static void rest_heal(bool show_text) /* reset_heal */ { gbl.rest_10_seconds++; if (gbl.rest_10_seconds >= (8 * 36)) { bool update_ui = false; foreach (Player player in gbl.TeamList) { if (ovr024.heal_player(0, 1, player) == true) { update_ui = true; } } if (show_text == true) { display_resting_time(0); } Seg041.DisplayString("The Whole Party Is Healed", 0, 10, 19, 1); if (update_ui) { ovr025.PartySummary(gbl.SelectedPlayer); } Seg041.GameDelay(); ovr025.ClearPlayerTextArea(); gbl.rest_10_seconds = 0; } }
static void display_resting_time(int highlight_time) /* sub_58615 */ { int[] colors = new int[6]; for (int index = 0; index < 6; index++) { colors[index] = 10; } colors[highlight_time] = 15; Seg041.DisplayString("Rest Time:", 0, 10, 17, 1); int col_x = 11; string text = format_time(gbl.timeToRest.field_8); Seg041.DisplayString(text, 0, colors[4], 0x11, col_x + 1); Seg041.DisplayString(":", 0, 10, 17, col_x + 3); col_x += 3; text = format_time(gbl.timeToRest.field_6); Seg041.DisplayString(text, 0, colors[3], 0x11, col_x + 1); Seg041.DisplayString(":", 0, 10, 17, col_x + 3); col_x += 3; text = format_time((gbl.timeToRest.field_4 * 10) + gbl.timeToRest.field_2); Seg041.DisplayString(text, 0, colors[2], 0x11, col_x + 1); }
internal static void game_speed() { char inputKey; do { Seg041.DisplayString(string.Format("Game Speed = {0} (0=fastest 9=slowest)", gbl.game_speed_var), 0, 10, 18, 1); string text = string.Empty; if (gbl.game_speed_var > 0) { text += " Faster"; } if (gbl.game_speed_var < 9) { text += " Slower"; } text += " Exit"; bool controlKey; inputKey = ovr027.displayInput(out controlKey, true, 1, gbl.defaultMenuColors, text, "Game Speed:"); if (controlKey == true) { if (inputKey == 0x50) { if (gbl.game_speed_var > 0) { gbl.game_speed_var--; } } else if (inputKey == 0x48) { if (gbl.game_speed_var < 9) { gbl.game_speed_var++; } } } else { if (inputKey == 0x46) { gbl.game_speed_var--; } else if (inputKey == 0x53) { gbl.game_speed_var++; } } } while (AlterSet.MemberOf(inputKey) == false); ovr025.ClearPlayerTextArea(); }
internal static void string_print01(string text) { ovr027.ClearPromptAreaNoUpdate(); Seg041.DisplayString(text, 0, 10, 0x18, 0); Seg041.GameDelay(); ovr027.ClearPromptAreaNoUpdate(); }
internal static void BattleSetup() // battle_begins { gbl.DelayBetweenCharacters = false; ovr030.DaxArrayFreeDaxBlocks(gbl.byte_1D556); gbl.headX_dax = null; gbl.bodyX_dax = null; gbl.bigpic_dax = null; gbl.bigpic_block_id = 0xff; gbl.current_head_id = 0xff; gbl.current_body_id = 0xff; ovr027.ClearPromptArea(); Seg041.GameDelay(); Seg041.DisplayString("A battle begins...", 0, 0x0a, 0x18, 0); gbl.AutoPCsCastMagic = false; // TODO review this... gbl.combat_round = 0; gbl.combat_round_no_action_limit = gbl.combat_round_no_action_value; gbl.attack_roll = 0; gbl.StinkingCloud = new List <GasCloud>(); gbl.CloudKillCloud = new List <GasCloud>(); gbl.item_ptr = null; gbl.downedPlayers = new List <DownedPlayerTile>(); gbl.area2_ptr.field_666 = 0; SetupGroundTiles(); SetupCombatActions(); PlaceCombatants(); seg043.clear_one_keypress(); gbl.missile_dax = new DaxBlock(4, 3, 0x18); Point pos = ovr033.PlayerMapPos(gbl.TeamList[0]); gbl.mapToBackGroundTile.mapScreenTopLeft = pos - Point.ScreenCenter; ovr025.RedrawCombatScreen(); foreach (Player player in gbl.TeamList) { ovr024.CheckAffectsEffect(player, CheckType.Type_8); ovr024.CheckAffectsEffect(player, CheckType.Type_22); } ovr014.calc_enemy_health_percentage(); gbl.game_state = GameState.Combat; }
static void ListItemHighlighted(int index, List <MenuItem> stringList, int yCol, int xCol, int bgColor) { MenuItem menu_item = getStringListEntry(stringList, index); int stringStart = getBegingOfString(menu_item.Text); Seg041.DisplayString( menu_item.Text.Trim(), bgColor, 0, yCol + (index - gbl.menuScreenIndex), xCol + stringStart); }
internal static void PartySummary(Player player) { if (gbl.game_state == GameState.WildernessMap) { return; } int x_pos = (gbl.game_state == GameState.StartGameMenu) ? 1 : 17; int y_pos = 2; Seg041.DisplayString("Name", 0, 15, y_pos, x_pos); Seg041.DisplayString("AC HP", 0, 15, y_pos, 0x21); y_pos += 2; foreach (Player tmp_player in gbl.TeamList) { seg037.draw8x8_clear_area(y_pos, 0x26, y_pos, x_pos); if (tmp_player == player) { Seg041.DisplayString(, 0, 15, y_pos, x_pos); } else { displayPlayerName(false, y_pos, x_pos, tmp_player); } Seg041.DisplayString(string.Format("{0,-3}", tmp_player.DisplayAc), 0, 10, y_pos, 0x1F); int hpXPos = 0; if (tmp_player.hit_point_current >= 0 && tmp_player.hit_point_current <= 9) { hpXPos = 2; } else if (tmp_player.hit_point_current >= 10 && tmp_player.hit_point_current <= 99) { hpXPos = 1; } display_hp(false, y_pos, hpXPos + 0x24, tmp_player); y_pos++; } //seg037.draw8x8_clear_area(y_pos, 0x26, y_pos, x_pos); }
