public static async Task getFilteredDocuments(string collection_name, FilterDefinition <BsonDocument> filter) { connectionString = "mongodb://*****:*****@"\" + @"LS-Char-Extraction.pptx"; //pt.runPptParserFlow(document["rawPath"].ToString(), document.AsObjectId); //pt.runPptParserFlow(document["rawPath"].ToString(), document["_id"].ToString()); //Console.WriteLine("Starting to run ppt parser flow.."); // check filetype string filetype = document["filetype"].ToString(); Console.WriteLine("FileType " + filetype); var motherID = ObjectId.Empty; bool success = false; // TODO task if '*.PPT , *.PPTX if (filetype.EndsWith(".ppt") || filetype.EndsWith(".pptx")) { pptController pt = new pptController(); var ret = pt.runPptParserFlow(document); motherID = ret.Item1; success = ret.Item2; } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("[ERROR] File Type " + filetype + " not recognized"); success = false; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; } // TODO For PDF // TODO for DOC, DOCX //Console.WriteLine("Mother ID extracted."); /* Update FileStor {isProcessed : true } */ // create new Class entity for post //var fileCollection = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("fileStor"); //find the MasterID with 1130 and replace it with 1120 if (success) { var result = await collection.FindOneAndUpdateAsync( Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter.Eq("_id", document["_id"]), Builders <BsonDocument> .Update.Set("isProcessed", false) .Set("MotherID", motherID)); } else { var result = await collection.FindOneAndUpdateAsync( Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter.Eq("_id", document["_id"]), Builders <BsonDocument> .Update.Set("isProcessed", false) .Set("MotherID", motherID) .Set("logtext", "ERROR")); } //retrive the data from collection //await fileCollection.Find(new BsonDocument()) // .ForEachAsync(x => Console.WriteLine(x)); countRecord++; } } Console.WriteLine($"Total Batch: { batch}"); Console.WriteLine($"Total Records Processed: { countRecord}"); Console.ReadLine(); } }
static void runHash() { __BACKUP__FileHash newHash = new __BACKUP__FileHash(); string pa = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; var dd = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(pa); exe_root = dd.ToString(); string ppt = exe_root + @"\" + @"d5000.pdf"; //Console.WriteLine(ppt); //Console.WriteLine(pdf2Text(ppt)); //pdf2Image(ppt); //Console.ReadLine(); //return; //Console.WriteLine(args[0]); string prefix = ""; string pptfile = ""; /* GET PATH OF EXE */ string path = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; //To get the location the assembly normally resides on disk or the install directory //string path = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase; //once you have the path you get the directory with: var directory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(pa); exe_root = dd.ToString(); /* END PATH */ ppt_img_root = exe_root; /* * For commandline only run: * $> PPT2Image sample.pptx * OR * */ /* * if (args.Length != 0) // while using commandline <this>.exe <filename>.pptx * { * ppt = exeBase + @"\" + args[0].ToString().Trim(); * prefix = args[0].ToString().Trim(); * } * * else // while running tests * { * //String pptfile = @"G:\LS_CAT_Apps_Weekly_7-17-15_Final.pptx"; * //string pptfile = @"H:\output\FULL_Q1FY17_LS-SWIFT_DivisionReview_Draft_Final.pptx"; * ppt = exeBase + @"\" + @"ppt1.pptx"; * * } */ //pptfile = exe_root + @"\" + @"ppt1.pptx"; //pptfile = exe_root + @"\" + @"LS-SWIFT.pptx"; //pptfile = exe_root + @"\" + @"VoyagerWeeklyUpdate_18-07-27.pptx"; pptfile = exe_root + @"\" + @"LS-Char-Extraction.pptx"; //pptfile = exe_root + @"\" + @"Flash_SJ_Pitch.ppt"; //pptfile = exe_root + @"\" + @"9650_Intro_111110.ppt"; //pptfile = exeBase + @"\" + @"LS-SWIFT_Product_Apps_Weekly_2018-07-06.pptx"; // remove when standalone application //string[] filePaths = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(imagebase + @"\", "*.pptx"); //pptfile = filePaths[0]; // END //db = new DBConnect(); //db.Insert("insert into weekly (filename, hashtext, imgthumb, imglarge) values ('LS_WEEKLY5', 'PO1 ET', '/img/weekly7/thumb.png', '/img/weekly7/HD.png') "); //MongoDBConnect mg = new MongoDBConnect(); //mg.Connect(); //mg.getDocuments(); ////print all ascii chars //for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) //{ // Console.Write(i + ":" + (char)i + "| "); //} Console.WriteLine("Exe Base Dir = " + exe_root); Console.WriteLine("Image Base Dir = " + ppt_img_root); ppt_img_root = exe_root + @"\ppt-img"; pdf_root = exe_root + @"\pdf"; content_img_root = exe_root + @"\content-img"; /* PPT Operations */ pptParser fe = new pptParser(); fe.GetMetaData(); //fe.ppt2Image(pptfile, ppt_img_root, prefix); //fe.ppt2ImageAlt(pptfile, ppt_img_root, prefix); //fe.ppt2pdf(pptfile, "8ih423yu673", pdf_root, ""); fe.ppt2text(pptfile); //fe.ppt2pdfByPage(pptfile, null, null, 1); /* PDF Operations */ //string pdfFile = pdf_root + @"\8ih423yu673.pdf"; //fe.pdf2Text(pdfFile); //fe.pdf2TextByPage(pdfFile, 2); //newHash.readPPTText(pptfile); //newHash.mergePPTs(exeBase + @"\" + @"ppt1.pptx", exeBase + @"\" + @"ppt2.pptx"); pptController pc = new pptController(); }