예제 #1
        public int ImportFromFile(string filename)
            int fileoffset = 0;

            import_valid   = false;
            descentversion = -1;
            Encoding encBinary = Encoding.GetEncoding(28591);

            byte[] filedata     = File.ReadAllBytes(filename);
            string filenameonly = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename);


            SetSignature(BitConverter.ToInt32(filedata, fileoffset));                //0
            fileoffset += 4;
            if (signature != FILE_SIGNATURE)
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Can't load PLR file.  PLR file signature invalid.  file signature {0} does not match {1}", signature, FILE_SIGNATURE);
                import_valid = false;

            SetSavegame_version(BitConverter.ToUInt16(filedata, fileoffset));
            fileoffset += 2;              // now at 8

            if ((savegame_version >= 0) && (savegame_version <= 8))
                descentversion = 1;
                descentversion = 2;

            const int PLR_COMATIBLE_SAVEGAME_VERSION = 4;
            const int PLR_COMPATIBLE_STRUCT_VERSION  = 16;

            if (descentversion == 1)
                SetStruct_version(BitConverter.ToUInt16(filedata, fileoffset));
                fileoffset += 2;
                if (savegame_version < PLR_COMATIBLE_SAVEGAME_VERSION || struct_version < PLR_COMPATIBLE_STRUCT_VERSION)
                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: savegame version {0} < {1} or PLR struct version {2} < {3}.  Can't load PLR file.", savegame_version, PLR_COMATIBLE_SAVEGAME_VERSION, struct_version, PLR_COMPATIBLE_STRUCT_VERSION);

                SetNum_mission_protocol_entries(BitConverter.ToInt32(filedata, fileoffset));
                fileoffset += 4;
                SetDefault_difficulty(BitConverter.ToInt32(filedata, fileoffset));
                fileoffset += 4;
                SetAuto_leveling(BitConverter.ToInt32(filedata, fileoffset));
                fileoffset += 4;

                if (savegame_version <= 5)
                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: savegame_version <=5.  Old style highest level info not supported.");

            int filesize_without_highlevels = filedata.Length - (PLR_MISSION_MAXLEVEL_ENTRY_LENGTH * num_mission_protocol_entries);

            if (savegame_version >= 0 && savegame_version <= 7)
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Descent 1 PLR file version {0} not supported at PLR save version 7 and older.", savegame_version);
            else if (savegame_version == 8)
                if (filesize_without_highlevels == 2212)
                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Shareware version not supported");
                else if (filesize_without_highlevels == 2252)
                    // valid full version PLR file but need to skip the next 2 Int32 data
                else if (filesize_without_highlevels == (2212 + 2 * sizeof(Int32)))
                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Shareware version not supported (v0.31 to v0.42 d1x).");
                else if (filesize_without_highlevels == (2252 + 2 * sizeof(Int32)))
                    // valid full version PLR file but need to skip the next 2 Int32 data
                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: file size {0} ({1} without high level data)not known to be a valid PLR file for Descent 1", filedata.Length, filesize_without_highlevels);

                descentversion = 1;
                //Console.WriteLine ("ERROR: Descent 1 PLR files not implemented yet.");
                //return (-1);
            else if (savegame_version == 24)
                descentversion = 2;
            else if (savegame_version > 255)
                isbigendianfile  = true;
                descentversion   = 2;
                savegame_version = (UInt16)System.Net.IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder((int)savegame_version);
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: PLR file looks like it is bigendian.  That architecture is not supported.");

            //byte[] fileunknown1 = { 0, 0, 0 };
            //Array.Copy(filedata, 8, fileunknown1, 0, 3);
            //SetUnknown1( fileunknown1 );
            if (descentversion == 2)
                SetGame_window_h(BitConverter.ToUInt16(filedata, fileoffset));
                fileoffset += 2;
                SetGame_window_w(BitConverter.ToUInt16(filedata, fileoffset));
                fileoffset += 2;
                SetAuto_leveling(filedata [fileoffset++]);
                SetShow_reticle(filedata [fileoffset++]);
                SetCockpit_mode(filedata [fileoffset++]);
                SetVideo_resolution(filedata [fileoffset++]);
                SetMissile_view(filedata [fileoffset++]);
                SetHeadlight_on_when_picked_up(filedata [fileoffset++]);                     // 16 here d2
                SetShow_guided_missile_in_main_display(filedata [fileoffset++]);
                SetAutomap_always_hires(filedata [fileoffset++]);                            // 18 here d2
                SetNum_mission_protocol_entries(BitConverter.ToInt16(filedata, fileoffset)); // an extra byte so assuming this is a 16 bit number
                fileoffset += 2;                                                             //19 here d2... 21 next line