internal static void CombatDisplayPlayerSummary(Player player) /* hitpoint_ac */ { if (gbl.display_hitpoints_ac == true) { gbl.display_hitpoints_ac = false; seg037.draw8x8_clear_area(TextRegion.CombatSummary); int line = 1; DisplayPlayerStatusString(false, line, " ", player); line++; Seg041.DisplayString("Hitpoints", 0, 10, line + 1, 0x17); display_hp(false, line + 1, 0x21, player); line += 2; Seg041.DisplayString("AC", 0, 10, line + 1, 0x17); display_AC(line + 1, 0x1A, player); gbl.textYCol = line + 1; if (player.activeItems.primaryWeapon != null) { line += 2; /*var_1 = 0x17;*/ ItemDisplayNameBuild(false, false, 0, 0, player.activeItems.primaryWeapon); Seg041.press_any_key(, true, 10, line + 3, 0x26, line + 1, 0x17); } line = gbl.textYCol + 1; if (player.in_combat == false) { Seg041.DisplayString(ovr020.statusString[(int)player.health_status], 0, 15, line + 1, 0x17); } else if (player.IsHeld() == true) { Seg041.DisplayString("(Helpless)", 0, 15, line + 1, 0x17); } } }
static void ListItemNormal(int index, List <MenuItem> list, int yCol, int xCol, int normalColor, int headingColor) { MenuItem menu_item = getStringListEntry(list, index); int var_5 = getBegingOfString(menu_item.Text); string text = menu_item.Text.Trim(); if (menu_item.Heading) { Seg041.DisplayString(text, 0, headingColor, yCol + (index - gbl.menuScreenIndex), xCol + var_5); } else { Seg041.DisplayString(text, 0, normalColor, yCol + (index - gbl.menuScreenIndex), xCol + var_5); } }
internal static void ItemDisplayNameBuild(bool display_new_name, bool displayReadied, int yCol, int xCol, Item item) /*id_item*/ { = string.Empty; if (displayReadied == true) { if (item.readied) { = " Yes "; } else { = " No "; } } bool detectMagic = gbl.TeamList.Exists(pla => pla.HasAffect(Affects.detect_magic)); if (detectMagic == true && ( > 0 || item.plus_save > 0 || item.cursed == true)) { += "* "; } if (item.count > 0) { += item.count.ToString() + " "; } int hidden_names_flag = item.hidden_names_flag; if (Cheats.display_full_item_names) { hidden_names_flag = 0; } += item.GenerateName(hidden_names_flag); if (display_new_name) { Seg041.DisplayString(, 0, 10, yCol, xCol); } }
static void credits() { Display.UpdateStop(); seg037.draw8x8_02(); Seg041.DisplayString("based on the tsr novel 'azure bonds'", 0, 10, 1, 2); Seg041.DisplayString("by:", 0, 10, 2, 6); Seg041.DisplayString("kate novak", 0, 11, 2, 9); Seg041.DisplayString("and", 0, 10, 2, 0x14); Seg041.DisplayString("jeff grubb", 0, 11, 2, 0x18); Seg041.DisplayString("scenario created by:", 0, 10, 4, 0x0a); Seg041.DisplayString("tsr, inc.", 0, 0x0e, 5, 0x0b); Seg041.DisplayString("and", 0, 0x0a, 5, 0x15); Seg041.DisplayString("ssi", 0, 0x0e, 5, 0x19); Seg041.DisplayString("jeff grubb", 0, 0x0b, 6, 0x0e); Seg041.DisplayString("george mac donald", 0x0, 0x0B, 0x7, 0x0B); Seg041.DisplayString("game created by:", 0x0, 0x0A, 0x9, 0x1); Seg041.DisplayString("ssi special projects", 0x0, 0x0E, 0x9, 0x12); Seg041.DisplayString("project leader:", 0x0, 0x0E, 0x0B, 0x2); Seg041.DisplayString("george mac donald", 0x0, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x2); Seg041.DisplayString("programming:", 0x0, 0x0E, 0x0E, 0x2); Seg041.DisplayString("scot bayless", 0x0, 0x0B, 0x0F, 0x2); Seg041.DisplayString("russ brown", 0x0, 0x0B, 0x10, 0x2); Seg041.DisplayString("michael mancuso", 0x0, 0x0B, 0x11, 0x2); Seg041.DisplayString("development:", 0x0, 0x0E, 0x13, 0x2); Seg041.DisplayString("david shelley", 0x0, 0x0B, 0x14, 0x2); Seg041.DisplayString("michael mancuso", 0x0, 0x0B, 0x15, 0x2); Seg041.DisplayString("oran kangas", 0x0, 0x0B, 0x16, 0x2); Seg041.DisplayString("graphic arts:", 0x0, 0x0E, 0x0B, 0x16); Seg041.DisplayString("tom wahl", 0x0, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x16); Seg041.DisplayString("fred butts", 0x0, 0x0B, 0x0D, 0x16); Seg041.DisplayString("susan manley", 0x0, 0x0B, 0x0E, 0x16); Seg041.DisplayString("mark johnson", 0x0, 0x0B, 0x0F, 0x16); Seg041.DisplayString("cyrus lum", 0x0, 0x0B, 0x10, 0x16); Seg041.DisplayString("playtesting:", 0x0, 0x0E, 0x12, 0x16); Seg041.DisplayString("jim jennings", 0x0, 0x0B, 0x13, 0x16); Seg041.DisplayString("james kucera", 0x0, 0x0B, 0x14, 0x16); Seg041.DisplayString("rick white", 0x0, 0x0B, 0x15, 0x16); Seg041.DisplayString("robert daly", 0x0, 0x0B, 0x16, 0x16); Display.UpdateStart(); }
internal static void display_hp(bool hightlighted, int y_pos, int x_pos, Player player) { int colour; if (player.hit_point_current < player.hit_point_max) { colour = 0x0E; } else { colour = 0x0A; } if (hightlighted == true) { colour = 0x0D; } Seg041.DisplayString(player.hit_point_current.ToString(), 0, colour, y_pos, x_pos); }
internal static void load_ecl_dax(byte block_id) { byte[] block_mem; short block_size = 0; gbl.ecl_ptr.Clear(); do { ovr027.ClearPromptArea(); Seg041.DisplayString("Loading...Please Wait", 0, 10, 0x18, 0); seg042.load_decode_dax(out block_mem, out block_size, block_id, string.Format("ECL{0}.dax", gbl.game_area)); } while (block_size < 2); gbl.ecl_ptr.SetData(block_mem, 2, block_size - 2); ovr027.ClearPromptArea(); }
internal static void displayPlayerName(bool pural, int y_offset, int x_offset, Player player) /*sub_678A2*/ { int color; if (player.in_combat == false) { color = 0x0C; } else if (player.combat_team == CombatTeam.Enemy) { color = 0x0E; } else { color = 0x0B; } string name = + ((pural) ? "'s" : ""); Seg041.DisplayString(name, 0, color, y_offset, x_offset); }
