예제 #1
        //private User user;
        //private List<List<Guest>> guests;
        //private List<List<Guest>> OrigGuests;
        //private List<EventDay> _day;
        //private Events _event;
        //List<Guest> guestList;
        //List<EventDay> _day;
        //EventDay eventDay_;
        //int selectedIndex = -1;
        public frmWizSummary(frmWizard c)
            //_guests = c._guests;
            //_day = c._days;
            _event = c._event;
            _days = c._days;
            //_programs = new List<List<Program>>();
            _programs = c._programs;
            _items = c._items;
            _itemTypes = new List<ItemTypes>();
            _guests = c._guests;
            //_guests = new List<List<Guest>>();
            _publish = c._publish;
            _task = c._task;

예제 #2
        //Publish orginal_publish;
        public frmWizPublish(frmWizard c)
            publish = c._publish;
            user = c._user;
            event_ = c._event;

            //publish.StartDateTime = orginal_publish.StartDateTime;
            //publish.Remarks = orginal_publish.Remarks;
            //publish.EndDateTime = orginal_publish.EndDateTime;
            //publish.IsPayable = orginal_publish.IsPayable;
            //publish.PaymentAMount = orginal_publish.PaymentAMount;

            if (publish.Remarks != null)
                txtRemarks.Text = publish.Remarks;
                dtpStart.SelectedDateTime = publish.StartDateTime;
                dtpEnd.SelectedDateTime = publish.EndDateTime;
                cboIsPayable.IsChecked = publish.IsPayable;
                txtamount.Text = publish.PaymentAMount.ToString();
                btnDelete.IsEnabled = false;

            dtpStart.dtpDate.SelectedDateChanged += dateChanged;
            dtpEnd.dtpDate.SelectedDateChanged += dateChanged;

            dtpStart.cboHr.SelectionChanged += dateChanged;
            dtpStart.cboMin.SelectionChanged += dateChanged;

            dtpEnd.cboHr.SelectionChanged += dateChanged;
            dtpEnd.cboMin.SelectionChanged += dateChanged;

            dtpStart.cboHr.SelectionChanged += starthourChanged;

            dtpEnd.cboHr.SelectionChanged += endhourChanged;
        private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            RegistrationHelper client = new RegistrationHelper();

                publish = client.ViewPublish(event_.EventID);

            catch (Exception ex)

            if (publish != null)
                txtRemarks.Text = publish.Remarks;
                dtpStart.SelectedDateTime = publish.StartDateTime;
                dtpEnd.SelectedDateTime = publish.EndDateTime;
                cboIsPayable.IsChecked = publish.IsPayable;
                txtamount.Text = publish.PaymentAMount.ToString();
                btnDelete.IsEnabled = false;

            dtpStart.dtpDate.SelectedDateChanged += dateChanged;
            dtpEnd.dtpDate.SelectedDateChanged += dateChanged;

            dtpStart.cboHr.SelectionChanged += dateChanged;
            dtpStart.cboMin.SelectionChanged += dateChanged;

            dtpEnd.cboHr.SelectionChanged += dateChanged;
            dtpEnd.cboMin.SelectionChanged += dateChanged;

            dtpStart.cboHr.SelectionChanged += starthourChanged;

            dtpEnd.cboHr.SelectionChanged += endhourChanged;

            changed = false;
        private void btnClear_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            publish = null;
            txtRemarks.Text = "";
            dtpStart.dtpDate.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now;
            dtpEnd.dtpDate.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now;
            cboIsPayable.IsChecked = false;

            changed = true;
예제 #5
        public static void WizardAddEvent(User user, Events evnt, List<List<Program>> programs, List<List<Guest>> guests, List<ItemTypes> itemtypes, List<Items> items, Publish pub,List<Task> tasks)

                if (!user.isEventOrganizer)
                    throw new FaultException<SException>(new SException(),
                       new FaultReason("Invalid User, User Does Not Have Rights To Create Events!"));

                for (int x = 0; x < itemtypes.Count; x++)
                    for(int y=0;y<itemtypes.Count;y++)
                        if (x == y)
                        if (itemtypes[x].typeString == itemtypes[y].typeString)
                            throw new Exception("Duplicate ItemType");

                for (int x = 0; x < items.Count; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < items.Count; y++)
                        if (x == y)
                        if (items[x].ItemName == items[y].ItemName && items[x].typeString == items[y].typeString)
                            throw new Exception("Duplicate ItemType");

