예제 #1
 public FlxRect copyTo(FlxRect Rect)
     Rect.x      = x;
     Rect.y      = y;
     Rect.width  = width;
     Rect.height = height;
예제 #2
 public FlxRect copyFrom(FlxRect Rect)
     x      = Rect.x;
     y      = Rect.y;
     width  = Rect.width;
     height = Rect.height;
예제 #3
  * Instantiate a new particle.  Like <code>FlxSprite</code>, all meaningful creation
  * happens during <code>loadGraphic()</code> or <code>makeGraphic()</code> or whatever.
 public FlxParticle() : base()
     lifespan     = 0;
     friction     = 500;
     rotateBy     = 0;
     minSpeed     = new FlxPoint();
     maxSpeed     = new FlxPoint();
     particleRect = null;
예제 #4
  * Instantiate a new particle.  Like <code>FlxSprite</code>, all meaningful creation
  * happens during <code>loadGraphic()</code> or <code>makeGraphic()</code> or whatever.
 public FlxParticle()
     : base()
     lifespan = 0;
     friction = 500;
     rotateBy = 0;
     minSpeed = new FlxPoint();
     maxSpeed = new FlxPoint();
     particleRect = null;
예제 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the boundaries of the camera.  Useful for preventing the camera from scrolling past the edge of a map.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="X"></param>
 /// <param name="Y"></param>
 /// <param name="Width"></param>
 /// <param name="Height"></param>
 /// <param name="UpdateWorld"></param>
 public void setBounds(float X = 0, float Y = 0, float Width = 0, float Height = 0, Boolean UpdateWorld = false)
     if (bounds == null)
         bounds = new FlxRect();
     bounds.make(X, Y, Width, Height);
     if (UpdateWorld)
예제 #6
 public FlxSprite makeGraphic(float Width, float Height, Color color)
     texture = new Texture2D(FlxG.graphicsDevice, (int)Width, (int)Height);
     Color[] colors = new Color[(int)Width * (int)Height];
     for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)
         colors[i] = new Color(color.ToVector3());
     color      = color * alpha;
     sourceRect = new FlxRect(0, 0, Width, Height);
     frameWidth  = width = Width;
     frameHeight = height = Height;
예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Override to null out variables manually
 /// </summary>
 public override void destroy()
     velocity     = null;
     acceleration = null;
     drag         = null;
     maxVelocity  = null;
     scrollFactor = null;
     _point       = null;
     _rect        = null;
     last         = null;
     //cameras = null;
     if (path != null)
     path = null;
예제 #8
        public override void draw()
            if (dirty)

            if (cameras == null)
                cameras = FlxG.cameras;
            FlxCamera camera = FlxG.camera;
            int       i      = 0;
            int       l      = cameras.Count;

            while (i < l)
                camera = cameras[i++];
                //camera = FlxG.camera;
                if (!onScreen(camera))
                _point.x  = x - (int)(camera.scroll.x * scrollFactor.x) - offset.x;
                _point.y  = y - (int)(camera.scroll.y * scrollFactor.y) - offset.y;
                _point.x += (_point.x > 0) ? 0.0000001f : -0.0000001f;
                _point.y += (_point.y > 0) ? 0.0000001f : -0.0000001f;
                if (visible)
                    if (texture != null)
                        //if the sprite is animated then the sourceRect needs to be changed to be the correct frame
                        if (_animated)
                            sourceRect = new FlxRect(frameWidth * _curIndex, 0, frameWidth, frameHeight);
                        Rectangle rect = new Rectangle((int)sourceRect.x, (int)sourceRect.y, (int)sourceRect.width, (int)sourceRect.height);
                        FlxG.spriteBatch.Draw(texture, getVec2(), rect, _color * alpha, angle, new Vector2(), scale.getVec2(), SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates a <code>FlxObject</code>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="X">X-coordinate of the object in space</param>
        /// <param name="Y">y-coordinate of the object in space</param>
        /// <param name="Width">Desired width of the rectangle</param>
        /// <param name="Height">Desired height of the rectangle</param>
        public FlxObject(float X = 0, float Y = 0, float Width = 0, float Height = 0)
            : base()
            x          = X;
            y          = Y;
            last       = new FlxPoint(x, y);
            width      = Width;
            height     = Height;
            mass       = 1.0f;
            elasticity = 0.0f;

            health = 1;

            immovable = false;
            moves     = true;

            touching        = NONE;
            wasTouching     = NONE;
            allowCollisions = ANY;

            velocity     = new FlxPoint();
            acceleration = new FlxPoint();
            drag         = new FlxPoint();
            maxVelocity  = new FlxPoint(10000, 10000);

            angle               = 0;
            angularVelocity     = 0;
            angularAcceleration = 0;
            angularDrag         = 0;
            maxAngular          = 10000;

            scrollFactor  = new FlxPoint(1, 1);
            _flicker      = false;
            _flickerTimer = 0;