internal static void display_map_position_time() // camping_search { if (gbl.game_state != GameState.WildernessMap) { string output = string.Empty; string hours = gbl.area_ptr.time_hour.ToString("00"); string minutes = ((gbl.area_ptr.time_minutes_tens * 10) + gbl.area_ptr.time_minutes_ones).ToString("00"); if (gbl.area_ptr.block_area_view == 0 || Cheats.always_show_areamap) { output = string.Format("{0},{1} ", gbl.mapPosX, gbl.mapPosY); } output += direction(gbl.mapDirection) + " " + hours + ":" + minutes; if (gbl.printCommands == true) { output += "*"; } if (gbl.game_state == GameState.Camping) { output += " camping"; } else if ((gbl.area2_ptr.search_flags & 1) > 0) { output += " search"; } seg037.draw8x8_clear_area(15, 0x26, 15, 17); Seg041.DisplayString(output, 0, 10, 15, 17); } }
static void sub_6C897(int index, int yEnd, int xEnd, int yStart, int xStart, List <MenuItem> list, int normalColor, int headingColor, int displayFillWidth) // sub_6C897 { seg037.draw8x8_clear_area(yEnd, xEnd, yStart, xStart); MenuItem var_4 = getStringListEntry(list, index); int yCol = yStart; int count = System.Math.Min(yEnd - yStart + 1, list.Count - index); foreach (var menu in list.GetRange(index, count)) { Seg041.DisplayString(menu.Text, 0, menu.Heading ? headingColor : normalColor, yCol, xStart); if (menu.Text.Length < displayFillWidth) { Seg041.DisplayChar(' ', displayFillWidth - menu.Text.Length, 0, 0, yCol, menu.Text.Length + xStart); } yCol++; } }
internal static void copy_protection() { string code_path_str; char input_expected; char input_key; ovr034.Load24x24Set(0x1A, 0, 1, "tiles"); ovr034.Load24x24Set(0x16, 0x1A, 2, "tiles"); seg037.DrawFrame_Outer(); Seg041.DisplayString("Align the espruar and dethek runes", 0, 10, 2, 3); Seg041.DisplayString("shown below, on translation wheel", 0, 10, 3, 3); Seg041.DisplayString("like this:", 0, 10, 4, 3); int attempt = 0; do { int var_6 = seg051.Random(26); int var_7 = seg051.Random(22); ovr034.DrawIsoTile(var_6, 3, 0x11); ovr034.DrawIsoTile(var_7 + 0x1a, 7, 0x11); seg040.DrawOverlay(); int code_path = seg051.Random(3); switch (code_path) { case 0: code_path_str = "-..-..-.."; break; case 1: code_path_str = "- - - - -"; break; case 2: code_path_str = "........."; break; default: code_path_str = string.Empty; break; } int code_row = seg051.Random(6); string text = "Type the character in box number " + (6 - code_row); Seg041.DisplayString(text, 0, 10, 12, 3); Seg041.DisplayString("under the ", 0, 10, 13, 3); Seg041.DisplayString(code_path_str, 0, 15, 13, 14); Seg041.DisplayString("path.", 0, 10, 13, 0x19); int code_index = var_6 + 0x22 - var_7 + (code_path * 12) + ((5 - code_row) << 1); while (code_index < 0) { code_index += 36; } while (code_index > 35) { code_index -= 36; } input_expected = codeWheel[code_row][code_index]; string input = Seg041.GetUserInputString(1, 0, 13, "type character and press return: "); input_key = (input == null || input.Length == 0) ? ' ' : input[0]; attempt++; if (input_key != input_expected) { Seg041.DisplayStatusText(0, 14, "Sorry, that's incorrect."); } else { return; } } while (input_key != input_expected && attempt < 3); if (attempt >= 3) { seg044.PlaySound(Sound.sound_1); seg044.PlaySound(Sound.sound_5); gbl.game_speed_var = 9; Seg041.DisplayStatusText(0, 14, "An unseen force hurls you into the abyss!"); seg049.SysDelay(0x3E8); seg043.print_and_exit(); } }
internal static void display_AC(int y_offset, int x_offset, Player player) { Seg041.DisplayString(player.DisplayAc.ToString(), 0, 10, y_offset, x_offset); }
internal static char displayInput(out bool specialKeyPressed, bool useOverlay, byte accept_ctrlkeys, MenuColorSet colors, string displayInputString, string displayExtraString) { int highlistCount; gbl.displayInput_specialKeyPressed = false; bool var_8F = (colors.foreground != 0) || (colors.highlight != 0); HighlightSet highlights = BuildInputKeys(displayInputString, out highlistCount); if (gbl.menuSelectedWord >= highlistCount) { gbl.menuSelectedWord = 0; } char input_key = '\0'; specialKeyPressed = false; bool stopLoop = false; var timeStart = DateTime.Now; var timeCursorOn = timeStart.AddMilliseconds(300); var timeCursorOff = timeCursorOn.AddMilliseconds(500); if (displayExtraString.Length != 0) { Seg041.DisplayString(displayExtraString, 0, colors.prompt, 0x18, 0); } int displayInputXOffset = displayExtraString.Length; display_highlighed_text(gbl.menuSelectedWord, colors.highlight, displayInputString, displayInputXOffset, colors.foreground, highlights); if (gbl.game_state == GameState.WildernessMap && gbl.bigpic_block_id == 0x79 && gbl.lastDaxBlockId != 0x50) { MapCursor.SetPosition(gbl.area_ptr.current_city); MapCursor.Draw(); MapCursor.Restore(); } do { if (gbl.game_state == GameState.WildernessMap && gbl.bigpic_block_id == 0x79 && gbl.lastDaxBlockId != 0x50 && DateTime.Now >= timeCursorOn) { MapCursor.Draw(); timeCursorOn = timeCursorOff.AddMilliseconds(300); } if ((gbl.area_ptr.picture_fade != 0 || useOverlay == true) && gbl.byte_1D556.curFrame > 0) { ovr030.DrawMaybeOverlayed(gbl.byte_1D556.CurrentPicture(), useOverlay, 3, 3); int delay = gbl.byte_1D556.CurrentDelay() * 100; if ((DateTime.Now.Subtract(timeStart).TotalMilliseconds) >= delay || gbl.area_ptr.picture_fade != 0) { gbl.byte_1D556.NextFrame(); timeStart = DateTime.Now; } } if (gbl.displayInputSecondsToWait > 0 && DateTime.Now.Subtract(timeStart).TotalSeconds >= gbl.displayInputSecondsToWait) { input_key = gbl.displayInputTimeoutValue; stopLoop = true; } else if (seg049.KEYPRESSED() == true) { input_key = (char)seg043.GetInputKey(); if (input_key == 0) { input_key = (char)seg043.GetInputKey(); if (accept_ctrlkeys != 0) { specialKeyPressed = true; stopLoop = true; } } else if (input_key == 0x1B) { stopLoop = true; input_key = '\0'; } else if (input_key == 13) { if (var_8F) { if (highlights[gbl.menuSelectedWord].start != -1) { input_key = displayInputString[highlights[gbl.menuSelectedWord].start]; } else { input_key = '\r'; } stopLoop = true; } } else if (input_key == ',') { if (gbl.menuSelectedWord == 0) { gbl.menuSelectedWord = highlistCount - 1; } else { gbl.menuSelectedWord--; } display_highlighed_text(gbl.menuSelectedWord, colors.highlight, displayInputString, displayInputXOffset, colors.foreground, highlights); } else if (input_key == '.') { gbl.menuSelectedWord++; if (gbl.menuSelectedWord >= highlistCount) { gbl.menuSelectedWord = 0; } display_highlighed_text(gbl.menuSelectedWord, colors.highlight, displayInputString, displayInputXOffset, colors.foreground, highlights); } else { input_key = char.ToUpper(input_key); if (alpha_number_input.MemberOf(input_key) == true) { if (input_key == 0x20) { stopLoop = true; } else { for (int var_62 = 0; var_62 < displayInputString.Length; var_62++) { if (displayInputString[var_62] == input_key) { stopLoop = true; int var_61 = 0; while (highlights[var_61].start != var_62) { var_61++; } gbl.menuSelectedWord = var_61; display_highlighed_text(gbl.menuSelectedWord, colors.highlight, displayInputString, displayInputXOffset, colors.foreground, highlights); } } } } if (accept_ctrlkeys != 0 && number_input.MemberOf(input_key) == true) { if (input_key == 'W') { input_key = '7'; } else { input_key = keypad_ctrl_codes[input_key - 0x31]; } specialKeyPressed = true; stopLoop = true; } } } if (gbl.game_state == GameState.WildernessMap && gbl.bigpic_block_id == 0x79 && gbl.lastDaxBlockId != 0x50 && DateTime.Now >= timeCursorOff) { MapCursor.Restore(); timeCursorOff = timeCursorOn.AddMilliseconds(500); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(20); } while (stopLoop == false); gbl.area_ptr.picture_fade = 0; if (gbl.game_state == GameState.WildernessMap && gbl.bigpic_block_id == 0x79 && gbl.lastDaxBlockId != 0x50) { MapCursor.Restore(); } gbl.displayInput_specialKeyPressed = specialKeyPressed; return(input_key); }
internal static void displayCombatResults(int exp) /* sub_2DABC */ { seg037.DrawFrame_Outer(); if (gbl.byte_1AB14 == true || gbl.combat_type == CombatType.duel) { if (gbl.party_fled == true) { Seg041.DisplayString("The party has fled.", 0, 10, 3, 1); exp = 0; gbl.items_pointer.Clear(); gbl.pooled_money.ClearAll(); } else { if ((gbl.combat_type == CombatType.duel && gbl.battleWon == false) || (gbl.battleWon == false && gbl.area2_ptr.isDuel == true)) { gbl.area2_ptr.field_58E = 0x80; Seg041.DisplayString("You have lost the fight.", 0, 10, 3, 1); exp = 0; } else { if (gbl.combat_type == CombatType.duel) { Seg041.DisplayString("You have won the duel.", 0, 10, 3, 1); } else { Seg041.DisplayString("The party has won.", 0, 10, 3, 1); } } } } else { Seg041.DisplayString("The party has found Treasure!", 0, 10, 3, 1); } string text; if (gbl.combat_type == CombatType.duel) { text = "The duelist receives " + exp.ToString(); } else { text = "Each character receives " + exp.ToString(); } Seg041.DisplayString(text, 0, 10, 5, 1); Seg041.DisplayString("experience points.", 0, 10, 7, 1); ovr027.displayInput(false, 1, new MenuColorSet(15, 15, 15), "press <enter>/<return> to continue", string.Empty); }
internal static void load_pic_final(ref DaxArray daxArray, bool shouldMask, byte block_id, string file_name) { if (file_name != gbl.lastDaxFile || block_id != gbl.lastDaxBlockId) { if (block_id != 0xff) { if (gbl.AnimationsOn) { ovr027.ClearPromptAreaNoUpdate(); Seg041.DisplayString("Loading...Please Wait", 0, 10, 0x18, 0); } DaxArrayFreeDaxBlocks(daxArray); gbl.lastDaxFile = file_name; gbl.lastDaxBlockId = block_id; bool is_pic_or_final = (file_name == "PIC" || file_name == "FINAL"); short uncompressed_size; byte[] uncompressed_data; seg042.load_decode_dax(out uncompressed_data, out uncompressed_size, block_id, file_name + gbl.game_area.ToString() + ".dax"); if (uncompressed_size == 0) { Seg041.DisplayAndPause("PIC not found", 14); } else { int src_offset = 0; daxArray.numFrames = uncompressed_data[src_offset]; src_offset++; daxArray.curFrame = 1; byte frames_count = 0; // kind of pointless... if (gbl.AnimationsOn == false && is_pic_or_final == true) { daxArray.numFrames = 1; } byte[] first_frame_ega_layout = null; for (int frame = 0; frame < daxArray.numFrames; frame++) { daxArray.frames[frame].delay = Sys.ArrayToInt(uncompressed_data, src_offset); src_offset += 4; short height = Sys.ArrayToShort(uncompressed_data, src_offset); src_offset += 2; short width = Sys.ArrayToShort(uncompressed_data, src_offset); src_offset += 