public DetailsCommentPartialViewModel(Db db, Comment comment, ViewDataDictionary viewData) { var creatorUser = Utils.GetAllUsers(db, viewData).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Username.Is(comment.Creator)); Creator = creatorUser == null ? comment.Creator : creatorUser.Name; DateOfCreation = comment.DateOfCreation.ToCentralEuropeanTime(); Text = comment.Text; StatusText = ""; if (comment.DuplicateIssueId.HasValue) StatusText += "Added a <a href=\"" + comment.DuplicateIssueId.Value + "\">duplicate</a>. "; if (comment.NewStatus.HasValue() && comment.OldStatus.HasValue()) StatusText += "Changed status from <code>" + comment.OldStatus + "</code> to <code>" + comment.NewStatus + "</code>. "; else if (comment.NewStatus.HasValue()) StatusText += "Changed status to <code>" + comment.NewStatus + "</code> ."; else if (comment.OldStatus.HasValue()) StatusText += "Removed status <code>" + comment.OldStatus + "</code>. "; var oldUser = Utils.GetAllUsers(db, viewData).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Username.Is(comment.OldAssignedTo)); var newUser = Utils.GetAllUsers(db, viewData).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Username.Is(comment.NewAssignedTo)); if (comment.NewAssignedTo.HasValue() && comment.OldAssignedTo.HasValue()) StatusText += "Assigned from <code>" + (oldUser != null ? oldUser.Name : comment.OldAssignedTo) + "</code> to <code>" + (newUser != null ? newUser.Name : comment.NewAssignedTo) + "</code>. "; else if (comment.NewAssignedTo.HasValue()) StatusText += "Assigned to <code>" + (newUser != null ? newUser.Name : comment.NewAssignedTo) + "</code>. "; else if (comment.OldAssignedTo.HasValue()) StatusText += "Removed assignment from <code>" + (oldUser != null ? oldUser.Name : comment.OldAssignedTo) + "</code>. "; if (comment.Email.HasValue()) StatusText += "Sent an e-mail to <code>" + comment.Email + "</code>. "; if (comment.AttachmentFileName.HasValue()) StatusText += "Added the attachment <a href=\"../Attachment/" + comment.Id + "\">" + comment.AttachmentNiceName + "</a>. "; }
public void Update(IPrincipal user, int issueId, string newUser, string newStatus, string text) { var issue = _db.Issues.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == issueId); if (issue != null) { var hasChanged = false; var comment = new Comment { IssueId = issue.Id, DateOfCreation = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(), Creator = Utils.GetCurrentUser(_db, _viewData, user).Username }; if (newStatus.HasValue() && Utils.GetAllStati(_db, _viewData).Any(x => x.Name.Is(newStatus))) if (!issue.Status.Is(newStatus)) { comment.OldStatus = issue.Status; comment.NewStatus = newStatus; issue.Status = newStatus; hasChanged = true; } if (newUser.HasValue() && Utils.GetAllUsers(_db, _viewData).Any(x => x.Name.Is(newUser))) { if (!issue.AssignedTo.Is(newUser)) { comment.OldAssignedTo = issue.AssignedTo; comment.NewAssignedTo = newUser; issue.AssignedTo = newUser; hasChanged = true; } } else if (newUser.Is("-")) { comment.OldAssignedTo = issue.AssignedTo; comment.NewAssignedTo = "-"; issue.AssignedTo = null; hasChanged = true; } if (text.HasValue()) { comment.Text = text; hasChanged = true; } if (hasChanged) _db.Comments.Add(comment); _db.SaveChanges(); } }
public void AddComment(string creator, string text) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) return; //we don't accept empty comments using (var context = new Db()) { var comment = new Comment { Creator = creator, DateOfCreation = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(), Text = text, IssueId = Id }; context.Comments.Add(comment); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public void AddAttachment(string creator, string niceName, string base64, HttpServerUtility server) { var extension = Path.GetExtension(niceName); var path = Path.Combine(server.MapPath(IssueTrackerSettings.AttachmentsPath), Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + extension); var bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64); File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes); using (var context = new Db()) { var comment = new Comment { Creator = creator, DateOfCreation = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(), IssueId = Id, Text = "", AttachmentFileName = Path.GetFileName(path), AttachmentNiceName = niceName }; context.Comments.Add(comment); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public Issue Create( [CanBeNull] string creator, [CanBeNull] string text, [CanBeNull] string stackTrace, [CanBeNull] string serverVariables, [CanBeNull] string version, bool logOwnExceptions = true) { try { // sometimes we get some escaped characters text = (text ?? "").Replace("--->", "--->"); stackTrace = (stackTrace ?? "").Replace("--->", "--->"); // get a nicer error message from the stacktrace for generic errors (if the text only contains useless info) var uglyTexts = new[] { "Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown.", "Error executing child request for handler 'System.Web.Mvc.HttpHandlerUtil+ServerExecuteHttpHandlerWrapper'." }; if (text.IsNoW() || uglyTexts.Any(x => x.Is(text))) { if (stackTrace.HasValue()) { text = stackTrace.Split('\n')[0].Trim(); if (text.Contains("---> ")) text = text.Substring(text.LastIndexOf("---> ", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) + 5); } } // remove some useless info from the text to make it easier to read if (text.HasValue()) { text = text.Replace("System.Web.HttpUnhandledException (0x80004005): Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown. ---> ", ""); } // find an identical issue var parentIssue = _db.Issues .Where(x => x.Text == text || (text == "" && x.Text == null)) .Where(x => x.StackTrace == stackTrace || (stackTrace == "" && x.StackTrace == null)) .OrderByDescending(x => x.DateOfCreation) .FirstOrDefault(); // only log the issue if there's not an parent issue that was just posted (prevent overposting) if (parentIssue != null && parentIssue.DateOfCreation >= DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().AddHours(-1)) { return null; } string remoteHost = null; const string serverVariablesHostKey = "REMOTE_HOST"; if (HttpContext.Current != null && HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables[serverVariablesHostKey] != null) remoteHost = HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables[serverVariablesHostKey]; var newIssue = new Issue { DateOfCreation = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(), Creator = creator.GetStringOrNull(), Text = text.GetStringOrNull(), StackTrace = stackTrace.GetStringOrNull(), ServerVariables = serverVariables.GetStringOrNull(), Status = IssueTrackerSettings.StatusForNewIssues, Version = version.GetStringOrNull(), RemoteHost = remoteHost.GetStringOrNull(), AssignedTo = null }; _db.Issues.Add(newIssue); _db.SaveChanges(); if (parentIssue != null) { parentIssue = parentIssue.ParentIssueId.HasValue ? _db.Issues.Single(x => x.Id == parentIssue.ParentIssueId.Value) : parentIssue; newIssue.ParentIssueId = parentIssue.Id; var comment = new Comment { Creator = creator, DateOfCreation = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(), DuplicateIssueId = newIssue.Id, IssueId = parentIssue.Id, Text = "" }; _db.Comments.Add(comment); var status = _db.Status.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToLower() == parentIssue.Status); if (status != null && status.Reactivate) parentIssue.Status = IssueTrackerSettings.StatusForNewIssues; else newIssue.Status = parentIssue.Status; } _db.SaveChanges(); new AddTagsService(_db).AddTags(newIssue); return newIssue; } catch (Exception ex) { if (logOwnExceptions) { // make sure we don't log own exceptions if we're logging an own exception already - because this would create a logging loop Create("IssueTracker", ex.Message, ex.ToString(), null, GetType().Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString(), false); } } return null; }