            //const int MISSION_PROTOCOL_ENTRIES_OFFSET_START = 21;
            mission_arr = new PlrMission[num_mission_protocol_entries];
            int loop = 0;

            while (loop < num_mission_protocol_entries)
                PlrMission thisMiss = new PlrMission();
                //int startoffset = loop * MISSION_PROTOCOL_ENTRY_LENGTH + fileoffset;
                thisMiss.mission_name  = encBinary.GetString(filedata, fileoffset, PLR_MISSION_MAXLEVEL_NAME_LENGTH);
                fileoffset            += PLR_MISSION_MAXLEVEL_NAME_LENGTH;
                thisMiss.maximum_level = filedata [fileoffset++];
                mission_arr [loop]     = thisMiss;

            if (descentversion == 1)
                if (savegame_version != 7)
                    Array.Copy(filedata, fileoffset, saved_game_data_shareware, 0, PLR_SAVED_GAMED_SW_SIZE);
                    fileoffset += PLR_SAVED_GAMED_SW_SIZE;

            //const int PLR_MISSION_PROTOCOL_ENTRIES_OFFSET = 21;
            const int MULTIPLAYER_MACRO_BUFFER_SIZE = 35;

            //int offset = PLR_MISSION_PROTOCOL_ENTRIES_OFFSET + (num_mission_protocol_entries * 10);
            multiplayer_macro_f9  = encBinary.GetString(filedata, fileoffset, MULTIPLAYER_MACRO_BUFFER_SIZE);
            fileoffset           += MULTIPLAYER_MACRO_BUFFER_SIZE;
            multiplayer_macro_f10 = encBinary.GetString(filedata, fileoffset, MULTIPLAYER_MACRO_BUFFER_SIZE);
            fileoffset           += MULTIPLAYER_MACRO_BUFFER_SIZE;
            multiplayer_macro_f11 = encBinary.GetString(filedata, fileoffset, MULTIPLAYER_MACRO_BUFFER_SIZE);
            fileoffset           += MULTIPLAYER_MACRO_BUFFER_SIZE;
            multiplayer_macro_f12 = encBinary.GetString(filedata, fileoffset, MULTIPLAYER_MACRO_BUFFER_SIZE);
            fileoffset           += MULTIPLAYER_MACRO_BUFFER_SIZE;

            const int PLR_CONTROL_MAX_TYPES_D1 = 7;
            const int PLR_CONTROL_MAX_TYPES_D2 = 8;
            const int PLR_MAX_CONTROLS_D1      = 50;
            const int PLR_MAX_CONTROLS_D2      = 60;

            if (descentversion == 1)
                int configurationlength = PLR_MAX_CONTROLS_D1 * PLR_CONTROL_MAX_TYPES_D1;
                configuration = new byte[configurationlength];
                Array.Copy(filedata, fileoffset, configuration, 0, configurationlength);
                fileoffset += configurationlength;
            if (descentversion == 2)
                int configurationlength = (savegame_version < 20 ? PLR_MAX_CONTROLS_D1 : PLR_MAX_CONTROLS_D2) * PLR_CONTROL_MAX_TYPES_D2;
                configuration = new byte[configurationlength];
                Array.Copy(filedata, fileoffset, configuration, 0, configurationlength);
                fileoffset += configurationlength;

            if (descentversion == 1)
                SetController_type(filedata [fileoffset++]);
            if (descentversion == 2)
                if (savegame_version <= 20)
                    SetObsolete_winjoy_map(filedata [fileoffset++]);
                SetControl_type_dos(filedata [fileoffset++]);
                SetControl_type_win(filedata [fileoffset++]);

