public AuthorQuery(AuthorData authorData)//ApplicationDbContext db) { Field <AuthorType>( "Author", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <IdGraphType> { Name = "id", Description = "The ID of the Author." }), resolve: context => { var id = context.GetArgument <int>("id"); // var author = db // .Authors // .Include(a => a.Books) // .FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == id); // return author; return(authorData.authors.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id)); }); Field <ListGraphType <AuthorType> >( "Authors", resolve: context => { return(authorData.authors); //var authors = db.Authors.Include(a => a.Books); //return authors; }); }
public AuthorMutation(AuthorData authorData) { Name = "Mutation"; Field <AuthorType>( "createAuthor", arguments: new QueryArguments( new QueryArgument <NonNullGraphType <AuthorInputType> > { Name = "author" } ), resolve: context => { var author = context.GetArgument <Author>("author"); return(authorData.Add(author)); } ); }
//private readonly ApplicationDbContext _db; //public GraphQLController(ApplicationDbContext db) => _db = db; public GraphQLController(AuthorData authorData, ISchema schema) { this.authorData = authorData; this.schema = schema; }