static public GameObject EmitDebugAABB(string name, Vector3 center, Vector3f dims, Color color, GameObject inCoords = null) { if (FPlatform.InMainThread() == false) { ThreadMailbox.PostToMainThread(() => { DebugUtil.EmitDebugAABB(name, center, dims, color, inCoords); }); return(null); } if (inCoords != null) { Transform curt = inCoords.transform; while (curt != null) { center = curt.TransformPoint(center); curt = curt.parent; } } GameObject box = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); box.SetName(name); box.transform.position = center; box.transform.localScale = dims; box.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().material.color = color; return(box); }
static public GameObject EmitDebugLine(string name, Vector3f start, Vector3f end, float diameter, Colorf startColor, Colorf endColor, GameObject parent = null, bool bIsInWorldPos = true) { if (FPlatform.InMainThread() == false) { ThreadMailbox.PostToMainThread(() => { DebugUtil.EmitDebugLine(name, start, end, diameter, startColor, endColor, parent, bIsInWorldPos); }); return(null); } GameObject line = new GameObject(); line.SetName(name); line.transform.position = (bIsInWorldPos) ? start : Vector3f.Zero; line.AddComponent <LineRenderer>(); LineRenderer lr = line.GetComponent <LineRenderer>(); lr.material = MaterialUtil.CreateParticlesMaterial(); lr.startColor = startColor; lr.endColor = endColor; lr.startWidth = lr.endWidth = diameter; lr.SetPosition(0, start); lr.SetPosition(1, end); if (parent != null) { lr.useWorldSpace = bIsInWorldPos; line.transform.SetParent(parent.transform, bIsInWorldPos); } return(line); }
/// <summary> /// Show a save-file dialog and with the provided file types. /// Returns path to selected file, or null if Cancel is clicked. /// Uses system file dialog, via tinyfiledialogs. /// filterPatterns specified like this: new string[] { "*.stl", "*.obj" } /// Note that tinyfiledialogs does not support multiple save-types in save dialog /// </summary> static public void GetSaveFileName_Async(string sDialogTitle, string sInitialPathAndFile, string[] filterPatterns, string sPatternDesc, Action <string> OnSelectedF, Action OnCanceledF = null) { #if (UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX) ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { // tinyfd changes CWD (?), and this makes Unity unhappy string curDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); IntPtr p = tinyfd_saveFileDialog(sDialogTitle, sInitialPathAndFile, filterPatterns.Length, filterPatterns, sPatternDesc); try { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(curDirectory); } catch (Exception) { // [RMS] sometimes this results in an exception? I am confused... } if (p == IntPtr.Zero) { if (OnCanceledF != null) { ThreadMailbox.PostToMainThread(OnCanceledF); } return; } string s = stringFromChar(p); ThreadMailbox.PostToMainThread(() => { OnSelectedF(s); }); }); #else // [TODO] implement #endif }
static public fGameObject EmitDebugMesh(string name, DMesh3 meshIn, Colorf color, GameObject parent = null, bool bIsInWorldPos = true) { DMesh3 mesh = new DMesh3(meshIn); if (FPlatform.InMainThread() == false) { ThreadMailbox.PostToMainThread(() => { DebugUtil.EmitDebugMesh(name, mesh, color, parent, bIsInWorldPos); }); return(null); } fMeshGameObject fMeshGO = GameObjectFactory.CreateMeshGO(name, new fMesh(mesh), false, true); fMeshGO.SetMaterial(MaterialUtil.CreateStandardMaterialF(color)); if (parent != null) { parent.AddChild(fMeshGO, bIsInWorldPos); } return(fMeshGO); }