            _point = new FlxPoint();
            _rect  = new FlxRect();

            path      = null;
            pathSpeed = 0;
            pathAngle = 0;
예제 #10
        public FlxCamera(float X, float Y, float Width, float Height, float Zoom = 1.0f)
            : base()
            x           = X;
            y           = Y;
            width       = Width;
            height      = Height;
            defaultZoom = 1.0f;
            rotating    = 0.0f;
            scroll      = new FlxPoint();
            _point      = new FlxPoint();
            target      = null;
            deadzone    = null;
            bounds      = null;
            zooming     = Zoom;

            _fxShakeIntensity = 0;
            _fxShakeDuration  = 0;
            _fxShakeComplete  = null;
            _fxShakeOffset    = new FlxPoint();
            _fxShakeDirection = 0;
예제 #11
        public FlxCamera(float X, float Y, float Width, float Height, float Zoom = 1.0f)
            : base()
            x = X;
            y = Y;
            width = Width;
            height = Height;
            defaultZoom = 1.0f;
            rotating = 0.0f;
            scroll = new FlxPoint();
            _point = new FlxPoint();
            target = null;
            deadzone = null;
            bounds = null;
            zooming = Zoom;

            _fxShakeIntensity = 0;
            _fxShakeDuration = 0;
            _fxShakeComplete = null;
            _fxShakeOffset = new FlxPoint();
            _fxShakeDirection = 0;
예제 #12
  * Checks to see if some <code>FlxRect</code> object overlaps this <code>FlxRect</code> object.
  * @param	Rect	The rectangle being tested.
  * @return	Whether or not the two rectangles overlap.
 public Boolean overlaps(FlxRect Rect)
     return (Rect.x + Rect.width > x) && (Rect.x < x + width) && (Rect.y + Rect.height > y) && (Rect.y < y + height);
예제 #13
 public FlxRect copyTo(FlxRect Rect)
     Rect.x = x;
     Rect.y = y;
     Rect.width = width;
     Rect.height = height;
     return this;
예제 #14
 public FlxRect copyFrom(FlxRect Rect)
     x = Rect.x;
     y = Rect.y;
     width = Rect.width;
     height = Rect.height;
     return this;
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiate all the things needed by the engine
        /// </summary>
        internal static void init()
            FlxG.defaultWholeScreenViewport = FlxG.viewport;
            FlxG.cameras = new List<FlxCamera>();
            FlxG.viewports = new List<Viewport>();
            //FlxG.width = FlxG.graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth;
            //FlxG.height = FlxG.graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight;
            FlxG.bgColor = Color.Black;
            FlxG.mute = false;
            FlxG.sounds = new FlxGroup();
            FlxG.console = new FlxConsole();
            FlxG.worldBounds = new FlxRect();
            FlxG.defaultFont = FlxG.content.Load<SpriteFont>("ConsoleFont");
            //FlxG.zoom = 1f;
            FlxG.rotation = 0f;
            FlxG.pad1 = new FlxGamepad(PlayerIndex.One);
            FlxG.pad2 = new FlxGamepad(PlayerIndex.Two);
            FlxG.pad3 = new FlxGamepad(PlayerIndex.Three);
            FlxG.pad4 = new FlxGamepad(PlayerIndex.Four);
            FlxG.keys = new FlxKeyboard();
            FlxG.mouse = new FlxMouse();
            FlxG.safeZone = new FlxRect(FlxG.graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.X, FlxG.graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Y, FlxG.graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Width, FlxG.graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Height);
            FlxCamera defaultCam = new FlxCamera(0, 0, FlxG.width, FlxG.height, FlxG.zoom);

            //Thread tCreate = new Thread(FlxG.state.create);

