예제 #1
        public void play(String AnimName, Boolean Force = false)
            if (!Force && (_curAnim != null) && (AnimName == _curAnim.name) && (_curAnim.looped || !finished))
            _curFrame   = 0;
            _curIndex   = 0;
            _frameTimer = 0;
            uint i = 0;
            uint l = (uint)_animations.Count;

            while (i < l)
                if (_animations[(int)i].name == AnimName)
                    _curAnim = _animations[(int)i];
                    if (_curAnim.delay <= 0)
                        finished = true;
                        finished = false;
                    _curIndex = _curAnim.frames[_curFrame];
                    dirty     = true;
            FlxG.log("WARNING: No animation called \"" + AnimName + "\"");
예제 #2
         * Call this function to give this object a path to follow.
         * If the path does not have at least one node in it, this function
         * will log a warning message and return.
         * @param	Path		The <code>FlxPath</code> you want this object to follow.
         * @param	Speed		How fast to travel along the path in pixels per second.
         * @param	Mode		Optional, controls the behavior of the object following the path using the path behavior constants.  Can use multiple flags at once, for example PATH_YOYO|PATH_HORIZONTAL_ONLY will make an object move back and forth along the X axis of the path only.
         * @param	AutoRotate	Automatically point the object toward the next node.  Assumes the graphic is pointing upward.  Default behavior is false, or no automatic rotation.
        public void followPath(FlxPath Path, float Speed = 100, uint Mode = PATH_FORWARD, bool AutoRotate = false)
            if (Path.nodes.Count <= 0)
                FlxG.log("WARNING: Paths need at least one node in them to be followed.");

            path        = Path;
            pathSpeed   = FlxU.abs(Speed);
            _pathMode   = Mode;
            _pathRotate = AutoRotate;

            //get starting node
            if ((_pathMode == PATH_BACKWARD) || (_pathMode == PATH_LOOP_BACKWARD))
                _pathNodeIndex = path.nodes.Count - 1;
                _pathInc       = -1;
                _pathNodeIndex = 0;
                _pathInc       = 1;
예제 #3
        public override void update()
            if (scale.x < 1)
                scale.x = 1;
            if (scale.y < 1)
                scale.y = 1;
            if (flickering)
                alpha = FlxG.random();

            if ((velocity.x != 0) || (velocity.y != 0))
                moving = true;
                moving = false;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiate all the things needed by the engine
        /// </summary>
        internal static void init()
            FlxG.defaultWholeScreenViewport = FlxG.viewport;
            FlxG.cameras   = new List <FlxCamera>();
            FlxG.viewports = new List <Viewport>();
            //FlxG.width = FlxG.graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth;
            //FlxG.height = FlxG.graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight;
            FlxG.bgColor     = Color.Black;
            FlxG.mute        = false;
            FlxG.sounds      = new FlxGroup();
            FlxG.console     = new FlxConsole();
            FlxG.worldBounds = new FlxRect();
            FlxG.defaultFont = FlxG.content.Load <SpriteFont>("ConsoleFont");
            //FlxG.zoom = 1f;
            FlxG.rotation = 0f;
            FlxG.pad1     = new FlxGamepad(PlayerIndex.One);
            FlxG.pad2     = new FlxGamepad(PlayerIndex.Two);
            FlxG.pad3     = new FlxGamepad(PlayerIndex.Three);
            FlxG.pad4     = new FlxGamepad(PlayerIndex.Four);
            FlxG.keys     = new FlxKeyboard();
            FlxG.mouse    = new FlxMouse();
            FlxG.safeZone = new FlxRect(FlxG.graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.X, FlxG.graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Y, FlxG.graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Width, FlxG.graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Height);
            FlxCamera defaultCam = new FlxCamera(0, 0, FlxG.width, FlxG.height, FlxG.zoom);


            //Thread tCreate = new Thread(FlxG.state.create);

            //create state last
예제 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Simple Controller vibration
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Duration">The length in seconds the vibration should last</param>
 /// <param name="IntensityLeftMotor">The intensity of the Left Motor vibration</param>
 /// <param name="IntensityRightMotor">The intensity of the Right Motor vibration</param>
 /// <param name="ShakeScreen">Should the screen shake in unison with the controller vibration</param>
 public void vibrate(float Duration = 0.5f, float IntensityLeftMotor = 0.15f, float IntensityRightMotor = 0.15f, bool ShakeScreen = false)
     vibeDuration = Duration;
     leftVibe     = IntensityLeftMotor;
     rightVibe    = IntensityRightMotor;
     if (ShakeScreen)
         FlxG.shake(IntensityLeftMotor / 20, Duration);
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Required XNA initialization along with some FlxG initializations.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);

            // Basic FlxG inits that we need before we can call FlxG.init()
            FlxG.graphicsDevice = GraphicsDevice;
            FlxG.graphics       = graphics;
            FlxG.content        = Content;
            FlxG.spriteBatch    = spriteBatch;
            FlxG.viewport       = FlxG.graphicsDevice.Viewport;
            FlxG.width          = graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth;
            FlxG.height         = graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight;

            //Thread tInit = new Thread(FlxG.init);

예제 #7
        static private FlxSound loadSound(SoundEffect EmbeddedSound, float Volume, bool Looped, bool AutoDestroy, bool AutoPlay)
            if (EmbeddedSound == null)
                FlxG.log("WARNING: FlxG.loadSound() requires an embedded sound to work.");
            FlxSound sound = new FlxSound();

            if (EmbeddedSound != null)
                sound.loadEmbedded(EmbeddedSound, Looped, AutoDestroy);
            sound.volume = Volume;
            if (AutoPlay)
예제 #8
         * This function can be used both internally and externally to emit the next particle.
        public void emitParticle()
            FlxPoint    t        = target.getMidpoint();
            FlxParticle particle = recycle(typeof(FlxBasic)) as FlxParticle;

            particle.minSpeed   = minParticleSpeed;
            particle.maxSpeed   = maxParticleSpeed;
            particle.lifespan   = lifespan;
            particle.elasticity = bounce;
            if (target != null)
                particle.reset(t.x, t.y);
                particle.reset(x - (Convert.ToInt32(particle.width) >> 1) + FlxG.random() * width, y - (Convert.ToInt32(particle.height) >> 1) + FlxG.random() * height);
            particle.visible = true;
            particle.drag.x  = particleDrag.x;
            particle.drag.y  = particleDrag.y;
예제 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Update FlxG which updates important mechanics such as cameras and time elapsed.
 /// </summary>
 protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
예제 #10
        // update camera scroll in here
        // make sure it stays within bounds
        public override void update()
            //zooming = FlxG.zoom;
            //rotating = FlxG.rotation;
            //follow closely or check deadzones
            if (target != null)
                if (deadzone == null)
                    focusOn(target.getMidpoint());   //add getMidpoint() for FlxObjects
                    //FlxG.log("deadzone is not null");
                    float edge;
                    float targetX = FlxU.ceil(target.x + ((target.x > 0) ? 0.0000001f : -0.0000001f));
                    float targetY = FlxU.ceil(target.y + ((target.y > 0) ? 0.0000001f : -0.0000001f));

                    edge = targetX - deadzone.x;
                    if (scroll.x > edge)
                        scroll.x = edge;
                    edge = targetX + target.width - deadzone.x - deadzone.width;
                    if (scroll.x < edge)
                        scroll.x = edge;

                    edge = targetY - deadzone.y;
                    if (scroll.y > edge)
                        scroll.y = edge;
                    edge = targetY + target.height - deadzone.y - deadzone.height;
                    if (scroll.y < edge)
                        scroll.y = edge;


            //make sure we didnt go outside camera's bounds
            if (bounds != null)
                //FlxG.log("bounds is not null");
                if (scroll.x < bounds.left)
                    scroll.x = bounds.left;
                if (scroll.x > bounds.right - width)
                    scroll.x = bounds.right - width;
                if (scroll.y < bounds.top)
                    scroll.y = bounds.top;
                if (scroll.y > bounds.bottom - height)
                    scroll.y = bounds.bottom - height;

            //update effects

            if (_fxShakeDuration > 0)
                _fxShakeDuration -= FlxG.elapsed;
                if (_fxShakeDuration <= 0)
                    if (_fxShakeComplete != null)
                    if ((_fxShakeDirection == SHAKE_BOTH_AXES) || (_fxShakeDirection == SHAKE_HORIZONTAL_ONLY))
                        _fxShakeOffset.x = (FlxG.random() * _fxShakeIntensity * width * 2 - _fxShakeIntensity * width) * _zoom;
                    if ((_fxShakeDirection == SHAKE_BOTH_AXES) || (_fxShakeDirection == SHAKE_VERTICAL_ONLY))
                        _fxShakeOffset.y = (FlxG.random() * _fxShakeIntensity * height * 2 - _fxShakeIntensity * height) * _zoom;

            scroll.x -= _fxShakeOffset.x;
            scroll.y -= _fxShakeOffset.y;

            if (zooming < 1)
                zooming = 1;
예제 #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Play a sound, not with FlxSound but with SoundEffect from the XNA framework because the sound is disposed of
 /// properly by the xbox itself.
 /// The sound starts but cuts off in about half of a second.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="EmbeddedSound"></param>
 /// <param name="Volume"></param>
 /// <param name="Looped"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 static public FlxSound play(SoundEffect EmbeddedSound, float Volume = 1.0f, bool Looped = false)
     return(FlxG.loadSound(EmbeddedSound, Volume, Looped, (Looped)?false:true, true));