static public void EmitDebugFrame(string name, Frame3f f, float fAxisLength, float diameter = 0.05f) { if (FPlatform.InMainThread() == false) { ThreadMailbox.PostToMainThread(() => { DebugUtil.EmitDebugFrame(name, f, fAxisLength, diameter); }); return; } GameObject frame = new GameObject(name); GameObject x = EmitDebugLine(name + "_x", f.Origin, f.Origin + fAxisLength * f.X, diameter,; x.transform.parent = frame.transform; GameObject y = EmitDebugLine(name + "_y", f.Origin, f.Origin + fAxisLength * f.Y, diameter,; y.transform.parent = frame.transform; GameObject z = EmitDebugLine(name + "_z", f.Origin, f.Origin + fAxisLength * f.Z, diameter,; z.transform.parent = frame.transform; }
static public GameObject EmitDebugFrame(string name, Frame3f f, float fAxisLength, float diameter = 0.05f, GameObject parent = null) { if (FPlatform.InMainThread() == false) { ThreadMailbox.PostToMainThread(() => { DebugUtil.EmitDebugFrame(name, f, fAxisLength, diameter); }); return(null); } GameObject frameObj = new GameObject(name); /*GameObject x = */ EmitDebugLine(name + "_x", f.Origin, f.Origin + fAxisLength * f.X, diameter,, frameObj, false); /*GameObject y = */ EmitDebugLine(name + "_y", f.Origin, f.Origin + fAxisLength * f.Y, diameter,, frameObj, false); /*GameObject z = */ EmitDebugLine(name + "_z", f.Origin, f.Origin + fAxisLength * f.Z, diameter,, frameObj, false); if (parent != null) { frameObj.transform.SetParent(parent.transform, false); } return(frameObj); }
static public GameObject EmitDebugSphere(string name, Vector3 position, float diameter, Color color, GameObject parent = null, bool bIsInWorldPos = true) { if (FPlatform.InMainThread() == false) { ThreadMailbox.PostToMainThread(() => { DebugUtil.EmitDebugSphere(name, position, diameter, color, parent, bIsInWorldPos); }); return(null); } GameObject sphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere); sphere.SetName(name); sphere.transform.position = position; sphere.transform.localScale = new Vector3(diameter, diameter, diameter); sphere.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().material.color = color; if (parent != null) { sphere.transform.SetParent(parent.transform, bIsInWorldPos); } return(sphere); }
static public fGameObject EmitDebugBox(string name, Box3d box, Colorf color, GameObject parent = null, bool bIsInWorldPos = true) { if (FPlatform.InMainThread() == false) { ThreadMailbox.PostToMainThread(() => { DebugUtil.EmitDebugBox(name, box, color, parent, bIsInWorldPos); }); return(null); } TrivialBox3Generator boxgen = new TrivialBox3Generator() { Box = box, NoSharedVertices = true, Clockwise = true }; boxgen.Generate(); DMesh3 mesh = boxgen.MakeDMesh(); fMeshGameObject fMeshGO = GameObjectFactory.CreateMeshGO(name, new fMesh(mesh), false, true); fMeshGO.SetMaterial(MaterialUtil.CreateStandardMaterialF(color)); if (parent != null) { parent.AddChild(fMeshGO, bIsInWorldPos); } return(fMeshGO); }
static public GameObject EmitDebugCurve(string name, Vector3d[] curve, bool bClosed, float diameter, Colorf startColor, Colorf endColor, GameObject parent = null, bool bIsInWorldPos = true) { if (FPlatform.InMainThread() == false) { ThreadMailbox.PostToMainThread(() => { DebugUtil.EmitDebugCurve(name, curve, bClosed, diameter, startColor, endColor, parent, bIsInWorldPos); }); return(null); } GameObject line = new GameObject(); line.SetName(name); line.AddComponent <LineRenderer> (); LineRenderer lr = line.GetComponent <LineRenderer> (); lr.material = MaterialUtil.CreateParticlesMaterial(); lr.startColor = startColor; lr.endColor = endColor; lr.startWidth = lr.endWidth = diameter; Vector3[] verts = new Vector3[curve.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < curve.Length; ++i) { verts[i] = (Vector3)curve[i]; } lr.positionCount = curve.Length; lr.SetPositions(verts); lr.loop = bClosed; lr.useWorldSpace = (parent == null && bIsInWorldPos); if (parent != null) { line.transform.SetParent(parent.transform, bIsInWorldPos); } return(line); }