            //create state last
예제 #16
        public override void draw()
            if (dirty)

            if (cameras == null)
                cameras = FlxG.cameras;
            FlxCamera camera = FlxG.camera;
            int i = 0;
            int l = cameras.Count;
            while (i < l)
                camera = cameras[i++];
                //camera = FlxG.camera;
                if (!onScreen(camera))
                _point.x = x - (int)(camera.scroll.x * scrollFactor.x) - offset.x;
                _point.y = y - (int)(camera.scroll.y * scrollFactor.y) - offset.y;
                _point.x += (_point.x > 0) ? 0.0000001f : -0.0000001f;
                _point.y += (_point.y > 0) ? 0.0000001f : -0.0000001f;
                if (visible)
                    if (texture != null)
                        //if the sprite is animated then the sourceRect needs to be changed to be the correct frame
                        if (_animated)
                            sourceRect = new FlxRect(frameWidth * _curIndex, 0, frameWidth, frameHeight);
                        Rectangle rect = new Rectangle((int)sourceRect.x, (int)sourceRect.y, (int)sourceRect.width, (int)sourceRect.height);
                        FlxG.spriteBatch.Draw(texture, getVec2(), rect, _color * alpha, angle, new Vector2(), scale.getVec2(), SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Internal function used by FlxEmitter to create the particles
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Graphic"></param>
        /// <param name="Rotation"></param>
        /// <param name="Width"></param>
        /// <param name="Height"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public FlxSprite loadParticleGraphic(Texture2D Graphic, float Rotation, float Width = 0, float Height = 0)
            rotateBy = Rotation * 0.0174532925f;
            texture = Graphic;
            int numFrames = (int)FlxU.floor(texture.Width / texture.Height);

            if (Width == 0 || Height == 0)
                Width = texture.Height;
                Height = Width;
            frameWidth = width = Width;
            frameHeight = height = Height;
            List<FlxRect> _draws = new List<FlxRect>();
            for (int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++)
                FlxRect textureArea = new FlxRect(i * height, 0, width, height);
            int di;// = (int)Math.Round(FlxU.randomBetween(0, numFrames));
            Random r = new Random();
            di = r.Next(numFrames);
            particleRect = _draws[di];
            //FlxRect t = _draws[di];
            sourceRect = new FlxRect(particleRect.x, particleRect.y, particleRect.width, particleRect.height);
            return this;
예제 #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the boundaries of the camera.  Useful for preventing the camera from scrolling past the edge of a map.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="X"></param>
 /// <param name="Y"></param>
 /// <param name="Width"></param>
 /// <param name="Height"></param>
 /// <param name="UpdateWorld"></param>
 public void setBounds(float X = 0, float Y = 0, float Width = 0, float Height = 0, Boolean UpdateWorld = false)
     if (bounds == null)
         bounds = new FlxRect();
     bounds.make(X, Y, Width, Height);
     if (UpdateWorld)
예제 #19
 public FlxSprite makeGraphic(float Width, float Height, Color color)
     texture = new Texture2D(FlxG.graphicsDevice, (int)Width, (int)Height);
     Color[] colors = new Color[(int)Width * (int)Height];
     for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)
         colors[i] = new Color(color.ToVector3());
     color = color * alpha;
     sourceRect = new FlxRect(0, 0, Width, Height);
     frameWidth = width = Width;
     frameHeight = height = Height;
     return this;
예제 #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Make the camera follow an object with a specified follow-style
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Target"></param>
 /// <param name="Style"></param>
 public void follow(FlxObject Target, uint Style=STYLE_LOCKON)
     target = Target;
     float helper, w, h;
     switch (Style)
         case STYLE_PLATFORMER:
             w = width / 8;
             h = height / 3;
             deadzone = new FlxRect((width - w) / 2, (height - h) / 2 - h * 0.25f, w, h);
         case STYLE_TOPDOWN:
             helper = FlxU.max(width, height) / 3;
             deadzone = new FlxRect((width - helper) / 3, (height - helper) / 3, helper, helper);
         case STYLE_TOPDOWN_TIGHT:
             helper = FlxU.max(width, height) / 12;
             deadzone = new FlxRect((width - helper) / 2, (height - helper) / 2, helper, helper);
         case STYLE_LOCKON:
         case STYLE_LOOSE:
             deadzone = new FlxRect(0, 0, width, height);
             deadzone = null;
예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Y-axis component of the object separation process
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Object1"></param>
        /// <param name="Object2"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool separateY(FlxObject Object1, FlxObject Object2)
            //can't separate two immovable objects
            bool obj1immovable = Object1.immovable;
            bool obj2immovable = Object2.immovable;
            if(obj1immovable && obj2immovable)
                return false;

