partial void DeleteBOOK(BOOK instance);
partial void InsertBOOK(BOOK instance);
partial void UpdateBOOK(BOOK instance);
private void detach_BOOKs(BOOK entity) { this.SendPropertyChanging(); entity.PUBLISHER = null; }
private void attach_BOOKs(BOOK entity) { this.SendPropertyChanging(); entity.PUBLISHER = this; }
private void detach_BOOKs(BOOK entity) { this.SendPropertyChanging(); entity.GENRE = null; }
private void attach_BOOKs(BOOK entity) { this.SendPropertyChanging(); entity.GENRE = this; }
public void insertbook() { try { BOOK b = new BOOK(); b.Book_ID = Convert.ToInt32(bookidbox.Text); b.Book_Name = booknamebox.Text; b.Book_Price = Convert.ToInt32(bookpricebox.Text); b.Availability = availabilitycombobox.Text; b.Language = languagebox.Text; b.Publish_Year = Convert.ToInt32(yearbox.Text); b.Publisher_Name = pubnamebox.Text; // b.Publisher_ID = Convert.ToInt32(pub_idbox.Text); b.Genre_Name = Genrecombobox.Text; if (b.Publish_Year <= DateTime.Today.Year) { using (DataClasses1DataContext context = new DataClasses1DataContext()) { foreach (BOOK b1 in context.BOOKs) { if (b1.Book_ID == b.Book_ID) { id_flag = true; } } if (id_flag == true) { MessageBox.Show("Duplicate id detected"); } else { BOOK_AUTHOR ba = new BOOK_AUTHOR(); foreach (AUTHOR a in context.AUTHORs) { if (a.Author_Name.ToLower() == authornamebox.Text.ToLower()) { ba.Book_ID = b.Book_ID; ba.Author_ID = a.Author_ID; b.Author_Name = authornamebox.Text; author_flag = true; } } if (author_flag == false) { MessageBox.Show("Author not found.Click 'Add Author' to add Publisher."); } else { foreach (PUBLISHER p in context.PUBLISHERs) { if (b.Publisher_Name.ToLower() == p.Publisher_Name.ToLower()) { b.Publisher_ID = p.Publisher_ID; b.Publisher_Address = p.Publisher_Address; publisher_flag = true; } } if (publisher_flag == false) { MessageBox.Show("Publisher not found.Click 'Add Publisher' to add Publisher."); } else { foreach (GENRE g in context.GENREs) { if (b.Genre_Name == g.Genre_Name) { b.Genre_ID = g.Genre_ID; } } context.BOOKs.InsertOnSubmit(b); context.BOOK_AUTHORs.InsertOnSubmit(ba); context.SubmitChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Book Added Succssessfully."); } } } } } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid year"); } } catch (FormatException) { MessageBox.Show("Input Error."); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }