예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// creates a lookup table for sensor models
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="grid_layer">the grid upon which the rays will be drawn</param>
        /// <param name="grid_dimension">size of the grid</param>
        /// <param name="img">image within which to display the results</param>
        /// <param name="img_width">width of the image</param>
        /// <param name="img_height">height of the image</param>
        /// <param name="divisor">a dividing factor used to make the width of the grid smaller than its length</param>
        /// <param name="apply_smoothing">try to smooth the data to remove pixelation effects</param>
        /// <param name="gridCellSize_mm">Size of each occupancy grid cell in millimetres</param>
        /// <param name="mirror">apply mirroring</param>
        private void updateRayModel(
		    float[, ,] grid_layer, int grid_dimension, 
            byte[] img, int img_width, int img_height, 
            int divisor, bool apply_smoothing,
            int gridCellSize_mm, bool mirror)
            // half a pixel of horizontal uncertainty
            sigma = 1.0f / (image_width * 1) * FOV_horizontal;
            //sigma *= image_width / 320;
            this.divisor = divisor;

            float max_disparity = (10 * image_width / 100);

            ray_model_max_length = grid_dimension;
            ray_model = new rayModelLookup((int)(max_disparity) + 1, ray_model_max_length);

            int min_dist = (int)baseline;
            int max_dist = grid_dimension;
            int x = (image_width)*499/1000;

            for (float disparity_pixels = 1; disparity_pixels < max_disparity; disparity_pixels += 0.5f)
                float xx = x + disparity_pixels;

                // clear the grid
                max_prob = 0.0f;
                for (int gx = 0; gx < grid_dimension / divisor; gx++)
                    for (int gy = 0; gy < grid_dimension; gy++)
                        grid_layer[gx, gy, 0] = 0;
                        grid_layer[gx, gy, 1] = 0;
                        grid_layer[gx, gy, 2] = 0;

                float x_start = 0, y_start = 0;
                float x_end = 0, y_end = 0;
                float x_left = 0, y_left = 0;
                float x_right = 0, y_right = 0;
                float confidence = 1;
                float distance = 100;
                raysIntersection(xx, x, grid_dimension, confidence, distance,
                                 ref x_start, ref y_start, ref x_end, ref y_end,
                                 ref x_left, ref y_left, ref x_right, ref y_right);
                if (x_right > x_left)
                    if (y_start < -1) y_start = -y_start;
                    if (y_end < -1) y_end = -y_end;

                    if (y_start > 0)
                        min_dist = (int)y_start;
                        min_dist = 100;

                    max_dist = grid_dimension;
                    if ((y_end > 0) && (y_end < grid_dimension))
                        max_dist = (int)y_end;

                    throwRay(-baseline / 2, xx, vergence_radians, min_dist, max_dist, grid_layer, grid_dimension, 1, mirror);
                    throwRay(baseline / 2, x, -vergence_radians, min_dist, max_dist, grid_layer, grid_dimension, 2, mirror);

                    int start = -1;

                    float min_prob = 0.0f;
                    int max_length = 0;
                    int x2 = (grid_layer.GetLength(0) / 2);
                    int winner = x2;
                    float total_probability = 0;
                    for (int xx2 = x2 - (grid_dimension / (divisor * 4)); xx2 <= x2 + (grid_dimension / (divisor * 4)); xx2++)
                        int length = 0;
                        float tot = 0;
                        for (int l = 0; l < ray_model_max_length; l++)
                            if ((grid_layer[xx2, l, 2] == 2) && 
                                (grid_layer[xx2, l, 0] > 1))
                                float cellval = grid_layer[xx2, l, 1];
                                if (cellval > min_prob)
                                    tot += cellval;
                        if (length > max_length)
                            max_length = length;
                            winner = xx2;
                            total_probability = tot;
                    float scaling_factor = 1;
                    if (total_probability > 0)
                        if (max_length > 0) scaling_factor = 1.0f / total_probability;

                        // record the length of the ray model
                        ray_model.length[(int)(disparity_pixels * 2)] = max_length+1;

                        float max = 0;
                        //int max_index = 0;
                        for (int l = 0; l < ray_model_max_length; l++)
                            int y2 = ray_model_max_length - 1 - l;
                            if ((y2 > -1) && (y2 < grid_dimension))
                                if ((grid_layer[winner, y2, 2] == 2) &&
                                    (grid_layer[winner, y2, 1] != 0) &&
                                    (grid_layer[winner, y2, 0] > 1))
                                    float cellval = grid_layer[winner, y2, 1] * scaling_factor;
                                    if (cellval > min_prob)
                                        if (start == -1) start = l;
                                        ray_model.probability[(int)(disparity_pixels * 2)][l - start] = cellval;
                                        if (cellval > max)
                                            max = cellval;
                                            //max_index = l - start;

                        if (apply_smoothing)
                            float[] probvalues = new float[ray_model_max_length];
                            int radius = 20;
                            for (int itt = 0; itt < 10; itt++)
                                for (int i = 0; i < ray_model_max_length; i++)
                                    float value = 0;
                                    int hits = 0;
                                    for (int j = i - radius; j < i + radius; j++)
                                        if ((j >= 0) && (j < ray_model_max_length))
                                            value += ((j - (i - radius)) * ray_model.probability[(int)(disparity_pixels * 2)][j]);
                                    if (hits > 0) value /= hits;
                                    probvalues[i] = value;
                                for (int i = 0; i < ray_model_max_length; i++)
                                    if (ray_model.probability[(int)(disparity_pixels * 2)][i] > max / 200.0f)
                                        ray_model.probability[(int)(disparity_pixels * 2)][i] = probvalues[i];

            // compress the array down to a more managable size

            ray_model_to_graph_image(img, img_width, img_height);

            this.divisor = 1;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// inserts the given ray into the grid
        /// There are three components to the sensor model used here:
        /// two areas determining the probably vacant area and one for 
        /// the probably occupied space
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray">ray object to be inserted into the grid</param>
        /// <param name="origin">the pose of the robot</param>
        /// <param name="sensormodel">the sensor model to be used</param>
        /// <param name="leftcam_x">x position of the left camera in millimetres</param>
        /// <param name="leftcam_y">y position of the left camera in millimetres</param>
        /// <param name="rightcam_x">x position of the right camera in millimetres</param>
        /// <param name="rightcam_y">y position of the right camera in millimetres</param>
        /// <param name="localiseOnly">if true does not add any mapping particles (pure localisation)</param>
        /// <returns>matching probability, expressed as log odds</returns>
        public float Insert(
		    evidenceRay ray, 
            particlePose origin,
            rayModelLookup sensormodel_lookup,
            pos3D left_camera_location, 
            pos3D right_camera_location,
            bool localiseOnly)
            // some constants to aid readability
            const int OCCUPIED_SENSORMODEL = 0;
            const int VACANT_SENSORMODEL_LEFT_CAMERA = 1;
            const int VACANT_SENSORMODEL_RIGHT_CAMERA = 2;

            const int X_AXIS = 0;
            const int Y_AXIS = 1;

            // which disparity index in the lookup table to use
            // we multiply by 2 because the lookup is in half pixel steps
			float ray_model_interval_pixels = sensormodel_lookup.ray_model_interval_pixels;
            int sensormodel_index = (int)Math.Round(ray.disparity / ray_model_interval_pixels);
            // the initial models are blank, so just default to the one disparity pixel model
            bool small_disparity_value = false;
            if (sensormodel_index < 2)
                sensormodel_index = 2;
                small_disparity_value = true;