            ////If one of the objects is a tilemap, just pass it off.
            if (Object1 is FlxTilemap)
                return (Object1 as FlxTilemap).overlapsWithCallback(Object2, separateY);
            if (Object2 is FlxTilemap)
                return (Object2 as FlxTilemap).overlapsWithCallback(Object1, separateY, true);

            //First, get the two object deltas
            float overlap = 0;
            float obj1delta = Object1.y - Object1.last.y;
            float obj2delta = Object2.y - Object2.last.y;
            if(obj1delta != obj2delta)
                //Check if the Y hulls actually overlap
                float obj1deltaAbs = (obj1delta > 0) ? obj1delta : -obj1delta;
                float obj2deltaAbs = (obj2delta > 0) ? obj2delta : -obj2delta;
                FlxRect obj1rect = new FlxRect(Object1.x,Object1.y-((obj1delta > 0)?obj1delta:0),Object1.width,Object1.height+obj1deltaAbs);
                FlxRect obj2rect = new FlxRect(Object2.x,Object2.y-((obj2delta > 0)?obj2delta:0),Object2.width,Object2.height+obj2deltaAbs);
                if((obj1rect.x + obj1rect.width > obj2rect.x) && (obj1rect.x < obj2rect.x + obj2rect.width) && (obj1rect.y + obj1rect.height > obj2rect.y) && (obj1rect.y < obj2rect.y + obj2rect.height))
                    float maxOverlap = obj1deltaAbs + obj2deltaAbs + OVERLAP_BIAS;

                    //If they did overlap (and can), figure out by how much and flip the corresponding flags
                    if(obj1delta > obj2delta)
                        overlap = Object1.y + Object1.height - Object2.y;
                        if((overlap > maxOverlap) || !Convert.ToBoolean(Object1.allowCollisions & DOWN) || !Convert.ToBoolean(Object2.allowCollisions & UP))
                            overlap = 0;
                            Object1.touching |= DOWN;
                            Object2.touching |= UP;
                    else if(obj1delta < obj2delta)
                        overlap = Object1.y - Object2.height - Object2.y;
                        if((-overlap > maxOverlap) || !Convert.ToBoolean(Object1.allowCollisions & UP) || !Convert.ToBoolean(Object2.allowCollisions & DOWN))
                            overlap = 0;
                            Object1.touching |= UP;
                            Object2.touching |= DOWN;

            //Then adjust their positions and velocities accordingly (if there was any overlap)
            if(overlap != 0)
                float obj1v = Object1.velocity.y;
                float obj2v = Object2.velocity.y;

                if(!obj1immovable && !obj2immovable)
                    overlap *= 0.5f;
                    Object1.y = Object1.y - overlap;
                    Object2.y += overlap;

                    float obj1velocity = (float)Math.Sqrt((obj2v * obj2v * Object2.mass) / Object1.mass) * ((obj2v > 0) ? 1f : -1f);
                    float obj2velocity = (float)Math.Sqrt((obj1v * obj1v * Object1.mass) / Object2.mass) * ((obj1v > 0) ? 1f : -1f);
                    float average = (obj1velocity + obj2velocity) * 0.5f;
                    obj1velocity -= average;
                    obj2velocity -= average;
                    Object1.velocity.y = average + obj1velocity *  Object1.elasticity;
                    Object2.velocity.y = average + obj2velocity *  Object2.elasticity;
                else if(!obj1immovable)
                    Object1.y = Object1.y - overlap;
                    Object1.velocity.y = obj2v - obj1v*Object1.elasticity;
                    //This is special case code that handles cases like horizontal moving platforms you can ride
                    if(Object2.active && Object2.moves && (obj1delta > obj2delta))
                        Object1.x += Object2.x - Object2.last.x;
                else if(!obj2immovable)
                    Object2.y += overlap;
                    Object2.velocity.y = obj1v - obj2v*Object2.elasticity;
                    //This is special case code that handles cases like horizontal moving platforms you can ride
                    if(Object1.active && Object1.moves && (obj1delta < obj2delta))
                        Object2.x += Object1.x - Object1.last.x;
                return true;
                return false;
예제 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Y-axis component of the object separation process
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Object1"></param>
        /// <param name="Object2"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static public bool separateY(FlxObject Object1, FlxObject Object2)
            //can't separate two immovable objects
            bool obj1immovable = Object1.immovable;
            bool obj2immovable = Object2.immovable;

            if (obj1immovable && obj2immovable)

