예제 #1
        private async Task MakeBetDb(BetCommand b, Round round)
            var bet = new Bet
                Amount           = b.Amount.Value,
                BetType          = b.BetType.Value,
                Created          = DateTime.Now,
                IsQuick          = b.Quick,
                Pick1            = b.Pick1,
                Pick2            = (round.RoundType == RoundType.Pick2 || round.RoundType == RoundType.Pick3) ? b.Pick2 : null,
                Pick3            = (round.RoundType == RoundType.Pick3) ? b.Pick3 : null,
                PlayType         = (round.RoundType == RoundType.Pick1) ? PlayType.Single : b.PlayType.Value,
                RoundId          = round.RoundId,
                UserBetMessageId = Context.Message.Id,
                UserId           = Context.User.Id

            await _db.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
예제 #2
        private async Task MakeBet(BetCommand b)
            if (Context.Message.MentionedUserIds.Count == 1)
                ulong mentionedId = Context.Message.MentionedUserIds.First();
                var   dealer      = await Context.Guild.GetUserAsync(mentionedId).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    var round = await _db.Rounds
                                .Where(x => x.RoundStatus == RoundStatus.Open)
                                .Include(x => x.Bets)

                    if (round != null && round.DealerId == mentionedId)
                        int    min          = 0;
                        int    max          = 0;
                        string roundTypeStr = Utils.GetRoundTypeName(round.RoundType);
                        switch (round.RoundType)
                        case RoundType.Pick1:
                            min = _config.Min1;
                            max = _config.Max1;

                        case RoundType.Pick2:
                            min = (b.PlayType == PlayType.Straight) ? _config.Min2Str : _config.Min2Any;
                            max = (b.PlayType == PlayType.Straight) ? _config.Max2Str : _config.Max2Any;

                        case RoundType.Pick3:
                            min = (b.PlayType == PlayType.Straight) ? _config.Min3Str : _config.Min3Any;
                            max = (b.PlayType == PlayType.Straight) ? _config.Max3Str : _config.Max3Any;

                        // parse bet itself
                        if (b.Amount >= min && b.Amount <= max)
                            // can only bet max
                            int total = round.Bets
                                        .Where(x => x.UserId == Context.User.Id &&
                                               (round.RoundType == RoundType.Pick1 || x.PlayType == b.PlayType))
                                        .Sum(x => x.Amount);
                            int userTotal = total + b.Amount.Value;
                            if (userTotal > max)
                                await SendBetError(round, roundTypeStr,
                                                   $"Bet amount **{b.Amount.Value.AddCommas()}** is too high.\nFor this round, the max bet is **{max.AddCommas()}** for {b.PlayType} and you've bet a total of **{total.AddCommas()}**.\n" +
                                                   string.Format(REFUND, dealer)).ConfigureAwait(false);
                            // parse picks
                            else if (round.RoundType == RoundType.Pick1)
                                if (b.Pick1 >= 0 && b.Pick1 <= 9 &&
                                    (b.Quick || (!b.Pick2.HasValue && !b.Pick3.HasValue)))
                                    await MakeBetDb(b, round).ConfigureAwait(false);
                                    await SendBetError(round, roundTypeStr,
                                                       $"Picks not parsed (out of range, **0** - **9**)\n" +
                                                       string.Format(REFUND, dealer)).ConfigureAwait(false);
                            else if (round.RoundType == RoundType.Pick2)
                                if (b.Pick1 >= 0 && b.Pick2 >= 0 &&
                                    b.Pick1 <= 9 && b.Pick2 <= 9 &&
                                    (b.Quick || !b.Pick3.HasValue))
                                    await MakeBetDb(b, round).ConfigureAwait(false);
                                    await SendBetError(round, roundTypeStr,
                                                       $"Picks not parsed (out of range, **00** - **99**)\n" +
                                                       string.Format(REFUND, dealer)).ConfigureAwait(false);
                            else if (round.RoundType == RoundType.Pick3)
                                if (b.Pick1 >= 0 && b.Pick2 >= 0 && b.Pick3 >= 0 &&
                                    b.Pick1 <= 9 && b.Pick2 <= 9 && b.Pick3 <= 9)
                                    await MakeBetDb(b, round).ConfigureAwait(false);
                                    await SendBetError(round, roundTypeStr,
                                                       $"Picks not parsed (out of range, **000** - **999**)\n" +
                                                       string.Format(REFUND, dealer)).ConfigureAwait(false);
                            string playType = (round.RoundType == RoundType.Pick1) ? PlayType.Single.ToString() : b.PlayType.Value.ToString();
                            await SendBetError(round, roundTypeStr,
                                               $"Bet amount not parsed (out of range, **{min}** - **{max}** for **{playType}** play)\n" +
                                               string.Format(REFUND, dealer)).ConfigureAwait(false);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    await Context.Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(ex.Message).ConfigureAwait(false);
예제 #3
        private BetCommand ParseBet(string msg)
            var b = new BetCommand
                BetType  = BetType.Banano,
                PlayType = PlayType.Straight

            string[] parts = msg.Split(' ', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            if (parts.Length >= 1)
                if (int.TryParse(parts[0], out int bet))
                    b.Amount = bet;

            if (parts.Length >= 3)
                b.Command = parts[2].ToLower();
                b.Quick   = false;
                if (b.Command == "q" || b.Command == "quick")
                    b.Quick = true;
                    Random random = new Random();
                    b.Pick1 = random.Next(0, 9);
                    b.Pick2 = random.Next(0, 9);
                    b.Pick3 = random.Next(0, 9);
                    if (int.TryParse(b.Command, out int fullPick) &&
                        b.Command.Length >= 1 && b.Command.Length <= 3 &&
                        fullPick >= 0 &&
                        fullPick <= 999)
                        int pick1 = -1;
                        int pick2 = -1;
                        int pick3 = -1;
                        if (int.TryParse(b.Command[0].ToString(), out pick1) &&
                            (b.Command.Length == 1 || int.TryParse(b.Command[1].ToString(), out pick2)) &&
                            (b.Command.Length <= 2 || int.TryParse(b.Command[2].ToString(), out pick3)))
                            b.Pick1 = pick1;
                            if (pick2 >= 0)
                                b.Pick2 = pick2;
                            if (pick3 >= 0)
                                b.Pick3 = pick3;

            if (parts.Length >= 4)
                b.Play = parts[3].ToLower();
                switch (b.Play)
                case "a":
                case "any":
                    b.PlayType = PlayType.Any;

                case "s":
                case "str":
                case "straight":
                    b.PlayType = PlayType.Straight;