            // beyond a certain disparity the ray model for occupied space
            // is always only going to be only a single grid cell
			if (sensormodel_lookup == null) Console.WriteLine("Sensor models are missing");
            if (sensormodel_index >= sensormodel_lookup.probability.GetLength(0))
                sensormodel_index = sensormodel_lookup.probability.GetLength(0) - 1;

            float xdist_mm=0, ydist_mm=0, zdist_mm=0, xx_mm=0, yy_mm=0, zz_mm=0;
            float occupied_dx = 0, occupied_dy = 0, occupied_dz = 0;
            float intersect_x = 0, intersect_y = 0, intersect_z = 0;
            float centre_prob = 0, prob = 0, prob_localisation = 0; // probability values at the centre axis and outside
            float matchingScore = occupancygridCellMultiHypothesis.NO_OCCUPANCY_EVIDENCE;  // total localisation matching score
            int rayWidth = 0;         // widest point in the ray in cells
            int widest_point;         // widest point index
            int step_size = 1;
            particleGridCell hypothesis;

            // ray width at the fattest point in cells
            rayWidth = (int)Math.Round(ray.width / (cellSize_mm * 2));

            // calculate the centre position of the grid in millimetres
            int half_grid_width_mm = dimension_cells * cellSize_mm / 2;
            //int half_grid_width_vertical_mm = dimension_cells_vertical * cellSize_mm / 2;
            int grid_centre_x_mm = (int)(x - half_grid_width_mm);
            int grid_centre_y_mm = (int)(y - half_grid_width_mm);
            int grid_centre_z_mm = (int)z;

            //int max_dimension_cells = dimension_cells - rayWidth;

            // in turbo mode only use a single vacancy ray
            int max_modelcomponent = VACANT_SENSORMODEL_RIGHT_CAMERA;
            if (TurboMode) max_modelcomponent = VACANT_SENSORMODEL_LEFT_CAMERA;

			float[][] sensormodel_lookup_probability = sensormodel_lookup.probability;
            // consider each of the three parts of the sensor model
            for (int modelcomponent = OCCUPIED_SENSORMODEL; modelcomponent <= max_modelcomponent; modelcomponent++)
                // the range from the cameras from which insertion of data begins
                // for vacancy rays this will be zero, but will be non-zero for the occupancy area
                int starting_range_cells = 0;

                switch (modelcomponent)
                    case OCCUPIED_SENSORMODEL:
                            // distance between the beginning and end of the probably
                            // occupied area
                            occupied_dx = ray.vertices[1].x - ray.vertices[0].x;
                            occupied_dy = ray.vertices[1].y - ray.vertices[0].y;
                            occupied_dz = ray.vertices[1].z - ray.vertices[0].z;
                            intersect_x = ray.vertices[0].x + (occupied_dx * ray.fattestPoint);
                            intersect_y = ray.vertices[0].y + (occupied_dy * ray.fattestPoint);
                            intersect_z = ray.vertices[0].z + (occupied_dz * ray.fattestPoint);

                            xdist_mm = occupied_dx;
                            ydist_mm = occupied_dy;
                            zdist_mm = occupied_dz;

                            // begin insertion at the beginning of the 
                            // probably occupied area
                            xx_mm = ray.vertices[0].x;
                            yy_mm = ray.vertices[0].y;
                            zz_mm = ray.vertices[0].z;
                    case VACANT_SENSORMODEL_LEFT_CAMERA:
                            // distance between the left camera and the left side of
                            // the probably occupied area of the sensor model                            
                            xdist_mm = intersect_x - left_camera_location.x;
                            ydist_mm = intersect_y - left_camera_location.y;
                            zdist_mm = intersect_z - left_camera_location.z;

                            // begin insertion from the left camera position
                            xx_mm = left_camera_location.x;
                            yy_mm = left_camera_location.y;
                            zz_mm = left_camera_location.z;
                            step_size = 2;
                    case VACANT_SENSORMODEL_RIGHT_CAMERA:
                            // distance between the right camera and the right side of
                            // the probably occupied area of the sensor model
                            xdist_mm = intersect_x - right_camera_location.x;
                            ydist_mm = intersect_y - right_camera_location.y;
                            zdist_mm = intersect_z - right_camera_location.z;

