static void Main() { Rfm9XDevice rfm9XDevice = new Rfm9XDevice(FEZ.GpioPin.D10, FEZ.GpioPin.D9); int SendCount = 0; // Put device into LoRa + Sleep mode rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x01, 0b10000000); // RegOpMode // Set the frequency to 915MHz byte[] frequencyWriteBytes = { 0xE4, 0xC0, 0x00 }; // RegFrMsb, RegFrMid, RegFrLsb rfm9XDevice.RegisterWrite(0x06, frequencyWriteBytes); // More power PA Boost rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x09, 0b10000000); // RegPaConfig rfm9XDevice.RegisterDump(); while (true) { rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x0E, 0x0); // RegFifoTxBaseAddress // Set the Register Fifo address pointer rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x0D, 0x0); // RegFifoAddrPtr string messageText = $"Hello LoRa {SendCount += 1}!"; // load the message into the fifo byte[] messageBytes = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(messageText); rfm9XDevice.RegisterWrite(0x0, messageBytes); // RegFifo // Set the length of the message in the fifo rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x22, (byte)messageBytes.Length); // RegPayloadLength Debug.WriteLine($"Sending {messageBytes.Length} bytes message {messageText}"); /// Set the mode to LoRa + Transmit rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x01, 0b10000011); // RegOpMode // Wait until send done, no timeouts in PoC Debug.WriteLine("Send-wait"); byte IrqFlags = rfm9XDevice.RegisterReadByte(0x12); // RegIrqFlags while ((IrqFlags & 0b00001000) == 0) // wait until TxDone cleared { Thread.Sleep(10); IrqFlags = rfm9XDevice.RegisterReadByte(0x12); // RegIrqFlags Debug.WriteLine("."); } rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x12, 0b00001000); // clear TxDone bit Debug.WriteLine("Send-Done"); Thread.Sleep(30000); } }
public void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance) { // Put device into LoRa + Sleep mode rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x01, 0b10000000); // RegOpMode // Set the frequency to 915MHz byte[] frequencyWriteBytes = { 0xE4, 0xC0, 0x00 }; // RegFrMsb, RegFrMid, RegFrLsb rfm9XDevice.RegisterWrite(0x06, frequencyWriteBytes); // More power PA Boost rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x09, 0b10000000); // RegPaConfig while (true) { rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x0E, 0x0); // RegFifoTxBaseAddress // Set the Register Fifo address pointer rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x0D, 0x0); // RegFifoAddrPtr string messageText = "Hello LoRa!"; // load the message into the fifo byte[] messageBytes = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(messageText); foreach (byte b in messageBytes) { rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x0, b); // RegFifo } // Set the length of the message in the fifo rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x22, (byte)messageBytes.Length); // RegPayloadLength Debug.WriteLine("Sending {0} bytes message {1}", messageBytes.Length, messageText); /// Set the mode to LoRa + Transmit rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x01, 0b10000011); // RegOpMode // Wait until send done, no timeouts in PoC Debug.WriteLine("Send-wait"); byte IrqFlags = rfm9XDevice.RegisterReadByte(0x12); // RegIrqFlags while ((IrqFlags & 0b00001000) == 0) // wait until TxDone cleared { Task.Delay(10).Wait(); IrqFlags = rfm9XDevice.RegisterReadByte(0x12); // RegIrqFlags Debug.Write("."); } Debug.WriteLine(""); rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x12, 0b00001000); // clear TxDone bit Debug.WriteLine("Send-Done"); Task.Delay(30000).Wait(); } }
static void Main() { int SendCount = 0; #if ST_STM32F429I_DISCOVERY int chipSelectPinNumber = PinNumber('C', 2); int resetPinNumber = PinNumber('C', 3); #endif #if ESP32_WROOM_32_LORA_1_CHANNEL int chipSelectPinNumber = Gpio.IO16; #endif #if NETDUINO3_WIFI int chipSelectPinNumber = PinNumber('B', 10); int resetPinNumber = PinNumber('E', 5); #endif try { #if ESP32_WROOM_32_LORA_1_CHANNEL Configuration.SetPinFunction(Gpio.IO12, DeviceFunction.SPI1_MISO); Configuration.SetPinFunction(Gpio.IO13, DeviceFunction.SPI1_MOSI); Configuration.SetPinFunction(Gpio.IO14, DeviceFunction.SPI1_CLOCK); Rfm9XDevice rfm9XDevice = new Rfm9XDevice(SpiBusId, chipSelectPinNumber); #endif #if ST_STM32F429I_DISCOVERY || NETDUINO3_WIFI Rfm9XDevice rfm9XDevice = new Rfm9XDevice(SpiBusId, chipSelectPinNumber, resetPinNumber); #endif Thread.Sleep(500); // Put device into LoRa + Standby mode rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x01, 0b10000000); // RegOpMode // Set the frequency to 915MHz byte[] frequencyWriteBytes = { 0xE4, 0xC0, 0x00 }; // RegFrMsb, RegFrMid, RegFrLsb rfm9XDevice.RegisterWrite(0x06, frequencyWriteBytes); // More power PA Boost rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x09, 0b10000000); // RegPaConfig rfm9XDevice.RegisterDump(); while (true) { rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x0E, 0x0); // RegFifoTxBaseAddress // Set the Register Fifo address pointer rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x0D, 0x0); // RegFifoAddrPtr string messageText = $"Hello LoRa {SendCount += 1}!"; // load the message into the fifo byte[] messageBytes = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(messageText); rfm9XDevice.RegisterWrite(0x0, messageBytes); // RegFifo // Set the length of the message in the fifo rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x22, (byte)messageBytes.Length); // RegPayloadLength Debug.WriteLine($"Sending {messageBytes.Length} bytes message {messageText}"); /// Set the mode to LoRa + Transmit rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x01, 0b10000011); // RegOpMode // Wait until send done, no timeouts in PoC Debug.WriteLine("Send-wait"); byte IrqFlags = rfm9XDevice.RegisterReadByte(0x12); // RegIrqFlags while ((IrqFlags & 0b00001000) == 0) // wait until TxDone cleared { Thread.Sleep(10); IrqFlags = rfm9XDevice.RegisterReadByte(0x12); // RegIrqFlags Debug.Write("."); } Debug.WriteLine(""); rfm9XDevice.RegisterWriteByte(0x12, 0b00001000); // clear TxDone bit Debug.WriteLine("Send-Done"); Thread.Sleep(10000); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }