public static string RenderImageTag(User.eGender gender, int width, int height, string cssClass, bool useCache, bool diskCache) { int photoId = GetPhotoIdByGender(gender); return RenderImageTag(photoId, width, height, cssClass, useCache, diskCache); }
public static Dictionary<string, double> FetchTopUsers(User.eGender gender, int minAge, int maxAge, TimeSpan period, int count) { DateTime fromBirthdate = DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays((maxAge + 1) * 365.25)); DateTime toBirthdate = DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(minAge * 365.25)); string cacheKey = String.Format("Votes_FetchTopUsers_{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}", gender, minAge, maxAge, period, count); if (HttpContext.Current != null && HttpContext.Current.Cache[cacheKey] != null) { return (Dictionary<string, double>) HttpContext.Current.Cache[cacheKey]; } var userRatings = new Dictionary<string, double>(); var fromDate = DateTime.Now.Subtract(period); var averageRating = FetchAverageRating(period, gender, minAge, maxAge); var averageNumberOfVotes = FetchAverageNumberOfVotes(period, gender, minAge, maxAge); using (var db = new ezFixUpDataContext()) { foreach (var rating in (from v in db.Votes join u in db.Users on v.v_tousername equals u.u_username where v.v_timestamp >= fromDate && u.u_gender == (int) gender && u.u_birthdate >= fromBirthdate && u.u_birthdate <= toBirthdate group v by v.v_tousername into uv select new { Username = uv.Key, Rating = ((averageNumberOfVotes*averageRating) + (uv.Count()*uv.Average(v => v.v_score))) /(averageNumberOfVotes + uv.Count()) }).OrderByDescending( uv => uv.Rating).Take(count)) { userRatings.Add(rating.Username, rating.Rating); } } if (HttpContext.Current != null) { HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(cacheKey, userRatings, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(30), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable, null); } return userRatings; }
public static double FetchAverageNumberOfVotes(TimeSpan period, User.eGender gender, int minAge, int maxAge) { string cacheKey = String.Format("Votes_FetchAverageNumberOfVotes_{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}", period, gender, minAge, maxAge); if (HttpContext.Current != null && HttpContext.Current.Cache[cacheKey] != null) { return (double)HttpContext.Current.Cache[cacheKey]; } double average; var fromDate = DateTime.Now.Subtract(period); DateTime fromBirthdate = DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays((maxAge + 1) * 365.25)); DateTime toBirthdate = DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(minAge * 365.25)); using (var db = new ezFixUpDataContext()) { average = (from v in db.Votes join u in db.Users on v.v_tousername equals u.u_username where v.v_timestamp >= fromDate && u.u_gender == (int)gender && u.u_birthdate >= fromBirthdate && u.u_birthdate <= toBirthdate group v by v.v_tousername into uv select (double?) uv.Count()).Average() ?? 0; } if (HttpContext.Current != null) { HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(cacheKey, average, null, DateTime.Now.AddHours(1), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable, null); } return average; }
public static Location GetLocation(User user) { if (user != null && user.Longitude.HasValue && user.Latitude.HasValue) { var loc = new Location { Longitude = user.Longitude.Value, Latitude = user.Latitude.Value }; return loc; } return null; }
public static string[] GetUsersWithinRadius(Location inLocation, bool? hasAnswer, User.eGender gender, int maxAge, int minAge, bool photoReq, double inRadius, int maxResults) { if (null == inLocation) throw new ArgumentNullException("inLocation", "Null location passed in."); if (inRadius <= 0.0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("inRadius", inRadius, "Invalid value for radius passed in."); if (Double.MinValue == inLocation.Latitude) throw new ArgumentException("inLocation.Latitude", string.Format( "The database does not contain latitude information for {0}, {1}.", inLocation.City, inLocation.State)); if (Double.MinValue == inLocation.Longitude) throw new ArgumentException("inLocation.Longitude", string.Format( "The database does not contain longitude information for {0}, {1}.", inLocation.City, inLocation.State)); RadiusBox radBox = RadiusBox.Create(inLocation, inRadius); using (SqlConnection conn = DB.Open()) { SqlDataReader reader = (SqlDataReader) SqlHelper.GetDB().ExecuteReader( "FetchUsersInRadius", hasAnswer, (int)gender, DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(maxAge * 365.25)), DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(minAge * 365.25)), photoReq, radBox.BottomLine, radBox.TopLine, radBox.LeftLine, radBox.RightLine, inLocation.Longitude, inLocation.Latitude, radBox.Radius, maxResults); var lResults = new List<string>(); while (reader.Read()) { var username = (string)reader["Username"]; //if (reader["Longitude"] is double && reader["Latitude"] is double) //{ // Location loc = new Location(); // double distance = Distance.GetDistance(inLocation, loc); // if (distance <= radBox.Radius) lResults.Add(username); //} } return lResults.ToArray(); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates Saved Search object with id = -1. /// </summary> /// <param name="username">The username.</param> /// <param name="name">The name.</param> /// <param name="gender">The gender.</param> /// <param name="country">The country.</param> /// <param name="state">The state.</param> /// <param name="zip">The zip.</param> /// <param name="city">The city.</param> /// <param name="ageFrom">The age from.</param> /// <param name="ageTo">The age to.</param> /// <param name="photoRequired">if set to <c>true</c> [photo required].</param> /// <param name="choiceIds">The choice ids.</param> /// <returns>SavedSearch object</returns> public static SavedSearch Create(string username, string name, User.eGender gender, string country, string state, string zip, string city, int ageFrom, int ageTo, bool photoRequired, int[] choiceIds, bool emailMatches, int emailFrequency, DateTime? nextEmailDate) { SavedSearch ss = new SavedSearch(); ss.username = username; = name; ss.gender = gender; = country; ss.state = state; = zip; = city; ss.ageFrom = ageFrom; ss.ageTo = ageTo; ss.photoRequired = photoRequired; ss.choiceIds = choiceIds; ss.emailMatches = emailMatches; ss.emailFrequency = emailFrequency; ss.nextEmailDate = nextEmailDate; return ss; }
public static int GetPhotoIdByGender(User.eGender gender) { int photoId; switch (gender) { case User.eGender.Male: photoId = -1; break; case User.eGender.Female: photoId = -2; break; case User.eGender.Couple: photoId = -3; break; default: photoId = 0; break; } return photoId; }
public static bool IsEventsSettingEnabled(eType type, User user) { return (user.EventsSettings & (ulong)type) == (ulong)type; }
private static ScheduledAnnouncement[] Fetch(int? id, User.eGender? gender, bool? paidMember, bool? hasPhotos, bool? hasProfile, int? languageID, string country, string region, eType? type) { using (SqlConnection conn = Config.DB.Open()) { SqlDataReader reader = (SqlDataReader) SqlHelper.GetDB().ExecuteReader( "FetchScheduledAnnouncement", id, gender, paidMember, hasPhotos, hasProfile, languageID, country, region, type); List<ScheduledAnnouncement> lScheduledAnnouncements = new List<ScheduledAnnouncement>(); while (reader.Read()) { ScheduledAnnouncement scheduledAnnouncement = new ScheduledAnnouncement(); = (int)reader["ID"]; = (string) reader["Name"]; scheduledAnnouncement.subject = (string)reader["Subject"]; scheduledAnnouncement.body = (string)reader["Body"]; scheduledAnnouncement.gender = reader["Gender"] != DBNull.Value ? (User.eGender?) ((int) reader["Gender"]) : null; scheduledAnnouncement.paidMember = reader["PaidMember"] != DBNull.Value ? (bool?) reader["PaidMember"] : null; scheduledAnnouncement.hasPhotos = reader["HasPhotos"] != DBNull.Value ? (bool?)reader["HasPhotos"] : null; scheduledAnnouncement.hasProfile = reader["HasProfile"] != DBNull.Value ? (bool?)reader["HasProfile"] : null; scheduledAnnouncement.languageID = reader["LanguageID"] != DBNull.Value ? (int?)reader["LanguageID"] : null; = reader["Country"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["Country"] : null; scheduledAnnouncement.region = reader["Region"] != DBNull.Value ? (string)reader["Region"] : null; scheduledAnnouncement.type = (eType) reader["Type"]; = reader["Date"] != DBNull.Value ? (DateTime?)reader["Date"] : null; scheduledAnnouncement.days = reader["Days"] != DBNull.Value ? (int?)reader["Days"] : null; lScheduledAnnouncements.Add(scheduledAnnouncement); } return lScheduledAnnouncements.ToArray(); } }