                            // begin insertion from the right camera position
                            xx_mm = right_camera_location.x;
                            yy_mm = right_camera_location.y;
                            zz_mm = right_camera_location.z;
                            step_size = 2;

                // which is the longest axis ?
                int longest_axis = X_AXIS;
                float longest = Math.Abs(xdist_mm);
                if (Math.Abs(ydist_mm) > longest)
                    // y has the longest length
                    longest = Math.Abs(ydist_mm);
                    longest_axis = Y_AXIS;

                // ensure that the vacancy model does not overlap
                // the probably occupied area
                // This is crude and could potentially leave a gap
                if (modelcomponent != OCCUPIED_SENSORMODEL)
                    longest -= ray.width;

                int steps = (int)(longest / cellSize_mm);
                if (steps < 1) steps = 1;

                // calculate the range from the cameras to the start of the ray in grid cells
                if (modelcomponent == OCCUPIED_SENSORMODEL)
                    if (longest_axis == Y_AXIS)
                        starting_range_cells = (int)Math.Abs((ray.vertices[0].y - ray.observedFrom.y) / cellSize_mm);
                        starting_range_cells = (int)Math.Abs((ray.vertices[0].x - ray.observedFrom.x) / cellSize_mm);

                // what is the widest point of the ray in cells
                if (modelcomponent == OCCUPIED_SENSORMODEL)
                    widest_point = (int)(ray.fattestPoint * steps / ray.length);
                    widest_point = steps;

                // calculate increment values in millimetres
                float x_incr_mm = xdist_mm / steps;
                float y_incr_mm = ydist_mm / steps;
                float z_incr_mm = zdist_mm / steps;

                // step through the ray, one grid cell at a time
                int grid_step = 0;
                while (grid_step < steps)
                    // is this position inside the maximum mapping range
                    bool withinMappingRange = true;
                    if (grid_step + starting_range_cells > max_mapping_range_cells)
                        withinMappingRange = false;
                        if ((grid_step==0) && (modelcomponent == OCCUPIED_SENSORMODEL))
                            grid_step = steps;
                            modelcomponent = 9999;

                    // calculate the width of the ray in cells at this point
                    // using a diamond shape ray model
                    int ray_wdth = 0;
                    if (rayWidth > 0)
                        if (grid_step < widest_point)
                            ray_wdth = grid_step * rayWidth / widest_point;
                            if (!small_disparity_value)
                                // most disparity values tail off to some point in the distance
                                ray_wdth = (steps - grid_step + widest_point) * rayWidth / (steps - widest_point);
                                // for very small disparity values the ray model has an infinite tail
                                // and maintains its width after the widest point
                                ray_wdth = rayWidth; 

                    // localisation rays are wider, to enable a more effective matching score
                    // which is not too narrowly focussed and brittle
                    int ray_wdth_localisation = ray_wdth + 1; //localisation_search_cells;

                    xx_mm += x_incr_mm*step_size;
                    yy_mm += y_incr_mm*step_size;
                    zz_mm += z_incr_mm*step_size;
                    // convert the x millimetre position into a grid cell position
                    int x_cell = (int)Math.Round((xx_mm - grid_centre_x_mm) / (float)cellSize_mm);
                    if ((x_cell > ray_wdth_localisation) && (x_cell < dimension_cells - ray_wdth_localisation))
                        // convert the y millimetre position into a grid cell position
                        int y_cell = (int)Math.Round((yy_mm - grid_centre_y_mm) / (float)cellSize_mm);
                        if ((y_cell > ray_wdth_localisation) && (y_cell < dimension_cells - ray_wdth_localisation))
                            // convert the z millimetre position into a grid cell position
                            int z_cell = (int)Math.Round((zz_mm - grid_centre_z_mm) / (float)cellSize_mm);
                            if ((z_cell >= 0) && (z_cell < dimension_cells_vertical))
                                int x_cell2 = x_cell;
                                int y_cell2 = y_cell;