            ////If one of the objects is a tilemap, just pass it off.
            if (Object1 is FlxTilemap)
                return((Object1 as FlxTilemap).overlapsWithCallback(Object2, separateY));
            if (Object2 is FlxTilemap)
                return((Object2 as FlxTilemap).overlapsWithCallback(Object1, separateY, true));

            //First, get the two object deltas
            float overlap   = 0;
            float obj1delta = Object1.y - Object1.last.y;
            float obj2delta = Object2.y - Object2.last.y;

            if (obj1delta != obj2delta)
                //Check if the Y hulls actually overlap
                float   obj1deltaAbs = (obj1delta > 0) ? obj1delta : -obj1delta;
                float   obj2deltaAbs = (obj2delta > 0) ? obj2delta : -obj2delta;
                FlxRect obj1rect     = new FlxRect(Object1.x, Object1.y - ((obj1delta > 0)?obj1delta:0), Object1.width, Object1.height + obj1deltaAbs);
                FlxRect obj2rect     = new FlxRect(Object2.x, Object2.y - ((obj2delta > 0)?obj2delta:0), Object2.width, Object2.height + obj2deltaAbs);
                if ((obj1rect.x + obj1rect.width > obj2rect.x) && (obj1rect.x < obj2rect.x + obj2rect.width) && (obj1rect.y + obj1rect.height > obj2rect.y) && (obj1rect.y < obj2rect.y + obj2rect.height))
                    float maxOverlap = obj1deltaAbs + obj2deltaAbs + OVERLAP_BIAS;

                    //If they did overlap (and can), figure out by how much and flip the corresponding flags
                    if (obj1delta > obj2delta)
                        overlap = Object1.y + Object1.height - Object2.y;
                        if ((overlap > maxOverlap) || !Convert.ToBoolean(Object1.allowCollisions & DOWN) || !Convert.ToBoolean(Object2.allowCollisions & UP))
                            overlap = 0;
                            Object1.touching |= DOWN;
                            Object2.touching |= UP;
                    else if (obj1delta < obj2delta)
                        overlap = Object1.y - Object2.height - Object2.y;
                        if ((-overlap > maxOverlap) || !Convert.ToBoolean(Object1.allowCollisions & UP) || !Convert.ToBoolean(Object2.allowCollisions & DOWN))
                            overlap = 0;
                            Object1.touching |= UP;
                            Object2.touching |= DOWN;

            //Then adjust their positions and velocities accordingly (if there was any overlap)
            if (overlap != 0)
                float obj1v = Object1.velocity.y;
                float obj2v = Object2.velocity.y;

                if (!obj1immovable && !obj2immovable)
                    overlap   *= 0.5f;
                    Object1.y  = Object1.y - overlap;
                    Object2.y += overlap;

                    float obj1velocity = (float)Math.Sqrt((obj2v * obj2v * Object2.mass) / Object1.mass) * ((obj2v > 0) ? 1f : -1f);
                    float obj2velocity = (float)Math.Sqrt((obj1v * obj1v * Object1.mass) / Object2.mass) * ((obj1v > 0) ? 1f : -1f);
                    float average      = (obj1velocity + obj2velocity) * 0.5f;
                    obj1velocity      -= average;
                    obj2velocity      -= average;
                    Object1.velocity.y = average + obj1velocity * Object1.elasticity;
                    Object2.velocity.y = average + obj2velocity * Object2.elasticity;
                else if (!obj1immovable)
                    Object1.y          = Object1.y - overlap;
                    Object1.velocity.y = obj2v - obj1v * Object1.elasticity;
                    //This is special case code that handles cases like horizontal moving platforms you can ride
                    if (Object2.active && Object2.moves && (obj1delta > obj2delta))
                        Object1.x += Object2.x - Object2.last.x;
                else if (!obj2immovable)
                    Object2.y         += overlap;
                    Object2.velocity.y = obj1v - obj2v * Object2.elasticity;
                    //This is special case code that handles cases like horizontal moving platforms you can ride
                    if (Object1.active && Object1.moves && (obj1delta < obj2delta))
                        Object2.x += Object1.x - Object1.last.x;
예제 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// X-axis component of the object separation process
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Object1"></param>
        /// <param name="Object2"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static public bool separateX(FlxObject Object1, FlxObject Object2)
            //can't separate two immovable objects
            bool obj1immovable = Object1.immovable;
            bool obj2immovable = Object2.immovable;

