예제 #1
        // returns the top parent to include in the catalog
        internal PdfIndirectReference WritePageTree()
            if (pages.Count == 0)
                throw new IOException("The document has no pages.");
            int       leaf        = 1;
            ArrayList tParents    = parents;
            ArrayList tPages      = pages;
            ArrayList nextParents = new ArrayList();

            while (true)
                leaf *= leafSize;
                int stdCount   = leafSize;
                int rightCount = tPages.Count % leafSize;
                if (rightCount == 0)
                    rightCount = leafSize;
                for (int p = 0; p < tParents.Count; ++p)
                    int count;
                    int thisLeaf = leaf;
                    if (p == tParents.Count - 1)
                        count    = rightCount;
                        thisLeaf = pages.Count % leaf;
                        if (thisLeaf == 0)
                            thisLeaf = leaf;
                        count = stdCount;
                    PdfDictionary top = new PdfDictionary(PdfName.PAGES);
                    top.Put(PdfName.COUNT, new PdfNumber(thisLeaf));
                    PdfArray  kids   = new PdfArray();
                    ArrayList intern = kids.ArrayList;
                    intern.AddRange(tPages.GetRange(p * stdCount, count));
                    top.Put(PdfName.KIDS, kids);
                    if (tParents.Count > 1)
                        if ((p % leafSize) == 0)
                        top.Put(PdfName.PARENT, (PdfIndirectReference)nextParents[p / leafSize]);
                        top.Put(PdfName.ITXT, new PdfString(Document.Release));
                    writer.AddToBody(top, (PdfIndirectReference)tParents[p]);
                if (tParents.Count == 1)
                    topParent = (PdfIndirectReference)tParents[0];
                tPages      = tParents;
                tParents    = nextParents;
                nextParents = new ArrayList();