                                // get the probability at this point 
                                // for the central axis of the ray using the inverse sensor model
                                if (modelcomponent == OCCUPIED_SENSORMODEL)
                                    centre_prob = ray_model_interval_pixels + (sensormodel_lookup_probability[sensormodel_index][grid_step] * ray_model_interval_pixels);
                                    // calculate the probability from the vacancy model
                                    centre_prob = vacancyFunction(grid_step / (float)steps, steps);

                                // width of the localisation ray
                                for (int width = -ray_wdth_localisation; width <= ray_wdth_localisation; width++)
                                    // is the width currently inside the mapping area of the ray ?
                                    bool isInsideMappingRayWidth = false;
                                    if ((width >= -ray_wdth) && (width <= ray_wdth))
                                        isInsideMappingRayWidth = true;

                                    // adjust the x or y cell position depending upon the 
                                    // deviation from the main axis of the ray
                                    if (longest_axis == Y_AXIS)
                                        x_cell2 = x_cell + width;
                                        y_cell2 = y_cell + width;

                                    // probability at the central axis
                                    prob = centre_prob;
                                    prob_localisation = centre_prob;

                                    // probabilities are symmetrical about the axis of the ray
                                    // this multiplier implements a gaussian distribution around the centre
                                    if (width != 0) // don't bother if this is the centre of the ray
                                        // the probability used for wide localisation rays
                                        prob_localisation *= gaussianLookup[Math.Abs(width) * 9 / ray_wdth_localisation];

                                        // the probability used for narrower mapping rays
                                        if (isInsideMappingRayWidth)
                                            prob *= gaussianLookup[Math.Abs(width) * 9 / ray_wdth];

                                    if ((cell[x_cell2][y_cell2] != null) && (withinMappingRange))
                                        // only localise using occupancy, not vacancy
                                        if (modelcomponent == OCCUPIED_SENSORMODEL)
                                            // update the matching score, by combining the probability
                                            // of the grid cell with the probability from the localisation ray
                                            float score = occupancygridCellMultiHypothesis.NO_OCCUPANCY_EVIDENCE;
                                            if (longest_axis == X_AXIS)
                                                score = matchingProbability(x_cell2, y_cell2, z_cell, origin, prob_localisation, ray.colour);

                                            if (longest_axis == Y_AXIS)
                                                score = matchingProbability(x_cell2, y_cell2, z_cell, origin, prob_localisation, ray.colour);
                                            if (score != occupancygridCellMultiHypothesis.NO_OCCUPANCY_EVIDENCE)
                                                if (matchingScore != occupancygridCellMultiHypothesis.NO_OCCUPANCY_EVIDENCE)
                                                    matchingScore += score;
                                                    matchingScore = score;

                                    if ((isInsideMappingRayWidth) && 
                                        (withinMappingRange) &&
                                        // add a new hypothesis to this grid coordinate
                                        // note that this is also added to the original pose
                                        hypothesis = new particleGridCell(x_cell2, y_cell2, z_cell, 
                                                                          prob, origin,
                                        if (origin.AddHypothesis(hypothesis, max_mapping_range_cells, dimension_cells, dimension_cells_vertical))
                                            // generate a grid cell if necessary
                                            if (cell[x_cell2][y_cell2] == null)
                                                cell[x_cell2][y_cell2] = new occupancygridCellMultiHypothesis(dimension_cells_vertical);

