private int attack(Draught d, List <Draught> list) { List <Position> pos = d.getAttackMoves(); foreach (Position p in pos) { if (Arbiter.canAttack(d, p, list)) { Position to = new Position(); to.x = p.x - d.getPosition().x > 0 ? p.x + 1 : p.x - 1; to.y = p.y - d.getPosition().y > 0 ? p.y + 1 : p.y - 1; List <Draught> newList = copyList(list); newList.Remove(Arbiter.findDraught(p, newList)); Arbiter.findDraught(d.getPosition(), newList).moveTo(to); return(POINTS_FOR_EAT + (Arbiter.findDraught(to, newList).isKing() != d.isKing()?POINTS_FOR_KING:0) + attack(Arbiter.findDraught(to, newList), newList)); } } return(checkDraught(d.getPosition(), list)); }
public static bool isAttack(Draught attacker, Position to, List <Draught> list) { if (!attacker.canMoveWithAttack(to)) { return(false); } Position attacked = new Position(); attacked.x = to.x - attacker.getPosition().x > 0 ? to.x - 1 : to.x + 1; attacked.y = to.y - attacker.getPosition().y > 0 ? to.y - 1 : to.y + 1; if (attacker.isMyPosition(attacked)) { return(false); } foreach (Draught d in list) { if (d.isMyPosition(attacked)) { return(canAttack(attacker, attacked, list)); } } return(false); }
public static bool canAttack(Draught from, Position attacked, List <Draught> list) { Position to = new Position((from.getPosition().x - attacked.x > 0 ? attacked.x - 1 : attacked.x + 1), (from.getPosition().y - attacked.y > 0 ? attacked.y - 1 : attacked.y + 1)); if (to.x > 7 || to.x < 0 || to.y > 7 || to.y < 0) { return(false); } List <Position> pos = from.getRoutTo(to); if (pos == null) { return(false); } bool isFind = false; foreach (Draught d in list) { if (d.isMyPosition(attacked) && d.isBlack() != from.isBlack()) { isFind = true; } } if (!isFind) { return(false); } foreach (Draught d in list) { foreach (Position p in pos) { if (!d.isMyPosition(attacked) && d.isMyPosition(p)) { return(false); } } } return(true); }
public void moveTo(Position to) { Position from = select.getPosition(); bool isKing = select.isKing(); if (Arbiter.isAttack(select, to, draughts)) { attack(to); } else { select.moveTo(to); } if (isKing != select.isKing()) { mw.setKing(from.x, from.y); } mw.turnOn(from.x, from.y, to.x, to.y); }