipPos = su.WorldToScreen(boardingRegion.Position); GameSpriteBatch().Draw(boardingShip, shipPos - 0.5f * shipScreenSize, null, // source rect Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, invScale, SpriteEffects.None, 0); } { float desiredHeight = su.ScaleToScreen(enemyRegion.Height); Vector2 textureSize = new Vector2(enemy.Width, enemy.Height); Vector2 invScale = new Vector2(su.ScaleToScreen(enemyRegion.Width), su.ScaleToScreen(enemyRegion.Height)) / textureSize; Vector2 shipScreenSize = invScale * textureSize; Vector2 shipPos = su.WorldToScreen(enemyRegion.Position); GameSpriteBatch().Draw(enemy, shipPos - 0.5f * shipScreenSize, null, // source rect Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, invScale, SpriteEffects.None, 0); } { float shipWorldSize = 0.5f; float desiredSize = su.ScaleToScreen(shipWorldSize); float invScale = desiredSize / (float)battleship.Height; Vector2 shipPos = su.WorldToScreen(shipPosW); Vector2 shipScreenSize = new Vector2(invScale * battleship.Width, invScale * battleship.Height); GameSpriteBatch().Draw(battleship, shipPos - 0.5f * shipScreenSize, null, // source rect Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, invScale, SpriteEffects.None, 0); float desiredSize2 = su.ScaleToScreen(shipWorldSize * 0.5f); float invScale2 = desiredSize2 / (float)turret.Height; Vector2 turretScreenSize = new Vector2(invScale2 * turret.Width, invScale2 * turret.Height); Vector2 turretPos = su.WorldToScreen(turretPosW); GameSpriteBatch().Draw(turret, turretPos, null, // source rect Color.White, turretRotation, 0.5f * new Vector2(turret.Width, turret.Height), invScale2, SpriteEffects.None, 0); } foreach (Laser laser in friendlyLasers) { Vector2 laserPos = su.WorldToScreen(laser.Pos); Vector2 laserTailPos = su.WorldToScreen(laser.Pos - laser.Dir * laser.Length); DrawColoredLine(laserPos, laserTailPos, Color.Red, 4); } int fullChargeWidth = 80; int chargePadding = 4; Vector2 bufferOrigin = new Vector2(targetSize.X * 0.5f, targetSize.Y - 100); //int maxLasers = 4; //float laserBuffer = 0; for (int i = 0; i < maxLasers; i++) { float chargeWidth = (float)Math.Min(1.0f, laserBuffer - i) * fullChargeWidth; DrawColoredRect(bufferOrigin + new Vector2((fullChargeWidth + chargePadding) * i, 0), new Vector2(fullChargeWidth, 20), Color.Orange); DrawColoredRect(bufferOrigin + new Vector2((fullChargeWidth + chargePadding) * i, 0), new Vector2(chargeWidth, 20), Color.Red); } }
public override void Update(Vector2 targetSize, GameTime gameTime) { float aspect = targetSize.X / (float)targetSize.Y; ScreenUtils su = new ScreenUtils(targetSize, new Vector2(aspect * 2, 2), 0); Vector2 turretD = su.ScreenToWorld(MouseTracker().Position) - turretPosW; float dstTurretRotation = (float)(-Math.Atan2(-turretD.Y, turretD.X)) + (float)Math.PI * 1.5f; float totalTime = (float)gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds; float elapsedTime = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; //laserBuffer = laserBuffer + gameTime. // NOTE: this code sucks, but I'm tired if (turretRotation < dstTurretRotation) { turretRotation += 0.5f * elapsedTime; } else { turretRotation -= 0.5f * elapsedTime; } laserBuffer = Math.Min(laserBuffer + elapsedTime * 0.5f, maxLasers); MouseTracker().Update(); if (MouseTracker().WasPressed() && laserBuffer >= 1) { //Vector2 target = su.ScreenToWorld(MouseTracker().Position); Laser laser = new Laser(); laser.Pos = turretPosW; laser.Dir = new Vector2(-(float)Math.Sin(turretRotation), (float)Math.Cos(turretRotation)); //Vector2.Normalize(target - laser.Pos); laser.Length = 0.1f; laser.Speed = 0.05f; friendlyLasers.Add(laser); laserBuffer -= 1; if (boardingState == BoardingState.PREPARED) { boardingState = BoardingState.BOARDING; } } enemyRegion.Position = new Vector2(0.4f * (float)Math.Sin(totalTime * 1.5f), -0.6f + 0.02f * (float)Math.Cos(totalTime * 0.5f)); if (boardingState == BoardingState.PREPARED) { boardingRegion.Position = enemyRegion.Position; } else if (boardingState == BoardingState.BOARDING) { Vector2 d = shipPosW - boardingRegion.Position; d.Normalize(); boardingRegion.Position += d * 0.1f * elapsedTime; } else if (boardingState == BoardingState.DESTROYED) { // TODO: animate this, use acceleration boardingRegion.Acceleration = new Vector2(1, 0); boardingRegion.Velocity = boardingRegion.Acceleration * elapsedTime; boardingRegion.Position += boardingRegion.Velocity; //asset.Velocity = asset.Acceleration * elapsedTime; //asset.Position += su.ScaleToScreen(asset.Velocity); } shipPosW = new Vector2(0.2f * (float)Math.Sin(totalTime), 0.6f + 0.02f * (float)Math.Cos(totalTime * 0.5f)); turretPosW = shipPosW + new Vector2(0.26f, 0.0f); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STREAKS; i++) { float speed = 2 + (i % 4); float x = -aspect + (float)Math.Cos(i) + speed * totalTime; //20 + 50 * (float)Math.Cos(i); int screenWidths = (int)(x / (2 * aspect)); x = x - screenWidths * (2 * aspect) - aspect; float y = 2 * ((i + 1.0f) / (NUM_STREAKS + 1)) - 1; //+ 30.0f * (float)Math.Sin(i); streaks[i].Position = new Vector2(x, y); streaks[i].Distance = targetSize.X * 0.002f * speed; streaks[i].Thickness = 2; } // remove distant lasers List <Laser> unimpactedLasers = new List <Laser>(); foreach (Laser laser in friendlyLasers) { Vector2 prevPos = laser.Pos; Vector2 newPos = laser.Pos + laser.Dir * laser.Speed; Vector2?enemyImpactPos = enemyRegion.Trace(prevPos, newPos); Vector2?boardingImpactPos = boardingRegion.Trace(prevPos, newPos); float boardingDistance = shipPosW.Y - boardingRegion.Position.Y; if (boardingState == BoardingState.BOARDING && boardingImpactPos != null && boardingDistance > 0.15f) { var explosion = new TextureAnimationAsset(explosionTexture, 3, 5); explosion.Position = su.WorldToScreen(boardingImpactPos.Value); explosion.Acceleration = new Vector2(1, 0); AddChild("explosion_effect", explosion); boardingHealth--; if (boardingHealth == 0) { boardingState = BoardingState.DESTROYED; } } else if (enemyImpactPos != null) { var explosion = new TextureAnimationAsset(explosionTexture, 3, 5); explosion.Position = su.WorldToScreen(enemyImpactPos.Value); explosion.Acceleration = new Vector2(1, 0); AddChild("explosion_effect", explosion); } else if (laser.Pos.Length() < 10) { unimpactedLasers.Add(laser); } laser.Pos = laser.Pos + laser.Dir * laser.Speed; } friendlyLasers = unimpactedLasers; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Asset> pair in children) { if (typeof(TextureAnimationAsset).IsInstanceOfType(pair.Value)) { TextureAnimationAsset asset = (TextureAnimationAsset)pair.Value; asset.Velocity = asset.Acceleration * elapsedTime; asset.Position += su.ScaleToScreen(asset.Velocity); } } bool isNotFinishedExplosion(Asset asset) { if (typeof(TextureAnimationAsset).IsInstanceOfType(asset)) { TextureAnimationAsset anim = (TextureAnimationAsset)asset; return(!anim.IsFinished()); } return(true); } children = children.FindAll(pair => isNotFinishedExplosion(pair.Value)); }
public override void Draw(Vector2 targetSize) { if (systemTexture == null) { systemTexture = Game().Content.Load <Texture2D>("system"); playerTexture = Game().Content.Load <Texture2D>("galaxy_player_ship"); } Vector2 worldSize = new Vector2(WorldWidth, WorldHeight); ScreenUtils su = new ScreenUtils(targetSize, worldSize, 40); // draw hover system if (hoverSystem != null) { Vector2 hoverPos = su.WorldToScreen(hoverSystem.Position) - new Vector2(SystemHitR, SystemHitR); Vector2 texToScreen = new Vector2(SystemHitR * 2, SystemHitR * 2); DrawColoredRect(hoverPos, texToScreen, Color.YellowGreen); } // draw connections // foreach (System system in System.Systems) { Vector2 systemScreenPos = su.WorldToScreen(system.Position); // NOTE: this draws each line twice foreach (System neighbor in system.Neighbors) { Vector2 neighborScreenPos = su.WorldToScreen(neighbor.Position); if (travelPath != null && travelPath.Contains(system) && travelPath.Contains(neighbor)) { DrawColoredLine(systemScreenPos, neighborScreenPos, Color.Gray * 0.4f, 1); } } } // draw systems // foreach (System system in System.Systems) { float spriteRadius = 3 + (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(system.Planets.Count)); Vector2 systemScreenPos = su.WorldToScreen(system.Position); // draw system // float texToScreenRatio = spriteRadius * 2.0f / systemTexture.Width; Vector2 texToScreen = new Vector2(texToScreenRatio, texToScreenRatio); GameSpriteBatch().Draw(systemTexture, systemScreenPos - new Vector2(spriteRadius, spriteRadius), null, // source rect system.Color, 0, Vector2.Zero, texToScreen, SpriteEffects.None, 0); // draw label // float nameWidth = NormalFont().MeasureString(system.Name).X; Vector2 namePos = su.WorldToScreen(system.Position) + new Vector2(-nameWidth * 0.5f, 10); namePos = new Vector2((int)namePos.X, (int)namePos.Y); GameSpriteBatch().DrawString(NormalFont(), system.Name, namePos, Color.White); } // draw player // Vector2 screenPos = su.WorldToScreen(playerPos); GameSpriteBatch().Draw(playerTexture, screenPos); }