                            else grid_step = steps;  // its the end of the ray, break out of the loop
                        else grid_step = steps;  // its the end of the ray, break out of the loop
                    else grid_step = steps;  // time to bail out chaps!
                    grid_step += step_size;

            return (matchingScore);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Ok, so we've calculated the ray models in stupifying detail
        /// now let's compress them down to some more compact and less memory-hogging form
        /// so that each array element corresponds to a single occupancy grid cell, which
        /// makes updating the grid a simple process
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gridCellSize_mm">Size of each occupancy grid cell in millimetres</param>
        private void compressRayModels(int gridCellSize_mm)
            if (ray_model != null)
                ray_model_normal_length = ray_model.dimension_probability / gridCellSize_mm;

                rayModelLookup new_ray_model = new rayModelLookup(ray_model.dimension_disparity, ray_model_normal_length);

                for (int d = 1; d < ray_model.dimension_disparity; d++)
                    int prev_index = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < ray_model_normal_length; i++)
                        int next_index = (i + 1) * ray_model.dimension_probability / new_ray_model.dimension_probability;
                        // sum the probabilities
                        float total_probability = 0;
                        for (int j = prev_index; j < next_index; j++)
                            // is there a DJ in the house ?
                            total_probability += ray_model.probability[d][j];
                        if (total_probability > 0)
                            new_ray_model.probability[d][i] = total_probability;
                        prev_index = next_index;
                    new_ray_model.length[d] = ray_model.length[d] * new_ray_model.dimension_probability / ray_model.dimension_probability;

                    // if there's only one grid cell give it the full probability
                    // (it's gotta be in there somewhere!)
                    if (new_ray_model.length[d] == 1) new_ray_model.probability[d][0] = 1.0f;

                // finally swap the arrays
                ray_model = new_ray_model;
                //ray_model_length = new_ray_model_length;
예제 #4
		public static void CreateSim()
            int dimension_cells = 100;
            int dimension_cells_vertical = 20;
            int cellSize_mm = 50;
            int localisationRadius_mm = 2000;
            int maxMappingRange_mm = 2000; 
            float vacancyWeighting = 0.8f;
			int map_dim = 14;
			byte[] map = {
			dpslam sim = CreateSimulation(map_dim, map, 50);
			particlePose pose = null;
			int img_width = 640;
			byte[] img = new byte[img_width * img_width * 3];
			sim.Show(0, img, img_width, img_width, pose, true, true);
			Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(img_width, img_width, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
			BitmapArrayConversions.updatebitmap_unsafe(img, bmp);
			bmp.Save("dpslam_tests_CreateSimulation1.bmp", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);			
			robot rob = new robot(1);
			rob.WheelBase_mm = 90;
			rob.WheelDiameter_mm = 30;
			rob.x = 0;
			rob.y = 0;
			rob.pan = 90 * (float)Math.PI / 180.0f;
			rob.head.cameraFOVdegrees[0] = 90;
			rob.head.cameraSensorSizeMm[0] = 4.17f;
			rob.head.cameraFocalLengthMm[0] = 3.6f;
			rob.head.cameraImageWidth[0] = 320;
			rob.head.cameraImageHeight[0] = 240;

			rayModelLookup sensor_model = new rayModelLookup(10, 10);
			rob.head.sensormodel[0] = sensor_model;

			float time_elapsed_sec = 1;
			float forward_velocity = 50;
			float angular_velocity_pan = 0;
			float angular_velocity_tilt = 0;
			float angular_velocity_roll = 0;
            float min_x_mm = -((dimension_cells / 2) * cellSize_mm) / 3;
            float min_y_mm = -((dimension_cells / 2) * cellSize_mm) / 3;
            float max_x_mm = -min_x_mm;
            float max_y_mm = -min_y_mm;
            for (float t = 0.0f; t < 4; t += time_elapsed_sec)
  			    rob.updateFromVelocities(sim, forward_velocity, angular_velocity_pan, angular_velocity_tilt, angular_velocity_roll, time_elapsed_sec);
				Console.WriteLine("xy: " + rob.x.ToString() + " " + rob.y.ToString());
                rob.motion.Show(img, img_width, img_width, min_x_mm, min_y_mm, max_x_mm, max_y_mm, true, false, t == 0.0f);
            BitmapArrayConversions.updatebitmap_unsafe(img, bmp);
            bmp.Save("dpslam_tests_CreateSimulation3.bmp", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);