            if (obj1immovable && obj2immovable)

            //If one of the objects is a tilemap, just pass it off.
            if (Object1 is FlxTilemap)
                return((Object1 as FlxTilemap).overlapsWithCallback(Object2, separateX));
            if (Object2 is FlxTilemap)
                return((Object2 as FlxTilemap).overlapsWithCallback(Object1, separateX, true));

            //First, get the two object deltas
            float overlap   = 0;
            float obj1delta = Object1.x - Object1.last.x;
            float obj2delta = Object2.x - Object2.last.x;

            if (obj1delta != obj2delta)
                //Check if the X hulls actually overlap
                float   obj1deltaAbs = (obj1delta > 0) ? obj1delta : -obj1delta;
                float   obj2deltaAbs = (obj2delta > 0) ? obj2delta : -obj2delta;
                FlxRect obj1rect     = new FlxRect(Object1.x - ((obj1delta > 0)?obj1delta:0), Object1.last.y, Object1.width + ((obj1delta > 0)?obj1delta:-obj1delta), Object1.height);
                FlxRect obj2rect     = new FlxRect(Object2.x - ((obj2delta > 0)?obj2delta:0), Object2.last.y, Object2.width + ((obj2delta > 0)?obj2delta:-obj2delta), Object2.height);
                if ((obj1rect.x + obj1rect.width > obj2rect.x) && (obj1rect.x < obj2rect.x + obj2rect.width) && (obj1rect.y + obj1rect.height > obj2rect.y) && (obj1rect.y < obj2rect.y + obj2rect.height))
                    float maxOverlap = obj1deltaAbs + obj2deltaAbs + OVERLAP_BIAS;

                    //If they did overlap (and can), figure out by how much and flip the corresponding flags
                    if (obj1delta > obj2delta)
                        overlap = Object1.x + Object1.width - Object2.x;
                        if ((overlap > maxOverlap) || !Convert.ToBoolean(Object1.allowCollisions & RIGHT) || !Convert.ToBoolean(Object2.allowCollisions & LEFT))
                            overlap = 0;
                            Object1.touching |= RIGHT;
                            Object2.touching |= LEFT;
                    else if (obj1delta < obj2delta)
                        overlap = Object1.x - Object2.width - Object2.x;
                        if ((-overlap > maxOverlap) || !Convert.ToBoolean(Object1.allowCollisions & LEFT) || !Convert.ToBoolean(Object2.allowCollisions & RIGHT))
                            overlap = 0;
                            Object1.touching |= LEFT;
                            Object2.touching |= RIGHT;

            //Then adjust their positions and velocities accordingly (if there was any overlap)
            if (overlap != 0)
                float obj1v = Object1.velocity.x;
                float obj2v = Object2.velocity.x;

                if (!obj1immovable && !obj2immovable)
                    overlap   *= 0.5f;
                    Object1.x  = Object1.x - overlap;
                    Object2.x += overlap;

