// Update all vertex lighting in the scene public static void UpdateAllVertexLighting(string lightSetId, bool force = false) { List <GameObject> roots = Utilities.GetAllRoots(); MeshContainer activeContainer = null; List <GameObject> changedGOs = new List <GameObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < roots.Count; ++i) { DaydreamVertexLighting[] dvls = roots[i].GetComponentsInChildren <DaydreamVertexLighting>(); foreach (DaydreamVertexLighting dvl in dvls) { // find the mesh container based on the name, all objects share the same container asset so only need to find it once if (activeContainer == null) { dvl.m_bakeSets.SetActiveBakeSet(lightSetId); activeContainer = dvl.m_bakeSets.GetActiveContainer(); } if (activeContainer != null) { if (dvl.SetVertexLightingContainer(activeContainer, force)) { Renderer renderer = dvl.GetComponent <Renderer>(); // re-assign source mesh in order to re-batch dvl.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = dvl.m_sourceMesh; if (renderer.isPartOfStaticBatch) { changedGOs.Add(dvl.gameObject); } } } } } // re-batch geometry if it was statically batched if (changedGOs.Count > 0) { StaticBatchingUtility.Combine(changedGOs.ToArray(), null); Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); } }
public bool SetVertexLightingContainer(MeshContainer activeContainer, bool force = false) { bool result = false; if (force || m_currentContainer.GetInstanceID() != activeContainer.GetInstanceID()) { m_currentContainer = activeContainer; // get lighting mesh from the container Mesh newMesh = GetLightinMeshFromContainer(m_bakeId, true); if (newMesh != null) { VertexLighting = newMesh; LoadLightingMesh(); result = true; } } return(result); }
public int BakeFinish(OnFinishedUpdate onUpdate) { VertexBakerLib.Assert(this != null && !m_run, "BakeFinished called but bake is still in process"); string outputPath = BakeData.DataPath; if (!Directory.Exists(outputPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath); } if (m_result != 0) { string error = VertexBakerLib.Instance.GetLastError(); VertexBakerLib.LogError(error); } else if (!m_cancel && m_outBasis0[0] != IntPtr.Zero && m_outBasis1[0] != IntPtr.Zero && m_outBasis2[0] != IntPtr.Zero) { string bakeSetId = BakeData.Instance().GetBakeSettings().SelectedBakeSet.m_settingsId; BakeSets bakeSets = BakeData.Instance().GetBakeSets(); MeshContainer meshContainer = BakeData.Instance().GetMeshContainer(bakeSetId); EditorUtility.SetDirty(meshContainer); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); AssetDatabase.StartAssetEditing(); try { int ptrOffset = 0; int meshOffset = 0; for (int m = 0; m < m_meshes.Count; ++m) { int count = m_vertCounts[m]; int floatCount = count * 3; // the ID used to look up this mesh later string objectId = "" + m_lightBakers[m].GetUniqueId(); m_lightBakers[m].m_currentContainer = meshContainer; Mesh outputMesh = meshContainer.m_list.Find(delegate(Mesh mesh) { if (mesh != null) { return(mesh.name == bakeSetId + "_" + objectId); } return(false); }); if (outputMesh == null) { if (m_lightBakers[m].VertexLighting != null) { // if we are here than the mesh name may have changed, try and remove the stale data string oldName = m_lightBakers[m].VertexLighting.name; Mesh found = meshContainer.m_list.Find(delegate(Mesh mesh) { // remove the old reference if (mesh != null) { return(mesh.name == oldName); } // remove null mesh return(false); }); if (found != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(found, true); } } // if no mesh exists for this target create it here outputMesh = new Mesh(); BakeData.Instance().AddToMeshContainer(meshContainer, outputMesh); //meshContainer.m_list.Add(outputMesh); //// add to the container asset //string outputFileName = bakeSetId + "_lighting"; //AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(outputMesh, outputPath + "/" + outputFileName + ".asset"); } outputMesh.name = bakeSetId + "_" + objectId; // HACK: Work around to make Unity happy. If vertices are not found the additional vertex stream fails //outMeshes[m].vertices = m_meshes[m].sharedMesh.vertices; outputMesh.vertices = m_meshes[m].sharedMesh.vertices; // 3 floats per vector float[] rawData0 = new float[floatCount]; float[] rawData1 = new float[floatCount]; float[] rawData2 = new float[floatCount]; // offset pointer to next mesh IntPtr basis0 = new IntPtr(m_outBasis0[0].ToInt64() + ptrOffset * SIZE_FLOAT); IntPtr basis1 = new IntPtr(m_outBasis1[0].ToInt64() + ptrOffset * SIZE_FLOAT); IntPtr basis2 = new IntPtr(m_outBasis2[0].ToInt64() + ptrOffset * SIZE_FLOAT); ptrOffset += floatCount; // marshal data into float arrays Marshal.Copy(basis0, rawData0, 0, floatCount); Marshal.Copy(basis1, rawData1, 0, floatCount); Marshal.Copy(basis2, rawData2, 0, floatCount); // lists to hold output vectors List <Color> colorList0 = new List <Color>(); colorList0.Resize(count, Color.black); List <Vector3> colorList1 = new List <Vector3>(); colorList1.Resize(count, Vector3.zero); List <Vector3> colorList2 = new List <Vector3>(); colorList2.Resize(count, Vector3.zero); // copy float arrays into mesh data for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { int idx = i * 3; colorList0[i] = new Color(rawData0[idx], rawData0[idx + 1], rawData0[idx + 2], 1.0f); colorList1[i] = new Vector3(rawData1[idx], rawData1[idx + 1], rawData1[idx + 2]); colorList2[i] = new Vector3(rawData2[idx], rawData2[idx + 1], rawData2[idx + 2]); } // this offset is target uv sets 1, 2, and 3 for data destination const int uvOffset = 1; outputMesh.SetColors(colorList0); outputMesh.SetUVs(uvOffset + 1, colorList1); outputMesh.SetUVs(uvOffset + 2, colorList2); //outputMesh.UploadMeshData(true); meshOffset += count; EditorUtility.SetDirty(meshContainer); m_meshRenderers[m].additionalVertexStreams = outputMesh; m_lightBakers[m].m_bakeSets = bakeSets; m_lightBakers[m].VertexLighting = outputMesh; m_lightBakers[m].m_bakeId = objectId; EditorUtility.SetDirty(m_lightBakers[m]); onUpdate("Uploading Mesh Data", m_meshCount / (float)m); } // remove any null slots meshContainer.m_list.RemoveAll(delegate(Mesh m) { return(m == null); }); // aggregate containers under one super container int existingIdx = bakeSets.m_containers.FindIndex(delegate(MeshContainer mc) { return(mc.name == meshContainer.name); }); if (existingIdx != -1) { // replace existing entry bakeSets.m_containers[existingIdx] = meshContainer; } else { bakeSets.m_containers.Add(meshContainer); } BakeSetsInspector.CleanupStaleReferences(bakeSets); EditorUtility.SetDirty(bakeSets); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } finally { onUpdate("Uploading Mesh Data", 1f); AssetDatabase.StopAssetEditing(); } } else { VertexBakerLib.LogWarning("Bake completed successfully but there was no output data available"); } // free data FreeContext(true); // since basis memory was allocated in one chunk // freeing this handle frees all basis memory VertexBakerLib.Instance.Free(m_outBasis0[0]); EditorSceneManager.MarkSceneDirty(EditorSceneManager.GetActiveScene()); EditorSceneManager.SaveScene(EditorSceneManager.GetActiveScene()); VertexBakerLib.Log("Bake time: " + (DateTime.Now - m_bakeStart).TotalSeconds + " seconds"); while (VertexBakerLib.Instance.GetErrorCount() > 0) { string err = VertexBakerLib.Instance.GetLastError(); VertexBakerLib.LogError(err); } GC.Collect(); return(m_result); }