public FileChooser(LayoutEditor newCreator) { creator = newCreator; InitializeComponent(); this.Visible = false; this.TabStop = false; this.TabIndex = 99999; }
public PlayerControl(LayoutEditor newCreator) { InitializeComponent(); creator = newCreator; player = new Player(); filePath = ""; alias = ""; isOpen = false; isPlaying = false; positionControls(); updateButtonStates(); }
public FlashcardTagsDialog(LayoutEditor newCaller) { InitializeComponent(); caller = newCaller; lblInheritedTags.Text = caller.deck.category; if (!caller.deck.subcategory.Equals("")) { lblInheritedTags.Text += "," + caller.deck.subcategory; } txtTags.Text = caller.currentCard.tag; }
public TemplateSelector(LayoutEditor newCreator, string newQuizType) { templates = new List <Template>(); buttons = new List <Button>(); creator = newCreator; quizType = newQuizType; InitializeComponent(); Button curButton; Bitmap bg; foreach (Template curTemplate in Template.templates[quizType]) { templates.Add(curTemplate); curButton = new Button(); bg = makeImage(curTemplate); curButton.Size = bg.Size; curButton.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch; curButton.BackgroundImage = bg; curButton.Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 0); curButton.Text = ""; curButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Standard; curButton.Click += new EventHandler(curButton_Click); toolTip.SetToolTip(curButton, "Click to apply this template to the current flashcard"); buttons.Add(curButton); panelTemplates.Controls.Add(curButton); } RichTextBox legend = new RichTextBox(); legend.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; legend.ReadOnly = true; legend.Rtf = "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang1033{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset2 Wingdings;}{\\f1\\fswiss\\fprq2\\fcharset0 Arial;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fcharset0 Arial;}}\n{\\colortbl ;\\red0\\green120\\blue0;\\red0\\green0\\blue0;\\red255\\green0\\blue0;}\n{\\*\\generator Msftedit;}\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\cf1\\f0\\fs24 n\\cf0\\f1\\fs16 \\cf2 Answer\\cf0\\par\n\\cf3\\f0\\fs24 n\\cf0\\f1\\fs16 \\cf2 Question\\cf0\\f2\\fs20\\par\n}"; panelTemplates.Controls.Add(legend); if (creator.deck.cardList.Count == 0) { buttons[0].PerformClick(); } }
public CreatorObject(LayoutEditor newCreator, eObject newObj) { if (newObj == null) { throw new ArgumentException("eObject argument to CreatorObject constructor cannot be null"); } creator = newCreator; obj = newObj; InitializeComponent(); switch (obj.type) { case Constant.textFile: initTextBox(); break; case Constant.imageFile: initImage(); break; case Constant.soundFile: initAudio(); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Invalid CreatorObject type: " + obj.type); } bool canEdit = (creator.deck.type == Constant.noQuizDeck); deleteToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = canEdit; this.Leave += new System.EventHandler(this.ctlObject_Leave); this.Enter += new System.EventHandler(this.ctlObject_Enter); ctlObject.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(ctlObject_MouseDown); ctlObject.ContextMenuStrip = menuContext; if (obj.quizType == Constant.answerPrefix) { this.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(40, Color.Green); } else if (obj.quizType == Constant.questionPrefix) { this.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(40, Color.Red); } }
public TemplateSelector(LayoutEditor newCreator, string newQuizType) { templates = new List<Template>(); buttons = new List<Button>(); creator = newCreator; quizType = newQuizType; InitializeComponent(); Button curButton; Bitmap bg; foreach (Template curTemplate in Template.templates[quizType]) { templates.Add(curTemplate); curButton = new Button(); bg = makeImage(curTemplate); curButton.Size = bg.Size; curButton.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch; curButton.BackgroundImage = bg; curButton.Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 0); curButton.Text = ""; curButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Standard; curButton.Click += new EventHandler(curButton_Click); toolTip.SetToolTip(curButton, "Click to apply this template to the current flashcard"); buttons.Add(curButton); panelTemplates.Controls.Add(curButton); } RichTextBox legend = new RichTextBox(); legend.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; legend.ReadOnly = true; legend.Rtf = "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\\deflang1033{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset2 Wingdings;}{\\f1\\fswiss\\fprq2\\fcharset0 Arial;}{\\f2\\fswiss\\fcharset0 Arial;}}\n{\\colortbl ;\\red0\\green120\\blue0;\\red0\\green0\\blue0;\\red255\\green0\\blue0;}\n{\\*\\generator Msftedit;}\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\cf1\\f0\\fs24 n\\cf0\\f1\\fs16 \\cf2 Answer\\cf0\\par\n\\cf3\\f0\\fs24 n\\cf0\\f1\\fs16 \\cf2 Question\\cf0\\f2\\fs20\\par\n}"; panelTemplates.Controls.Add(legend); if (creator.deck.cardList.Count == 0) { buttons[0].PerformClick(); } }
private CreatorCard(LayoutEditor newCreator, int newCardID, int newUID, string newTag, List<eObject> newObjects, int newIndex) { _cardID = newCardID; _uid = newUID; _tag = newTag; _objects = new List<CreatorObject>(); index = newIndex; creator = newCreator; originalCard = null; CreatorObject curNewObj; foreach (eObject curEObj in newObjects) { curNewObj = CreatorObject.newFromEObject(creator, curEObj, (objects.Count * 2) + 10); objects.Add(curNewObj); } }
private CreatorCard(LayoutEditor newCreator, int newCardID, int newUID, string newTag, List <eObject> newObjects, int newIndex) { _cardID = newCardID; _uid = newUID; _tag = newTag; _objects = new List <CreatorObject>(); index = newIndex; creator = newCreator; originalCard = null; CreatorObject curNewObj; foreach (eObject curEObj in newObjects) { curNewObj = CreatorObject.newFromEObject(creator, curEObj, (objects.Count * 2) + 10); objects.Add(curNewObj); } }
public CreatorCard(LayoutEditor newCreator, Card card, int newIndex) : this(newCreator, card.cardID, card.uid, card.tag, card.eObjectList, newIndex) { originalCard = card; }
public void setCreator(LayoutEditor newCreator) { creator = newCreator; }
public static CreatorObject newFromEObject(LayoutEditor newCreator, eObject newObj, int tabStop) { CreatorObject curNewObj = new CreatorObject(newCreator, newObj); curNewObj.Name = "creatorObject"; curNewObj.TabIndex = tabStop; curNewObj.TabStop = true; curNewObj.initialize(); curNewObj.setCoords(newObj.x1, newObj.y1, newObj.x2, newObj.y2); return curNewObj; }