2; frames_count++; daxArray.frames[frame].picture = new DaxBlock(1, width, height); DaxBlock dax_block = daxArray.frames[frame].picture; dax_block.XPos = Sys.ArrayToShort(uncompressed_data, src_offset); src_offset += 2; dax_block.YPos = Sys.ArrayToShort(uncompressed_data, src_offset); src_offset += 3; // Skipping unused bytes src_offset += 8; int ega_encoded_size = (daxArray.frames[frame].picture.Bpp / 2) - 1; if (is_pic_or_final == true) { if (frame == 0) { first_frame_ega_layout = new byte[ega_encoded_size + 1]; System.Array.Copy(uncompressed_data, src_offset, first_frame_ega_layout, 0, ega_encoded_size + 1); } else { for (int i = 0; i < ega_encoded_size; i++) { byte b = first_frame_ega_layout[i]; uncompressed_data[src_offset + i] ^= b; } } } daxArray.frames[frame].picture.DaxToPicture(0, shouldMask, src_offset, uncompressed_data); if (shouldMask) { daxArray.frames[frame].picture .Recolor(false, transparentNewColors, transparentOldColors); } src_offset += ega_encoded_size + 1; } daxArray.numFrames = frames_count; // also pointless uncompressed_data = null; seg043.clear_keyboard(); if (gbl.AnimationsOn) { ovr027.ClearPromptAreaNoUpdate(); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Turns if pictures need re-loading /// </summary> internal static bool appraiseGemsJewels() { bool special_key; short value; string sell_text; if (gbl.SelectedPlayer.Money.Gems == 0 && gbl.SelectedPlayer.Money.Jewels == 0) { ovr025.string_print01("No Gems or Jewelry"); return(false); } bool stop_loop; do { if (gbl.SelectedPlayer.Money.Gems == 0 && gbl.SelectedPlayer.Money.Jewels == 0) { stop_loop = true; } else { stop_loop = false; string gem_text = gbl.SelectedPlayer.Money.Gems.ToString(); string jewel_text = gbl.SelectedPlayer.Money.Jewels.ToString(); if (gbl.SelectedPlayer.Money.Gems == 0) { gem_text = string.Empty; } else if (gbl.SelectedPlayer.Money.Gems == 1) { gem_text += " Gem"; } else { gem_text += " Gems"; } if (gbl.SelectedPlayer.Money.Jewels == 0) { jewel_text = string.Empty; } else if (gbl.SelectedPlayer.Money.Jewels == 1) { jewel_text += " piece of Jewelry"; } else { jewel_text += " pieces of Jewelry"; } seg037.draw8x8_clear_area(0x16, 0x26, 1, 1); ovr025.displayPlayerName(false, 1, 1, gbl.SelectedPlayer); Seg041.DisplayString("You have a fine collection of:", 0, 0xf, 7, 1); Seg041.DisplayString(gem_text, 0, 0x0f, 9, 1); Seg041.DisplayString(jewel_text, 0, 0x0f, 0x0a, 1); string prompt = string.Empty; if (gbl.SelectedPlayer.Money.Gems != 0) { prompt = " Gems"; } if (gbl.SelectedPlayer.Money.Jewels != 0) { prompt += " Jewelry"; } prompt += " Exit"; char input_key = ovr027.displayInput(out special_key, false, 1, gbl.defaultMenuColors, prompt, "Appraise : "); if (input_key == 'G') { if (gbl.SelectedPlayer.Money.Gems > 0) { gbl.SelectedPlayer.Money.AddCoins(Money.Gems, -1); int roll = ovr024.roll_dice(100, 1); if (roll >= 1 && roll <= 25) { value = 10; } else if (roll >= 26 && roll <= 50) { value = 50; } else if (roll >= 51 && roll <= 70) { value = 100; } else if (roll >= 71 && roll <= 90) { value = 500; } else if (roll >= 91 && roll <= 99) { value = 1000; } else if (roll == 100) { value = 5000; } else { value = 0; } string value_text = "The Gem is Valued at " + value.ToString() + " gp."; Seg041.DisplayString(value_text, 0, 15, 12, 1); bool must_sell; if (willOverload(1, gbl.SelectedPlayer) == true || gbl.SelectedPlayer.items.Count >= Player.MaxItems) { sell_text = "Sell"; must_sell = true; } else { sell_text = "Sell Keep"; must_sell = false; } input_key = ovr027.displayInput(out special_key, false, 1, gbl.defaultMenuColors, sell_text, "You can : "); if (input_key == 'K' && must_sell == false) { Item gem_item = new Item(0, 0, 0, value, 0, 1, false, 0, false, 0, 0, 0x65, 0, 0, ItemType.Necklace, true); gbl.SelectedPlayer.items.Add(gem_item); } else { value /= 5; addPlayerGold(value); } } } else if (input_key == 'J') { if (gbl.SelectedPlayer.Money.Jewels > 0) { gbl.SelectedPlayer.Money.AddCoins(Money.Jewelry, -1); int roll = ovr024.roll_dice(100, 1); if (roll >= 1 && roll <= 10) { value = (short)(seg051.Random(900) + 100); } else if (roll >= 11 && roll <= 20) { value = (short)(seg051.Random(1000) + 200); } else if (roll >= 21 && roll <= 40) { value = (short)(seg051.Random(1500) + 300); } else if (roll >= 41 && roll <= 50) { value = (short)(seg051.Random(2500) + 500); } else if (roll >= 51 && roll <= 70) { value = (short)(seg051.Random(5000) + 1000); } else if (roll >= 0x47 && roll <= 0x5A) { value = (short)(seg051.Random(6000) + 2000); } else if (roll >= 0x5B && roll <= 0x64) { value = (short)(seg051.Random(10000) + 2000); } else { value = 0; } string value_text = string.Format("The Jewel is Valued at {0} gp.", value); Seg041.DisplayString(value_text, 0, 15, 12, 1); bool must_sell; if (willOverload(1, gbl.SelectedPlayer) == true || gbl.SelectedPlayer.items.Count >= Player.MaxItems) { sell_text = "Sell"; must_sell = true; } else { sell_text = "Sell Keep"; must_sell = false; } input_key = ovr027.displayInput(out special_key, false, 1, gbl.defaultMenuColors, sell_text, "You can : "); if (input_key == 'K' && must_sell == false) { Item jewel_item = new Item(0, 0, 0, value, 0, 1, false, 0, false, 0, 0, 0xd6, 0, 0, ItemType.Necklace, true); gbl.SelectedPlayer.items.Add(jewel_item); } else { value /= 5; addPlayerGold(value); } } } else if (input_key == 'E' || input_key == 0) { stop_loop = true; } ovr025.reclac_player_values(gbl.SelectedPlayer); } } while (stop_loop == false); return(true); }