                    float obj1velocity = (float)Math.Sqrt((obj2v * obj2v * Object2.mass) / Object1.mass) * ((obj2v > 0) ? 1f : -1f);
                    float obj2velocity = (float)Math.Sqrt((obj1v * obj1v * Object1.mass) / Object2.mass) * ((obj1v > 0) ? 1f : -1f);
                    float average      = (obj1velocity + obj2velocity) * 0.5f;
                    obj1velocity      -= average;
                    obj2velocity      -= average;
                    Object1.velocity.x = average + obj1velocity * Object1.elasticity;
                    Object2.velocity.x = average + obj2velocity * Object2.elasticity;
                else if (!obj1immovable)
                    Object1.x          = Object1.x - overlap;
                    Object1.velocity.x = obj2v - obj1v * Object1.elasticity;
                else if (!obj2immovable)
                    Object2.x         += overlap;
                    Object2.velocity.x = obj1v - obj2v * Object2.elasticity;
예제 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates a <code>FlxObject</code>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="X">X-coordinate of the object in space</param>
        /// <param name="Y">y-coordinate of the object in space</param>
        /// <param name="Width">Desired width of the rectangle</param>
        /// <param name="Height">Desired height of the rectangle</param>
        public FlxObject(float X = 0, float Y = 0, float Width = 0, float Height = 0)
            : base()
            x = X;
            y = Y;
            last = new FlxPoint(x, y);
            width = Width;
            height = Height;
            mass = 1.0f;
            elasticity = 0.0f;

            health = 1;

            immovable = false;
            moves = true;

            touching = NONE;
            wasTouching = NONE;
            allowCollisions = ANY;

            velocity = new FlxPoint();
            acceleration = new FlxPoint();
            drag = new FlxPoint();
            maxVelocity = new FlxPoint(10000, 10000);

            angle = 0;
            angularVelocity = 0;
            angularAcceleration = 0;
            angularDrag = 0;
            maxAngular = 10000;

            scrollFactor = new FlxPoint(1, 1);
            _flicker = false;
            _flickerTimer = 0;

            _point = new FlxPoint();
            _rect = new FlxRect();

            path = null;
            pathSpeed = 0;
            pathAngle = 0;
예제 #25
 public FlxSprite loadGraphic(Texture2D Graphic, Boolean Animated = false, Boolean Reverse = false, float Width = 0, float Height = 0)
     _animated = Animated;
     texture = Graphic;
     if (Width == 0)
         if (Animated)
             Width = (uint)Graphic.Width;
             Width = (uint)Graphic.Width;
     frameWidth = width = Width;
     if (Height == 0)
         if (Animated)
             Height = (uint)width;
             Height = (uint)Graphic.Height;
     frameHeight = height = Height;
     sourceRect = new FlxRect(0, 0, width, height);
     return this;
예제 #26
        /// <summary>
        /// X-axis component of the object separation process
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Object1"></param>
        /// <param name="Object2"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool separateX(FlxObject Object1, FlxObject Object2)
            //can't separate two immovable objects
            bool obj1immovable = Object1.immovable;
            bool obj2immovable = Object2.immovable;
            if(obj1immovable && obj2immovable)
                return false;

            //If one of the objects is a tilemap, just pass it off.
            if (Object1 is FlxTilemap)
                return (Object1 as FlxTilemap).overlapsWithCallback(Object2, separateX);
            if (Object2 is FlxTilemap)
                return (Object2 as FlxTilemap).overlapsWithCallback(Object1, separateX, true);

            //First, get the two object deltas
            float overlap = 0;
            float obj1delta = Object1.x - Object1.last.x;
            float obj2delta = Object2.x - Object2.last.x;
            if(obj1delta != obj2delta)
                //Check if the X hulls actually overlap
                float obj1deltaAbs = (obj1delta > 0) ? obj1delta : -obj1delta;
                float obj2deltaAbs = (obj2delta > 0) ? obj2delta : -obj2delta;
                FlxRect obj1rect = new FlxRect(Object1.x-((obj1delta > 0)?obj1delta:0),Object1.last.y,Object1.width+((obj1delta > 0)?obj1delta:-obj1delta),Object1.height);
                FlxRect obj2rect = new FlxRect(Object2.x-((obj2delta > 0)?obj2delta:0),Object2.last.y,Object2.width+((obj2delta > 0)?obj2delta:-obj2delta),Object2.height);
                if((obj1rect.x + obj1rect.width > obj2rect.x) && (obj1rect.x < obj2rect.x + obj2rect.width) && (obj1rect.y + obj1rect.height > obj2rect.y) && (obj1rect.y < obj2rect.y + obj2rect.height))
                    float maxOverlap = obj1deltaAbs + obj2deltaAbs + OVERLAP_BIAS;