            SetObsolete_joy_sens(filedata [fileoffset++]);

            if (descentversion == 2)
                weapons_order_arr = new PlrWeaponOrder[PLR_MAX_WEAPON_ORDER_ENTRIES];
                loop = 0;
                while (loop < PLR_MAX_WEAPON_ORDER_ENTRIES)
                    PlrWeaponOrder tmpWeaponOrder = new PlrWeaponOrder(filedata [fileoffset++], filedata [fileoffset++]);
                    //tmpWeaponOrder.primaryOrder = filedata [fileoffset++];
                    //tmpWeaponOrder.secondaryOrder = filedata [fileoffset++];
                    weapons_order_arr [loop] = tmpWeaponOrder;

                if (savegame_version >= 16)
                    cockpit_3dview1 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(filedata, fileoffset);
                    fileoffset     += 4;
                    cockpit_3dview2 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(filedata, fileoffset);
                    fileoffset     += 4;

                lifetimerankings_num_kills = BitConverter.ToUInt32(filedata, fileoffset);
                fileoffset += 4;
                lifetimerankings_num_deaths = BitConverter.ToUInt32(filedata, fileoffset);
                fileoffset += 4;
                lifetimerankings_checksum = BitConverter.ToUInt32(filedata, fileoffset);
                fileoffset += 4;

                const int PLR_GUIDEBOT_MAX_LEN = 10;
                if (savegame_version >= 18)
                    guidebot_callsign = encBinary.GetString(filedata, fileoffset, PLR_GUIDEBOT_MAX_LEN);
                    fileoffset       += PLR_GUIDEBOT_MAX_LEN;

                if (savegame_version >= 24)
                    joystick_name = encBinary.GetString(filedata, fileoffset, PLR_MAX_JOYSTICK_NAME_BUFFER);
                    fileoffset   += PLR_MAX_JOYSTICK_NAME_BUFFER;

            if (fileoffset != filedata.Length)
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: problem reading file.  Parsed offset ended at {0} while file length is {1}", fileoffset, filedata.Length);

            imported_filesize = filedata.Length;
            import_valid      = true;
예제 #2
        public int CleanupMissions()
            if (import_valid)
                int missionsRemoved = 0;
                if (mission_arr != null)
                    // Need a count of missions with max level greater than 1 to set the array to the new size
                    int newMissionCount = 0;
                    foreach (PlrMission tmp2Mission in mission_arr)
                        if (tmp2Mission.maximum_level > 1)
                            //Console.WriteLine ("'{0}':{1} {2}", tmpMission.mission_name, tmpMission.mission_name.Length, tmpMission.maximum_level);
                    if (newMissionCount < num_mission_protocol_entries)
                        PlrMission[] cleanedUpMissions = new PlrMission[newMissionCount];
                        int          msnLoop           = 0;
                        foreach (PlrMission tmp3Mission in mission_arr)
                            if (tmp3Mission.maximum_level > 1)
                                PlrMission tmpMission = new PlrMission();
                                tmpMission.maximum_level    = tmp3Mission.maximum_level;
                                tmpMission.mission_name     = tmp3Mission.mission_name;
                                cleanedUpMissions [msnLoop] = tmpMission;
                                if (debugEnabled)
                                    Console.WriteLine("CleanupMissions: Removing mission status entry '{0}' with max level at '{1}'", tmp3Mission.mission_name, tmp3Mission.maximum_level);
                        missionsRemoved    = num_mission_protocol_entries - msnLoop;
                        imported_filesize -= PLR_MISSION_MAXLEVEL_ENTRY_LENGTH * missionsRemoved;
                        if (displayInfoMessages)
                            Console.WriteLine("Removed {0} mission status entries with maximum level at 1", missionsRemoved);

                        num_mission_protocol_entries = msnLoop;
                        mission_arr = cleanedUpMissions;
                        if (debugEnabled)
                            Console.WriteLine("CleanupMissions: Missions do not need cleaned up.  No mission status entries have a maximum level equal to 1");
                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: CleanupMissions mission_arr is null.");

                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: CleanupMissions requires an imported PLR file");