public static void Main(string[] args) { // Instatiation Student newStudentObj = new Student(); Course newCourse = new Course(); Teacher newTeacher = new Teacher(); Degrees newDegree = new Degrees(); Uprogram newProgram = new Uprogram(); newCourse.courseName = "Programming with C#"; newTeacherCourse = Teacher.getTeacher(); newProgram.ProgramName = "Information Technology"; newDegree.DegreesName = "Bachelor of Science"; newDegree.DegreesCredit = 60; newStudentObj.NumberOfStudent = 3; studentArray = Student.StudentInfo(newStudentObj.NumberOfStudent); degreeInformation = Degrees.getDegree(newDegree.DegreesName, newDegree.DegreesCredit, newCourse.courseName, studentArray, newTeacherCourse); listProgramInfo = Uprogram.getUprogram(newProgram.ProgramName); foreach (string stud in studentArray) { newTeacher.Score = Student.averageScoreMethod(newStudentObj.NumberOfStudent); var newGrade = Teacher.GradeTest(newTeacher.Score); Console.WriteLine("\r\nCurrently,the student {0}\r\n grade in average {1} for the tests for {2}, the {3} contains 5 tests, an average of B will give {4} for the year", stud, newGrade, newCourse.courseName, newDegree.DegreesName, newDegree.DegreesCredit); } Console.WriteLine("The {0} program contains the {1} degree where the students can earn {2} credits for the year.\r\n\r\nThe {1} degree contains the course {5}.\r\n\r\nThe {1} contains {3} student(s) and will be monitored by Mr {4}.\r\n", newProgram.ProgramName, newDegree.DegreesName, newDegree.DegreesCredit, newStudentObj.NumberOfStudent, newTeacher.FirstName + " " + newTeacher.LastName, newCourse.courseName); }
public static List<Tuple<string, string, int>> getUprogram(string programName) { Uprogram theme = new Uprogram(); Degrees degree = new Degrees(); List<Tuple<string, string, int>> listProgram = new List<Tuple<string, string,int>> (); listProgram.Add(Tuple.Create(theme.ProgramName, degree.DegreesName, degree.DegreesCredit)); return listProgram; }