                DAL dalDataContext = new DAL();

                using (TransactionScope tScope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required))
                    EventWithDays eventswithdays;

                    eventswithdays = EventDayController.AddEvent(user, evnt.Name, evnt.StartDateTime, evnt.EndDateTime, evnt.Description,
                        evnt.Website, evnt.Tag, dalDataContext);

                    evnt = eventswithdays.e;

                    for (int x = 0; x < programs.Count; x++)
                        List<Program> daysprograms = programs[x];
                        for (int y = 0; y < daysprograms.Count; y++)
                            Program program = daysprograms[y];
                            ProgramController.AddProgram(program.Name, program.StartDateTime, program.EndDateTime, program.Description, eventswithdays.ds[x].DayID, program.Location, dalDataContext);

                    for (int x = 0; x < guests.Count; x++)
                        List<Guest> daysguests = guests[x];
                        for (int y = 0; y < daysguests.Count; y++)
                            Guest guest = daysguests[y];
                            GuestController.AddGuest(eventswithdays.ds[x].DayID, guest.Name, guest.Contact, guest.Description, dalDataContext);

                    for (int i = 0; i < itemtypes.Count; i++)
                        ItemTypesController.AddItemType(evnt.EventID, itemtypes[i].typeString, itemtypes[i].IsImportantType, dalDataContext);

                    for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
                        ItemsController.AddItem(evnt.EventID, items[i].typeString, items[i].ItemName, items[i].Satisfaction, items[i].EstimatedPrice, dalDataContext);

                   // eventswithdays = EventDayController.AddEvent(u, );

                    //insert task

                    for (int i = 0; i < tasks.Count; i++)
                        TaskController.CreateTask(evnt.EventID, tasks[i].TaskName, tasks[i].TaskDesc, tasks[i].DueDate, dalDataContext);

                    //insert publish
                    if(pub.Remarks != null)
                    PublishController.AddPublish(evnt, pub.StartDateTime, pub.EndDateTime, pub.Remarks, pub.IsPayable, pub.PaymentAMount, dalDataContext);



            catch(Exception ex){

                throw new FaultException<SException>(new SException(),
                   new FaultReason("Error!, an error occured while adding in new event via wizard"));

예제 #6
        public static void AddPublish(User user, int eventID, DateTime startDateTime, DateTime endDateTime, string remarks, Boolean isPayable, decimal paymentAmount)
            Events evnt = EventController.GetEvent(eventID);
            if (!user.isAuthorized(evnt))
                throw new FaultException<SException>(new SException(),
                   new FaultReason("Invalid User, User Does Not Have Rights To Publish this Event!"));

            if (endDateTime.CompareTo(startDateTime) < 0)
                throw new FaultException<SException>(new SException(),
                   new FaultReason("Error, start date must be ealier then end date"));

            if (evnt.EndDateTime.CompareTo(startDateTime) < 0 || evnt.EndDateTime.CompareTo(endDateTime) < 0)
                throw new FaultException<SException>(new SException(),
                       new FaultReason("Error, start or end date/time must not be after the event's date/time"));

                int fieldsize = FieldController.ViewField(eventID).Count();

                if (isPayable == false && ParticipantController.isParticipantPaid(eventID) == true)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

                DAL dalDataContext = new DAL();

                if(fieldsize == 0)
                    FieldController.AddDefaultFeids(evnt.EventID, dalDataContext);
                Table<Publish> publishs = dalDataContext.publishs;
                Publish creatingpublish = new Publish(eventID, startDateTime, endDateTime, remarks, isPayable, paymentAmount);

            catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                throw new FaultException<SException>(new SException(),
                   new FaultReason("invalid operation, event already have paid participant and cannot be an unpaid event anymore!"));
                throw new FaultException<SException>(new SException(),
                   new FaultReason("An Error occured While Publishing Event, Please Try Again!"));
예제 #7
        public static void AddPublish(Events evnt, DateTime startDateTime, DateTime endDateTime, string remarks, Boolean isPayable, decimal paymentAmount, DAL dalDataContext)
            if (endDateTime.CompareTo(startDateTime) < 0)
                throw new FaultException<SException>(new SException(),
                   new FaultReason("Error, start date must be ealier then end date"));

            if (evnt.EndDateTime.CompareTo(startDateTime) < 0 || evnt.EndDateTime.CompareTo(endDateTime) < 0)
                throw new FaultException<SException>(new SException(),
                       new FaultReason("Error, start or end date/time must not be after the event's date/time"));


                FieldController.AddDefaultFeids(evnt.EventID, dalDataContext);
                Table<Publish> publishs = dalDataContext.publishs;
                Publish creatingpublish = new Publish(evnt.EventID, startDateTime, endDateTime, remarks, isPayable, paymentAmount);

            catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                throw new FaultException<SException>(new SException(),
                   new FaultReason("invalid operation, event already have paid participant and cannot be an unpaid event anymore!"));
                throw new FaultException<SException>(new SException(),
                   new FaultReason("An Error occured While Publishing Event, Please Try Again!"));
예제 #8
 public void WizardAddEvent(User user, Events evnt, List<List<Program>> programs, List<List<Guest>> guests, List<ItemTypes> itemtypes, List<Items> items, Publish pub, List<Task> tasks)
     WizardController.WizardAddEvent(user, evnt, programs, guests, itemtypes, items, pub, tasks);