public static void deleteInvoice(string invNo) { string filePath = @"../../myInvoice.txt"; List <string> listInv = new List <string>(); listInv = File.ReadAllLines(filePath).ToList(); if (Invoice.chkinvNo(invNo)) { Invoice rs = inqInvoice(invNo); //get lib index of the candidate book for modifying int inv_index = MyInvoice.find_InvIndex(invNo); rs.invStatus = 2; MyInvoice.myinv[inv_index].invStatus = 2; listInv[inv_index] = $"{rs.invNo}#{rs.invType}#{rs.invTotalAmount}#{rs.issueDate}#{rs.invStatus}"; File.WriteAllLines(filePath, listInv); Console.WriteLine("Da xoa thong tin Hoa Don"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Khong co thong tin Hoa Don tuong ung"); } }
// chi cho sua ten nguoi phat hanh hoa don public static void updateInvoice(string invNo) { string filePath = @"../../myInvoice.txt"; List <string> listInv = new List <string>(); listInv = File.ReadAllLines(filePath).ToList(); if (Invoice.chkinvNo(invNo)) { Invoice rs = inqInvoice(invNo); //get lib index of the candidate book for modifying int inv_index = MyInvoice.find_InvIndex(invNo); Console.Write("Nhap Ten Nguoi Lap Hoa Don moi: "); string Issuer = Console.ReadLine(); while (Issuer.Length > 20) { Console.Write("\nVui long nhap ten duoi 20 ky tu"); Issuer = Console.ReadLine(); } rs.Issuer = Issuer; listInv[inv_index] = $"{rs.invNo}#{rs.invType}#{rs.invTotalAmount}#{rs.issueDate}#{rs.invStatus}#{rs.Issuer}"; File.WriteAllLines(filePath, listInv); Console.WriteLine(" Sua thong tin Hoa Don hoan tat"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Khong co thong tin Hoa Don tuong ung"); } }