internal static void moralFailureEscape(Player player) // sub_359D1 { int var_2 = 0; /* Simeon */ int dir; string prompt = string.Format("Move/Attack, Move Left = {0} ", player.actions.move / 2); Seg041.DisplayString(prompt, 0, 10, 0x18, 0); if (process_input_in_monsters_turn(player)) { return; } if ((player.actions.move / 2) > 0 && player.actions.delay > 0) { if (player.control_morale < Control.NPC_Base || (player.control_morale >= Control.NPC_Base && gbl.enemyHealthPercentage <= (ovr024.roll_dice(100, 1) + gbl.monster_morale)) || player.combat_team == CombatTeam.Enemy) { if (player.actions.moral_failure == true || player.activeItems.armor != null || player._class != ClassId.magic_user) { if (player.actions.moral_failure == false) { dir = ovr014.getTargetDirection(, player); } else { player.actions.field_15 = ovr024.roll_dice(2, 1); dir = gbl.mapDirection - (((gbl.mapDirection + 2) % 4) / 2) + 8; if (player.combat_team == CombatTeam.Ours) { dir += 4; } dir %= 8; } bool zeroTitle = false; bool var_5 = false; int dirStep = 1; while (dirStep < 6 && var_5 == false && CanMove(out zeroTitle, dir, dirStep, player) == false) { if (player.actions.moral_failure == true && zeroTitle == true) { var_5 = true; ovr014.flee_battle(player); } else { dirStep++; } } if (var_5 == true) { player.actions.move = 0; player.actions.moral_failure = false; ovr025.clear_actions(player); } else { var_2 = (data_2B8[player.actions.field_15, dirStep - 1] + dir) % 8; if (dirStep == 6 || ((var_2 + 4) % 8) == byte_1AB18) { byte_1AB19++; player.actions.field_15 = (player.actions.field_15 % 6) + 1; if (byte_1AB19 > 1) { = null; if (byte_1AB19 > 2) { player.actions.move = 0; var_5 = true; } else if (ovr014.find_target(false, 1, 0xFF, player) == false) { var_5 = true; TryGuarding(player); } } } if (dirStep < 6) { byte_1AB18 = var_2; } else { var_5 = true; } } if (var_5 == false) { gbl.focusCombatAreaOnPlayer = (gbl.byte_1D90E || ovr033.PlayerOnScreen(false, player) || player.combat_team == CombatTeam.Ours); ovr033.draw_74B3F(false, Icon.Normal, var_2, player); ovr014.move_step_away_attack(player.actions.direction, player); if (player.in_combat == false) { var_5 = true; ovr025.clear_actions(player); } else { if (player.actions.move > 0) { ovr014.sub_3E748(player.actions.direction, player); } if (player.in_combat == false) { var_5 = true; ovr025.clear_actions(player); } ovr024.in_poison_cloud(1, player); } } return; } } } TryGuarding(player); }
static bool BuildMemorizeSpellText() // sub_445D4 { const int MaxSpellLevel = 5; const int MaxSpellClass = 3; string[,] var_60 = new string[MaxSpellClass, MaxSpellLevel]; bool[] canLearnSpellClass = new bool[MaxSpellClass]; bool found = false; for (var spellClass = SpellClass.Cleric; spellClass < SpellClass.Monster; spellClass++) { canLearnSpellClass[(int)spellClass] = false; for (int spellLevel = 0; spellLevel < MaxSpellLevel; spellLevel++) { var_60[(int)spellClass, spellLevel] = HowManySpellsPlayerCanLearn(spellClass, spellLevel + 1).ToString(); if (gbl.SelectedPlayer.spellCastCount[(int)spellClass, spellLevel] == 0) { var_60[(int)spellClass, spellLevel] = " "; } else { canLearnSpellClass[(int)spellClass] = true; found = true; } } } if (found == true) { ovr025.DisplayPlayerStatusString(false, 10, "can memorize:", gbl.SelectedPlayer); int y_col = 3; for (int spellClass = 0; spellClass < MaxSpellClass; spellClass++) { if (canLearnSpellClass[spellClass]) { string text = string.Empty; switch (spellClass) { case 0: text = " Cleric Spells:"; break; case 1: text = " Druid Spells:"; break; case 2: text = "Magic-User Spells:"; break; } Seg041.DisplayString(text, 0, 10, y_col + 17, 1); int x_col = 0x13; for (int spellLevel = 0; spellLevel < MaxSpellLevel; spellLevel++) { Seg041.DisplayString(var_60[spellClass, spellLevel], 0, 10, y_col + 0x11, x_col + 1); x_col += 3; } y_col++; } } } return(found); }
internal static void loadSaveGame(string file_name) { Classes.File file; seg042.find_and_open_file(out file, true, file_name); ovr027.ClearPromptArea(); Seg041.DisplayString("Loading...Please Wait", 0, 10, 0x18, 0); gbl.reload_ecl_and_pictures = true; byte[] data = new byte[0x2000]; seg051.BlockRead(1, data, file); gbl.game_area = data[0]; seg051.BlockRead(0x800, data, file); gbl.area_ptr = new Area1(data, 0); seg051.BlockRead(0x800, data, file); gbl.area2_ptr = new Area2(data, 0); seg051.BlockRead(0x400, data, file); gbl.stru_1B2CA = new Struct_1B2CA(data, 0); seg051.BlockRead(0x1E00, data, file); gbl.ecl_ptr = new EclBlock(data, 0); seg051.BlockRead(5, data, file); gbl.mapPosX = (sbyte)data[0]; gbl.mapPosY = (sbyte)data[1]; gbl.mapDirection = data[2]; gbl.mapWallType = data[3]; gbl.mapWallRoof = data[4]; seg051.BlockRead(1, data, file); gbl.last_game_state = (GameState)data[0]; seg051.BlockRead(1, data, file); gbl.game_state = (GameState)data[0]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { seg051.BlockRead(2, data, file); gbl.setBlocks[i].blockId = Sys.ArrayToShort(data, 0); seg051.BlockRead(2, data, file); gbl.setBlocks[i].setId = Sys.ArrayToShort(data, 0); } seg051.BlockRead(1, data, file); int number_of_players = data[0]; seg051.BlockRead(0x148, data, file); string[] var_148 = Sys.ArrayToStrings(data, 0, System.Math.Min(0x148, 0x29 * number_of_players), 0x29); seg051.Close(file); //gbl.PicsOn = ((gbl.area_ptr.pics_on >> 1) != 0); //gbl.AnimationsOn = ((gbl.area_ptr.pics_on & 1) != 0); gbl.game_speed_var = gbl.area_ptr.game_speed; gbl.area2_ptr.party_size = 0; for (int index = 0; index < number_of_players; index++) { string var_1F6 = seg042.clean_string(var_148[index]); if (seg042.file_find(Path.Combine(Config.GetSavePath(), var_1F6 + ".sav")) == true) { Player player = new Player(); import_char01(ref player, var_1F6 + ".sav"); AssignPlayerIconId(player); } } foreach (Player tmp_player in gbl.TeamList) { remove_player_file(tmp_player); } foreach (Player tmp_player in gbl.TeamList) { gbl.SelectedPlayer = tmp_player; if (gbl.SelectedPlayer.control_morale < Control.NPC_Base) { LoadPlayerCombatIcon(true); } else { ovr034.chead_cbody_comspr_icon(gbl.SelectedPlayer.icon_id, gbl.SelectedPlayer.mod_id, "CPIC"); } } gbl.SelectedPlayer = gbl.TeamList[0]; gbl.game_area = gbl.area2_ptr.game_area; if (gbl.area_ptr.inDungeon != 0) { if (gbl.game_state != GameState.StartGameMenu) { if (gbl.setBlocks[0].blockId > 0) { ovr031.Load3DMap(gbl.area_ptr.current_3DMap_block_id); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (gbl.setBlocks[i].blockId > 0) { ovr031.LoadWalldef(gbl.setBlocks[i].setId, gbl.setBlocks[i].blockId); } } } } else { ovr030.load_bigpic(0x79); } seg043.clear_keyboard(); ovr027.ClearPromptArea(); gbl.last_game_state = gbl.game_state; gbl.game_state = GameState.StartGameMenu; }
/// <summary> /// returns if the party is interrupted /// </summary> internal static bool resting(bool interactive_resting) /* reseting */ { bool stop_resting; bool resting_intetrupted = false; System.Array.Clear(spellLaernTimeout, 0, gbl.TeamList.Count); for (int i = 0; i < 0x48; i++) { gbl.affects_timed_out[i] = true; } int var_C = 0; int display_counter = 0; if (interactive_resting == true) { seg037.draw8x8_clear_area(TextRegion.NormalBottom); display_resting_time(0); } gbl.displayPlayerStatusLine18 = true; if (interactive_resting == true) { stop_resting = !resting_time_menu(); } else { stop_resting = false; } while (stop_resting == false && (gbl.timeToRest.field_8 > 0 || gbl.timeToRest.field_6 > 0 || gbl.timeToRest.field_4 > 0 || gbl.timeToRest.field_2 > 0)) { if (interactive_resting == true && seg049.KEYPRESSED() == true) { display_resting_time(0); if (ovr027.yes_no(gbl.defaultMenuColors, "Stop Resting? ") == 'Y') { stop_resting = true; } else { ovr027.ClearPromptArea(); } } if (stop_resting == false) { rest_time_5849F(1, 5); display_counter++; if (interactive_resting == true && display_counter >= 5) { display_resting_time(0); display_counter = 0; } step_game_time(1, 5); rest_heal(interactive_resting); CheckForSpellLearning(); sub_58C03(ref var_C); if (gbl.area2_ptr.rest_incounter_period > 0) { gbl.rest_incounter_count++; if (gbl.rest_incounter_count >= gbl.area2_ptr.rest_incounter_period) { gbl.rest_incounter_count = 0; if (ovr024.roll_dice(100, 1) <= gbl.area2_ptr.rest_incounter_percentage) { ovr025.ClearPlayerTextArea(); display_resting_time(0); Seg041.DisplayString("Your repose is suddenly interrupted!", 0, 15, 0x13, 1); stop_resting = true; resting_intetrupted = true; Seg041.GameDelay(); } } } } } seg037.draw8x8_clear_area(TextRegion.NormalBottom); gbl.displayPlayerStatusLine18 = false; return(resting_intetrupted); }
/// <summary> /// Does Camp menu, returns if interrupted /// </summary> internal static bool MakeCamp() // make_camp { var game_state_bkup = gbl.game_state; gbl.game_state = GameState.Camping; gbl.rest_10_seconds = 0; gbl.timeToRest.Clear(); gbl.byte_1D5AB = gbl.lastDaxFile; gbl.byte_1D5B5 = gbl.lastDaxBlockId; ovr025.LoadPic(); seg037.draw8x8_clear_area(TextRegion.NormalBottom); Seg041.DisplayString("The party makes camp...", 0, 10, 18, 1); cancel_spells(); bool actionInterrupted = false; char input_key = ' '; while (actionInterrupted == false && unk_463F4.MemberOf(input_key) == false) { bool special_key; input_key = ovr027.displayInput(out special_key, true, 1, gbl.defaultMenuColors, "Save View Magic Rest Alter Fix Exit", "Camp:"); if (special_key == true) { ovr020.scroll_team_list(input_key); ovr025.PartySummary(gbl.SelectedPlayer); } else { switch (input_key) { case 'S': ovr017.SaveGame(); if (ovr027.yes_no(gbl.alertMenuColors, "Quit TO DOS ") == 'Y') { seg043.print_and_exit(); } break; case 'V': gbl.menuSelectedWord = 1; ovr020.viewPlayer(); break; case 'M': gbl.menuSelectedWord = 1; actionInterrupted = magic_menu(); break; case 'R': gbl.menuSelectedWord = 1; actionInterrupted = rest_menu(); break; case 'F': actionInterrupted = FixTeam(); break; case 'A': gbl.menuSelectedWord = 1; alter_menu(); break; } } } if (seg051.Copy(3, 1, gbl.byte_1D5AB) == "PIC") { ovr030.load_pic_final(ref gbl.byte_1D556, false, gbl.byte_1D5B5, gbl.byte_1D5AB); } cancel_spells(); gbl.lastSelectetSpellTarget = null; gbl.game_state = game_state_bkup; ovr025.display_map_position_time(); ovr025.ClearPlayerTextArea(); ovr027.ClearPromptArea(); return(actionInterrupted); }