                    //If they did overlap (and can), figure out by how much and flip the corresponding flags
                    if(obj1delta > obj2delta)
                        overlap = Object1.x + Object1.width - Object2.x;
                        if((overlap > maxOverlap) || !Convert.ToBoolean(Object1.allowCollisions & RIGHT) || !Convert.ToBoolean(Object2.allowCollisions & LEFT))
                            overlap = 0;
                            Object1.touching |= RIGHT;
                            Object2.touching |= LEFT;
                    else if(obj1delta < obj2delta)
                        overlap = Object1.x - Object2.width - Object2.x;
                        if((-overlap > maxOverlap) || !Convert.ToBoolean(Object1.allowCollisions & LEFT) || !Convert.ToBoolean(Object2.allowCollisions & RIGHT))
                            overlap = 0;
                            Object1.touching |= LEFT;
                            Object2.touching |= RIGHT;

            //Then adjust their positions and velocities accordingly (if there was any overlap)
            if(overlap != 0)
                float obj1v = Object1.velocity.x;
                float obj2v = Object2.velocity.x;

                if(!obj1immovable && !obj2immovable)
                    overlap *= 0.5f;
                    Object1.x = Object1.x - overlap;
                    Object2.x += overlap;

                    float obj1velocity = (float)Math.Sqrt((obj2v * obj2v * Object2.mass) / Object1.mass) * ((obj2v > 0) ? 1f : -1f);
                    float obj2velocity = (float)Math.Sqrt((obj1v * obj1v * Object1.mass) / Object2.mass) * ((obj1v > 0) ? 1f : -1f);
                    float average = (obj1velocity + obj2velocity) * 0.5f;
                    obj1velocity -= average;
                    obj2velocity -= average;
                    Object1.velocity.x = average + obj1velocity * Object1.elasticity;
                    Object2.velocity.x = average + obj2velocity * Object2.elasticity;
                else if(!obj1immovable)
                    Object1.x = Object1.x - overlap;
                    Object1.velocity.x = obj2v - obj1v*Object1.elasticity;
                else if(!obj2immovable)
                    Object2.x += overlap;
                    Object2.velocity.x = obj1v - obj2v*Object2.elasticity;
                return true;
                return false;
예제 #27
  * Checks to see if some <code>FlxRect</code> object overlaps this <code>FlxRect</code> object.
  * @param	Rect	The rectangle being tested.
  * @return	Whether or not the two rectangles overlap.
 public Boolean overlaps(FlxRect Rect)
     return((Rect.x + Rect.width > x) && (Rect.x < x + width) && (Rect.y + Rect.height > y) && (Rect.y < y + height));
예제 #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Override to null out variables manually
 /// </summary>
 public override void destroy()
     velocity = null;
     acceleration = null;
     drag = null;
     maxVelocity = null;
     scrollFactor = null;
     _point = null;
     _rect = null;
     last = null;
     //cameras = null;
     if (path != null)
     path = null;
예제 #29
        public override void draw()
            if (dirty)

            if (cameras == null)
                cameras = FlxG.cameras;
            FlxCamera camera = FlxG.camera;
            int i = 0;
            int l = cameras.Count;
            while (i < l)
                camera = cameras[i++];
                //camera = FlxG.camera;
                if (!onScreen(camera))
                _point.x = x - (int)(camera.scroll.x * scrollFactor.x) - offset.x;
                _point.y = y - (int)(camera.scroll.y * scrollFactor.y) - offset.y;
                _point.x += (_point.x > 0) ? 0.0000001f : -0.0000001f;
                _point.y += (_point.y > 0) ? 0.0000001f : -0.0000001f;
                if (visible)
                    if (texture != null)
                        //if the sprite is animated then the sourceRect needs to be changed to be the correct frame
                        if (_animated)
                            //adds support for sprite sheets by using the image width/height, frame width/height, and current frame index to split up the source image into rects
                            //insted of using a fixed value of 0and only supporting sprite strips.
                            sourceRect = new FlxRect((((_curIndex) % (texture.Width / frameWidth)) * frameWidth), (((int)(_curIndex / (texture.Width / frameWidth))) * frameHeight), frameWidth, frameHeight);
                        Rectangle rect = new Rectangle((int)sourceRect.x, (int)sourceRect.y, (int)sourceRect.width, (int)sourceRect.height);
                        FlxG.spriteBatch.Draw(texture, getVec2(), rect, _color * alpha, angle, new Vector2(), scale.getVec2(), SpriteEffects.None, 0f);