internal static short AskNumberValue(byte fgColor, string prompt, int maxValue) // sub_592AD { ovr027.ClearPromptAreaNoUpdate(); Seg041.DisplayString(prompt, 0, fgColor, 0x18, 0); int prompt_width = prompt.Length; int xCol = prompt_width; char inputKey; string maxValueStr = maxValue.ToString(); string currentValueStr = string.Empty; do { inputKey = (char)seg043.GetInputKey(); if (inputKey >= 0x30 && inputKey <= 0x39) { currentValueStr += inputKey.ToString(); int tmpValue = int.Parse(currentValueStr); if (maxValue >= tmpValue) { xCol++; } else { currentValueStr = maxValueStr; xCol = maxValueStr.Length + prompt_width; } Seg041.DisplayString(currentValueStr, 0, 15, 0x18, prompt_width); } else if (inputKey == 8 && currentValueStr.Length > 0) { int i = currentValueStr.Length - 1; currentValueStr = seg051.Copy(i, 0, currentValueStr); Seg041.DisplaySpaceChar(0x18, xCol - 1); xCol--; } } while (inputKey != 0x0D && inputKey != 0x1B); ovr027.ClearPromptAreaNoUpdate(); int var_44; if (inputKey == 0x1B || (inputKey == 0x0D && currentValueStr.Length == 0)) { var_44 = 0; } else { var_44 = int.Parse(currentValueStr); } return((short)var_44); }
internal static void temple_heal() { int sl_index = 0; bool end_shop = false; List <MenuItem> stringList = new List <MenuItem>(10); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { stringList.Add(new MenuItem(temple_sl[i])); } ovr027.ClearPromptAreaNoUpdate(); bool redrawMenuItems = true; seg037.DrawFrame_WildernessMap(); do { string text = + ", how can we help you?"; Seg041.DisplayString(text, 0, 15, 1, 1); MenuItem dummySelected; char sl_output = ovr027.sl_select_item(out dummySelected, ref sl_index, ref redrawMenuItems, false, stringList, 15, 0x26, 4, 2, gbl.defaultMenuColors, "Heal Exit", string.Empty); if (sl_output == 'H' || sl_output == 0x0d) { switch (sl_index) { case 0: cure_blindness(); break; case 1: cure_disease(); break; case 2: cure_wounds(1); break; case 3: cure_wounds(2); break; case 4: cure_wounds(3); break; case 5: cure_wounds(4); break; case 6: cure_poison2(); break; case 7: raise_dead(); break; case 8: remove_curse(); break; case 9: stone_to_flesh(); break; case 10: end_shop = true; break; } } else if (sl_output == 0) { end_shop = true; } } while (end_shop == false); stringList.Clear(); ovr025.LoadPic(); ovr025.PartySummary(gbl.SelectedPlayer); }
internal static void import_char01(ref Player player, string arg_8) { Classes.File file; seg042.find_and_open_file(out file, false, Path.Combine(Config.GetSavePath(), arg_8)); Seg041.DisplayString("Loading...Please Wait", 0, 10, 0x18, 0); if (gbl.import_from == ImportSource.Curse) { byte[] data = new byte[Player.StructSize]; seg051.BlockRead(Player.StructSize, data, file); seg051.Close(file); player = new Player(data, 0); } else if (gbl.import_from == ImportSource.Pool) { byte[] data = new byte[PoolRadPlayer.StructSize]; seg051.BlockRead(PoolRadPlayer.StructSize, data, file); seg051.Close(file); PoolRadPlayer poolRadPlayer = new PoolRadPlayer(data); player = ConvertPoolRadPlayer(poolRadPlayer); } else if (gbl.import_from == ImportSource.Hillsfar) { byte[] data = new byte[HillsFarPlayer.StructSize]; seg051.BlockRead(HillsFarPlayer.StructSize, data, file); seg051.Close(file); HillsFarPlayer var_1C4 = new HillsFarPlayer(data); player = ConvertHillsFarPlayer(var_1C4, arg_8); var_1C4 = null; } if (gbl.import_from == ImportSource.Curse) { arg_8 = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(arg_8); } else { arg_8 = seg042.clean_string(; } string filename = Path.Combine(Config.GetSavePath(), arg_8 + ".swg"); if (seg042.file_find(filename) == true) { byte[] data = new byte[Item.StructSize]; seg042.find_and_open_file(out file, false, filename); while (true) { if (seg051.BlockRead(Item.StructSize, data, file) == Item.StructSize) { player.items.Add(new Item(data, 0)); } else { break; } } seg051.Close(file); } filename = Path.Combine(Config.GetSavePath(), arg_8 + ".fx"); if (seg042.file_find(filename) == true) { byte[] data = new byte[Affect.StructSize]; seg042.find_and_open_file(out file, false, filename); while (true) { if (seg051.BlockRead(Affect.StructSize, data, file) == Affect.StructSize) { Affect tmp_affect = new Affect(data, 0); player.affects.Add(new Affect(data, 0)); } else { break; } } seg051.Close(file); } filename = Path.Combine(Config.GetSavePath(), arg_8 + ".spc"); if (gbl.import_from == ImportSource.Pool) { if (seg042.file_find(filename) == true) { byte[] data = new byte[Affect.StructSize]; seg042.find_and_open_file(out file, false, filename); while (true) { if (seg051.BlockRead(Affect.StructSize, data, file) == Affect.StructSize) { if (asc_49280.MemberOf(data[0]) == true) { Affect tmpAffect = new Affect(data, 0); player.affects.Add(tmpAffect); } } else { break; } } seg051.Close(file); } } seg043.clear_keyboard(); ovr025.reclac_player_values(player); ovr026.ReclacClassBonuses(player); }